OH SHIT Yea Forums, some Hollywood bigwig just handed you a shitload of money and put you in charge of a live action Kirby movie. The only caveats are that it must primarily take place on Earth and it has to include both Dedede and Meta Knight. What do you do?
OH SHIT Yea Forums...
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I take the money and run
include Daroach
>it must primarily take place on Earth
Can it be about Kirby and friends traveling to the "real world"?
Don't give the retards at Hollywood any ideas.
Set it in the future where biologically created service creatures are normal. Have Kirby be an unfinished prototype from a underground, underclass criminal laboratory, with Waddle Dees being the middle-class industrial service version and Meta Knight being the professional military version.
Have Dedede just be an intelligent, fat bird who's the child of human and biologically altered bird. Go out of my way to avoid explaining this.
Have Dark Matter be a virus propagated by biologically establishing a certain pattern. Kirby is immune to infection due to a "locked" base genetic pattern (as his power-gaining ability).
Have Dark Matter turn out to be the cataclysm that has ended all other civilizations in the universe.
Smart move.
>Have Kirby be an unfinished prototype from a underground, underclass criminal laboratory
Edgy. (But that's not a bad thing)
That actually doesn't sound too bad, what else would happen would their be a 'token child character' possibly Adleleline?
kirby will be played by adam sandler.
Maybe they could be alien immigrants.
I'm not really feeling the spoilered lines...
She would be great.
>She would be great.
She would be pretty cool, just don't do what KRBAY did.
Softcore gay porn where kirby is a large black man.
meta knight reads kirby fapfiction for 2 hours
>implying Kirby wouldn't be a cute small twink
You are retarded Obviously Meta Knight would be the Big black man with a Big Borb Cock.
So thing is attacking Popstar, most likely a new threat, or one that took control of Kirby's bad guys (Dedede and Meta Knight aren't included obviously). Kirby uses the Warpstar to escape to Earth (not the real world, just Earth), and cut back to Dedede and Meta Knight (maybe other Kirby's allies like Gooey, Bandana Waddle Dee, etc)
Kirby meets a family who is struggling with family problems (my guys is workaholic parents who don't pay attention to their kids). Comedy ensues with Kirby's powers. But the bad guy finds a way to get to Earth, but so do Dedede and Meta Knight and co. Final battle takes place and people learn lessons about love or friendship or believing yourself.
Cut to an after credit scene, where either the family or Kirby back on Popstar see a familiar blue and white ship land, and we hear a slightly familiar voice introducing themself as Fox McCloud.
>meta knight reads kirby fapfiction for 2 hours
to a classroom full of children
Make them be Ado's family, and I'm sold.
Can someone please explain why there has to be a token child character in a video game movie about a child character?
>But the bad guy finds a way to get to Earth, but so do Dedede and Meta Knight and co
I kind of feel it would be better if Meta Knight and Dedede escaped with Kirby to earth instead of showing up at the last moment.
With different family subplots for each of them.
This depends. What type?
Because target demographic.
Yes. But then we might need to give her physic ability, maybe she already has painting of the various Kirby characters?
Well user it's so the Kids can relate to the story You fuck
I got a better idea than all of yous combined!
>video related
It's perfect! Make Kirby and edgy anime.
Kirby, Meta Knight and Dedede have to team up to defeat a powerful villain on Shiver Star.
Well first off, I make Charles Dance play Kirby
>that entire video
What the fuck is with the Japanese and making weird and gory things with cute characters
I have never understood this. Why do you need kid protagonists in a supernatural movie aimed at kids anyways? When I watched Toy Story I didn't care about what toys Andy liked or didn't like, only that Buzz Lightyear was better than Woody and it's gotta suck to be Woody.
>I kind of feel it would be better if Meta Knight and Dedede escaped with Kirby to earth instead of showing up at the last moment.
>With different family subplots for each of them.
