Huh, it's actually fun and kino
Huh, it's actually fun and kino
If you're saying that only now you're someone who was too young to play CoD4 in 2007 and that is a low-fucking bar to clear.
How have you never played it before?
Even the normalest of normalfags played cawadooty 4
I played it a long time ago on 360 lol, I'm almost 30.
I refuse to revisit this after I found out they added loot boxes. Fucking spoiled the old spirit of the game for me just hearing about it.
I'm over 30 and CoD4 was my first exposure to the series (minus a random LAN party I went to when I was 17). Put a lot of time into it and I never forgot it.
doesnt this shit have lootboxes?
It do
You act like you deserve to have the game for free just because you paid for it.
Too bad most of the game modes are dead and buying the map pack is pointless because nobody owns it. It sucks to because the map pack has my favorite COD4 map which is broadcast.
I got it for """"""free""""" as ps+ """"""""free"""""""""" game
Meh. Free on PS+
>40 fucking gigs
Gay but meh, still free
It's actually 72gb when you start the dl.
Shame they ruined the online with the cancer skins and lootboxes.
Thankfully you only need to do the single player to reach platinum
Did they fix the map loading times? Is there more than 200 people playing this?
>Is there more than 200 people playing this?
There will be on ps4.
>FPS on console
Not worth it.
>i'd rather play with cheaters in every game and dead search times
PC FPS is such a meme.
t. 3.5k hrs in csgo
You can't win ultimately. You either have somewhat of a playerbase on console multiplats, or the best experience and no one playing multiplats on PC.
Not that it matters since despite its PC roots nobody really cares about CoD on the PC, not even the devs.
what about usb things that make KB/M usable on console games that don't support it
Is that actually a thing for PS4? I know Xbone supports mouse and keyboard.
PS4 supports keyboard and mouse as well but only game i ever saw them being used properly was Final Fantasy XIV.
I'm glad the game I still active and it's fun, but God damnit the attack choppers piss me off.
Warthunder and Warframe also use them
I remember there being some kind of overwhelming ramp in the original CoD4 that allowed people who were winning to keep winning by keeping everyone locked down with endless choppers.
>PC FPS is such a meme
>3.5k hrs in csgo
like pottery
>it would make more sense if you just had 1 hour instead man fuck experience
the issue was the game, brainlet
PC shooters are still ghey
I mean i have around 600 hours in arma games combined. Tell me which PC FPS you'd consider good. And I know arma has 3rd person but I only play first person servers.