Last thread was maximum comfy and we haven't had a good thread that let us reminisce in awhile besides HARMONY
What were you playing back when it happened?
Remember all those shitty generals that used to take up space on Yea Forums?
Last one for the road boys
Other urls found in this thread:
They should ban discord use in /vg/
FPBP, well that's implying mods even give a fuck what goes on in that fucking cesspool
Yea Forums is the Yea Forums of /vg/, /vr/, Yea Forums.
Yeah, the mods are honestly the single biggest obstacle to a better Yea Forums and a better Yea Forums in general. Shitposters are one thing but the mods pretty much let them run wild over the site, and then have the nerve to pretty much help them by shitmodding (deleting perfectly on topic threads for no reason, babysit shitpost threads to archival, ban on topic, board relevant content because they don't like the thing being discussed etc.)
they should have been liquidated and replaced years ago during moot's tenure
Huh, I thought I came here after /vg/. Guess I've been here longer.
Wonder why I don't remember this.
Yeah, fuck those generals! It was taking up valuable space we now use for tranny threads. Talk about games? Pfffft. Na mate I'll take my Janny oh no no no threads over that any day.
You realize no one fucking believes that shit right? It was a reactionary response to the generaltards all the way back in 2012 brainlet
God nu-Yea Forums is shit and this post is just another of the many newfag retards that have infested the site since then
I like the idea of /vg/ but I stopped using it when 90% it turned into gacha shit.
>hey we have nothing to talk about and we all fucking hate each other and fight over nothing but let's make a new thread anyway so we can be miserable forever
>link the discord pls
Spoken like someone who wasn't around in 2011.
>Mass effect general
God those shitters are still spamming daily threads
>Katawa Shoujo General #3615
>They lost count a couple times so the actual number is higher
this, discord is the biggest illness that has affected that board until now, not even the 3000+ generals about Katawa shitjou come even close to the amount of autism that shit brings
that was just recently tho, those threads should be contained in a board made exclusively for them
It's not fair, anons. I want to go back. I don't want to keep growing old. Everything is shit now. TAKE ME BACK!
Yea Forums
/vg/ is jut gacha general these days, its shit and should be deleted
There are maybe 3 good generals in the entire board
>we dont want one type of thread to take over the entire board
All the gacha generals should be merged together, now that would be amazing
Or make a /gambling/ board for those degenerates
I miss sissy and sleepover threads
>/vg/ has existed for 7 years
i've wasted my life on this site
>drawthreads aren't considered a general
>even though they are long-term, reoccurring threads
why nigga
>He doesn't like drawthreads
What about how Yea Forums LOL threads have been getting deleted for awhile now?
It was a good move at the time, but in the long run we just traded one form of cancer for another. At the least the old cancer was somewhat vidya related.
yeah good thing all the generals are gone
I actually kept count for a while, it's something like 10,243
Post 'em
Jesus fucking Christ user, how, why? For what purpose? What can they be possible discussing that hasn't been discussed to death? Why are they doing this?
9 years
Its only getting worse, the dokidoki lit club general is even incredible the game is 100 times smaller and has nothing good in it aside from memes and they arent going anywhere
10 years
Why did whatever dumbcunt reddit fag put the names of the years on the OUTSIDE of those corresponding years? Why the FUCK is "Originalfag" placed in the "Oldfag" section? If whoever made this is here, unironically kill yourself and start over faggot.
it really shows how bad Yea Forums's taste in games are when it's mostly gacha shit on /vg/
the label is placed at the end of their respective years, not the start, it's even color coded
based retard-kun
Reminder that the entire website will improve if all spanish speaking subhumans get rangebanned
Does /vg/ only love gacha games for the characters? There's loads of better games to play.
Describe a general you currently browse/used to browse with a pie chart Yea Forums
Its an addiction, the more you play the more you have to keep playing because of the time invested.
Never start.
no fucking shit, I'm asking why the FUCK did they put the label on the wrong side of the divider retard.
