Play a gacha game right now.
Play a gacha game right now
gacha is just a weeb casino
Ahhh I can see her panties and now I can't stop thinking about her cunny!!!
pantsu xDXdXd
already did my dailies in King's Raid
waiting for reset
might do a few dragon raids later and see if I can get lucky
Are any good?
Why? I could just throw my wallet in a blender and go look up softcore porn online and I'd have the essential experience.
if im going to spend a few hours playing gacha for anime boobies its better to spend that time browsing a booru or drawing
I love Grimnir!
Maybe but you get a sense of ownership from gacha games and it makes fapping better most of the time.
name one (1) good gatcha game that isnt due to sexualization or nostalgia
Im playing Priconne as well.
Who do I annitix, bros?
Please do not mistake my mommy for that shitty chuni retard
Bros I'm almost done 5*ing Six because of his voice, and I have all the other dark fist characters.
Should I get an Ultima Fist from 000? The best fist spec class is Magic knight, right?
The gay dragon
i'm playing alchemist code already though
We're getting a super anni lit tix this year, so you can super anni lit tix Anira.
I play FEH sometimes. Any other good gacha?
Nah, I dropped FEH due to IS's incompetence, and GBF due to the fucking drop rates.
God, I want to fondle that fat tail.
Could you guys suggest a gacha where I don't have to reroll?
thinking of watching this now bros..
What game is this?
I know, an 11 old year elf doesn't turn anyone on.
CCGs count right? Ive been putting a lotta time into shadowverse
you don't have to reroll for any gacha game
rerolling just makes you stronger
at least in my head she will be straight for me
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
I downloaded FGO today and found it boring (also it had horrible load times) and uninstalled it. I'll probably try Tales of Crestoria whenever it releases this year.
y'all some pedos.
yuraisha banner never ever REEEEEEEEEEEE
>rerolling just makes you stronger
Is there a gacha where I don't have to reroll to be stronger?
which one leaves too much in memory for me to use cheat engine though? Not paying a cent for these stupid shits
A lot but on the contrary they are grindfest.
Already am
Puzzle and Dragons!
Ok, fuck the no rerolling rule. What do you suggest?
I want my buffer obaa-san...
How is Another Eden, I remember playing it up until some Dinosaur volcano land but then uninstalled because I got bored
Thinking of redownloading BUT would I have to start all over?
But I am
Gacha deez nuts
>or nostalgia
There is a way to do account recovery stuff, but I don't know if it's annoying or not. It's legit my favorite game of the past 2 years, but that is partly because I'm a Chrono Trigger/Cross mark.
Wow its a shitty mobile game but it has japtoon art of pedo shit. Are you going to start a clash of clans thread next op?
Why dont they just take the gachagirls and put them in real games that I want to play
I can't wait for the raid to end but I will miss it when it is gone
Azur Lane and Girl Frontline, easy to get most if not all units, have to grind a lot specially GFL which limited events are hard as fuck and they require rng drop from them.
Lucky for you, Cygames seems to be trying to do just that.
Isn't that what granblue is doing?
I got the skin a few days ago and just playing it now to get extra rewards. I doubt I'll have enough for the second Morgan. 250k is insane and wish they didn't put it that high for each thing.
Azur Lane
Good news
Hope it has lolis but im pleased already
>Tank in slot 3
I want to love Another Eden but they're such fucking jews with monetization.
>Got caught during their domestic release artificially limiting the amount of 5 stars players could draw
>Did everything they possibly could to discourage rerolling on international launch, despite the pathetic pool of launch characters
>Gives out a measly 20 crystals per day without any sort of daily discount/free roll mechanic
>Another Style system encourages players to reroll for characters they already have if they want them to stay viable
The only saving grace is that the F2P core party are actually high end viable when ranked up all the way and some like Amy and Riika have top tier character designs.
But as long as they keep this shit up I'll never give them a cent and probably drop the game after clearing the main story.
It has loli's and poptato race.
>no lewds
But... but why?
Did Grimnir always look this cute?
Recomend me a gacha game with blantant waifubait and shit gameplay. The lewder the better.
There are no lolis announced as of yet, only a cute potato.
I got lucky I guess and got a 5 star Lokido with the free currency. I only spent 5 dollars on the game and finished the main 25 chapters. Idk, I love it a lot.
one of the taimanin ones, TABA or RPGX.
do I need to play all of FSN to play FGO?
I rerolled using a macro for 5 days straight and got a Suzette account (which I'm playing) and a Mariel account (which I'm monitoring).
Its legitimately a great game because it feels like a JRPG first and a gacha game second, but its the first time I've played a gacha game and actually felt like "this game isn't just a cheap cash grab and could actually exist and be successful without this predatory mechanic and they're actually hurting themselves with it".
