So what's the Yea Forumserdict?
Left Alive
Other urls found in this thread:
Very negative.
I haven't looked at it at all desu. Hope it ends up being another Binary Domain. Think people shit on that game, then I played it a couple months later and liked it.
The managed to make a FM game worse than Evolve
Binary Domain was a hidden gem for sure but Left Alive just looks to be flat out bad.
So, is it left alive?
blunder of the year
dude fuck off. It's playable at least, and looks fun as fuck.
>m-muh graphics
>m-muh fluid animations
Go fucking play Uncharted then faggot.
the game is soulless as fuck buddy
DMC5 is going to be shit too.
>It's playable at least
yeah okay go back to playing fortnite. your taste in video games is obviously shit
>17% of the 114 user reviews for this game are positive.
It's fun.
>pc reviews
not going to show ps4 reviews? PC reviews are irrelevant. nips can't into pc dev.
Just look at the ragdoll physics and the animations.
Look at 5:50 and tell me that fucking looks good.
I'm not seeing any issues. I'm not a little faggot like you that needs absolute realism.
I'll get it during a PSN sale for dirt cheap in a few months.
>not going to show ps4 reviews?
IT BEGINS least we got Olga...
Forgot this game was even a thing. Literally zero advertising.
To be 2019 game with those physics funded by a triple A company, I'd say were in trouble mister.
I like the game concept, but the gamplay looks fucking boring too. Though I like the fact that you can ride those mechs, but nothing more than that.
>Reddit Spacing
You've stopped reading because you don't want to accept the fact that the game is shit bro.
Have fun with a blunder.
When is the yearly big japan sale on psn? i bet you can get it for cheap during it
Left Alive shill eternally BTFO
I'd pay 20 bucks for this, looks like it's the so bad it's good market. Fucking punching a tank to death seems fun.
>funded by a triple A company
The idea that a company that produces AAA budget titles has to put loads of money into every project makes no sense.
The only hope for this game is enough people memeing it as an enjoyable trainwreck
Crack when?
>people defending this game when there isn't a single redeeming quality to it aside from shinkawa working on the art direction
does acting like a contrarian retard on the internet light up the dopamine receptors in your brain like a christmas tree, or do you just genuinely enjoy eating shit
>They actually paid for Denuvo on this
It's buyer's remorse, has to be. Remember that some poor sods pre-ordered this, a few even paying extra for the Mech Edition
lmao that looks like it has a indie game's budget
Playing it right now.
This game is DOPE!
ill buy it once it hits the bargain bin next month. probably worth $20
>next month
two weeks tops
Imagine actually defending this garbage
Will this drop price faster than Tomb Raider?
Binary Domain had rock solid gameplay and the shoot robots mechanics were exceptional.
oh shit
Also had Big Bo
>>Big Bo
Damn right
more tortantic webm plz,more fun than actual playing it. it’s like once they realize the game up against dmc dev leader just decided we screwed might as somking some pot first
fpbp as usual
Yea Forums defended Metal Gear: Survive.
The system requirements are way too high for a game with PS3 graphics. Optimization must be legendarily terrible.
Survive was a shit game but it was shit for completely different reasons to the blatant misinformation spread by youtubers like Dunkey and Angry Joe.
>Wow, that is some terrible enemy AI, can't hit the player like that
>Then that tank "explosion"
That's MY shit game though. I liked kicking grenades into waves of zombies.
They really made it look like I could go up here
>Believing in system requirement
>people are actually trying to spin this into a HIDDEN GEM thing
>We want the Japanese audience
i can see that. i literally never heard of this game until yesterday when Yea Forums started shitposting how bad it was.
Took me a while to get it working. For some reason the game crashes on startup if you have certain video codecs installed. So I have to cost between being able to watch videos or playing the game.
That aside, the three hours I've put into it so far have been strictly okay. I like some of the ideas I've seen - the death heatmap and dynamic map alertness systems are interesting.
I feel like the game's secret hidden flaw is bad sound design. Raging fires are dead silent. The ai constantly warning you that a perfectly still enemy is moving is annoying. And the enemies don't make any callouts, which makes them seem dumb and uninteractive even if they are actually aggressive in combat and perform well-coordinated flanks and searches.
this. Whose gonna give it to me straight? this looks like it couod be cool. No memes and I never played a front mussion game
Damnit Square all you had to do was another turn-based-tactics Front Mission game with Wanzers.
fuck that, lots of shit like that, I want a new Metal Gear
Who will carry on the Boss' legacy?
This ain't it, champ
Truly a phantom pain
This wasn't actually the reason why streaming was blocked though.
That was an accident.
It'll be fine guys. They'll patch it and make it good.
>even if they are actually aggressive in combat and perform well-coordinated flanks and searches.
I haven't seen any video demonstrating this. Every bit of gameplay I've seen shows them being dumb as fuck, wandering around aimlessly for a few seconds, and then giving up.
Yeah, they accidentally disabled streaming for no reason. Sounds legit.
So who was left alive?
