Shit that's not good
Shit that's not good
Other urls found in this thread:
>combat good
>cheesiness bad
so how does that make the game bad? if anything it makes it obvious that the reviewer has never played a dmc game other than DMC
>camp is bad
well you got me OP
>The game excelled at what's important but it wasn't epic and cinematic like my marvel movies so I'm docking almost 4 points
>when you have to share the same air as fucking morons
This is fake shittery from OP but let's be honest, the real scores won't be much better.
When does the embargo lift?
Fake and gay.
Famitsu gave it 37/40 tho.
Devil May Cry was never good. 1 was a clunky mess. 2 was genuine shit. 3 was boring whenever vergil wasn't on screen. And 4 was an unfinished game.
11am EST tomorrow
Is there a pre-order bonus? I'm either going to pre-order or wait for a price drop.
I haven't finished KH3 so I feel like I should wait, but I also want to support the game.
>Griffon is my new favorite character
>He dies
>And also never existed in the first place
I'm not paying first-hand for this anymore.
Who didn't see it coming with all the shilling? No company does that unless it's a real stinker. DMC 5 is pozzed as fuck.
Holy shit’s that worse than I imagined
it's not an unfinished game faggot, they simply didn't have enough money to make it better, Itsuno said this a few days ago.
>listing the cheesiness as a negative
I haver never discarded an opinion quicker in my life.
It's like saying CoD is bad cause it has too much shooting.
>it’s meant to be cringy and badly written!
blunder of the century
will capcom and dmcfags ever recover?
Never even played DMC, but yes. That's the appeal. It's cheesy.
>This many people took the bait
Why can't I leave this place
It literally is. Finding it cringy is a question of taste.
>Is there a pre-order bonus?
I’m probably just too old for that then
You're too young, actually. I remember in high school I would never touch DMC because it looked like a dumb animu cringe fest for wannabe edgelords or something. But now I just don't care and want to play fun things. Bring on the motorcycle sword, bootleg super saiyans and teleports behind you tropes.
You all got fucking baited. You fucking idiots.
Lmao who will pay $60 for that 10 hour garbage?
>How do I replay games
Also baited.
Haha yeah who cares the game is short and has no content just play it over and over lmao xD
Yeah bro let me just replay the same twenty 10 minute long missions over and over again haha isn't Itsuno based Yea Forumsros?
Oh shit will definitely wait for a deep sale now
What do you mean by Griffon never existed
Oh shit user, buy a copy of Dead or Alive 6 for me
You've... never actually played a DMC game, haven't you?
You replay to get better at the game. That's why they have rankings and different difficulty modes. It's about climbing the skill ladder.
He's an imaginary friend.
>just chase highscores lmao
Nice way to hide a game having no content
>No content
This was the moment I just realized I got baited. God damn it.
Not him but I hope you're shitposting. Short games with high replay value are infinitely better than 30+ hour padded slog fests with repetitive missions, fetch quests, grinding, etc. Stick with your MMOs and JRPGs zoomer
wtf is the point of a double barreled revolver
Maybe if you have low IQ that is
user you might not believe this, but typically in DMC games harder difficulties alter enemy behaviors, spawns and even give them new attacks and mechanics. Beating the game once on normal is just scratching the surface of the content in the game.
>Listening to shills who hype some shit like it's newcoming of Jesus
Just because they downvote something it doesn't mean it's bad. Maybe Dante makes a joke about that girl or slaps her and trannies get mad and downvote it
>Maybe if you have low IQ that is
Stop responding to him, he's putting in absolutely no effort whatsoever and you fags are still biting.
I'm lowkey hoping for this even as a DMC fan. We need our culture back, the board is long overdue for a new Tortanic.
Not gonna lie, im still skeptical about this
It's getting harder to tell when people are actually falling for fake shit, or just being sarcastic anymore.
It's fake retard.
why would you lie?
>just stick your head in the sand and hide from the truth!
Using ammo twice as fast
It deserves 6.5, it's a low skill button masher.
Now NGB *sips* that was a good action game.
where do you think you are
>We need our culture back
The fuck does this even mean?
>the board is long overdue for a new Tortanic.
It really isn't, another tortanic would only further reinforce to the election/GG tourists that have invaded that every videogame should be a massive blunder and should be treated as such.
>long overdue for a new Tortanic
>when MGSV was released only a few years ago
Dont tell me you forgot.
I've played them all, they're all shit in their own ways but none of them are above 6/10. Even 3 which you faggots hold in such high regard is marred with garbage enemies, bosses and levels that you just want to rush through to get to the next cutscene/Vergil fight. Not to mention how long it takes to upgrade all 4 of your styles individually and not being able to switch out weapons/guns on the go, a feature that the original DMC 1 and even the much hated 2 possessed.