It's best if you just play FSN and skip FGO.
I already am, user!
Why this is so hot?
Bonus when the girl put one breast out.
No, but the best option is to just not play FGO.
I mean, you're probably right. I wonder how profitable it actually is, but from the way the Japanese side of things seems to be for the game, it must do well. I just worry that there won't be enough Western support for continued updates past a handful.
I wish I could stop
>fun concept
>great music
>cute girls
>actually somewhat decent story
>>>absolutely 1/10 gameplay
Langrisser and BE are ok, but E7 just feels like fucking shit and it not having japanese voices, but having such a weeb style just rubs me the wrong way.
I kind of want to play one but I have a bad feeling about them, so I'll just stick to lewds for now
I wanna play Priconne but don't speak JP so I'm making due with GBF and AL.
It's a Korean game, just play with Korean on if it bothers you.
who dragalia lost here
Dropped it harder than a retarded baby.
I don't like how Korean sounds, and I also don't understand a word of it.
Give me your best gacha. I only have three requirements.
>good gameplay
>doesn't shove a fuckload of mechanics onto you right at the beginning
>lenient fucking tutorials that don't take hours to slog through and let you do your own thing
FEH had all three of these but it's gone to shit. Langrisser can burn.
The Korean is better than the English, at least. The English isn't even terrible, but eh.
>FEH had all three of these but it's gone to shit.
Well I was going to suggest FEH but didn't for the same reason you mentioned. I can't really think of anything else that'd really fit all of your criteria.
>wanting good gameplay but also babymode mechanics for dumb westurds
I don't think you'll find what you're looking for
Don’t play FGO. They will censor more characters in the future
>Langrisser can burn.
Shame to hear, Langrisser is the most fun I've had with a mobile game in a while
But I am. In fact I've been playing this shit more than actual games.
>no waifubait
>tried to hard to pander to redditors
It’s bleeding players. Don’t even bother
Kill yourself you dumb weeaboo.
Stop doomposting.
Make me, bitch.
*open dokkan battle*
you win this time, bitch.
Brave Exvius and Star Ocean Anemnesis are unironically better than the last several Square Enix console RPGs.
Fuck off shill. They’ve already shown that they can’t be trusted. If you want to play FGO, just play jp version. NA can die in a fire
Fuck no.
While it doesn't have the best gameplay out there, its serviceable enough and is also one of the most if not the most generous gatchas available. Fairies are releasing this month and you can progress just fine without spending any money. Been pretty comfy desu
you are probably right, which is sad
if you pay close attention you'll see a revealed pussy, I cropped the pic to make it more obvious.
Is star ocean good? Is it f2p friendly?
*cough* Please... Play Dragalia Lost....
Relink has Io. Hope we get a loli in verses too, but I'd also be happy with more potatoes.
The problem with more potato is the hitbox
Stop doomposting. We already got our uncensored lolis.
Last origin.
That was in the past when Albert doesn’t have any power. You think they will not censor more lolis?
You don't.
If he had any they would've already been changed. All your doing is conjecture/slippery slopes
Paizuri Lane is better
I do.
>Imagine slaving yourself to a skinner box with the most barebone "gameplay" just for some waifuJPEGs that you can get everywhere.
>>absolutely 1/10 gameplay
doesn't that imply that there is gameplay?
um stfu and kill yourself. I don't do it for the waifuJPEGs
I do it for the husbandoJPEGs.
Brown dust global release happening in 1 day. Anybody planning to hop in?
People slave themselves to worse for less rewards.
>tfw the gacha game you play has no lewds except for a request you got from /h/'s drawthread
I just want high quality character portraits where can I find them?
Literally never heard of it.
It wouldn't be hard to extend the hitbox of most potatoes by using whatever is associated with them. Arulumaya and Makira can ride on their crystal ball/mini airship. You can also use Makki's drums if the airship isn't an option. With Melissabelle you can easily use her hair. Then there is also Nio who levitates. The real issue is that there are many other characters more likely to get in other the ones I mentioned and the ones I didn't mention don't have something they can use to extend their hitbox or nobody gives a shit about them. If a Zodiac or Eternal get then they sure as hell wouldn't pick Makira and Nio over someone like Anila or Siete. If someone high up waifus Milla Rage hard then I can see Melissa getting in by proxy, but aside from that they've already got their potato bases covered with Charlotte.
Que rico seria chuparle las tetas a esa niñita mientras la penetro bien rico en su vaginita.
Somehow its the only one I'm still sticking with. I've played GBF, FEH, FGO, Tagatame, Precum, Honkai 3 and this ended up somehow being the only thing I liked. Struck that line between too much and too little grind.
Destiny's Child
who battlecats here?
It's so fucking frustrating to be denied your girl after stocking up on stones.