It plays like MGS mixed with some survival horror. You sneak around most stuff and work with limited resources to reach your goal, and try not to raise so much heat a wanzer comes stomping over to your position.
The game isn't very difficult unless you try and take everything head on which will bleed you dry on resources quick. As such, I wound up fighting most stuff with melee since three hits knocks a target down and lets you execute them, and it's also silent. The challenge mainly comes in knowing how to push forward while running in to as few enemies as possible, or making a fuckton of noise in surrounding areas to draw patrols off your route and over there instead.
The animations are stilted, and I fully agree with anyone who says it looks like a PS3 game. The models and textures are nice for the most part, but with the animation not blending into each other the game looks janky, kind of like an old european RPG.
Setting is good and so far (Not finished with the game yet) doesn't seem pants on head retarded like Evolved. Enemy AI is dumb in the same way MGS guards are. This game would probably be an excellent candidate for a sequel to iron out all the bugs because the concept is solid, but most likely is dead in the water based on user reviews.
everyone except for confused looking anime girls with interrogation marks above their heads. sorry.
>1.02 came out
>no patch notes
>don't see anything that changed in game
it was still possible on niconico and twitch and it's not like they were hunting down streams, it's just that streaming straight from the ps4 to youtube wasn't working
not like disabling streams on one platform when there were already full playthroughs up would've made a difference anyway
>17% positive
Jesus christ I was expecting at least 50%. Not even the most terrible, garbage tier JRPGs and VNs get that low.
Bandi-Namco completely disabled streaming of Super Robot Wars games on PS4, to prevent "spoilers". Atlus did the same thing with P5.
These companies don't operate on logic.
Lowkey kamige in the making right here
>5/10 base game
>awful, unoptimized port
It was doomed from the start
How the fuck can you make the mech feel worse than Front mission Evolved
They did it again!
>tfw I was excited for this game
They had so much talent behind it, what went wrong?
SE must have fucking pulled the budget or something
low budget outsourcing
Mommy Olga is the only good thing about this game
i dont pirate games but pre sure no one will mind if i torrent a slideshow right?
>nobody likes escort missions
>lets make an entire game out of escort missions
>escort missions that force you to clear areas, going against the 'survival' idea of minimizing fights and hoarding resources
Maybe all of this was a Square Enix plan to finally kill Front Mission once and for all?
How I thought of it was "a somehow worse escort game than Dead Rising"
Skip to 17:30
The negative review ratio's still climbing
Down to 16% positive now
No you fuck off.
It's garbo and it runs like ass. The only good thing about it the ar section. Everyone who somehow likes the game got baited by Yoji Shinkawa's art.
Front Mission Evolved was mediocre, it had its own problems, but you know what? I actually enjoyed it. Even those junky parts where you play without the wanzers.
Left Alive does a perfect job and somehow feels worse and it's not only >muh graphic memes.
I'll tell you a real meme, the enemies AI that CAN sense you behind cornes and those fps drop? Oh boy
Maybe you can help me out here conceptually because I'm having trouble. As far as I can tell, the only way to complete 80% of the escorts is to either kill everything on the way (which turns your local zone red which attracts more guards that you have to kill), or you glue your ass to the escort and spam throw bottles to keep the guards looking the other way. Am I missing something?
I've found that the melee weapons break too quickly to consistently sneak through an area and melee everything to death.
>that one enemy that turns into pasta after you kill him
Anyone who is actually shilling this garbage is just bawling over the fact they paid $60 for this trash
I mean 18:30 for boss fight
What talent was there outside of Shinkawa?
>Steam reviews
It's really fun despite the jank
It's really open with how you approach a problem giving you a playground to experiment
Shame cunts will hate on it cause all they care about are graphics
Their stealth ai is garbage, but if you engage a group of them and don't immediately die I've seen them split into groups to flank me around a corner. Could have been dumb luck though, I admit.
Even mgs guards are dumb as fuck though, but players forgive it because guards will actually say shit like "I guess he's gone". The fact that the enemies don't make callouts in this game make them seem even dumber, which is a stupid decision by the devs in itself.
They even skimped out on having the player character voice the dialogue selections, on top of not having a Japanese dub. The budget constraints are visible in every element of this game.
Just draw the danger zones away by spamming grenades and attacking soldiers in other zones after leading them away. I can see what they were thinking (Enemy is attracted to the "hot zones" around the map, so the player can direct enemy forces by intentionally creating a hot zone of their own), but in practice, it's kind of wonky and you still need to go through and do some takedowns on targets left behind in the old zone.
As for melee, people are using the slide to preserve them pretty well, should let you kill twice or thrice as many people with a single melee weapon if you preform the slide. This game would've been far, far better had ammo been more plentiful and melee weapons didn't constantly break so you could actually have some action sequences, instead you wind up counting every single round more than an old Resident Evil.
>It's really open with how you approach a problem giving you a playground to experiment
good one.