4 as a whole is just straight up dogshit, saved solely by it's combat and fan-made mods. It's half baked, unfinished and filled with bland, uninspired levels and enemies, something the special edition release didn't bother to fix.
you're right, Yea Forums has reached new lows for IQs most faggots probably don't even know how to google anymore
Please we all know when IGN reviews DMC5 they're gonna give it like a 9/10 in an attempt to get cred with the people who think they suck at games.
Is this the same guy has been posting "OH NONONONO" threads about DMCV since the reveal?
Yikes that is gonna be a pirate. How long does it take to beat if you explore as much as you can and take your time?
this is the sad truth, their scores are rarely honest and are just "power plays"
Lmao Jesus just read this post
Im talking about DMCV being DmC2 you goddamn absolute retard
Yea Forums BTFO . You faggots shilled this HARD, mods even ignored the no generals rule. And guess what? It's trash.
WTF fucking game journalists
this is why we need GamerGate
Like 12 hours max.
I will pirate it too for sure
>Trusting game scores
with """""long""""" games all you do is fight the same enemies in locations of recycled assets. Multiplayer is even worse since you play the same map all over again.
Well excuse me retard.
That’s literally the only reason I play and love the series and why I’ve been a Dantefag for life
So, like Devil May Cry?
I stopped being all that hyped after the demo and how lame all the level designs looked when it really started leaking.
And that's a good thing
To shoot two bullets at once
Even DmC has much better level design. Really disappointed with the demo too.
No fucking way is this real. IGN gave kingdom hearts 3 almost a 9.
I've seen the DMC5 cutscenes and it's like the most well written, sophisticated masterpiece in history compared to the absolute cringe fest that is KH3.
With DMC games all you do is fight the same enemies in locations of recycled assets.
It's even worse when you realise that most DMC games reuse a lot of the same levels in their second half.
Bait, but let's make this into an actual DMC thread. Does anyone know if Virgil is playable in the base game by the end or not? Also, what are the expectations of the Bloody Palace this time around?
Who the fuck plays DMC for the level design?
>Exploit AMD deal by pawning the card off to a buddy about 20 bucks down just to get DMCV and Resi2
>DMCV out on Friday and we still don't have a code
We're not getting it until the day it comes out are we?
>Needing cancerous shit
>calling it culture
Zoomer spotted
How were we supposed to know genius
DmCfags, if the level is super vibrant and wubbing at them constantly they get bored.
The reviews are for tomorrow user
this was legit the only time I felt phantom pain
Funny enough, DmC level design looks great, but is complete shit for battles.
I expect it to be cringe trash
Support a better game industry by pirating all denuvo games.
Yep, happened with Res2
Then the reality is it's fun to play through. You see? It's a good thing to set expectations low; it's what your parents did for you, after all, though even they are disappointed with what you have become.
DMC3 ai on DMD is actually just fucking crazy;add in turbo mode, and I guarantee you will get to see the ai as the true turd demons they are also
>playing 3 without weapon/style switcher
bro are you living in the fucking past or something?
Tranny are you ok?
are you ok?
are you ok Tranny?
Trannies rise up am i right?
Eh at least you tried sweetie, but that came out way too projecting and turned sad-cringe very fast
>no turbo
Nah nigga miss me with that gay shit.
I simply responded on your level, as seen here and your original post. It's a good thing you can see your own failings. Keep trying, sport. Maybe you'll grow a pair.
No that's kingdom hearts. DMC5 is super self aware and well written.
Also very sad-cringe. Try harder lol
Wow, I didn't think it was out this week.
Never played any DMC game, should I start with it?
PFFFTT yes very good idea :)
this order
Is there turbo mode in V?
I can't tell you until I've played it & i've only seen half the story.
generally I say you can start with DMC3.
what the fuck, you forgot 2.
> lol
Aww, it had to resort to internet lingo. Isn't it adorable. It's okay, you can have your participation trophy and go get your tendies now.
Regardless, I'm bored of you. If you aren't going to contribute anything, then you are a waste. Of course, you probably hear that enough in real life, don't you?
We don’t talk about that one.
if you care about the story then no, you'll be wondering who is everyone. DMC doesn't really have that much story in the first place, but a lot of what we've seen from the trailers will be lost on you if you don't play 1, 3 and 4
get the dmc collection
play 1 -> skip 2-> 3 -> 4 Special Edition-> V
DmC spinoff is optional
Lmao you are seething. cringy+sad
God you sound like a faggot
but try DMC 1 first. it's written like a cheesy action movie & gameplay is limited as of the time. so some can't get into it today.