>unbind dragons
>a cerberus is a dog
what did they mean by this?
The gatcha rate is pretty horrendous but the devs hand out free stuff often enough (at least in SEA server)
She's a cygames regular. And this game basically is "if it has a tail its a dragon"
That sounds familiar... is that the same composer as bravely default?
Flat out better than XV and Octopath. Better than KH3 if you take the pricetag into account.
That's actually pretty sad.
Don't come crying when Abby gets censored NAtard.
God I hate live2D so much, but especially when Destiny's Child uses it.
>Another Eden
Which should I try, and who should I reroll for?
>Good gameplay
>Doesn't shove a ton of mechanics in your face right at the start
Have you never played an MMO or anything with a continuous development cycle? Those 2 things are in direct conflict
Give me a gacha game with hueg annie may tiddies and I will.
Azur Lane!
Right back at you. Doomposter.
Cock a cute and funny
Macho vyrn for gbf versus please cygames
>when the SEAmonkey in charge of NA said Emiya Alter and Abigail were problematic
>already censored Emiya Alter.
I'm new to the whole mobage thing but langrisser's gameplay won me over. Hopefully there are more games of this quality I've yet to play.
I wish more people played Sdorica.
>American racial politics is the same as little girls
Azur lane
why is szooey in 2nd spot and not last?
What's the gameplay/grind like?
A little girl heavily associated with tentacles, which is why she's considered problematic when previous ones weren't.
What is this game?
I only play FGO, no other gacha has been able to hold my attention.
But shes until summer
I used to play but it's kind of boring. I appreciate Rayark for adding features (exploration) to the game though.
Just wait and see my man. Right now your panicking cause of paranoia inside your head.
I play dokkan battle
Done with DFFOO until new content comes. While i'm a day 1 player and quite like the game i still think gachas are an abomination and i pity anyone who spends money and really hope that at least the EU will crack down hard on gacha as a whole.
The tentacles are her weapon. But according to Albert’s perverted minds it is lewd so it must be censored. WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE DRAWINGS
I played GF for like 2 days, didn't get any of the guns I wanted, and ran out of contracts.
It wasn't that fun past the novelty of cute chibi guns and there is zero fucking reason a mobile game like that should be 6 gigs.
The most generous gacha i played, the other one i played was fgo and the diferrence is like night and day, the gameplay is nothing you move them around a bit while they auto attack or you could autoplay them helpful while grinding
Just measure closer to the tip you stupid lizard
Waiting for my tablet to charge up after playing some Destiny Child. Why does that game eat up so much battery energy? It's ridiculous.
GBF when the anniversary hits, reroll for limited units like Athena. Olivia etc. Azur Lane because its easy to get the good ships without large investments, work the event to get Duke of York if you are going in now. Building priority on Sirius, you can grind build other waifus later.
100k crystals and not a single fucking 5 star KR version btw
Yeah, there's not a whole lot to do but I enjoy what's there at least. I just play it as a side game to Langrisser, it's not something you can dump that much time into each day.
Destiny Child
I can't, I'm out of stamina on all of them, except Dx2.
>still cant get sirius when im on my second victorious
FUCK FUCK why wont she come to my arms
>limited units like Athena
She's not limited.
Azur/Paizuri Lane
is there a gacha game for an ass man such as myself?
>template thread
>bait in the first post
Actually kill yourself.
You should think about getting Victorious or Sheffield. She'll come to you out of jealousy.
My bad then. Time to commit Sudoku.
I don't know what people see in Azur Lane's gameplay, it's like a janky bullet hell with the slow movement speed and uncontrollable main fire.
>out of stamina
the fuck happened to your potions
Well, Star Ocean Anamnesis has an ass cam on by default, but the butts aren't that big. The only other one I can think of right now that has a good focus on them might be Last Origin, but that's only in Korean and probably won't be getting an English release since it's R18. I think it's basically a Girls' Frontline clone in terms of gameplay, too.
>Azur Lane
Azurfags aren't focusing on the gameplay
Not until the japs appreciate asses
Shut the fuck up Kokkoro
gatchashit is not real video games, belongs in
I already got those two even dupes
Is star ocean generous? How about powercreeps? Been thinking about dropping FGO because of censor
I want to make a mobile game but my artistic skills are shit, I have no musical ability and no ideas for gameplay. Please respond.
You are not videogames you fucking manlover
Literally me.
Which gacha has the best lolis?
Better luck with china
Like they say in showbiz when you have talent but still want money, become a producer.
Star Ocean censors as well, so if that's a make or break, you're out of luck.
Same here. I just started around New Year's though. I'm disappointed, I managed to snag a STR Gogeta but I don't think I can get him to full EZA. I put all my resources into this team and I'm hard stuck at 20 when the damage immunity kicks in. My extreme team doesn't have nearly the backbone this one does. I've got both NuBroly and pre-LR Broly, but until the LR name change I cant use them all together. Feels bad.
