Original AC crew rollcall

*Ting ting*
Hey just wanna say to my main man Nintendo:
Fuck gold rocks.
Fuck cities.
Fuck Isabel.
Fuck Digby.
Fuck Dr.Shrunk
Fuck Ore
Now if you haven't heard the music yet, I'mma go and catch myself 20 Coelacanths.

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Other urls found in this thread:


i invested enough time in the original animal crossing to never have a desire to play the newer ones ever

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Posting these classics

>Spending Christmas with family in Syracuse
>Brought AC GC
>That feel when Jingle on a quiet snowy Christmas eve

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same though i had the ds one, it's just not very fun, idgi

Based, and dare I say it, redpilled?
Shrunk is based though

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WW was still really solid and CF was pretty fine
New Leaf is just really, really bad

NL was great in terms of new features and QoL improvements, it was just lacking in soul.

I dread the direction AC Switch might take with everything that's happened since NL though.

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>new features
But that was what SAPPED the soul away
AC, WW, and CF were all laid-back, low-impact miniature gardens that you used to get away from the pressures and duties of real life.
All that NL did was give you more of that bullshit to do even in your little video game world. You went from being a chill villager just minding your own village to being the mayor in charge of the entire town and expected to pay for a bunch of public works and shit.

Yea but he's shit at being based.
Like the Brewster addition though. If only there were a bartender option.

My fear is they'll just release essentially the same game but with some new gimmick that just ends up being microtransactions except presented as a cool new "feature" and that's it. It'll just be NL but you can pay real money to earn shit. And I'll be furious.

You're definitely right about that part. Making the player the mayor was a mistake and completely throws away the original theme behind AC about the struggles living on your own in a strange new environment. Every spin-off since NL has done the same, putting the player in a position of great importance. In HHD you're the project leader, in PC you're the camp manager. AC was different from other life sims in that you were never meant to be the one in control but that's gone now.

That being said, I thought PWPs were alright and they could easily be handled like they were in AFe+ where you'd pay Nook to build them, or CF's town fund.

> Ruins your franchise

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Started with Wild World and played the ever loving holy shit absolute shit out of that game. The definition of a second life. I was pretty young too so I think I believed I has some divine responsibility to the people in the cartridge. This was amplified by the fact that the in-game weather always seemed to match what was happening in the real world at the time (precipitation I mean not seasons)
Played City Folk too, it was fine but basically the same game
New Leaf fucking blows. They broke up all the character pairings, made an absolutely lifeless main street, penalized the player for not going out of their way to use both Re Tail and Timmy-Tommy's by making sell prices worse at T-T, made villager relations weird by elevating the player with a subtle but noticeable power difference through the mayorship which often comes up in conversation, and fucked up the core gameplay loop of scavenging and talking to villagers by letting the Island completely bust the game's economy year-round. It's a complete failure and butchering of the core idea of AC that appears to be ready to continue.

But there are gold rocks on the og animal crossing.

She didn't necisarrily ruin it. Just had very very VERY bad failure to launch. They fucked up how she impacts gameplay.
My guess is that in the new one Isabel sets up some sort of electronic comments box for the village and you read through them at home or whatever.
Throw in a bit of technology but don't let the technology eat up everything fun about a game. Like what happened in GTA 4 and 5.
No I don't need to use my fucking phone for 5 minutes when I should have been out of that shitshow 5 fucking minutes ago.

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All I want right now is Animal Crossing Switch

I love Sable



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all animal crossings are good except spinoffs

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I think he means gold nuggets but I'm not too sure.

Speaking of gold, you know what really needs to return in the next AC? Gold trees.

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Based. Best girl, if not the best character

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Fuck you it's an Isabelle thread now.


Nobody likes horned hats.

>Totally not a furry
>But for some reason couldn't help but admire the personality playing GCAC as a kid

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is the anime movie worth the watch? as long as its not awful ill probably give it a go tommorow

> 26 fucking minutes

>Nobody likes horned hats.
Speak for yourself fag

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Omae wa mou shindeiru.

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It's great. It's from the WW era so it's full of soul

Never liked the NL torsos


While I do agree with a lot of this, i also disagree. Advancements in detail and QoL is fine, but GCN AC is best AC. Also Rainy Day theme is one of the best tracks yes.