>Just use mods bro
I'm glad you agree that the base game is shit, also while I do own the PC version consoles also exist so no weapon/style switcher for them.
The thought of having to fight bloodgoyles, chess pieces, enigmas, spiders, dullahans, soul eaters, fallen, Gigapede, Leviathan, Nevan, Geryon, Doppelganger, Lady and Arkham 3/4? times just to unlock it is enough to make me never play the game again. They just aren't fun to fight.
Same fag, or two worthless twats? And no, not mad, sweatie. Stop projecting your inadequacies on others and actually own up to being the cock-guzzler you are. Solid advice for both of you.
what 2 ?
>delivers fun combat
>it fails to escape its own cheesiness
These are the same people who could never get above a B rank to pump up the music.
No he didn't
Who here playing DMC4 on Friday like I am?
I've never seen a fanbase victimize themselves so hard
you're doing it wrong user;yeah console version is flawed, for a plethora of reasons, but we live in the current day in age where we have computers that can boot up full saves.
>tfw just boot full save with WP/SWmod
it honestly becomes a perfect game once you do this. even then just trickster/swordmaster, and you're good if you're a console pleb.
Just how fucking bad are you? None of those enemies are that hard to deal with
Why does it say Devil May Cry 4 in the description?
i've been playing 4 since last week to prepare for 5
and i'm getting my ass btfo in DMD for being a style tryhard
because that game was bad
rule of cool
>and not being able to switch out weapons/guns on the go
>game gets announced
>fans throw celebration threads, have a good time
>some loser make fake scores in an attempt to once again, force another tortanic
>fans just tell them to fuck off
Just think about what you're doing with your life and walk away from the situation.
Sure I could do that but not everyone can. I'm basing my opinion on the finished product Capcom released and what most people experience when playing.
I never said they were hard. I said they weren't fun to fight.
Cringe af and very sad
>they weren't fun to fight
Well what's not fun about them?
whats so wrong about DMC2?
Go out and get some fresh air, and stop drinking all that soýlent.
DmC broke the fanbase, dude.
oh boi you making me watch this again
>DMC 1/2
>Hit pause
>Switch equipped devil arm and gun
>Unpause game
I'll never understand why they removed the option in 3.
>ad hominem fallacy
Case and point. Stop being so sad and miserable with your life and find something to enjoy, like DMCfans have managed to.
It's not too late. I believe in you, user.
Probably because they didn't want you pausing the game constantly. Having loadouts is a fine change
OP is fake and gay but after the DmC debacle literally nobody who cares about the series is going to give a single solitary fuck about what game journalists think about this game.
Imagine becoming so unbelievably ass blasted that people here react to news they see here and don't frequent the same faggot videogames journalism websites as you
It wasn't made by the team who made the first DMC, and as such it feels like a bad imitation of the first one without anything that made the first one great. The sword combat feels stiff, the guns are so fucking overpowered that there's no point in using swords and the enemies are fucking brain dead. It's better to watch
I don't really trust reviews for any action game since IGN failed to understand Godhand.
Bland combat, level design, story, music, characters and enemies. It's legitimately the worst DMC game, even DmC is better than it. The best part is that the story is mostly throwaway so you don't need to know shit about the game at all and you'll be fine.
*tips fedora*
How about you go get laid.. oh wait.
Even before DmC no one should take game journos seriously on the subject of DMC, they've always shat on the series.
'Oh wait' what? Oh you just remembered that I fucked your mom upside down last night?
Eat shit DMCtards. That’s what you get for making a good game like DmC. I hope your low-IQ tard game makes less than 1k sales.
It's fake, you loser, lmao.
Now reply to me with "seething", bitch.
Hahahaha look at this fat shill. AHAHAHAHA kys incel
Everything except Dante's design
Enemy AI is braindead, often not knowing how to deal with you at all if you just stay far enough out of range.
Most bosses are really bad, with the majority of them also having adds to deal with, making them even more unfun. There is one good boss in the game, but he's not good enough to justify going through the whole rest of the game just to get to him.
Maps are too big and the camera zooms in too close during combat
Environments are very uninspired
Weird directional combos that thankfully never made it into other games
No moves to unlock, your starting moveset is what you stay with throughout the whole game
Only 1 type of weapon with 3 different variations instead of multiple unique weapons like other games
Guns are broken and can stun enemies and then pop them up to juggle them until they die
DT is absurdly broken But DT customization is pretty cool and is like the only thing 2 did right
It also has the weakest and most flaccid stinger the series has ever seen
And Dante's character and personality is barely existent while also being completely different from 1
Come on now, we'd be here all day if I explained everything I hated about each individual enemy. Making it brief, most of the scrub enemies listed only have 1 or 2 attacks, Gigapede and Arkham shouldn't need an explanation, Lady, Geryon, Doppelganger and Nevan are just tedious, all you do is dodge their attacks and hit them with a couple of combos when they stop and taunt you. I'll admit that Doppelganger has an interesting gimmick but it's completely ruined by his limited as fuck and easily abusable moveset.
