I just don't get why you'd go for PC over PlayStation/Xbox when the games are optimized for the consoles anyway, and the consoles are five times cheaper. Seems like it's usually the best experience with a pretty negligible difference.
I just don't get why you'd go for PC over PlayStation/Xbox when the games are optimized for the consoles anyway...
Other urls found in this thread:
So is this a daily or weekly thing?
Why would you post something like that you sick fuck
damn near hourly
That's pretty fucking sad it's not even good bait
Because Yea Forums is a PC-Nintendo board and always will be, unfortunately
I want to be a cute kitten and sit in my master's lap and purr
Because PCs do way more other things than playing games or watching videos.
Because if you buy a PC you can pirate everything else. It's cheaper in the long run and the only feasible alternative for third world niggers such as myself.
60 fps is nice also
PCs are tools for adults that can also be used for games.
Ok, but if I want a system that's made for playing games, why shouldn't I buy a console?
Is this some sort of botting it even seems like the responses are the same every thread
Reminder that PCs are literally only used by third worlders that can’t afford consoles. That’s why every time you try to debate a PClard they type like an ESL shitskin.
>Can only play games that marketers allowed to land on that console, and only stuff from its own gen
>Can play literally everything from any gen
Then buy a console, you baiting faggot.
Nobody is telling you what to do with your (mom's) money.
If you buy 10 new games a year for consoles that's 600 bucks at 60 bucks a pop. Plus the base price of your console and controllers and yearly online subscription.
Over 3 years you've paid nearly £2500 for your console and games, whilst my pc cost 750 bucks and I can get free AAA games on it and I don't need to buy new controllers or pay for a yearly online subscription.
Plus I can get 60fps with no pop in and quick loading times on an ssd, whilst you are limited to 30 fps and slower loading times.
I just don't get why you'd go for Ferrari over Honda Civic/Toyota Corolla when the roads are optimized for the Hondas anyway, and the Hondas are five times cheaper. Seems like it's usually the best experience with a pretty negligible difference.
I don't like getting charged for using my internet, and you just upgrade bits of your computer after the initial purchase
>Can play literally everything from any gen
Yes, I don't have to shove my PC in the closet every four years and buy a new one but then dig it out if I want to play a game that's more than four years old
Man, consoles
>*pays yearly subscription to rent out 2 year-old games or flops at the discretion of the console manufacturer*
sure are
>*console premium has prices stay higher than on PC*
>*stutters due to insufficient CPU and RAM to utilize SSDs*
than PCs
>*renders 80% of last-generation unplayable on current generation hardware*
because PC can play lots of games even old ones
you're stuck with no backwards compatibility with consoles
also PC is more powerful
if you argue with this you're mentally retarded
Who's forcing you to buy a PC?
great cade
And why wouldn't it?
PC is ideal for most multi-platform releases and any company that still manages to fuck up PC ports in 2019 should be laughed out of the court immediatly
And the Switch is the only console worth having at the moment because Nintendo has alot of solid IP's and they put some care into their games
meow too
I love cats and I wish all dogs would just die already!
>not liking both and gaining buffs from them
453408260 (OP)
there's no reason not to go PC if you can afford it
unless you want exclusives
unlike consoles, with a pc you also get "retro compatibility", if need be just install an older OS
higher framerate, custom build, high precision aiming, etc
also a ton shit of emulators for everything up to ps3
The reason games are optimized for consoles is because they'll run like dogshit if they were optimized for PC, you retard. And this is a console faggot speaking.
I've had dogs all my life
I've spent some months on some friends houses with cats and they're garbage tier
now my roommate has two cats that love me and I love them too but I'm fucking tired of them
They do run like dogshit though, unless you think 30fps and 20-second loading screens are acceptable.
HP Lovecraft really suits cats.
Over-inflated sense of self, sociopathic, afraid of the touch of a woman, reeking of a mild insanity only found in bacteria that rots the brain.
>negligible difference
>Can only play ps4 games
>Can't upgrade
>paid online
t. niggerman
user, you missed it. You're embarrassing yourself.
>be wrong
>shitpost instead
oh... so youre just shitposting... ok
I just don't get why you'd go for PC over Mobile/Tablet when the games are optimized for the mobiles anyway, and the games are five times cheaper (or free). Seems like it's usually the best experience with a pretty negligible difference.
PC has all the games. Stop making this same fucking thread with the same image you pathetic roach
Ok so I can just shooter well on your console? No? Fuck off then
>replies to his own post
Don't hack the old console when you bought a new one and have the two nexto to each other for the new games and online stuff, and the other one full of retor emulators and all the library of itself.
What a fag.
>two different people try to gently point out the flaws in your logic
>double down and go full retard
So how are you liking Red Dead Redemption 2 now that it's out on PC, based retard?
>So how are you liking Red Dead Redemption 2 now that it's out on PC, based retard?
Didn't say that, learn to read
What kind of tablet should i get if i want to try out all the crappy rhythm games without any lag?
btw not up for anything too pricey
Oh my sweet summer child.
>all those multiplats
I have a Huawei Mediapad T5 10 inch (bought recently) and it seems alright.
>all these shitty tech demos
>no good exclusives
>sonyboy is a console warrior and has shit taste
Nothing new
>shit taste
And what exactly do you play?
>twelve different videos of 3rd person character runs on rails and punches enemies, the movie
Do you have more than one game?
I miss when my cats were kittens.
Do you think I'm responding to a console warrior with shit taste LOL.