I tried to warn you nigglys
Got a late start because I ordered the Mech Edition and it showed up like 6 hours ago but been playing up until now. I like it, don't love it. I get the complaints but they're being blown way out of proportion. Overall, it's overpriced at $60 but based on press it'll be half price real soon and worth a try then
I reckon I'll pick it up after a massive price drop
this is the state of gamers
they know a game is shit
but they're still willing to pay for it no matter what the circumstances
The game would be acceptable at $20 from an indie, not full price AAA.
holy shit
>ammo been more plentiful
Now if only we didn't have to beat the game to unlock bonuses like more ammo.
did people actually shit on Binary Domain? I thought it was just a hidden gem type deal.
I wouldn't doubt it at full price. It's a neat game that I wouldn't pay $60 for.
it's not worse than evolve but it's fucking boring
I remember complaints about it being too short, gimmicky with the voice commands that barely worked and a bit mundane gameplay wise, all fair, but most seemed to like it overall. I mean it's sat at 1,585 reviews 85% on steam right now
It's a far cry from this mess
85% positive, that is
You just can't appreciate the kino.
>sound design amateur hour
yeah the AR and SMG are nearly unusable because on a per shot basis they're worse than the pistol, the shotgun is the only decent gun
its also ridiculous how weak all the traps are, I think the only thing that kills a full health guard is a IED land mine
It's almost like Squeenix gave them a maximum of 6 months to make this game on a budget of $10K
Only finished chapter 1 so far, but runs decently enough on PS4, controls feel on the crappy side. Stealth isn't as good as MGSV, let alone Last of Us. Combat isn't especially great, and guns feel useless so far since enemies are heavily armored so even headshots do almost nothing - though its possible guns get significantly better as you go on. Polish-wise, it feels pretty off. Like you'll watch a scene where you take a gun or are supposed to receive and item, but you'll check your inventory and there's nothing.
Without playing more it's hard to say if it'll be decent or just crap, but so far it's mediocre. There's a certain charm to the setting, story and certain gameplay elements, but even then, I couldn't really recommend it unless it was $15 or less.
The worst part of BD is the forced mouse deceleration. It's great otherwise.
they don't get better. as far as I can tell
pistol - 5-6 headshots to kill guard
smg - 12+ headshots to kill guard
AR - 8+ headshots
shotgun - 2 hits to kill, easily the best gun
of all the craftable traps I've seen so far only the IED landmine kills a guard in one shot. You can throw molotovs literally all day at a guard and not kill them, the molotovs do like 5% total health damage they're just to set them on fire so you can run past
Why does it have mgs art?
Producer for Front Mission, mech designer for Armored Core I think.
literally same artist from kojima productions
which is stupid because as far as I can tell not a single wanzer from any of the FM games appears in this game
>calling them 'mechs' in game occasionally because the writers forgot to keep the 'wanzer' name consistent
Why is the voice acting so fucking bad? It's not even a dub, there's only the English voices and that's it.
The intended flow is
>Scrimp your way through
>Let most/all survivors die
>Get bad end
>Get perks to be somewhat capable at the game
>Save most survivors
>Gets good end
>Get gamebreaker perks
>Save everyone
>See true end
does game actually have multiple endings?
Sounds like Dead Rising.
It's fucking shit. What a goddamn shame.
...that's fucking moronic. why would you design a game that way
what the shit
I've been using the can bombs, they do around half a guard's health and knock them down for a while. They give you long enough to run up and execute two guards before they recover.
anyone that's played front mission 1 DS, how does arm accuracy and weapon accuracy work? does the arm accuracy improve overall accuracy or something?
huh, not as bad as I thought then
arm accuracy affects unarmed attacks
Why do arms give you an accuracy boost for attacking without them? Is this a bug?
shit really, I read somewhere that it helps when you have something equipped. if that's the case then how does the inbuilt arm punch accuracy work?
in front mission 1 the arm is itself a weapon with its own stats
Honestly, I can appreciate the thought. Like, it's technically possible to do anything first playthrough rather than being gated to playthroughs like Drakenguard. At the same time the likely and general thing is that you're encouraged to replay the game by getting more practical access to side quests
Most complains can be summed up to:
>muh graphics, muh animations
>it's too difficult for me so it's shit
from people who didn't play it and only watched jap faggots who are utter shit at the game
and the ones who played it basically complain that it's too hard for them
because it's not a walking simulator, that's what retards expect, just walking through a corridor or open world and shooting brain dead enemies
A lot of the YouTube play throughs are from morons that look like they’ve never seen a stealth game before, let alone played one.
The game is without a doubt flawed. Like throwing soda cans seems totally broken, and enemies should go down in one hit from a takedown; but those saying the enemy can spot them through walls and they can’t tell where the enemies line of sight is, I personally have yet to see all that happen in gameplay. I think that’s an exaggeration and an excuse for their own poor skills.
If an enemy is looking your way, one could reasonably assume they’re about to see you. That indicates their line of sight. You don’t need radar to tell you where their head is turned.