The powercreep is real, but we've gotten over the worst of it as far as I know. It's the perfect time to start since the Nier Automata crossover event and gacha with 2B, 9S, and A2 is up right now. All of them are pretty top tier even in JP right now, so they're definitely worth rolling. We also are finally getting buffs for older characters with Deep Space missions, so that's also pretty cool.
But anyways, you asked about it being generous. I'd say so since I can roll a hell of a lot more than in F/GO. If you're used to just playing that for your gacha game, then you're going to appreciate Star Ocean's rates and everything about its gacha down to having characters and weapons in separate gacha and having daily rolls that can actually get you SSR characters. You also get a good amount of gems just from doing daily missions during the week, and those are pretty quick to do, too. The only downside is that they have censored a character before, Meracle, so be wary.
So if I don't care for waifubait, will I still enjoy Gacha?
SOA gachas grievous flaw is how little the rate up is. I get spooked so fucking often by off rate up SSRs, and it's infuriating. They definitely offer a lot of SSRs though compared to other mobage. I'd honestly prefer a more accurate rate up though.
What’s being censored?
There's a few gacha out there that focus on dudes for homosexuals such as yourself.
The director in charge of the Global version didn't apologize for her censorship but instead said that it was done in order to avoid the general public from feeling "uncomfortable" when seeing her design. He also went on to say that he didn't have any plans currently to censor anyone else, but who knows. If you're not into lolis, then you probably don't have to care about it, but it's still going to stay as a mark on their reputation amongst fans.
The character named Meracle got covered up a bit.
Despite what everyone says, they never actually stay playing years+ for the jpegs alone. Best establish what you like and your preferred grinding intensity right here though.
Freya is a good girl. Really hate how the game deals with fixed damage though and she gets shat on because of it.
These games are all about the thrill of gambling when you get down to it. The gameplay is always inferior to a real game because phones are just a fucking awful platform to play games on, the cost to produce is always dirt cheap because mobile games are not about expending effort or pushing gaming forward, and the story is usually average at best so the lowest common denominator can follow.
>the general public from feeling "uncomfortable" when seeing her design
Do these people really expect normalfags to play a weeb gacha game? Or are they fishing for the ironic weeb crowd?
>add see through tights
What was even the point? It's almost as bad as "just add spats bro".
I unironically enjoy Destiny Child.
The best gacha appeals just enough to the normalfag audience. Why do you think Dokkan is still topping charts after 4 years? Normalfags eat DBZ up
not that guy but I actually dropped FEH for Azur Lane. Not that this means you'll like it. They're very different games.
While FEH is fire emblem lite Azur Lane is a bullet hell lite with RPG elements. It plays like you think it would, but instead of bombs you use battleship or carrier strikes depending on who you field. You can also auto it if you're lazy or grinding, but the AI is retarded to you have to field overkill shit for it to work.
at your own pace, which is a large part of why I like the game. Daily chores are kept to a minimum but if you want to grind a ton you can. Generally new ships are easy to get but it'll take quite a while to max everything else out.
Compared to FEH AL is far more generous and chill. Also I don't have to suffer through meta cancer hell. But if the core game doesn't appeal to you then nothing else matters really. I think at its core feh has better "gameplay" but IS can't help themselves by fucking it up with stupid gimmicks.
movement speed is tied to fleet composition. You can go slow as hell or fast as fuck.
>uncontrollable main fire.
compared to actual danmaku where you hold down the fire button and drop bombs when needed?
Slots order doesn't matter in exvius, you autistic faggot
It's especially weird for Anamnesis, it's not pushing good numbers even with censorship, because normies don't give a modicum of a shit about Star Ocean. It would make a lot more sense to just stick to your guns for the die hards.
Yeah, no one gets why they did this. If the director just told us that someone on the localization team wanted to see her in tights, I think everyone would have been okay with that because it would make a lot more sense.
If you are just in for killing time you there would be one out there that you would enjoy. Something like Battlecats might fits the bill.
Fair point. But I just don't see Fate ever getting the "normalfag pass" like DBZ does.
I guess they might be scared some asshole might try to get them with "this company is peddling child pornography" to the media.
And I unironically enjoy dragalia, so you're hardly anywhere near being the worst off person here
That's a pretty good team
I wouldn't worry about getting Broly to LR unless you have a good team for him
He's only really good for World Tournament
For Gogeta's EZA you need a Movie Bosses team with as many AGL units as possible
pic related was my team for it. The only real pain in the ass unit to get was Turles
They really should just port it to switch. I cannot stand slapping my gross fingers onto my immaculate phone screen, shit sucks.
>he doesn't know
>Using potions
But I'm playing Dx2, OP.
