What's Lyn thinking about?
What's Lyn thinking about?
Rath's dick
My dick
OP's tiny penis
About the time she missed the 98% hit and then caused florina's death
fuck you, lyn
how overrated her game is
Me I hope
How her boobs keep growing at an alarming rate.
Dammit Hector!
I would totally fuck her up the ass
>see through socks
>nopan + thighs
god damn it, here we go again
pointed chin drawing fucker im tired of editing all the pics i save
Why this faggot artist draws a billion pictures of her when better FE characters don't even have 1 dedicated artist.
Isabelle's dick.
the appeal of the image is the right half, that's what the artist wants you to get off to.
Pic unrelated
>when literally 0 people draw your FEwaifu
>when pic related is the only porn image out there of her
/ss/ with Lyn!
Big black cock
How can she be so fast while carrying all that extra weight?
Pic kinda related. Not enough people draw her in general but I'm mostly referring to pretty much everyone from the older games outside shit waifu bait like the whitewings.
ancient sacaen training
Because Pieri is dogshit you fucking retard
Lyn is just that good
Cool shit opinion, nerd, haven't heard that a trillion times.
Fuck off retard. Make a thread about your shit character. Oh wait it would die in 30 posts and nothing but shitting on her. Kill yourself
gee i wonder why lmao
Don't forget the skindentation
Yea but this thread already exists.
She think bout dem beans nigga
Want to impregnate /10
Don't forget to worship Serra today.
Is there a more assblasted faggot than this delusional Pieirifag who thinks his shit character is good and raids every thread about FE? Fuck off you avatarfagging bitch
Serra is made for facefucking!
>I'm assblasted when you're the one who got triggered by me posting a few pics
Fucking Lynfags I swear.
Wow who thought you weren't going to go "no u lyn". Fuck off you avatarfagging bitch
Can't we all just get along?
Cuddles with lonely men with ample amounts of love to give.
I just stated the fact that you Lynfags can't even ignore a single fucking post.
Fuck off already you avatarfagging bitch
And lap pillows
I'd rather not.
> The absolute state of FEaggots
Can't believe Advance Wars died for this shit
Of course you wouldn't, you are a cuck bumping a thread for free you avatarfagging bitch
How to deal with her sacaean breasts growing extremely quickly.
>still thinking it was FE fault
Blame the death of AW on the games being stripped of everything that made them charming and replace it with the already tired gritty hollywood action movie style.
She fucks black men user...
not to mention her butt
Only if she's in my lap
I love my wife's big sacaean breasts
Keep bumming you pathetic avatarfagging bitch
I am no bum.
Not even a footfag, but Serra is for foot worship.
>Lyn thread
>instant derailment from ONE user posting a girl that doesn't fit his approved waifu view, causing the (likely) OP to go into impotent rage that would make /feg/ proud
>Whitewings/Camilla/literally any other fucking FE "waifu" thread
>goes into limit with degeneracy or discussion, but the shitposting gets drowned either way.
so this is the power of lyn...pathetic.
We need a game where every girl is sacaean.
trying to get over all of the people that were mean to her during the find and vote shitshow
More like her worshipping your cock as you slam down her throat.
She's thinking of supporting Soren and not that casul thot of a tactician that is Morgan.
>This thread
>(likely) OP
I'm insulted you think it was me. Not that I have a reputation to keep being anonymous and all.
Soren's not in her game, and wrong tactician name, how about you actually play these games user.
That would be the best course of action
>My waifu image dump is better than your waifu image dump
Don't hurt yourself, Nino.
looks like there's more than one Lyn to go around now.
FEfag here. Days of ruin was the best AW game.
I'm so fucking sick of the nonstop fucking waifufaggotry threads. Why don't you virgins go watch actual hentai instead of shitty fan art?
God I want to shut her up with my cock
Think' about being a shit unit.
>wanting to fuck an unwashed savage
You fucked up by making lyn the OP, if you wanted a waifu imagedump you could have posted anyone else, like serra.
>lazy fuck couldn't be arsed to read the thread
>posting a literal buzzword pic.
yes, those imagedumps were better than sperg rage over posting a non approved by him waifu.
I wish whitewing threads would last
Is that guy gone?
I've never seen someone so triggered. So satisfying to not even fucking try and still piss someone off like that.
Anyway I'll probably stop spamming the thread now that the retard is gone.
Commit suicide already attention whore.
Lyn is only subpar, that artist makes me peepee hard though
Holy shit you're still going
Not enough people care about Serra, unfortunately.
>Based Codename STEAM died so that weebs can get more waifus and have more reason to image dump their fetish shit
It's not fair.
be the change you want to see, after all it's not likely this shitshow will last beyond a hundred posts.
as for you, you are not acting very mature either, you had a clear pass from him shutting up but you had to prod the wasp nest again.
be the better person and just STOP. REPLYING, to him in particular, if he flies into impotent rage again just ignore him.
you didn't try hard enough
Don't worry user, I care about her more than "look at me I have mental issues so broken people will like me" Pieri.
Unless it's Awakening, Lyn or Echoes in the OP for a waifu thread you won't get replies quickly enough to sustain without constant self-bumping
>most of the anti-Peri posts are 1-minute apart from the Perifag posts
What in the goddamn...?
>be the change you want to see
You can't change the facts of life that it's rare to stay alive
Name a single unit more obscure than Horace
That's why I was doing it. I don't WANT this thread to be good. I can't tell you how much fucking fun it is to do that.
I can assure you that I'm not doing some kinda crazy shit where I reply to myself. That guy was just really fucking mad.
That one prepromote General from FE7.
You don't know what power autistic hatred has.
rare, not impossible.
it won't change if you give up before trying
Stop avatarfagging I see. Pathetic
Literally most FE5 units that aren't Leif, Finn, Olwen, Nanna, Reinhardt and Kempf. At least he's in a more recent game and shown up in Awakening DLC.
Nigga I was literally doing it to piss you off. I don't think it could have been more obvious.
Sure, it's just a prank bro. Commit suicide already.
For me it's Tiki, the best of the divine dragons.
I haven't laughed this hard in a while, thanks user.
Have one more pic, free of charge for that.
do you have a grudge against lyn or something? how could you even know someone would even sperg at you?
this is a very, very stupid way to "have fun"
especially on Yea Forums go do it somewhere more rewarding, here everyone flies off the god damn handle at a moment's notice
Hell for all i know you are talking to someone who can't breathe without a thousand fucking layers of irony underneath
It's time for you to go back you avatarfagging bitch
What's Lyn thinking about here?
I hate Lynfags, she's whatever. I almost always take the risk and post Peri in FE threads to piss people off if I feel like the thread wouldn't have been worthwhile in the first place. If there's one thing I've learned from having her as my favorite character is that people LOVE to get mad at her, so it's so easy to use as derail tool. Like this woulda just been a shitty Lyn dump otherwise. Sure it's stupid but I'm having fun for whatever reason.
Go back to where?
God I want Lyn to get raped by goblins