Another thing is, you’re not SUPPOSED to interact with every single enemy. People going out of their way to clear the field are playing wrong. You’re supposed to ghost past some of them, because the object is to survive. You’re not freaking Big Boss.
>DMC5 going to be shit
kek I got it early thanks to a pajeet on Gumtree and it's the best action game I've played since Ninja Gaiden II. Cope, Krillin.
I guess when most games tell you that rescuing all the survivors is optional, people take that as a challenge and try to do it
you're in for a world of pain on a bunch of them
the problem is that the stealth mechanics are themselves pretty half baked, if you get like 20 bottles and just shuck all of them as you crouch walk you can avoid literally anything
I feel like I missed another cutscene or something.
you try pretty hard in every left alive thread, shill
>People going out of their way to clear the field are playing wrong.
most retarded argument for defense of any game period
Some games are just legitimately bad. This is one of them.
It's a 9.99-20$ Budget Title masquerading as a 60$ one, honestly the biggest turn-off for me is the ESCORT MISSIONS, Other then those it has some interesting concepts, but it is DEFINITELY not a game worth the asking price.
Honestly the Story is probably the strongest point and even that is kinda iffy with the pacing and being "I GOTTA GET TO x FAST" and then ESCORT MISSIONS.
With some polish and reworks on a better budget it probably COULD been good since some of the concepts are, but don't jive well with eachother and the lack of polish (ENEMY APPROACHING, ENEMY APPROACHING, ENEMY APPROACHING) is very blatant even with the ambitious ideas.
Along with the standard "S-E CAN'T INTO PC PORTS" issues, but those should be obvious.
I think it looks interesting. Interesting enough that I'll wait the whole 2 weeks to a month it takes to drop dramatically in price and the I'll buy it for around 15 dollars.
Hopefully in that time SE will push out a few patches and smooth out the game. It's going to flop spectacularly but I think it looks entertaining enough to give it a few hours. It's got the potential for cult status.
I don't think SE ever really does large patches to fix things. They'd probably be able to salvage the mess if they released an enhanced edition six to eight months down the road as a free upgrade for anyone who bought the game before then and priced it at $30, but they're more likely to just cut their losses and take what money they got rather than invest more time into the game.
>all those people hungry for another mech game
>all those people trying to heal The Phantom Pain
>all those people looking for another Alpha Protocol
just to suffer
Why the fuck would you want to protect your shovelware?
That's Square-Enix Baby, People don't call them "Japanese EA" for nothing.
It's like japs are stuck in the ps2 era and failed to evolve, not that it's anything better on the western side
I just hope it a game that one day gets a second chance at the formula since the concept isn't terrible but the execution is abysmal.
the ps2 era was great though
"Dude the enemies are too strong"
They're wearing motherfucking heavy exoskeletons. What the fuck is your 9mm handgun gonna really do.
Before I knew nothing about this game aside from the art. Now I know too much.
Im sad that they fucked up the amazing Wanzer designs from the previous games.
>does the arm accuracy improve overall accuracy or something?
You'll have two Hit stats on an arm
The top one is it's accuracy bonus. the bottom one is the arm's default weapon if nothing's equipped (usually a punch though arm guns and such are a thing)
I have no clue how much the accuracy bonus actually affects things though
Not all of it
People tend tend to forget all the Shovelware of a era once it passes.
Who the hell is Ilinx?
alright thanks user, kind of sucks that the bonus isn't known but it makes part building a bit easier for me now
take a guess
Some of this shovelware was actually important in testing new gameplay concepts.
Budget games of PS2 era had many hidden niche fanbases and far more soul.
wrong actually.
New Gundam Breaker was made by Crafts and Meiser, Ilinx made previous games, actual good Gundam Breaker games
I guess in this case they just didn't have enough experience to make something as big scale as Left Alive, cause gundam breaker was pretty straightforward brawler.
Quite a big jump to semi-realistic TPS
This has to be one of the worst AI I've ever seen.
The Japanese EA is Bamco though.
I bet you payed 60 for it, you retard
Survive was decent
A few years ago it was Capcom
The second half is unfinished. After you get to the upper city, it's nothing but boss fight after boss fight with some really poor indoor sections inbetween.
>calls others retards
looked like ass when forsen was streaming it
Thank you for reminding me of that game, what a treasure. Cain is best boi
>"Oh, I get it. Save the girl, right?"
>"She is much prettier than you, monsieur!"
kek at retards who dont get it and shit on this
Yeah, this game is literally designed around the NG+. Your supplies are shit, your weapons are shit, your characters on the first playthrough are just absolute garbage. Then you get skills for repeat playthroughs that buff your characters to the point of making the game much more playable. It's literally trying to hamfist "don't fight, just survive" until you "level" enough by playing the game repeatedly to be capable enough to do more than just survive.