Nah, I made them fighting the villain a B plot with Kirby Earth hijinks as the A plot, (maybe breaking the new baddies control on the other Kirby characters? Finding out where Kirby was taken by the Warpstar?) because I wanted the villain to have some standing power in the story. Maybe they only show up because the villain takes control of them, making Kirby have to break them out of the control?
>Special guest star; file.png user
I don't know if Kirby could work for a full movie. Perhaps something like Pokémon Generations would be better?
My guess is that they are supposed to be a character the audience attaches because of the simplicity of them in a weird world. Like Boo in Monsters Inc.
I love Meta Knight!
Here's another challenge: Make a Nintendo Cinematic Universe. You may or may not include Detective Pikachu as the first film if you want.
If it had trailer art like that I'd unironically give it a chance.
Kirby gets sad that Shiver Star is fucking dead, makes a wish to go back in time and fix it.
I make Kirby appear in New York.
The thing about the 2000’s Kirby base is that literally nobody batted an eye at this kind of autistic bullshit. It’s nostagically horrible
When an old Kirby cartridge is transported to the museum of video game history, it gets hit by a shooting star, bringing Kirby and friends to life.
They hide out in the house of a middle-aged guy who's down on his luck and needs an idea for his failing business.
I didn't sign shit. Take the money and have a comfy life while leaving the puffball well enough alone in animation.
Either that or full-on absurdist comedy where I don't even try to pretend and just get someone in a pink morph suit.
>The only caveats are that it must primarily take place on Earth and it has to include both Dedede and Meta Knight.
There's an in-universe get-around for this:
>Starts on Popstar
>Opening 10 minutes are a crash course on who Kirby, Dedede, and Metaknight are via a condensed adventure that includes a montage during the opening credits
>Kirby only speaks in "poyo"s but most of the animation budget is put into making him expressive
>MK and Dedede are voiced by the funniest name actors who are 1. within our budget 2. a deep-voiced hispanic and a boisterous Texan, respectively
>After Kirby beats up Dedede for stealing food and he starts a duel with MK, a group of Waddle Dees burst into the room carrying an urgent message
>It's a video made by a human from Earth (probably US military scientist played by a name Hollywood actress), asking for any alien civilization who may receive it to help them, as their own actions have caused what will be an inevitable apocalypse
>The trio take the Warp Star to the coordinates the video gives, but they only lead them to:
>Shiver Star
>Using some fucking macguffin power or just Kirby being Kirby, they go back in time to try and help
>The rest of the movie is Kirby, D3, and MK trying to help the scientist lady figure out how to prevent nuclear winter caused by various secret government laboratories/factories across the world
>Dark Matter is the root cause of it all
>They eventually beat it after an hour of hi-jinx
>Kirby and friends return to their time and see Shiver Star is now a thriving Earth
>They pass by a statue of the lady they helped and say their goodbyes before heading back to Popstar
Kirby had to compete with a lot of other series hitting their edge stride at the time, deliberately or no. Sonic OCs and Rockechu/edgy Eeveelutions, and Naruto were the big ones.
Basically do a toy story thing where Kirby, Dedede and Meta Knight break out of a tv/defective Wii console whilst fighting but in doing so they release loads of other game villains. They have to team up and with the help of some annoying child return them.
Kirby and Dedede look like plushies in the real world and Meta Knight like a japanese action figure.
Cameo of the mario gang, zelda and metroid as they burst of the console. Villain could even be someone like Ridley.
Kirby makes noises but doesn’t speak.
John C Reily plays Dedede
Wilhem Dafoe plays Meta Knight.
Rainn Wilson is the dad of the kid.
Rock “the dwayne” Johnson plays the villain.
Fuck you pay me.
>Have Dark Matter be a virus propagated by biologically establishing a certain pattern
Did you mean: Betterman?
As long as Adeleine is the main human they can do whatever they’d like
By that point you could just a damn Smash movie.
I mean I’d probably watch that.
>Detective Pikachu:
I'm lazy. Doesn't really matter what happens in the movie. No teaser for other Nintendo movie.
>Metroid movie.
