>Walk into Iosefka's clinic
>see this
Wat do?
Walk into Iosefka's clinic
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I mount her like a good hunter and show her the true path to ascension
turn 360 degress and walk away
daily reminder you can get the Chikage, Wheel, and Burial Blade immediately after you get the first chalice from Bloodstarved Beast
Thrust my Holy Blade deep into her gyrating hitbox until an umbilical cord spills out.
I loved the Chikage. Retards always think the unzip animation is a safe time to start smacking you because you're haemorrhaging health.
>tongue but hole
Kill it because it's not Iosefka
I'd give 'er the Old Hunter Bone, if you boys know what I mean
Either you mean 180 or I missed you're joke.
It means you're retarded and need to lurk more
>arcane build
>Burial Blade
how? That's a NG+ weapon, is it not?
I don't get it.
Why would Iosefka need the art of quickening, especially in a state like that?
kill that imposter
How many times are you gonna get tentacle tickled before you learn your lesson, user?
Kill her because I need to turn into a baby squid.
I'd apply some art of quickening to her Iosefkas, if you're picking up what I'm laying down.
>baby squid
The doll's sex toy you mean?
How? I always struggle to get chikage by rushing to logarius.
You can get the other vesions in Chalice Dungeons.
If you unlock Moonlight Presence you can get Hunter Mark out of that fight and get the Burial Blade while still in NG
Isn't she giving birth there?
you mean 180 retard?
360 just means you walk into her lmaoo
I can think of some applications for it
save edited chalice dungeons
you can get those weapons via pthumeru root chalice without fucking about with cainhurst or NG+
but 360 turn if a full circle retard, you cant walk away if you are turning into the same direction
So you'd bring two bones for both the real Iosefka and the impostor?
Can the real Iosefka, who is a Kin at that point, even use the bone?
I'd use my bone on both the Iosefkas to produce some kin, if you ken my meaning.
>google image search
>"comics :^)"
Fuck you google, what's the source on this?
Oh, so you're going to introduce them both to the art of quickening so that they can set their differences aside and make quicker, better progress in their respective research?
That's very noble of you, user
So the consensus is still skill+blood as the patrician hunter build?
Either I'm being baited or you are the newest newfag and should kys
>Walk into Nightmare of Mensis
>see this
Wat do?
>being a skillfag
Get out of here
If you insist on using the corrupted filth that is blood as your source of damage, then you can at the very least go str/blt for the two absolute best side arms and also the only single weapon in the game that applies frenzy
If you want to be a massive faggot, yeah
Have my blood boil to the point of erupting from my body and solidifying into spears before I drop dead from the intense beasthood within, I guess
I can't hear you over my Eveline parry into chikage visceral
*sheathes blood katana*
Heh, pathetic.
Sounds like you're both mad about getting outplayed by SKLfags
Run for my life
go bonkers
>Area with enemies that spawn more enemies when they die
>Also add frenzy out of fucking nowhere
What were they thinking?
That they wanted you to git gud.
It's like in a real nightmare. I usually just run when I'm scared in my dreams
>tfw found Yahargul more difficult than Mensis
Those three fucking Hunters in the big arena
maek pragent
they realized it's easier to make an area tediously hard than well-designed
Hacked chalice dungeons, google them
Just run, brainlet
>Baited by bait responses to bait
>this many newfags on Yea Forums
Holy moley are we being raided?
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
does chikage visceral do more damage unzipped?
Invading here was so much fun.
>drops umbilical cord
I think you might be too late, user.
so he pirouetted out the room?
run. at least, that is what i do.
if you turn 360 degrees then you'll walk right into her
>falling for the classic counter bait
pretty sure those people know what theyre doing and play along for the (you)s
Idk I just use it because it looks cool
fap to her bare feet
>falling for the classic double counter bait
Hello newfriend
Visceral is not based on your weapon but rather you Skill and damage gems