Except as ambitious as this and the whole design concept of the game are, it fucking sucks in practice and does nothing but piss people off. Resident Evil 2 Remake lets you figure out where things are and gives you a sense of mastery for repeat playthroughs as well as bonus items for completion/skill; this is just replaying the game until you're officially "allowed" to go for the best ending unless you really hate yourself.
this post is pasta. fuck you. LA is shit. diarrhea. how u want me to rescue niggas but majority of them ARENT EVEN SHOWN ON THE MAP!
>ok go look for them!
>one mistake
no. no. no. fuck S-E. and fuck LA.
git gud :^)
Does this game reminds da anyone of Demon's Souls?
Yes, its a japanese ripoff of the Souls series. They can't come up with their own ideas so these soulless bugmen do what they do best, and steal from the west
fuck you faggot! enjoy eating this shit shovelware!
How is the perk system? Do you have perk points and such, or do you get perks for completing the game?
No. DeS was actually good.
What exactly brought Sniper 2 new to the table.
Are tactical stealth action games not interesting to anyone? I don't get why this wasn't funded more. It is interesting in concept.
It's just a lazy attempt from SE to get some money from MGS fags who are so desperate for another game that they'll buy anything similar. They obviously didn't care about making a good game since they outsourced all the work to several cheap, shitty development studios.
>to get some money from MGS fags
>Front Mission
sure buddy
I barely saw anyone mentioning FM even on /m/.
You think SE gives a shit about Front Mission fans?
They just saw an opportunity to use a mech IP they own to make a cheap MGSV ripoff.
what this user said
front mission is well and dead.
CAPCOM managed to unJUST itself, why can't SE do the same?
Japanese devs.
Their management are spinning their wheels and with so many major projects having been worked on for so many years their mainline backlog's been cluttered while they publish and shit out countless other side things that take dumps all over their side properties, because they outsource like crazy and let idiots take over franchises. Left Alive for example was made by mobile/handheld devs that apparently have a history in gacha, rather than any main dev teams that were talented in console/PC development at all.
it goes to single digits fps on a 1080
So fucking what? A 1080 is very powerful.
It looks like a classic 6.4/10 game.
There's something to be said for a competent mediocre game once in awhile. It cleanses the palette of generic AAA bullshit and usually they have some fun and unique mechanics in them that nothing else has.
yeah, and the game looks like generic ps3 shit
From what I've read, you get ~10 points (maybe less for shorter chapters, more for longer ones?) for each chapter you complete before you start New Game+. Every time you complete the story, you get access to new perks you can buy; perks range from taking less damage, to specific weapon types doing more damage, and perks from later unlocks can increase ammo drop rates.
You still aren't conveying WTF your point was. A 1080 being able to run Left Alive in triple digit fps means nothing. It could mean anything from 100 to 999 fps, and everything in that range is too smooth to give a shit about whether the game is optimised or unoptimised.
Bad AI wasn't an issue for BotW.
If I get this game, I think I'll seriously look into hacking it or downloading a save that has everything unlocked. The ideal is finding a way to make the game think I'm on ng++ without having any perk bought yet. Then I will chose what perks I use to balance out the bad design as much as possible without getting overpowered.
>Ground Execution
>It takes 3 hits to kill a guy
It's like they realised there would be a balance problem but just decided to weaken the move instead of actually improving the AI.
>grasping for straws
have a (You), I feel bad for you
>A 1080 being able to run Left Alive in triple digit fps
>it goes to single digits fps on a 1080
How's dyslexia treating you?
>CAPCOM managed to unJUST itself, why can't SE do the same?
The difference is that Capcom has always developed games in a wide variety of genres, whereas Square has never been a particularly competent developer. Even at the height of their success, they lagged hugely behind the rest of the industry. The PS1 games were essentially identical in design to the FF games on the NES and SNES, still using shit like 2d backgrounds, invisible random encounters and lacking in voice acting.
>"stealth kill"
>Making a Front Mission Spinoff in 2019
>When the last mainline Front Mission game was released in 2005
>and the last spinoff was released in 2010
>no attempts to test the waters first with ports
Yeah if a stealth game has a mechanic that you can knock the fuck out of someone by sliding in front of them like that, I think it's perfectly fine to skip it.
>The PS1 games were essentially identical in design to the FF games on the NES and SNES, still using shit like 2d backgrounds, invisible random encounters and lacking in voice acting.
Next to Capcom they did some of the best pre-rendered backgrounds in the industry, though. And i'd rather not have godawful dubs applied to 7 or 8 for their time, either. The games were already packing the discs full with FMVs, trying to get an excess of voice recordings would've been overkill.
>like if you get it
>huh, not as bad as I thought then
How does a different 5 minute ending cutscene redeem a shitty and unfun game? Multiple endings/true ending are a dime a dozen, in fact they've become completely generic and predictable due to their overuse.
This is bullshit. Your post literally said "triple" at first.
i wouldn't be surprised if it's part of the playthrough scaling and there was a NG+ skill that actually increases melee or execution damage. they literally gimp the everliving shit out of you for a first playthrough so that you can't plausibly get the good ending.
>And i'd rather not have godawful dubs applied to 7 or 8 for their time, either.