Now I'm waiting for the DMCV collab but I'm afraid I can pull anything good since my last 5* was in like three months.
I also played Tekken Mobile but they fucking killed it
Nope. Been there done that, not a single enjoyable "game" in the bunch.
Gacha games are all boring shit.
Thanks for reminding me.
I almost forgot I only have 3 hours left to defeat legendary Roy
Aww, too bad. Won’t pick it up then. I don’t support any form of censorship as a principle
How do you guys even tackle the Buu Z-Battle? I managed to get both Broly and Gogeta through 30, but not But I.
I can get animu waifu .jpgs from /e/ and /c/.
I don't need to give my personal information and money to some company for a lootbox that has a small chance of getting a shit jpg.
Would swap Vegeta with GSM 1&2, but the cost is too big for my level.
Yeah my movie bosses didn't take off nearly as much as my Fusion did. Those f2p /fa/iyans also ended up being a huge help, I'm feeling the lack of a good equivalent for bosses
>I don't need to give my personal information and money to some company for a lootbox
You actually don't need to do anything like that in most games. Of course, people see that they can get more rolling currency for real money and do that willingly, but only some games I've played required you sign up with shit like Google or Facebook accounts.
Basado y linda y chistosa pastillado
>Not playing the best Gacha
Yikes !
I haven't finished myself, but my plan is to use something like my broly team, but with the God saiyans off the broly banner instead of some gogetas. This is what some of my friends cleared it with
E7 a fucking shit, lad.
>implying I'm not
Is there a place I can see all these webms without playing the game?
It requires way too much grinding to get max efficiency out of a character.
Not yet, sorry.
Imagine spending money to play a game to look at shit you could look at for free online.
The absolute state of waifufags, so pathetic. It's bad enough you'll never actually interact with your drawing, you just make it so much worse.
>agni fire with no spear
>magna water
>wind tetra
>katana eart with sarasa instead of cain
>rune dark without tetra
There is so manu thing wrong in one picture
>p2w gook garbage
>literally no content for months
>small novel of flaws, none of which the jew gooks want to fix
Hard pass
The game has its own Inhouse Engine so sadly no. It will be still some time until someone cracks it around and datamines the characters Live2D
Are you ok user? You look kinda stressed out on how other people enjoy their time.
It was fun at first and I was happy being so lucky in the game and getting so many cute girls and a cute shota but it got too grindy and I remembered it was a korean game. What a shame cause could have been good if koreans weren't obsessed with rng and grind.
I just pulled my waifu from the banner, I'm also short on Peppy Gals so I can't do much and my Movie bosses team is far stronger, gonna use her anyways.
How grindy is it compared to granblue? im kinda tired of gbf desu
I have a very similar team as number 2 (Godgeta and INT Gogeta replaced with SSJ4 Gogeta and STR Gogeta), but I can't make it past level 15. I'm trying to get one of my Turles' maxed out, so I can replace one of my fusions with a pure Sayain though.
Honestly id rather have it grindy like that instead of hitting the endgame wall really quick and then lose interest to play the game at all beause theres nothing worthwhile to get.
already am
playing bbs and duel links while i wait for DMC V to arrive
i'm still gonna play them when it arrives but playing them a shit load right now because i don't want to start anything else before it arrives
>Imagine spending money to play a game to look at shit you could look at for free online
Isn't that like normal? Like rather than buying KH3 you can watch game play videos of it online? I don't get it.
It's a Korean game, its supposed to be quite grindy, the grind is full Auto tho, you just go the map you want to clear and hit auto and watch your team do stuff.
Theres quite a lot of content so far, so you should try it out and see if its your jam.
Beware tho, theres lots of RNG involved. Both on characters and on gear. Luckily theres tools to mitigate it and the best units are the lowest rarity so you can't really get permafucked by bad rolls
Time to dabs on every fucking gachashit corpses
do you know where duel links is on that list?
it's a pretty cheap game to summon on so was wondering if it does well
Based Knives Out chad
>mafia city is at 16
I don't think full auto is right up my alley, but i'll try.
I see plenty of gacha stuff there, just deal with it, gacha are the perfect time killers and won't go away.
Dual link is 21
Full auto is only so you just dont want to kill yourself having to grind or level up something.
If you try to Auto actual challenging content or PvP you will die really really fast.
How did the BEST animetiddies AND lolis end up being in gacha games?
damn that's a lot better than i expected
happy to see it doing so well it's fucking great
Is this the big 3 of mobage?
this was the team I used for it and I'm honestly surprised I even managed to beat it with some of these units
>SSB Vegeta
>EZA Goku and not EZA Goten
I wonder what went through my head at that time
I played duel links when it first came up and i didnt lime they way they forced you to duel
Blatant shill.