They should ban it from the website.
Good /vg/ generals
-Shin megami tensei
-Dragon Quest
-East asian genocide
-Etrian Odyssey
you forgot wowg friend
el classico /csgog/
>-Dragon Quest
>-East asian genocide
The enemy that never rests
friendly reminder that its been 7 years since katawa shoujo first came out and they're still having generals about it
There, I fixed your shitty fucking meme. Please stop and restrain yourself before your decide to tackle a task this apparently fucking hard faggot.
Seriously, what the fuck is the actual issue with Discord other than "PEOPLE I DON'T LIKE USE IT"
Here is an example of the average mentally ill brainlet newfag you can find on nu-Yea Forums
See how it spergs out over A FUCKING IMAGE
What kind of retard thinks the creator of some obscure image would be in this very thread?
Are you fucking retarded?
Alicesoft/Rance general used to be pretty good, though I haven't browsed it since X came out
the company records all your conversation and gives them to the cops
It allows cancer to breed
>Defending discord
You have to go back
Its not anonymous, that should be fucking enough but the biggest problem is how it creates a parallel discussion and people have to be part of it otherwise they feel left out, so if your general is big on it you have to use it, which eventually kills the thread because why have a vg thread when you can just use chinkscord?
So its vg´s natural enemy
Also its recording everything you type and is being sent to china
So, just like your average phone call or the internet in general
It invites tranny drama and people like you use it, that's reason enough to ban it.
fuck me 7 years
>>defending discord
I never implied such a thing
The same thing I didn't like about forums. Power hungry mods/owner and clique mentality. It can be alright if people are chill. Another thing is that if there's a discord for a general, what's the point of having a general? And one more thing. A discord for a general essentially becomes less focused on what the subject of the general is and just becomes a gathering hub of people who happen to play that game. Like, I don't come to a general for this one specific game to start talking about other games or other random blogging.
>It allows cancer to breed
>implying Yea Forums doesn't have its own shitty cancer
Admit it, you just hate it to be a contrarian faggot.
I remember Yea Forumss postcount doubling between 2010 and 2011. Everything went to absolute shit. Generals as a concept is so anti everything Yea Forums used to be. Threads that should've died off being kept up eternally by circlejerking and image dumping. It's jarring seeing people complain about "tripfags" on nu-Yea Forums when all posters act exactly like them. Reposting the same old images and the same old posts desperately hoping people will recognize them. And if anyone ever calls you out you just say you were doing it "ironically".
No one actually wants to be anonymous in this place these days.
Imageboards were a mistake
Yea Forums should have been 100% textboards and remain that way
most postcounts inflated sitewide because of the measures put into to remove dubs, it skips every post number that can result in dubs/trips/quads except for 00, 000, 0000 etc.
We had text only boards but they were purged. And you're right, they were glorious.
I know but nobody used them
Hell I dindt use them enough and now I feel bad
Its a realization I had when I recently started browsing 5ch again, its all text and its perfect, images are just used for shitposting, they add nothing.
>No one actually wants to be anonymous in this place these days.
Been here since 2004 and I back in the day I would have been totally against, at the bare-minimum post-ids on at least shitboards like Yea Forums. But since Yea Forums has become more and more mainstream you start to see more and more mainstream faggots using the board. I doubt you can find anyone on the internet nowadays that follows rule 1 and 2 anymore.
gonna need a rundown
Why did you guys like the textboards so much?
You have to go back you little underaged faggot
shitposters are worth the same ad click as you retard
The devs that make the games make a general and still then with bots until the game gets enough gambling addicts in to keep it alive, then it grows from there. Plus lots of casualfags and normies too.
/vg/'s gatcha problem is so bad now that it's the second fastest board and threads drop off the last page within 8~15min depending on time of day.
>He said a bunch of casual game generals
Phew, means my game's safe
It's the new boogeyman that is supposedly ruining the site even though there is a board on this website that unironically recruits redditors.
It's only been 7 years years? Damn I could've sworn it's been longer.