Wouldn't have to be dubs. Most jrpgs of that era, like Capcom's breath of fire, had (some) japanese voice acting here and there. In FF7,8 and 9, characters don't even grunt when they are hit in combat.
>This is bullshit. Your post literally said "triple" at first.
>it goes to single digits fps on a 1080
Why can't sega?
Metal Gear Division 2 looks great
Game is pretty bad, I'm not arguing here, but you can see that they tried in few places here and there.
It was more about that, like it's not terrible on every account, with few bright moments here and there.
It doesn't excuse overall quality though.
Well, fair enough on that one then. Though Capcom's case was inconsistent at best, at least a couple games inexplicably stripped back voice clips, or left them in unintentionally for the overseas markets and so forth (X6 comes to mind). The era was new grounds and licensing hell on top of localization incompetency.
Damn, I just checked the steam reviews. "Very negative"? Is it THAT bad?
I know, I made a mistake. Please fuck me.
From what I'm seeing in this thread, the gameplay looks completely fucking broken
>The PS1 games were essentially identical in design to the FF
holy fuck, kill yourself you ignorant zoomer revisionist
>get the guy who oversaw Armored Core from the first to the latest entry as producer
>wanzer sections look shite and seem not as frequent
Was the only reason I was even interested in this outside of a surface level knowledge of Front Mission as a franchise
absolute jank, $60 for a game that is intentionally obnoxiously hard on a first playthrough (which can last 6-7 hours), a pretend sandbox that's actually super linear and only "opens up" by doing sidequests that are often impossible on said first playthrough, and at complete random it absolutely tanks framerates regardless of your rig
there's probably fun to be had, but it comes with a massive caveat and a necessity to wait for a price drop, on top of knowing that your first impressions are going to be shit because the game stonewalls you hard.
I think it's safe to assume the big names were just for advertisment
It's a weird ass melting pot with the factions using all sorts of shit, you've got these Zaftran region forces both using EC England Uisk units as their only service wanzer and then 8+ hours into the game or so, real Zaftrans show up with a Vyzov which makes sense since it's a Zaftran origin unit from Dmitri Corp. when out of nowhere; Zaftran reinforcements show up in OCU Australian Zenith units and then there's apparently some FM5 Morgan Bernard shit going on with one of the characters who acts like bootleg Albert Wesker but he's a cyborg instead of hijacking soldiers who turn out to be war orphans grown from the S-Type project the UCS had from FM5 where they implanted some discount Psycho-frame control unit into their brains to allow them to naturally control wanzers like their own bodies without the need to train like every other average pilot; basically like Gundam IBO's Alaya-Vijnana system but wirelessly, the ending then has you do battle with some mech trying to crush you with its ass by jumping really high and cannon balling which looked like it came out of Another Century's Episode where it's like Kingdom Hearts but with the worlds and characters replaced with the existing mech universes like Gundam, VOTOMS, Macross and some others I didn't even know existed but the boss battle is essentially you just avoiding getting flattened and just pointing a laser designator as discount Drebin as a war reporter swoops in with a UCS gunship and fires missiles at the thing and then everything just ends abruptly with some super serious philosophical quote about how destructive humanity is with war being in our nature and shit.
Ah, and the surefire way of avoiding getting shot is to do Dark Souls dodge rolling all the damn time.
Cheat engine will save me by unlocking all the perks.
>It's impossible to unlock all the cool shit on the first playthrough
this is alright
>It's impossible to enjoy the game at all on the first playthrough
this is kino
Seems so, wasn't the dev team just several developers just being juggled around, including gacha shit and the Gundam Breaker 1-3 devs? At least, from what I heard
There's generally an assumption that people with big names at least try to maintain their reputation. It's not good when you are attached to something that is a horrible bomb.
top tier game design right there
Sounds fun
Too bad the gameplay is shit, and SE will never patch it
Learn to use periods.
Depends on level of involvment. Artists didn't suffer for sure. Good art, good and thicc wanzer designs (all three of them).
>holy fuck, kill yourself you ignorant zoomer revisionist
How are you this retarded? Yes, the PS1 FF games technically had 3D graphics, but that they did not use 3D space in any meaningful way. Functionally, they play exactly like the 2D FF games, since exploration took place on 2d backgrounds, encounters were still random and invisible and the battles play exactly like the 2D FF's. Even the storytelling was handled the same, with dialogue shown in text boxes rather than being voiced.
The only time ff7 makes actual use of 3d space is during some of the minigames. That's it.
Yakuza 0 was their redemption
They should have used the DXHR devs. They've proved they can do stealth action well.
True, too bad sonic team's still dragging the company down a bit.
If they literally had the Armored Core guy working on this, wouldn't paying him well make him do a better job?
>They should have used the DXHR devs. They've proved they can do stealth action well.