Samus is seen first as a little girl, where we see the death of her parents, by the hands of the space pirate Ridley. We then see Samus being taken in by the Chozo, where she grows up on Zebes, but the Space Pirates attack again. We then see Samus getting ready to take revenge on the Space Pirates and especially Ridley. She ends up meeting the Baby Metroid, who sees her and acts like a puppy/kitten because all non-verbal creatures need to act like one or the other to get the audience to like it. Samus fights Ridley but sacrifices killing him to save the Baby Metroid, and Ridley gets away, barely alive. She is now being hunted by Mother Brain, and the Baby Metroid later sacrifices itself in order to allow Samus to escape and Mother Brain dies in the process. On of the after credits scene shows Samus in her space ship, with it badly being damaged from the last fight and escape. We see her use the ships' computer to look for a place to get her ship replaired, with a few familiar worlds being see, like the Pokemon world with Hoenn show off, as well as Popstar. She picks a destination for her ship to get repaired. That location, Port Town.
Actually, there's a Mario movie coming for 2022, apparently. So maybe that's the next step.
>Kirby, Warrior of the Stars (Based off my idea here )
Dark Matter has appeared in Dream Land corrupting the land, brainwashing the inhabitants, except for one. Kirby escapes this via Warpstar and ends up on Earth, meeting Adeline and her family. She has some sort of psychic connection to Kirby, having drawings of him and his friends. It turns out that Gooey was sent by Dark Matter and appeared on Earth at the same time as Kirby. Kirby, Adeline and Gooey befriend each other, much to the annoyance of Dark Matter. Hijinks ensue on Earth until Dark Matter sends both Meta Knight and King Dedede (Bandana Waddle Dee, Rick, Kine and Coo are also seen on Popstar under Dark Matter's control, but they aren't sent). Kirby with the help of Gooey and to a lesser degree Adeline, break Meta Knight and King Dedede free of mind control. Final battle between Kirby and company aganist Dark Matter, as he attempts to take over Earth the same way as he did Popstar. Adeline and family learn something about love or friendship. After credit scene is either Kirby and friends, or Adeline's family seeing an Arwing land, with us seeing the doors open and hear Fox introducing himself.
A few cute and funny shorts featuring Kirby characters.
>Battle for the Cake! [Kirby and Shadow Kirby have an ultimate showdown for the last piece of cake]
"Pyo Poyo"(Fool. Do you actually think you can take me, I am the original, the first, the best.
*Unsheathes Sword*
"Poyo poy yo...POYN"(I understand that very well. But what is an original to a upgrade. I will reap the sweet rewards of your failure, Kirby of the Stars your hubris will be your downfall. Now...)
*Unsheathes Katana*
>The Great Halberd is outta control! [Meta Knight tries to explain the greatness of Halberd while trying to hide how slightly incompetent his crew is]
"Hm. Now we reach the main control room. This is where we see importan-"
"CAPTAIN! It's terrible, Trident Knight got really angry and ended up slamming his Trident into the floor now it won't come out!"
"It's okay Sword Knight, I think Meta Knight will fix this!"
>Great King Dedede's Waddle Log![King Dedede goes over a log book of stuff he noticed that Waddle Dees and Doos do]
"Aha! And he we have Waddle Doo #476 trying on some downright Spiffy glasses!"
>Bring in Dwayne
>Don't have him play Dedede
He'd ham it up like crazy, it'd be fantastic.
Actually, I wonder, if you were forced to chose one, would rather have
>Enchanted type Video Game characters in the real world! fish out of water scenario
>whole on alternate reality where Kirby characters already coexist with Earthlings
>an ET type scenario where some human kid has to help the alien without getting caught
It takes place on Earth sometime invtge distant future after humans have fucked each other to extinction through nuclear wat but the planet has already recovered thanks to their absence. The radiation created new species of animals that fit in perfectly with Kirby's aesthetic. Kirby arrives on Earth like Goku/super man and is raised by coo,kine,and rick. Meta knight ends up being the radditz of the movie except he doesn't die and gets sort of redeemed. The metaknight plot wouldn't start until after Kirby meets and defeats dedede who's the self proclaimed king of everything. The main villain would be dark matter who is retconned into being sort of liike the litch from adventure Time,an Eldritch abomination created by the nuclear war.