I remember back then I had no idea what those "New Thread" threads were about since I never cared about LoL.
I blame Zone. I never would've come here if it wasn't for her animations.
Since then I moved out of my parents house, became a teacher and have been in a relationship for 4 years
So glad I didn't waste these 7 years like some of the sad fucks in this thread
New group of power hungry tards trying to influence the boards and unironic indoctrination going on. Normally I'd say fuck em let them ruin their own lives but I have to post with these people.
I stayed Neet and I dont regret it
3D is PD buddy, you were always a normalfag
Are you sure you're not talking about /pol/?
Give me the rundown.
Imagine you use the general for general discussion of the game and it ends up becoming the shitposting playground for the ultra attention whores to spam in on a daily basis.
Every general will have posts about a reference to something that happened in a discord server. Thats a disconnect from the game discussion and the general, and it's always happening, you could say it causes discord
Enjoy your divorce and paying alimony cuck
Mods don't really do anything about generals here either
I only ever used /vg/ for TESG and Katawa Shoujo General. Everything else was trash, and so was TESG and KSG.
I also remember /vp/ being made but that was actually a good idea because pokemon is a fucking monster.
I'm talking about every board. I miss when it was nothing but light hearted jokes about the ps3 and outcasts finding a place to talk about their hobbies.
>muh rebbit spaceing
I still think Yea Forums should implement IDs that are generated per thread.
It will cut down the massive spam and shitposting fuel for everyone and it will make everything better. And everyone shitty will leave.
Remember when the cancer was only on Yea Forums? I don't think I've been there in 4 or 5 years now.
•It's not anonymous, the user's identity gets associated to their comments and vice-versa. It encourages crafting a persona and leads to social drama. Here your comment has to stand on its own, and we still make sure to call you out for using a trip without a good reason.
•If you really need a chat room for some reason, just use IRC. It works on practically anything with an internet connection, and there's plenty of open-source clients out there. Discord only works on a handful of OS or through a webclient, and it's all proprietary.
•Related to the above, Discord is the sole authority that can ban you or shutdown your channel based on their personal interpretation of the rules.
•As others mentioned, it creates a 2nd layer of conversation that people who only post in the general won't be aware off. If you encourage people to join your Discord to fully take part in discussion, why are you even bothering with /vg/ not just staying there the whole time?
You are idealistic. Shitposters will find a way to switch IDs. It's to late for this site its too well known now. I go to less visited chans to have actual discussion.
I know this argument but do you understand that it gets tedious? Eventually only outliers will continue that shit, but the vast majority will beans to thread IDs.
Fuck ID's, I just want to be able to post webms with sound. I know it's unlikely considering the increased cost in upkeep but it's one thing that I think Yea Forums and /vg/ could benefit from greatly.
Sure is summer in here
lurk moar
Except for the selling your data shit it doesn't sound too different from IRC.
I don't know if Yea Forums had an IRC shitposting squad like Yea Forums did though.
that guy is an autistic furfag that got banned from our servers for hacking so now he tries to ruin the Yea Forums threads by spamming these links that are literally full of nothing so people think that our general is full of drama so no one would play the game
Remember Nico Nico threads? Those were the good times.
Discord is literally just a program that let's you make chatrooms.
If you have no problem with IRC I can't see why you'd have a problem with Discord.
Any one have the version where she berates you more as she gets older for being a loser?
Yeah, I skimmed through like 4 of the links before I got bored of it. What a faggot.
It was a permanent solution to a temporary problem and one of moots biggest mistakes.
Every single general that people bitched and moaned about in 2012 would've been pushed off the board eventually because that's just how this website has always worked. NOBODY on this board has ever had a particularly long attention span and is always ready to jump to the next big thing when it comes around.
