Any friends in their late 20s? What games are you playing now? I'm finding it harder and harder to enjoy games.
Any friends in their late 20s? What games are you playing now? I'm finding it harder and harder to enjoy games
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i play souls games, dorf fort, and victoria 2. and when i say play i mean i load the game up and lose interest in 15 minutes because im tired or kids or wife. all in all i play maybe 2 hours of vidya a week
I can't even enjoy video games any more.
I feel like I've seen everything. People get excited over some new title and I just see it as a thousandth clone of XYZ and shrug.
>started going bald when I was still in highschool
I just watch vidya on youtube since they're a tad less propagandized than other media I abandoned.
I don't enjoy anything I just want to suicide by cop or something.
Kenshi my dude.
It's fun to watch Netflix and to roleplay as a bartender selling bathtub wine.
i stayed up til 6 am playing civ 4 yesterday
29 diablo 2 and pokemon glazed
Hairlets should be rounded up and exterminated. Curse my father for giving me his terrible genes.
>Shit ton of hair fall out every time I wash my head
How do I stop it
women find hairlets to be more dominant and intimidating.
Work with it moron.
>tfw balding due to genetics and a thyroid problem that went undiagnosed
After I binge DMCV and maybe Sekiro I'm seriously thinking about selling my pc and pisspoor. Haven't really enjoyed anything for a while now.
RE4 again. I've hit the point where unless the game is a certified 11/10 banger that will be played for years on end (DMCV, RE2 Remake, etc.), then I'm just going to play games I played as a teenager/kid
>not going bald anytime soon but cant grow a beard because im black
idk what to feel about thin, i think im fine?
are you literally me
It’s actually from your mom
Does 30 count?
This but also for manlets, curse my bad aesthetic/good health genes!
Shave your head and get natty user.
My wife Serah so cute!
Metro Exodus, it's not that great. I've finished both campaigns of RE2R once. RE4 HD on PC, I haven't played it since the GC days. Emulating some DKC and PCE shmups on my Wii/CRT setup. I should give another try to MegMan 11 although I hate the switch/slowmo gimmick.
genes play only a small part in male pattern baldness. environmental factors are a larger cause
>late 20s
What about us in our 30s? Problem is i'm tired of the usual game genres that are by-the-numbers. Something needs to either be unabashedly simple about how it presents itself and its gameplay, or be different enough to feel fresh, but the latter is getting harder and harder to come by.
>hair on top is thinning badly
>can clearly see the horseshoe when it’s wet
I have maybe a year left where I can get away with parting it hard to the side to cover it up. How should I kill myself when it’s gone for good?
>lose tons of hair when I shower/wash it
>still have a head full of thick lucious black hair
This doesn't even make sense
blacks look retarded with beards imo
but at least you look less dorky than whites and asians when bald
Witcher 3, waiting for DMC5 and Sekiros.
>harder to enjoy games
You probably never liked them in the first place. Been playing for more than 20 years now.
DotA 2. Everyone of my friend all 30+ stick to one game but when por new season comes out like 8 of us play for like 1-3 weeks. Softcore.
>32 complaining about hair loss
I went at 23 and now I completely shave my head bald. Feels good.
Ive pretty much just been playing simulators and 2D jrpgs. Elite:Dangerous is quintessential dadcore
AC7 and Hitman 2
Kenshi, Dwarf Fortress or Rimworld.
you lose anywhere from 75-100 hairs a day naturally, maybe most of them come out in the shower
i have minimal to no hairloss and get a very short buzzcut every week(my wife does it so its free). being a man and having to style your hair is fucking gay
I already do, but I still miss having any options at all as far as hairstyles.
Rosemary shampoo and finasteride
It's hard to enjoy games when you're constantly thinking about how you should be finding a job.
Kingdom Come Deliverance, MGS V, Smash Ultimate. BOTW or Mario Odyssey if I need a relaxing game.
Mostly Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, L4D2. Just finished re-installing STALKER Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat since it's been many years since I last played them.
>source: my ass
Fucking sucks. I got some colored dry shampoo that matched my hair color (Batiste Brunete)
That shit makes my hair look twice as thick. You can't even tell it's in your hair, either.
I heard finasteride makes your balls work funny
I'd rather be a cueball than shoot blanks.
which is flat thanks to genes...
>age 30
>hair starts to thin and receeds same with majority of my friends
>still know a guy with full of hair who has kids and a beautiful wife
some guys have all the luck
set myself a goal of finishing games as much as possible, and only going for 100% full autismal completionism for 1 game at a time. So far I'm having the most fun with 100% completing Dark Souls 2. Currently doing a no bonfire run, after that it's a no death run, get every last armor and weapon, all blue flames on the world map. Not sure if max devotion for every covenant is possible.
I knew a guy who went bald by tearing his own hair out during wierd ass ADHD attacks and it just stopped growing after a while. This was when he was around 18 to 20 years old. Dude was insane
>27 in 2 months
I recently inished replaying the Mega Drive Shinobi games and I just played a bit of Blur. I like Blur's core gameplay (powerup system is way better than mario kart) but not having time trials or some sort of practice mode was a retarded decision.
>bald since 19
>good lookin so it dont matter
I' my 30s but been enjoying rocket league as nd gears 4 multiplayer with an occasional indie game.
If you have shitty hair, you can try what I did. Buy some coconut oil (virgin only, don't buy refined, that's for cooking). Then once or twice a week you put a few teaspoons of it in a bowl, melt it and spread evenly on your hair. Leave in for a few hours, then wash off. Then you try your hardest to pretend it's working and convince yourself your hair has gotten better.