>game has lip sliders
>doesn't allow for swollen cock-pillows
>modders save the game from being shit
Did something similar ever happen to you, Yea Forums?
Game has lip sliders
Other urls found in this thread:
post the fucking sliders
Not really. Big lips in skyrim look hella weird.
those custom skin, eyebrow and eye textures look fucking awful
Big lips are a trash tier fetish.
Jesus who the fuck finds this attractive? Fucking revolting.
Here you go, lipbro. Now you can finally enjoy the game
Literally everyone whos cock is still hard
I appreciate your kindness and optimism on nigger lips but I was requesting slider info on pic related.
Why don't you post better ones then, faggot? The only thing people seem to do on here is to bitch constantly.
Are those even slided? Have you even played this game?
Bimbos are an underrated fetish.
Sliders is a common term used for any character creation menu. Although granted in the sims it's mostly free form without actual sliders. Also kill yourself.
Does it make me gay to prefer Merula to Penny?
I know. Did you even read my comment? Did you comprehend? What are you even doing here?
This is clearly the next sims thread despite you starting it with an atrocious picture. Don't talk to me.
comfy screenshot bro
i take it back you degenerate
My previous sims 4 thread got 500 replies with a bimbo at the head. Face it, you antibimbos are out. You're holding the fanbase back. You aren't welcome here.
Isn't your bimbo the one that was a coal burner that was being posted the other day?
>does it make me gay to like this one biological female over this other biological female
What are you smoking?
No. It was my thread but not my bimbo. Some antibimbo faggot tried to derail the thread with metaironic shilling agaist the bimbo community. Needless to say he didn't succeed in detering me,
post the bimbo fag
Wouldn't a Bimbo only care about cock and nothing else like race?
Bimbos are fine but you should really reconsider the nigger lip part of your life, user.
>a thread about posting your virtual doll toys has involved into bickering
are you all girls(boys)? lay off the unsalted onions
as opposed to salted ones?
is this in the school mod
is it worth downloading for teacher student shenanigans
Western fags, I mean look at every single western porn game out there.
Barbies were a fucking mistake
idk I tried to find it last night but could not
tempted to finally just pirate all the DLC and packs at this point, I ever only bought the dining out one
anyone know the best/most stable build # for WW modding?
Ever been kissed by a girl with big lips? Like heaven
My biggest complaint with WW is that you have to have two parties comply. I don't think you can rape people with it and if you have an interaction that involves a sleeping sim you have to wake them up first instead of just doing it. Really makes my shota role play kind if boring.
WW has a cheat mode where NPC's can't refuse the offer. You're just not looking hard enough in the settings. If you want shota you need separate mods though to enable that.
I know. But you still have to go through the asking thing. I know there are mods to disable that too, but it feels too stiff honestly. Don't know how to explain it better.
>Bimbos are fine but
When are bimbos going to go mainstream already?
>tfw want a GF/wife who would be my intellectual equal or slightly less
>tfw also have a huge raging bimbo fetish and love the oversexed plastic barbie doll look
what do bros?
you marry a bisexual smart girl with a dom personality and share a bimbo gf together, duh
reminder that we will never ever find the guy who made this
anyone who doesn't like bimbos are closeted fags desu
Post more bimbos
Anyone who likes bimbos should be hunted down, dragged from their homes, and thrown into pools of hot boiling water.
>t. 400lb roastie
Lipfags are the only thing worse than footfags, fatefags, ponyfags and furries.
Like half of Eve Online is 60yo single men with bimbo/lip fetish.
Those are just minmatar players
I really just enjoy making whores on here. That being said I don't use slider mods yet, I've been too scared of any catastrophe they may cause.
Your sim looks like some of mine which I'm happy to know I'm not alone, though yours obviously has bigger lips, I still try to go for quite large though. Hell even with men I go with large lips now.
that sudden shift in opinion
Can confirm
There is literally no way to get a Sims 4 thread going without
>bimbo OP
> that blonde anorexic girl OP
Everything else gets 404 with barely 10 posts
It's either that or you make a nostalgia sims thread starting with Sims 1 box OP or in game neighborhood images
>time to *sip* some MONSTER COCK