Now it's just a permanent breeding ground for these threads since they CAN'T be pushed off anymore. It's ridiculousness is only rivaled by /vr/ and /vp/. Hell people were asking for a fucking Smash board because of "spam"
also its not even discord its a public steam group that we barely talk on
7 years ago, I honestly can't remember. Maybe Etrian Odyssey 3?
zoomers should gas yourselves
It still activates my almonds that they created a separate board to talk about video games on.
funny that's pretty much exactly how I feel about /mlp/ but people call me crazy and say it was necessary
>They should ban it from the website.
Fuck off, libtard. You will NEVER ban our Trump Discord from here.
board was Yea Forums-lite back then.
Based and redpilled fucking Trumpkino, user.
These liberals will never take our freedom away.
/vg/ should be renamed /vgr/ for video game resources. It's just an alphabetical list of games that user contribute information to the OP. In-thread auto-pruning when post limit is reached and for posts older than 48 hours. Front page is decided by unique poster count over time so newer busier game discussions get bumped while the dead autism bumped generals are out of view. Discord and steam group links are permaban offense. Generals are anti-Yea Forums.
I only came to Yea Forums around 2012
mostly because I only learned english around 2011 and instead lurked in my own countries board
I said it as soon as it was announced that bans would let you still browse the site that the website would become a shitpost heaven.
Look where the fuck we are.
I wonder why there was so much traffic on Yea Forums in july of 2018?
My only reason for going on /vg/ was the RPG Maker general, and it died a few months ago. That general was max comfy
I miss it
That's a patchwork solution. Not a bad patchwork solution, I suppose, but a patchwork solution.
What Yea Forums needs and has always needed is moderation manpower and rule enforcement. And that is also something it will never have.
Or alternatively it needs to have a salt the earth approach to cull about 50% of its population somehow but that's the kind of thing a management concerned with trying to make the site profitable over making it functional will never do.
>/vg/ gemeral
good one my nigga
>implying that the problem was temporary
That's stupid. If /vg/ was gone imagine all that shit just coming back to here.
We're all going to make it bros
that's Yea Forums don't even pretend Yea Forums and Yea Forums are on the same level
/mlp/ is different because it was literally half of Yea Forums's post count at the time of /mlpg/ threads on Yea Forums. It was literally taking over the board. Only problem is it should have been an NSFW board.
/mlp/'s creation isn't that bad but global rule 15 is stupid.
Yea Forums became as shitty as Yea Forums when they started allowing shounen shit. They can't be pretend to be elitist anymore now that they have fucking naruto threads.
Agreed. It just let barney-fag run rampant.
Gacha really needs to be contained, I've watched so many generals die just because they don't incessantly spam images over the course of 2 hours.
Vg is honestly boring. I feel like nobody even discusses games there, just waifus.
At least here is funny
They always allowed shounenshit, it's just that Naruto threads were the only ones to get spammed to death.
Moot was as retarded as Xi Jinping with his cartoon hate
Is there any proof? I hear devs for Girls Frontline lurk /vg/, but this sounds like those viral marketing attempts that people complain about on Yea Forums, only people actually fall for it.
just like here
retard. They only "give them to the cops" if there is illegal shit going down too
some faggots use it to organize raids, particularly trannies and lefty idiots. I love it though just as its own purpose, to talk to a small group of friends I game with regularly.
>extra dubs
I fuckin wish.
Dubs were the best thing to ever happen to Yea Forums and I miss them more with each passing day.
I really miss the comfy retro threads Yea Forums used to have, /vr/ was great at first but a lot of threads drown in elitist bickering now.
>What were you playing
Tribes Ascend as Planetside 2 beta wasn't even a thing until a few months later
It's fun to scream and call out the discord boogeyman on /vg/ and get people banned.
If I don't like something, I can get them banned by screaming discord drama. It's easy as fuck.
hello r*ddit, it's called neo
there are three gacha generals on /vg/ right now, you retard
mods are fucking stupid, that's why
banning SEAnigs, south americans and north americans and anyone with chink ancestry will fix everything
only newfags complain about discord
kill yourself newfag, /vg/ used to have IRC and steam groups in the OP before your autistic ass discovered this website, and no one complained about steam groups
/smt/ has been destroyed by gatchashit
Okay I'm getting too old for this shit. What does FPFB mean?
t. Boomer too lazy to google it
I just miss dubs to be honest, sure they derailed a thread immediately but I miss it none the less. Feels weird remembering shit that was once normal that's now gone, feels strange feeling nostalgic for memes like shiggy diggy of all things.