No, it is not full auto. Only irrelevant trash like side stories is. No, there is not "alot of content". Infact, there is fuckall contemt.
No. There are zero tools to mitigate rng.
Go fuck yourself gook.
Lets see. To get an optimal piece of gear you need
1)hope the hunt boss actually drops a piece of gear (they actually made,this worse in a recent update despite complaints from everyone that hunt droprates are trash, so what they did was add more garbage to the drop table so you have even less chance of getting a gear pièce)
2)the gear needs to be from the right set
3)the gear needs to be the right rarity
4)the gear needs to be the right tier
5)the gear needs the right main stat (90% of main stats are garbage so good luck)
6)the gear needs the right substats (again, half of the possible options are literal trash)
7)once all of the above align through divime luck, you need a stupid amount of gold (but dont worry goyim, you can buy gold with real cash) to upgrade it to +15
And after all that bullshit you can still get
8)pray your upgrades dont rng roll into a useless stat like health or effectiveness
what do you mean?
you can auto-duel now and also choose how many times you want to run in one run like run once but it counts as x3
why are you out of /e7g/ ! we need you posting bellona cuck copypastas there!
Pokemon Go beats them all.
On another note I was surprised how badly FGO did on February considering that it got another nip wank servant + Valentine.
You still have some pretty good Movie Boss units
You could make a team with
>PHY Broly Lead
>EZA Broly
>Final Form Cooler (once you dokkan him, trust me it's worth it)
you could probably just throw Beerus in there for the last slot until you dokkan LR Broly
pic related is my current Movie Bosses team
if I could I'd probably replace INT Metal Cooler with the LR Metal Cooler Army and either Turles or LR Broly with AGL EZA Broly
It was the fact they made the dueling field tinier, i found it way too limiting
I just started again after loosing my first account a bit more than 2 weeks ago, so unfortunately I can't have a Mono color team without it being a disorganized mess.
Bleach Brave Souls is pretty good. I prefer gameplay over lewd but lewd us fine too
battles are supposed to be very quick everything is tinier LP is halved same for decks
i wouldn't use duel links as your only source of yu gi oh but it's a really great time waster when you're doing other shit
can anyone who plays king's raid help me with clause
am i supposed to build hp, p.block, m.block, dodge?
also do I give him ice dragon or black dragon
Despite what everyone thinks, waifus and tits aren't really that big bucks compared to universal appeal. a mass appeal is worth more than a couple hundred super whales, that's why Monster Strike never stops topping the charts. That's basically WoW but with couch co-op
Great taste my nigger
have you completed ordeal/senkaimon yet?
how was the nobody beats banner pull anyone good?
daily rankings don't mean shit for gachas, though. They're boom and bust by nature unless you're f/go. Doesn't matter if you jump up to 21 for a day or two and then drop back down to 100+.
That said, if you look at the long-term trend for data links:
it's clearly doing pretty damn well in japan at least. Seems to hover around rank 35. It's outperforming most of the gachas in this thread then.
quite a surprise it's doing that well i know right now there is a super sale going on where you can buy any pack x3 for 0.99 and you get a guaranteed SR with it
>No GFL or AL
Which one? I played dragalia lost but got bored af from it after like 2 months
>tfw got Carcano sisters, M200 AND just got a fresh MG5 dupe
here your chinkshit
how good/bad is bleach brave souls doing?
FGO was dealt a major blow when Nasu said in an interview last year that FGO would end after its current storyline ends.
A lot less whales thanks to that.
rank 83
That's all they are.
Your paying money for a chance to get a good waifu jpg in a lootbox.
top 100 isn't the worst when you compare it to the competition
>You only get good waifu.jpg in lootbox
What? I don't understand really.
>paying for a waifu.jpeg
I don't understand
I thought I was the only person who played it here. I never see anyone talk about it.
I’m making my way through Senkaimon. I’m at floor 32 now. I finished it last month, but Ordeals fucked me up, I only got to floor 3.
I only got Ikkaku, but I’m looking for that Toshiro
FGO and RPGX for me
>vanilla Taimanin Asagi
Feel so fucking weird compare to the usual Lilith Orc fuck smegma orgies
The king never dies baby
What are these rankings based on? Downloads? Logins?
yeah i barely see anyone talk about it on here aswell sadly
ordeals can be a fucking bitch thankfully i have everyone for it but it's really fucked up how hard it can get
download, new players, old player actives and revenues
>Believing Nasu
Whales are retarded. I mean like 1% more retarded than I previously thought.
user it was confirmed by shirokawa and TWO.
The game is shutting down when part 2 is over.
In the interview Nasu expressed an interest in FGO2 but FGO is such a spaghetti code monster that its not worth continuing to work with anymore.
I thought I’d at least see something on /vg/ seeing as it’s pretty big at 39 million downloads but nope.