I swear to god I’ll pull a James Eagan Holmes if they remove Martinet as the voice because it might offend a race of people who can’t pick a fucking side.
Make kirby right back at ya season 2
Replace the first one for a Milky Way Wishes adaptation and I'm sold.
>Perhaps something like Pokémon Generations would be better?
I’ve been saying this man, i’d take some cute well done OVA shorts over a movie/weekly anime any day
If they remove Martinet as Mario's voice for a reason, it'll probably be over his literally dead body.
Ado origin story
On Earth? That's easy, Shiver Star Ia a great setting for a movie.
Don't want to start with Mario or Zelda. If we start with the biggest ones, then it feels like we might be going downhill and the later movies feel like leftovers.
>Star Fox: Beginnings
Starts with a huge Star Wars level of spaceship fight. We see that the original Star Fox is fighting Andross' forces, Pigma betraying them and James McCloud dying. We then see Peppy telling a young Fox McCloud that his father won't be there for him, followed by a cut to Fox graduating, along with Slippy. He and Slippy get into a fight with Star Wolf (which includes Falco at the time because reasons) over minor crime. Falco, Fox and Slippy end up in space jail. Also in jail is Andrew who is broken out but Star Wolf, but Falco isn't, pissing him off. Falco reveals that he knows Andross' evil plan on getting revenge on the galaxy and the Cornerian government, and the three of them break out. They team up with Peppy using the old Star Fox ships to stop Andross. General Pepper pardons the three of them (Peppy didn't need pardoning) and honors them as heroes, and the new Star Fox team forms.
This. Adeleine is all it takes to be a Grade A movie.
>Wanting the first Kirby movie to focus on a literal who?
That would be a boring movie.
Here is a totally better idea.
>Live action
Fuck that. I'll keep the money though.
>Punch Out
Movie starts out with Little Mac getting his ass kicked by the champion of the WVBA (Either Super Macho Man or Mr. Sandman). Little Mac is later seen training when Doc Louis is seen trying to convince another one of the boxers to keep training with him (one of the lesser ones, my guess would either be Glass Joe because he's afraid of continuing to box or Disco Kid whos all like 'your time is over old man'). Things get violent when Doc accidentally get knocked into Bald Bull, but Mac steps in (probably gets his butt handed to him, maybe he surprises everybody by taking him out). Doc and Mac end up training hard in the tournament, basically being like any underdog sports movie, resulting in him defeating the champion and they celebrate. After credit scene is where Little Mac returns to his locker room, seeing a bunch of bananas littered on the floor a silhouette of a certain gorilla is seen.
True true, I’ll miss the Kirby-weeb scene. But i’m glad it’s dead, I don’t think I could stomach a rabid Meta Knight fangirl nowadays
I just want Nintendo to make more things with their stuff. I was anxiously awaiting the Arms comic, but that is un development Hell for some reason. Damn It.
But they are still there. Except they evolved into rabbid fujoshits.
Get to Smash Bros movie already.
The impossible movie.
>Family subplots for each of them.
Meta Knight would probably tackle the dead inside failing marriage through his unconventional ways. Dedede would probably tackle the extremely apathetic teen and teach her how to have fun and get popular using his ways of becoming a ruler as reference. And Kirby could try to brighten up the middle schooler who has depression and his school shooter teir looking.
>this summer...
>everyone's favorite pink marshmellow...
>is coming to the big screen
>*cuts to King DeDeDe voiced by Danny De Vito* Sheez cut it out!