I'll take dubs back any day over the cancerous shit that are wojack and pepe shitposts.
Boku No Pico
each general is its own island with its own culture and memes, it's literally impossible to moderate.
Wasn't that in june?
Which one?
>7 years already
Fuck my life, it's been that long?
I wonder about this too considering how shitposty those threads can be just look at these posts
all day in the fucking drawthreads
the first and foremost, is these faggots hate change
They hated BBS'
Then they hate game specific Forum boards because BBS' were so much better
Then they hated private guild forums because retail forums were so much better
Then they hated the IRC's because Private forums were so much better
Then they hated Teamspeak and Ventrillo because IRC's were so much better
Then they hated Skype because TeamTrillo was so much better
NOW They hate Discord because somehow EVERYTHING before was better
Also some mention of circle jerking elitism and cliques, but that's just the frosting on this contrarian cake
they are definitely quick to label things they don't like as generals though, just so they have an excuse to purge them
>/prog/ killed
>/lounge/ killed
I will never forgive moot
>at least one KS thread, at least one waifu thread, at least two 'general' threads, a draw thread and a tfw thread on the first page at all times.
at least people used le wojack correcty i guess.
fuck the people who say Yea Forums has gone to shit these days, i'm convinced they weren't there for this.
Fuck profitability, if you cull the population massively then you won't need to grub for money
Listen to me.
Listen. To. Me.
Yea Forums truly was Yea Forums with video games around that time when /vg/ split off and janitors gave up. nothing but "Yea Forums culture" shitposting haha guys do you recognize this meme green and purple hahaaa
>Good /vg/ generals
That place was ruined the when discordfags showed up and it was ruined a second time when roleplayfags took over with their deviantart tier creations.
It would have become like this anyways even if bans didn't let you read, smartphones and the effortless ban evasion they allow for are what has fucked this site hard. There's zero consequence to bans now because you can undo them in seconds.
The only way things are going to get fixed (besides shitcanning the faggot mods) is if Yea Forums goes read-only on mobile. You remove the phone posters and you remove easily 95% of the site's shitposters. Desktop ban evasion can still happen but it's much easier to mitigate and more of a hassle that some won't bother.
There's a total of 2 generals in /vg/ which actually discuss vidya, and they both die before reaching bump limit.
Trying too hard, kid. Go on home where you belong.
>replying to three hour old post
at least i'm cancer and not reddit.
i did make a reddit account in 2016 for the dedicated fashion and raw denim boards.
How long did that take? To me it just sounds like a general dying over time, which make sense to me. You can only discuss something for so long.
I just hang out in generals until I'm done with the game. Very rarely has the general died before my interest did. At least it dies off in a good place rather than devolving to the usual shit. If only more people did the same rather than stubbornly keep them alive.
I'm willing to bet most of the addviews/clicks come from the intrusive adds on the mobile site of Yea Forums. putting it on read only would probably decrease the traffic and lower profits from adds.
Yea Forums was already turning into Yea Forums well before /vg/
It's a self-correcting problem
less phonefaggots > less bandwidth used > costs decrease
Fuck off ponyfag. Rule 15 is here to stay, and there is NOTHING you can do about it
Most generals are strictly better than Yea Forums, though you could argue that the bad ones are cancerous enough to outweigh it.
>generals still exist on Yea Forums
What was the point of /vg/?
>stubbornly keep them alive
it's a normalshit thing. you wouldnt understand
I've been on /ms2g/ and this guy is a huge lulzcow and creep.
You're retarded and you don't know anything. You fucking retarded newfag.
Browsing a site from a phone does not increase the bills.