I’m gonna skip Ordeals this month and just research optimum characters and builds because holy shit
probably too much gameplay for most gachafags
which i can understand since most gacha games are very chill afk games
>Nasu expressed an interest in FGO2
that would be hilarious
what would they do with peoples accounts for regular FGO?
"sorry but were discontinuing FGO. please come play the sequel"
>ShindoL Taimanin got fucking CG introduction
>boomer meme
I'll believe it when I see it.
I am faggot
They are probably just upgrade the app that it.
Gudao got isekai some shit
Its probably FGO will continue on life support but TM is done with it so no more TM writers or them making new servants.
kof98 umol is kino as fuck my dude
i had to drop it though because of how much money i dropped on it
i was the number 1 whale on the server i played on
I feel that, im VIP 15 on 2 servers and it's a huge money sink
In the interview he flat out said they got permission from Sony to end it.
fuck bro vip 15 on 2 different servers?
i remember going really hard for the first boss character rugal on it
it's the only game i've ever played where the userbase hate whales with a burning passion
Okay? I'll believe it when I see it.
They have vip 18 now and thats like spending up to 15 again but you get boss weapons and frags like N Kyo or Kul but even then it's so much fucking money for out of date bosses. Now they finally added alot of the china and korean server bosses so the game is awesome now.
>Bets girl playable never
Playing destiny child right now
started granblue earlier this year, rank 90 now
it's alright
did the global servers ever get the samurai showdown character?
Yeah we have Haohmaru now, we just got nameless and the karate bros recently along with Ash, Mukai is about to come out soon as well
I get that, I’m the opposite though. I prefer more ‘active’ gacha, if that makes sense.
I’ve been looking for more like that because I want to start over. Honkai Impact looks pretty decent but I haven’t tried it yet
i'm glad i dropped it now i wouldn't be able to control my spending to get all of those characters
The game keeps me from spending on Fire Emblem heroes at least
i'm the same way the thing i like about bbs is it's active when you want it to be and it's afk when you want it to be with the auto function
also for more active games final fantasy mobius is good and the star ocean game i forget it's name though
Already on it
any decent ones (or existing ones) that have actual porn in them?
Have they done anything to make this game not a boring slog? Is there anything to even do once you clear the story mode? Do it all again in Hard Mode? Wait for events?
The designs, music, and UI are all top notch but the game itself is fucking awful, even for gacha standards. Cant even passively level units and leveling units is a horrible, horrible grind.
Nope. Corpse dragging is forever.
Star Ocean Anamnesis? Never been that interested in FF but I’ll give it a shot. Star Ocean too. Thanks, user
yeah star ocean anamnesis
Wasn't it more like just they have no plans for the storyline to continue and they want to have an actual ending instead of the plot going forever in circles? I doubt they will actually shut it down.
The game is too centered around events which is really shitty when youve completed them in the first couple of days, then its just waiting around for weeks until the next one. Thats why I stopped playing personally.
Why is Springfield racist
I got a Rod of Amaryllis and an Angelica on my Pick-1-of-30 thing so I'm good to go now right?
i started this yesterday, which recipe could give me the cute pantyhosefu?
jp obvoiusly, forgot to mention this
The issue is that the bigger events like cube and arctic warfare are just way too spread out with garbage "events" that involve running through the same missions day after day to get some stupid cosmetic shit sprinkled in between.
Is there a gacha where my own skill as a player matters more that the shit I roll?
why the fuck arent there more monster collection gacha games? theres only like 3 decent ones compared to the endless swarm of anime waifu gachas
Rhythm game ones maybe. But you'll always be outscored by any shitter with full SSR scorers.
Finished my dailies already.
well, FGO
Based retard
Fate Grand Order kinda. There's no pvp system in the game and you can beat the main story literally with 1 star through 3 star servants if you're smart enough with strategy. You see a lot of solo servant and low rarity run videos.
But it's turn based and I assume that's not what you mean by "skill", so you might have to look elsewhere.
is priconne good? I like dragalia and granblue
does it have any guys at all? I don't like all female casts
>I don't like all female casts
It literally is that
I play SMT and EO so is all right, gotta try it then, not that I have bad luck with rolls but still.
Why not just look at fucking porn or play an actual porn game rather than a lootbox simulator?
t. a fucking moron stuck in 2017
>lootbox sim
Uuuh wat?
What game has the best knights?
Imagine pressing your tongue on a... on a... oh gosh... I cant say it... c-c-CUNNY... oh no...
Phone post thread?
>giving your money to a company that will use it to make PS4 exclusives
You'd have to be a huge cuck to do that. Reminder to boycott everything Cygames related.
supposedly they're buffing fixed damage
>playable never
I hate it
Still get her daughter
Read that as, Liberated Meat.