I'm legitimately fearing how hard they might force her on us in the next game

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Agreed, Smash's Villager has the best proportions

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I miss WW era style of Animal Crossing. For me that was comfy. City Folk really sucked because I recall most of the times animals would just stand around and say absolutely nothing worthwhile.

>you are now remembering how based the AC fandom used to be prior to isabelle and normies ruining everything in 2014
We'll never go back.

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>there will never be another player1, accomicsguy or 3-angled-blue
>batwing321 will never finish the movie dub
>batwing and 3-angled-blue completely disappeared off the internet years ago
>player1 moved on to drawing cringy fnaf and zootopia comics and swain just draws porn now
>only special NPC anyone cares about nowadays is isabelle
>any complaints from the ten pre-NL fans left are completely drowned out by "ISABELLE IS SO PRECIOUS UWU"
>saying anything slightly negative about her will get you shunned
>sable has been completely abandoned
It's over bros

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Honestly the only things bad about CF were the villager dialogue taking a hit in quality and the fucking grass dying if you run too much.

2012 was a wonderfull year for the AC fandom

Anyone else dislikes the overly happiness AC has now? What I liked about the original was that there were variety. I liked the dark moments.

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I do, villagers used to be more realistic, and would sometimes be dicks and that was fine.

I hated it, but hope you'll enjoy it.

My chief exposure to Animal Crossing was the Chris Chan "documentary" so I read the OP in his voice

And I'm forever thankful that was the year I became an AC fan. I got to experience the very last of the kino before it was all over.

Fuck, I can't believe that 2012 was seven whole years ago.

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Cranky villagers would be complete assholes sometimes, since you played Mayor in NL its like everyone was forced to act nice

Be the change you want to see in the world.
The only OC I’ve seen from you guys in the past couple threads is a reskinned Pepe (OP) and Wojak.

contra, kurt, kuma, thattree, amanda
from the 2013-2014 skype group

I just started playing the original AC game last night. Didn’t make it very far. Nook still says I haven’t met everyone yet. When does the game get really fun and cozy like everyone says? This is my first AC game.

Take me back, bros...

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What are you guys talking about New Leaf was great

>get perma banned from that site
>thats when i started coming to Yea Forums
I don't know if that depressing or not

You just reminded me I got permabanned too. I forgot why though.
>tfw my first e-gf was from that site

i got banned there too cause someone posted on my profile I was a hacker on DS in like 2006, when I wasn't a hacker. i wasnt able to find anyone from that website and even when i wanted to find people years later like in 2011 after that comment (which i must have been inactive for when it was posted) trying to find Wii, i could never find someone on there.

GCNfags. NL and PG are both great and I can't really pick which one I like more.

>made a thread on there to discuss city folk speculation because there was fuck all for discussion
>banned for spam
Joke was on those faggots, I was the one making the new website for them.

I'll admit it, I actually drew the image used in the OP. Pic related too, which is really just a redrawn Wojak (But damn do I love that smug punching Wojak pic)

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This is exactly how I feel.

For fucks sake why did you even remind me?

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>new game bad
Typical Yea Forums still bitter ovet New Leaf and the other games
They're not going to make a game like the OG Animal Crossing again. Fucking grow up

>tfw the fucking furfags have to ruin anything with an anthropomorphic animals
I liked new leaf but the GameCube one had the best soundtrack hands down

It's fucking criminal how one of the objectively best AC characters gets zero merch, virtually zero acknowledgement, and zero love nowadays outside of furfags making le epic thicc meme porn. But I guess this is the way things have to be.

t. Eternally buttblasted Sablefag who is never going to get what he wants and will never be happy. Yes I'm fucking mad

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>first time watching the movie was the fan dub
I remember liking it, it's been a decade now but I'm sure any AC fan can enjoy it

Dear user,

Thanks for writing me! Your post reminded me of clam chowder, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! Well, see you around!

From user

This comic got a way bigger laugh out of me than it should have. And man, I also miss the good old days before Isabelle and New Leaf. Another series handed over to kawaii mascot/waifufag pandering.

I'd make some fresh AC images if someone gave me an idea.

>tfw slowly made sable warm up to my character
>imagined my character and her getting married
It was autistic as fuck but man sable was a good character once you got her to warm up

Yeah but I like all the new design stuff the Able Sisters have and being to post it on different garments. To each their own though.

>le epic thicc meme porn
Haha who ever would enjoy such a thing, let alone draw it!