Yea Forums's server costs are paid by advertisers. The same advertises exist on Danbooru and e-hentai/exhentai.
Nobody hosts a server with dial-up, so your concern for "bandwidth" is retarded. Choke a fucking dick, I know you're not pretending to be retarded because you are clearly retarded.
The worst generals are the ones that creates inner circles/circlejerks and keeps the threads alive after no one plays the game and stops talking about the game.
It gets worse when a semi-dead general gets invaded by redditors and they turn the general into their own hugbox.
Generals are pure autism
>problem posters get doxxed as a final warning to knock off whatever they are doing
>they keep going
One of these days someone really needs to make use of a shitposting faggot's doxx and bring actual consequences for their behavior to their front door, maybe then people like this guy and B*rneyfag would take getting fully doxxed more seriously
Autistic people don't have self awareness. You could get them fired from their job and school, and they'd still continue embarrassing themselves.
>there are three gacha generals on /vg/
>/fgoalter/ Because for some reason fateshitters need two generals.
I think this might be more than 3, I didn't even bother browsing through the entire catalog so there's probably even more than this.
It's not gacha general.
It's gacha but it's actually a mobile rpg with some rng. You don't have to invest real money in it because the devs are generous as fuck.
idc about the rest, they're in my filter :)
>No I'm a lance user.
And it's still a mistake.
that faggot tried to ruin /owg/
/fhg/ is fucking BASED
B-but what will the Pillars of Eternity shitposter do then?
They need to expand /vr/ to include games before made 2008. I feel like there is a HUGER swat of good games that you cant talk about anywhere.
/feg/ is fire emblem heroes general in everything but name.
>anime doesn't cause pedophila
This creep is living fucking proof.
/vr/ is just a much slower Yea Forums with more on topic shitposting and delusions of superiority. No reason to go there.
/rs/ being killed was fucking gay too
when next gen consoles launch ps2 era will be allowed on /vr/. for better or worse. for me it's for better because then I can get off Yea Forums for good.
How are they still talking about Katawa Shoujo
giving mentally ill people a place of acceptance will only breed more mentally ill people.
I just want to talk about wc3
real talk, where do these people come from? Where did enough people to fill roughly 12 gathcha threads and like 5 VN threads come from? I mean old Yea Forums HATED that shit so how did they even THINK to go there and make a general without ever setting foot on Yea Forums? And then enough people showed up to maintain it?
DF general needs constant bumps and battlerite general cant keep up even with its DEDICATED shitposters. I simply dont get it.
Average. Work. Environment.
Strictly enforce this, and most of the problems facing the website will disappear.
>18 year old cosplayers with petite bodies
Is there anything more sickening. Shit like this needs to stop along with those barely legal teen porn everywhere.
vg was a mistake, I think it would be much better to just have a parallel board identical to Yea Forums for games that are popular enough to have generals if that makes sense. it would mostly be for games that came out recently or are pretty active multiplayer titles like wow, but there wouldn't be a limit of one thread per game and there would be no hard and fast rules about keeping certain games on Yea Forums or there. I think this would slow down a lot of the circlejerking and other issues that come from the isolated generals, and also help deal with the problem of zombie generals that just kind of exist for no reason because of previous popularity. For example, I just looked at the general for DDLC, and while 28 people have made 100 replies in 3 hours there is not a single one talking about the game, custom scenarios for the game, etc.
Right now it feels like /vg/ just separates Yea Forums from a lot of video game discussion, while not providing the type of environment that Yea Forums was prior to the split.
The game was relatively liked here when it came out but i just can't comprehend that much discussion about broads without feet
>Shit game
>Shit community
>Shit website
>Shit board
>Somehow one of the most based communities
I don't understand
The entire general laughed at him at least
>Oh no, people who are 18 are making porn. I hope jesus saves us from this attack on my sky daddy morals.
Who League of Legends General on Yea Forums here?
Fuck off NeoRussia. You're sick in the head.
>I just want to talk about wc3
What's stopping you, fag?