>pac-man stealth where you hide behind boxes and there is never any threat because your radar shows you every enemy around you
>can't even pick up bodies like a normal person, can only drag them like a limp-wristed faggot
>game doesn't even have basic melee
>good stealth action
I also should mention that not only from , there's apparently some Resident Evil Umbrella plot in the background that's actually true plan that's being forced in at the last minute instead of that S-Type wanzer that cyborg Albert Wesker was after which is that apparently Gramonya (the country invading the protagonist's country) is researching into making some blood-borne virus as a bioweapon.
Basically Zaftra wants new robots ripped out of Another Century's Episode and Armorued Core while Gramonya is Umbrella but a nation.
I guess such plans were never an option in the SE mastermind HQ
I'm sorry you feel that way, because DXHR was a good game that combined an interesting world with reasonably deep gameplay.
Didn't SE get rid of them?
They both suck dick, who cares
I have a theory
Corporate corruption. Simply put you take money from investors for big project. (((Hire))) some big names who are your (((friends))) and then outsource everything to some noname studio for a minimal price, while keeping yourself a bonus for a job well done
I mean just me thinking since it's all a buisness at its core
The difference is that one of them is held up as a masterpiece while the other is condemned as the worst game ever.
Not with a shit team it wouldn't. They outsourced all the work to small studios who've never worked on a project anything like this.
are you suggesting the positions should be swapped?
This shitty image skirting around IW massive faults reminds me of this scene
>are you suggesting the positions should be swapped?
No, I'm saying HR is wrongly held up as a masterpiece.
Front Mission isn't a stranger to anime as fuck plotlines. The problem is that the real FM games presented themselves well, and even as there were weapons of mass destruction in Japan and super soldier lab-grown children, they tried to present them seriously. For the most part. Left Alive's dub and script read off like someone's anime fanfic, complete with the overly-literal Japanese-to-English that Square-Enix is infamous for and characters not really talking like how human beings would.
It's like the cheese and stupidity of Front Mission Evolved, yet lacking that feeling of over-the-top self-parody it had and instead trying to be a grim political thriller drama.
the problem was caring what others say in the first place
Except HR/MD are actually fun to play, unlike IW.
Original is still leagues better and I finished it 15 times.
woah, easy there bucko, it was just a game that could have easily been a shitty reboot, but it managed to be surprisingly enjoyable.
More like Barely Alive.
Remember when Konami made good games?
I honestly loved FM4 and 5 because of all the political stuff but no amount of FM4 fan service like the remixed 'Boot Camp' track and mention of Lancaster actually succeeding at creating a news company that the Drebin clone works for can save this ship sinking the moment it was launched out of port.
But this is Square Enix.
>noname studio
fun thing - that noname studio could've made decent mech game. maybe at least evolved level or slightly better.
Cause it's same who made Gundam Breaker 1-3. Which are okay brawlers.
They also have a lot of experience with allowing player to customize mechs too. So they would be great for task of FM game in some sense.
But they got tasked of making another MGS-tier game of scale they weren't just been ready for. Cause simple arcade brawler as Gundam Breaker was their biggest project until now.
So their inexperience screwed the game in the end.
No Sam, I dont recall good Konami games, nor the the golden age of Square, nor the time when Sonic was relevant. I'm naked in the dark room filled with microtransactions and gacha. There's nothing--no veil between me and the wheel of games as service.
A lot of FM has politics and larger-scale machinations. They're pretty much what drive every single conflict. But if the cast are a bunch of hammy losers and retards, it loses its sting and just comes off as trying to seem a lot more serious than it really is, honestly. Doesn't help that the characters basically can't stop repeating the motif of "SURVIIIIIIIVE" half the time.
What the fuck is going wrong at SE? They've pumped out mediocre games since the merger, but never had stinkers of this magnitude.
Bottom tier management
>talking shit about pre-rendered backgrounds
It's a mediocre Metal Gear Solid rip off. MGS works because of fleshed out mechanics, competent enemy A.I. and great attention to detail. This game has none of that.
But man, Elsa and Latona were top tier FM waifus; Evolve was just absolute garbo.
literally churning former decent developers into making quick cash products with horrible direction left and right
Quiet Man was done by fucking human head, the guys that made the first prey
>It's a mediocre Metal Gear Solid rip off. MGS works because of fleshed out mechanics, competent enemy A.I. and great attention to detail. This game has none of that.
>It's okay when Kojima does it
Have you actually played this game?
Or any MGS besides V?
Shame FM2 fan translation was never completed
FM2 had top tier waifus
>It's a mediocre Metal Gear Solid rip off. MGS works because of fleshed out mechanics, competent enemy A.I.
>genetically enhanced enemy with super-senses can't see the player two feet in front of him in a brightly lit hallway
>competent enemy A.I.
>Decent AI
MGS1 had more to its maps than that, as well its gameplay.
>Comparing a game which used 1GB RAM to a game which used 2MB RAM
>MGS1 had more to its maps than that, as well its gameplay.
You couldn't even hide bodies in MGS1, a basic feature stealth games have had since 1984.
Eternity of MGS happens in a cramped base.