If you can't reply to a simple question then you have no argument and you lose.
What argument? How is asking for games I play something I make an argument against? Add illiterate retard to the list of things wrong with you.
Because if there are no good games worth playing on PC that can't be played on a console, then there's no reason to get a PC.
Cuz good PC blows consoles out of the water you retard, once you experience 144hz 1440p you can't go back, 30fps is just unnacceptable
144hz is a huge meme, I use a 144hz monitor and I can perfectly switch back to 60 FPS. Resolution isn't a problem for consoles anymore either since consoles are now running games at native 4K or close to 4K anyways.
guess I'll just take the bait
>five times cheaper
they cost $500~ at launch faggot
you can get a pretty good build with 500-600 and you won't have to pay for online, also games are cheaper on pc and can be pirated
I got a PC and ps4. If xbox had a title I wanted, I would buy it. Ps4 has better exclusives imo. Usually if it's on xbox it's on PC, usually.
why would any sane person even want to play any current gen ps4 exlusive game that isn't bloodborne?
I genuinely don't think anyone who doesn't play on PC primarily actually likes games beyond a casual level. Consoles are just a supplement to get the few exclusives worth playing to the PC platform. Having a console be your primary platform is just sad in all honesty.
Someone post the webm of the cat playing fetch with a stick
>pcnogs using piracy as a positive
no wonder no one makes games for pc anymore
consoles are the same way though
seethe harder
>no good exclusives
never heard of mmos or battlefield or cs and the list goes on for miles
it's easy OP
pcfags have no IRL friends
me and my friends play ps4 games together, and always go the same guy's house. I can't bring my desktop back and forth but I can carry my ps4 back and forth much easier
Show me how you can pirate on xbox if you think that's true then
can't pirate what's not there
>I can't bring my desktop back and forth but I can carry my ps4 back and forth much easier
lift more
>lift more
cords and general awkwardness of carrying it nonwithstanding, it's more about the general wear and tear of transporting it so often. the ps4 can take more abuse than my desktop
oh yeah let me boot up my optimized total war for ps4 OH RIGHT
>me and my friends play ps4 games together
What game?
too bad you're a socially rejected male with mental deficiencies.
haha hi redner group. you always shill against PC haha. it's unfortunate that most PC players are all about the games instead of tying themselves to a company lkke consolefags, huh? haha
PCs generally work better and there's a whole assload of weird little games that are on PC first that you wouldn't really find on console. Consoles still have their place due to exclusivity and being cheaper but PC is fucking fun and better in a lot of respects.
have you considered a mini itx build?
you can pack a lot of performance in small cases
for honor
consoles aren't automatically cheaper. PC builds come at all price ranged, and consoles' real bread and butter are online subs which really add up
why? shit at the game or something?
Because you're a retard?
>PS4 can take more abuse
Not really. Both get fucked up by about the same amount of force. The difference is if you completely toast a PS4 you can replace it for a few hundred dollars but if you toast a PC that’s a few hundred to 4-digits worth of shit down the toilet. Not him but I’ve been to enough LAN parties to know how to efficiently and safely transport my rig. Either way gaming with bros is always a great time.
I don't cheap out on my PC, since I have a job.
Also, my PC does more than just play vidya, useful for those who have jobs.
Playing games on a computer is for fags. Sitting on a coach with a big tv is way more comfortable
>Ratchet and Clank highlights it
Fuck off.
I sit on my couch with a big tv and play my computer tho....
tfw got a steam link and the couch gaming is amazing
too bad the hardware is dead and the attention moved to the software
>couches have much higher weight limits than office chairs
>'its way more comfortable'
if that really makes you think you may be retarded
I do more with my PC than just play video games like a child.
Yeah try modding Re2remake on your PS4 to have Mr x be in a dumbass thong and play in constant 60 fps on Max graphics settings or better yet, does the ps4 have the ability to play the classic RE games like Re3 nemesis.
Can you play classic Nintendo games on your switch like Mario galaxy or sunshine?
Hell you can play fucking botw and Mario Odyssey on PC. Try doing that on PS4.
Where's vanquish on PS4 dumbcucks?
Can you play classic ps2 game on ps4 huh??? Dumbass son of bitches.
yeah like post on Yea Forums like a child amirite fellow mustard race?
>New Console
Oh cool, look at all those new gaems!
I just wish I could still play X...
Oh X for New Console! And it's only $69.99!
>New PC
Assemble, install OS, play Games.
>the consoles are five times cheaper
if you are a mega brainlet
>hating on the PC-Switch master race
I wonder who could be behind this post...
when op posts pasta and nobody gets it
PC being more expensive and harder to build and use is a straight up pleb filter of the highest order.
Stick to consoles if you are just a drooling sped. Nobody wants to play with the tard
toddlers on youtube have done it but it's still adult legos
but yes consoles are braindead easy plug and play
What's wrong with plug and play? Why shouldn't I want something that doesn't require me to autistically fiddle around with the settings and troubleshoot for two hours?
Simplicity removes choice, brainlet
Fast gato.
Don't you have a computer in your home? Just upgrade that and it's cheaper than a console, also plays old non-supported console games like PS3 emulator and shit.
Why should I care about choice when consoles deliver satisfactory visuals and performance in modern titles and "choice" usually end up in me worrying about nothing?
Why do you care what platform people use to play their games so much? Consoles and PC are both valid. PCs may be more expensive, but that is what you sacrifice for better graphical fidelity and improved performance. The way you shit fling makes you seem like the third worlder
can we go back to 2000?