>how DARE women show their bodies. My mom said that women should always be wearing their sunday best as to not distract the men.
They aren't. It's literally chatroom for them now that mods are too scared to delete for fear of unleashing its autism on the rest of the site.
Oh yeah, because there would DEFINITELY be constant fucking Digimon threads if /vg/ went away.
Don’t even get me started on Katawa Shoujo. Do you genuinely believe that there would be a constant KS thread on today’s frog central Yea Forums?
If its Yea Forums the threads die in 5 sec unless its "arthas did nothing wrong" then devolves into WOW talk.
if its /vr/ then it just dies after a bit because no one else plays.
>There’s constant general threads so let’s move em to their own board
>There’s constant Pokemon threads so let’s move em to their own board
>There’s constant retro games threads so let’s move em to their own board
>There’s constant Wojak and Pepe threads so let’s keep em here
memers they have their own board called [s4s] but it isnt enforced sadly.
They have their own boards but the jannies cant delete as fast as they can be made. Its like april fools time Yea Forums a year ago. At some point deleting them just shows how powerless you actually are so Its best to ignore it.
This, they never ban the websites we actually want them to ban, and impose weird restrictions on shit nobody cares about.
>Linking to a Kotaku clickbait is okay
>Linking to a Discord cesspool is okay
>You still can't even speak the name of four + four chan
I don't even particularly care about that site, but the fact that it was ever censored was just petty.
>april fools
Who are the bigger fools?
The ones giving Yea Forums a reason to make a mess with April Fools events?
The ones taking advantage of the April Fools events?
Then what fucking good would letting more shit in /vr/ do?
Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then, one day, you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun
>There’s constant retro games threads so let’s move em to their own board
/vr/ was completely out of the blue, though.
>I don't know if Yea Forums had an IRC shitposting squad like Yea Forums did though.
It's SA shitposters these years, mostly. Since GG.
The SCP thing is a cocktail of autistic anons and faggot mods One of the faggot mods started banning SCP threads for no reason when it probably has been on this board far longer than they've served as mods. They get sent to /vg/, a circlejerk is formed, and now they're organized.
Exiling a topic to /vg/ is a guaranteed way to fill it with cancer. I stopped playing a bit after it got sent to /vg/.
I think Vermintide 2 got the same treatment, don't know how that turned out but I'm willing to bet it has a discord circlejerk as well now.
I blame lowtax. I'd still be on SA had he not gone full retard and allowed mods to mass ban goons for not sucking dick hard enough.
That MikuruAsahi is actually a JAV actress(male), just a FYI. Generally speaking if you see AV somewhere in the middle of Japanese characters it's a pornstar. AV = Adult Video.
They should just delete/vg/ since a lot of threads are dead since everyone went to discord.
>Moot references KS generals on Yea Forums upon the creation of /vg/
>/ksg/ is still fucking there
>thread 3615
>Sakuracon 2009 is literally 10 years old
Fucking hell. Time flies.
Those 2 days after the split were fucking heaven.
Never seen so many varied videogame threads on this fucking website.
This is so pretentious I bet an Ebaumsworld fag made it.
Hope u got ten bux
I'd rather they didn't. I've gotten more porn than I know what to do with from the /aco/ comish Discord.
>tfw I started coming here regularly in 2012 on fucking /vp/ of all boards
Yeah, I deserve to be called Cancer
The eternal newfag.
I was from before the paywall era.
>Thorpe: Reddit and Twitter probably eroded the Something Awful core base, and even maybe things like Yea Forums, which was an offshoot of Something Awful originally. I shouldn't say an offshoot, but a guy (moot) who was an active Something Awful dude started it. That's why it's not as big as it was. Detailed rules, and we (somewhat ironically) discouraged memes. Yea Forums was anonymous, basically unmoderated, and thrived on memes.