>*New Rules by Dua Lipa starts playing* One: Don't pick up the phone
You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone
>*A guy wakes up with a hangover, hits his head and shouts "POYO"
>Phone rings
>MK is calling
>We need to get shit done
>Kirby, played by Jonah Hill "Oh, poyo, not this again"
>MK, played by Kit Harington, knocks on the door "COME, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE"
>Kirby: "I don't think I can do it, not after last time"
>MK: You only lost because that Kevin, or King DeDeDe as he calls himself, cheated. I believe you can win the Gourmet Race
>two friends
>Kirby *cough* POYO
>it's the race of their lives
>King DeDeDe: "Bwahahaha, you can't beat my game, bring the chili dogs"
>*Walter Dee brings habanero chili dogs*
>*King DeDeDe smells them*
>"Yep, it's gonna be one of those nights" *rubs belly,* *belly growls*
>some Omeprazole is needed
>*kirby shown gagging*
>this summer is going to be
>*montage of slap stick*
>*MK dressed in Drag*
>Kirby "how is this going to help me eat faster? "
>MK "if you don't puke to this, you're golden"
>*montage that's pretty much the inevitable dance party ending*
>*Walter shown with a gordo plushie*
>this summer race to the tables
>*montage of every time they say "poyo" in the movie
>Kirby: Gourmet Race.
>Get the Poyo Froyo popcorn combo at your local Cinema and get a chance to win a Nintendo Switch signed by Sakurai
I think most of the actual old souls either turned into gijinkafags and/or became ascended weebs that cut out the middle man and only interact with the jap fandom. Modern Kirby fujos are plebians
>that entire summary
The amount of borbfuckers that would propagate from that movie would be fantastic. I want it now. Even if it was a shitty fanfic I want this.
I can't tell if this is supposed to be live action or not. I can't tell which would be worse.
>borbfuckers would propagate
Nigger how
1>MK in drag
>Waddle Dee with a gordo plushie
>Dedede rubbing his belly
>Kirby can talk but still uses poyo
As long as it's animated. It will have a good amount of borbfuckers jacking off to it.
Fuck you. Now I'm adding a Wii Fit movie
>Wii Fit
A rom com about a fitness instructor and her inability to get the guy she likes to love him because of her freakishly pale skin color and lifeless eyes.
But for real
>Super Mario Bros movie
Princess Peach has been kidnapped again by Bowser, and it's up to the Mario Bros to save her. But can they do that with Bowser trying to stop them on every turn, and the money loving Wario being hired to keep the plumbers off Bowser's tracks?
>A guy wakes up
>live action Kirby movie
user… it’s not animated
Well I thought since Kirby is technically a guy so...great now my boner is kill.
I make a Canvas Curse movie, so only the opening is live action and the rest is animated. There's also the mental scarring Drawcia would cause.
Just make a Kirby musical version of KSSU. Oh and make it a action comedy.
Some of the experiments should be service, but a lot should also be sold as pets. Unless I guess by service you meant they're sold like appliances? Could be cool.
Bonus points if they're sold in a lookalike of the shiver star mall from 64.
Don't worry, all the edgy weebs are still here.
we just got drowned out by everyone else
>but a lot should be sold as pets.
That's pretty lewd user. But on the other hand I have to question what would make Kirby a failure?
He's just unfinished, not a failure. But you could say he was too empathetic for warfare, too powerful for domestic use and too lazy for service.
Kirby is an alien who warpstars to Earth where he befriends a couple of kids because they feed him stuff. He uses his copy ability to save the day a couple of times (for instance, by sucking up a firefighter and getting a cute little fireman hat and hose). Dedede shows up about halfway through, causing mayhem in the city, trying to steal some jewel. Kirby stops him and Dedede is captured by scientists or some shit. Metaknight eventually busts Dedede out and they go to the kids house where Kirby is. They explain to Kirby that the jewel is a Dreamstone, something that acts as a nexus for people’s dreamworlds, and more importantly is attracting the Nightmare, who intends to devour it, gaining power and damning everyone to perpetual nightmares. Metaknight and Kirby chide Dedede for trying to be a hero and before they can act to get jewel away from Earth, the nightmare shows up and the final battle ensues on Earth. Some sort of climactic shit happens.