>I play SMT
Might as well give dx2 a go then. The gacha only demons are insanely busted and it's nigh-impossible to place top pvp without them, but you can fuse the majority of demons in the game and can counter any pvp team with proper strategy and optimization.
I played pad for a few years but it's long since been mechanically interesting and I don't really feel like starting on one of the other big names this late in the game.
Isn't GBF supposed to be having a mega super event soon or something?
Still have threo
Pantsu raid
The anniversary starts in less than a week and will have free daily 10-100 draws a day depending on your luck.
nvm i got her
i fucking love video games so much
should i bother starting
Gbf is a second job
Thats up to you but that is the best time you can start playing
I need milf on my ship goddammit
If you are interested. Seems like they are trying to reduce the grind too.
>I need milf on my ship goddammit
lady grey and Nene
well i'm qutting my real job on monday so
i might try it
do i have to do any new player shit before the event or just whenever
It's a good time to start kings raid. Just coming off second anniversary and a new chapter update, tons of free stuff. Just don't have a shitty phone or pc.
Husbando Raid is great
You mean genderbent raid
Does lucky patcher work?
>no doujin
>no decent fan art
>all characters look tame as fuck
>dudes look like fag
>no personality
>trash story
No thank you
>PLEASE dont play kings raid guys
The state of you
You could make a bunch of accounts and take whatever account gets the best set of characters or ones you like the most. Other than that, not really.
Recommend me one, I'm actually looking for a phone game to pass the time during commute from work.
It says when you make the account matters for rolls, so should i wait for the big event
No way fag, it's all about the delicious boys.
There currrently is a pre anniversary event going on that consists of single rolls a day but the actual anniversary event that will have the real good stuff is going to take place on the 9th JP time. Up to you really.
I mean in terms of what it draws from the starter rolls, as it said that was dependent on when you start.
Though I guess it's then a tradeoff between the few extra rolls before the event or a higher chance of something good during it.
The beginner set of characters you can draw from are not that great to begin with outside of maybe charlotta so I wouldnt worry about it so much to be honest.
Dragalia Lost is an action RPG and whaling doesn't save you from fucking up the boss fights.
The problem though is that it's co-op centric, so if you get paired with shitters then they can fuck up the boss fights just fine for you.
Half the viable characters for endgame fights are either free or 4 star, which is the second lowest rarity, and they're even required in some cases because in examples like this, there's no water 5 star healer.
go away grimnir
At most itll probably only be a couple of rolls compared to potentially 10-100s you could get a day that will be before flashfes, I wouldnt say its worth it.
>what makes the sky blue
Gotta ask /sci/ that
How does that make this any better?
What should I play? I like dokkan, that's all.
Why do I need to play a gacha when I already saw this webm? Or this thread?
Why play fire emblem heroes when my phone can emulate any of the gba fire emblem perfectly and my phone also has Google to look up actual porn not softcore shit that makes HBO look exotic?
How do I fucking get ragna coins? No bosses ever spawn..
>There are people that actually pay real money to play gacha
>He doesn't realise that softocre corn is the pinnacle of sexuality
3D videos of people fucking is the lowest form of porn
This girl literally cannot stop flashing her pits in every iteration of her
Really makes you think
I play azur lane
>He doesn't play and mod Destiny Child.
[No in Chinese]
Destiny Child is way better modded.
Ah yes, the peak of sexuality truly is a still image of a fully clothed anime girl
>letting her do the beam
Was just playing this earlier. It's like if SMT had the Magna Carta artist design all the characters.
you generally put another chainer in slot 3 because friend unit is slot 6. easier spark chain when sequencing since they're next to each other
All the girls are so jiggly. It's downright comical. I wouldn't play the game in public but I love looking at it.
King's raid. There's no rng and chance when it comes to heros. You can get whoever you want
Does Pocket Camp count?
I'm wasting my life.
This. Fuck cygames. I cc chargebacked all my money when they did that shit.
Why does exclusivity bother you so much? Just buy a PS4, it actually has good games.
there's no reason bro
what? didn't they say they'd do PC versions of both games? most recent arcsys and platinum games got ports too
No because I don't like them.
not them but
>claim to want to please granblue phone/PC game fans
>announce exclusive games for console your fans might not own or want
>in a timeline where MHW released multi-plat to record sales
>PC sales exceeding capcoms expectations so much that upcoming MHW content is explicitly PC focused first
Time to watch this show
>This applies to bothGranblue Fantasy: RelinkandGranblue Fantasy: Versus.) We would also like to release for Steam (PC). We already have some titles for PlayStation 4 that are being developed in-house such as the tentatively titledProject Awakening, and as a company we will certainly continue to put our strength into console.
Why can't I get this fucking Belle. All I want is that god damn gold chest. Fuck everything.