>Kyanka: I think memes are just the laziest of things. It's like, "If somebody else says something funny, if I repeat the funny thing, then I'll be funny." But that's not really how it works. If somebody just posted a meme or a catchphrase they would be banned, because we wanted people to actually contribute things instead of just parroting things other people said.
>Thorpe: [Yea Forums's] original population was also at least partially defined by the sorts of people that got kicked off SA. Yea Forums and both trace back to SA. I Can Haz Cheezburger or whatever it is called started by leeching onto SA memes and now has grown into something else.
What happened is that lowtax got grumpy and allowed his mods to run the forums who were arbitrary and banned long time members who were pillars of the community (more popular than the mods and didn't suck their dick hard enough). This lead to ban waves because people would call bullshit and no one worth a damn would pay for a new account so they came here or elsewhere.
So for all you anons out there crying for stricter moderation, be careful of what you wish for.
Create muh special snowflakes secret clubs invitation only, criclejerking, namefagging.
It's shit, people you swear only by discord only do it because they can add YouTube integration and such. It's a fucking small scale private social network, and if you use a social network you should stay there and not come here.
I don't even remember anymore. Maybe I've always been here.
I literally only signed up for a SA account so I could read the LPs of Danganronpa, back before the official translations.
Was fun times, at least until some guy literally bought ad space on the SA frontpage and ran an ad that spoiled all of DR2.
Been here since... 2003? I can't remember exactly when, but I'd just recently gotten a new addition to my circle of friends to watch Evangelion, and one of the other guys in my group brought up the site. It was around the same time Star Wars:Galaxies came out, I think.
I'm aware of what can happen with more strict moderation. That's why you need to kick out the old and get new people in place during the change to strict moderation. Really heavily scrutinize any old staff volunteers before letting them on the new regime.
I think it's widely agreed upon discord itself is fine as a better alternative to skype/mumble etc.
It's the fact that having a discord for a general removes the anonymity, and breeds cliques etc.
But honestly /vg/ had those problems BEFORE discord so it's not a discord specific issue
>discord collects your information and sells it
what fucking doesn't nowadays, if you cared enough about it or have something to hide there are a myriad of ways to circumvent things like that anyway
Kill yourself
the problem with mods on this site is they are pretty much mostly unpaid and there aren't enough of them
the "mods are asleep" meme is quite real, as the mods are mostly Americans with average sleep schedules which is why shitposting is so rampant during the evening.
More mods should be hired, and definitely ones better dedicated to the position and not power hungry.
But there is only so much that so few people can do.
Let's not forget there was a Yea Forums mod that was assblasted he missed the scp game threads in their prime so he deletes all discussion of the game on Yea Forums
So what's the most autistic general? I vote vitagen with its local sperg
Vita or PlayStation general in my experience. A staggering number of chronic shitposters constantly go back and forth between Yea Forums and those /vg/ generals.
I fucking hate /vg/ so much
Wish it was as dead and comfy as Etrian generals. But anything Sony is a fucking shit show and the amount of autist in there is mind boggling
the EO general from back then was really good when you look at archives. Minimal circlejerk and pointless bumps. Now the only good post is the one containing all the links.
Gacha posters should be moved to /e/
Well i don't think it causes anything. Anime just have a lot lolis so isn't better that they fap to those and not trying to fuck real kids.
Black don't crack
>tfw rangebanned from /vg/ for evading a ban that I got for posting a shitty sfw porn edit
sfw Yea Forums was a mistake
>Yea Forumsirgins think they are better than anything else.
2009 here too. God I wish I could relive 2009 Yea Forums humor, the birth of s4s and the massive get steal wars from ancient times.
This, plus everyone started using catalog.neet so the issue of general clogging the main pages was avoided, you could just filter them out.
Moot should have implemented native catalog earlier and never bothered with /vg/
Fuck remember when there was no strict sfw/nsfw enforcement and a disclaimer on the frames even clearly stated
Now its gotten ridiculous with mods deleting even SFW hentai game threads, etc
They are more or less still alive, just one of the roleplayers spilt hs cheese pizza all over a discord server.
13 years