games with flies?
Games with flies?
Binding of Isaac
go take a shower you dirty fucking goblin
Star Fox 64
mr mosquito
Why haven't we made these nasty and annoying shits go extinct yet?
Fuck off blue jays still have lots of gnats and moths to eat.
How come there's still no fly enemy in EDF?
Dungeon keeper 1
I fucking hate these little faggots. Glad I rarely ever have to deal with them.
They're on the side of the heroes.
we couldnt even if we wanted to.
Yes we can, through the sterilization method just like mosquitos. But too many autistic scientist's keep delaying the removal of vermin because MUH ECOSYSTEM FOOD!!!!!!1!
Fuck this level
The flies aren't that necessary to the food chain, but the maggots are. Can you imagine a world where everything that dies just stays there uneaten? Nature needs its clean-up crew.
Alien Soldier
That's what hornets and worms are for. Fuck off for defending annoying and unhygenic vermin, the planet would be an improvement if flies were gone.
Like with other flies, it is the larvae that makes them important. Mosquito larvae are pretty much the foundation of any freshwater ecosystem.
Just like the planet would be better without sparrows and bee-
Hornets and worms do not reproduce nearly as fast to do the heavy lifting that maggots do.
>equating useful creatures to vermin that does absolutely nothing but fly in circles in a room and occasionally land on food with shit covered feet
Nice job retsrd.
This argument is fucking dumb. Objectively the earth would be better off with human beings, but obviously nobody is going to seriously advocate for that because it’s just not how we are naturally compelled to think. Flies are annoying but have a right to exist.
You're completely worthless, why haven't you killed yourself?
Mr. Mosquito
These ones are so pretty I never kill them.
dragonflies are best insect
Beat me to it
Flies can also be useful assets in seeing how long a corpse has been out or if it’s been moved. They often come in specific waves of succession after a body is left out and are fundamental in outdoor deaths. Look into forensic entomology ”retsrd”
No they don't hippie retard faggot. Millions of things lived and died before you're autistic ass was even conceived.
it counts as fly, right?
>muh natural trash disposal
Parasite in City.
Okay? What’s that got to do with intentionally wiping out a species? Why don’t you apply your own logic to reality to avoid hypocrisy and kill yourself for being a worthless autistic drain on resources? Low IQ fuckwits like you genuinely shouldn’t be allowed to speak
Beelzebub is cool in SMT
>when a horse fly slips before you can close the door
Yes, because vultures are fast, numerous, and widespread enough to fully replace the maggot.
Is there any good game that let's me marry a fly?
Came in to say this 2 never ever.
They are used in science quite a lot. Their short life span and quick proliferation makes them excellent model organisms and test subjects for genetic experiments. There was an experiment conducted on them to localize specific organ growth. They managed to create flies with eyes growing on their legs. They didn't function, but they were eyes, nonetheless.
Yeah bro what the world really needs is fucking hornets everywhere
I agree
>That's what hornets and worms are for
fucking hornet detected. In what world are those cunts more preferable than flies?
animal crossing
Haha fugg :DDD
Don't fugg the bugg :DD
Absolutely immeasurably based and tremendously crossingpilled
Lmao jannies are fags