Nah I've got pretty good reasons to keep living.
Don't know about you though, I mean your whole life has accumulated to wanting a game to be bad. Zoinks.
>braindead AI
unironically my school homework AI was smarter than this
Top shoots slightly faster than bottom
Top has armor peircing rounds to break through tough armor to allow the bottom round to go in
Bottom explodes
its fake you moron
This so much this for the win! It’s supposed to be cringy trash shit for virgins and 12 years olds !
what are shitposters going to latch onto after dmc5? I can't think of any other big title coming out soon except for Sekiro and I guess Yoshi's crafted world.
>Cheesy = cringe
That's the literal reason I'm buying this game lol
allowing idiot clowns to perpetuate falsehoods is always a bad idea user, the fact that they're so credulous on a website like Yea Forums makes me very concerned about how gullible they are in their day to day
>It also has the weakest and most flaccid stinger the series has ever seen
Just think, this was the only move the devs had made prior to itsuno getting put at the head with only 6 months to make the game playable at all
looks like shit...
>Something's automatically better if it's longer
k incel
This is the best order.
Don't waste your life with 2
weak af
>shitposters have to make up reviews in order to shitpost
I hope I don't regret buying DMC5 over this
I guess Sekiro's next, but there's really nothing too major that Yea Forums would really care about coming out for a while. April's full of ports and Days Gone, which I don't think anyone's really looking forward to, and May has Rage 2, which I also don't think anyone cares about.
We're doing this to ourselves, bub. DMC fans love eating glass because it's CUHRAYZAY
knowing they can't make a TORtanic out of it only makes this even sweeter
Happy I pre-ordered Sekiro and not this soulless flop
Yeah too bad not enough people care about the game to create another TORtanic. It will literally be forgotten in a month.
There isn't a single title in the DMC series that isn't remembered for reason or another you dingus. It'll be forgotten just like the rest of the series was, which is not forgotten at all.
Yeah remembered among the few fans who are absolutely retarded autists.
It's no secret Yea Forums has a lot of naive underage zoomers
It isn't.
And it isn't.
shüt top and bottom bület
and actual homosexuals. hope the new main character nero guest stars in tekken so the franchise is killed off after dante is gone
Even DmC isn't forgotten.
Yeah as gay as Kingdom Hearts fans if not more
The music is alright for the most part. Battle themes are a little generic, but the environment themes are really good.
>if not more
yeah that seems fair to say
shit, who the fuck still looks to gaming journalists for scores? Off yourself already.
hi redner group
great job, OP. this is actually a great way to spot redner group shills
I didn't like it myself but music is something that is purely subjective so I can see why others might like it.
>just buy trash!
It's going to be Days Gone solely for the fact it's a PS4 exclusive.
hi redner group
Is Godhand trash then?
Ditto for Bayonetta 2. In no fucking reality did it deserve to score higher than a 68% average at best, what a complete let down after the first game.
Yeah, but everyone's been shitting on Days Gone since it's reveal. I don't think I've ever seen anyone posting about how they're looking forward to it or anything, especially not on here
I don't have a Wii U or Switch, so I never got to play it. What's wrong with it?
Review Embargo is March 6th. Don't listen to people talking about scores until tomorrow.
A good game, you should play it
even if it is bad, Capcom still hit it out the park with re2
I don't have much hope, DMC games were never my bag anyway and I could never grasp those games until about 90 percent into them (at which point I really, REALLY get it and become invincible).
>it's a "my personal rating scale is based on esoteric personal criteria, and nothing ever gets higher than a 7/10" episode
I'm sick of this season
Bayo 2 is objectively one of the best games of last gen whether you disagree with the changes from bayo 1 or not
let me guess your shortlist of complaints
>umbran climax is too op, but I still use it
>juggling got nerfed so I can't body every enemy in the game after a witch time counter
>NSIC got cut even though I can still use the beads for the same effect
>the awful cinematic boss fights in 1 were actually good, I hate human-sized bosses because they're too fast
anything else?
>muh rating
>muh shitpost
>muh crazy
at the end of the day everyone here is gonna fucking play it or watch someone else play it pick your poison and move on
I wont waste my time with this poop
>Trusting review sites.
Nigga have you not learned ?
low quality bait lololol
Well that's one thing I've read in this thread that I know is wrong.