Or is MGSV much better according to this image?
it's fun
first off you post this in pretty much every thread mentioning MGS, and thus every left alive thread
second that's fucking E1M6 from Doom
>implying that comparison is unfair to MGS
>when Looking Glass was working with a fraction of the budget and resources Konami had access to
So are tops, shuriken sticks and magnets but none of those are that comparable to vidya, sadly.
sounds like every japanese game ever made
Not an argument. Tenchu was also on the PS1 and had far better level design than MGS. Heck, freaking Soul Reaver had a seamless open world.
not even the point I'm trying to make
So was this review right?
Or are the people complaining about it just scrubs who can’t into hard games?
>Tenchu was also on the PS1 and had far better level design than MGS
Then compare that to MGS
No, Aniki! Wake up!
>Half-Life has all the devs written in one, winding line
>MGS has all the devs written like in the credits and with a fuckton of repeated names.
>It's a mediocre Metal Gear Solid rip off.
MGS is gay. More like Meat Gay Queerid. I bet Left Alive is gay too then. More like Leftnut Gaylive
>use 1 GB RAM
??? Computers did not even have that mcuh RAM in 1998.
first playthrough you do shit for damage and have ammo scarcity so you'll get fucked if you try to do any side quests the game implores you to do. the game's balanced around NG+, repeatedly playing the game so you get shit on less and less until you're basically a one man army and can complete all the sidequests.
most reviews will be about the first playthrough because the first impressions really are that the game's bullshit hard
You know Square Enix was just begging for connection and comparison to the MGS series when they even hired it's character artist. What does this game do that MGS never has, let alone more competently than MGS? And comparing the A.I. in Left Alive to MGS, I'd say it's leagues more competent. And of course I'm comparing this game to the newer MGS5, makes sense to compare a new game to a more modern counterpart.
I remember similar threads about Demon's Souls when it first released almost exactly 10 years ago and how it a couple of years later was /our game/. You normies just suck and Yea Forums will adopt this game as its own just to be contrarians, probably spawning a whole new subgenre
>Game review bombed so hard no longer on front page new release list on steam
>Already 50% off in Japan but still full price in the west.
My mistake, I was looking at the Steam Requirements.
Even so, the game requires 32/64MB RAM which is still much more than the PS1 had.
They're not wrong, everything in the game is clunky af which includes the stealth shit; just go watch the gameplay videos on YouTube, the movements are already stiff and you have to rely on some MG Survive kind of melee system to silently takedown enemies with weapons that will break so you have to go around searching for them.
Now if only the gameplay wasnt trash
>>Half-Life has all the devs written in one, winding line
No, that's only the top paragraph. Under that, you ahve them written out.
Even if you were to spli of that one paragraph into individual credits, the credits overall would still be far smaller than MGS.
Reminds me of old 2013 warframe beta gameplay
Guards in Thief didn't even react to footprints. And you didn't have binoculars in Theif.
The gameplay is clunky and ps2 era. So not for everyone.
Story is alright, pc port is bad (remove vsync for more performances.)
>This article was updated on 5 May 2019
Fair enough. To be honest I never really expect a Japanese game to play like Half-Life and have full mod support. Is RE7 any immersive, or is it also ruined with cutscenes and stuff that takes away the control from you?
>Guards in Thief didn't even react to footprints.
MGS guards reacting to footsteps was just a one-off gimmick used only in the snow level, and it wasn't even the first stealth game to do that (that would be COmmandos). How does that make MGS better than Thief guards, who can react to differing footstep noises, blood splatters, bodies, etc.?
>And you didn't have binoculars in Theif.
Why would you need to. Unlike MGS with its shitty camera system, you can see in front of you. YOu don't need artificial bandaids.
Both games are good at what they wanted to do
stop with faggotry
Plus they had to have a wide exclamation mark for you to even notice. You can't just observe the guards and notice cool AI shit they're doing, because unless you shove them into a scripted sequence, they're brainless puppets.
They’re desperate to find ways to fund their mainline games with increasingly ballooning budgets. This will always lead to in-house mediocrity like Octopath, or outsourced trash like Left Alive.
They are coming back user.
Wait e3.
Fuckkk I don't hate the game but 60 bucks probably was too much.
I think I'm gonna refund it and buy it later on sales, but what could I buy with the money? Already have dmc5.
>Make giant empty fucking nothingness inbetween objects
>"Look how bigger and better our game is!"
Dragon Dildoes
>what could I buy with the money?
just on Steam?
>Make giant empty fucking nothingness inbetween objects
>"Look how bigger and better our game is!"
Two wrongs don't make a right. It's regrettable that MGS fell for the open world meme, but the level design in old MGS was in dire need fo a shake up. It's absurd how even MGS3, a game taking place in a jungle, still feels like a corridor broken up with frequent loading screens.
Had the money free so picked it up, feels solid kusoge tier to me so far - all kinds of wonky and half baked, it'll be an okay pickup for more people once it's a $15 instead of $60.
On a 1-10 scale of Deadly Premonition to Alpha Protocol it's probably a 3.5
It's pic related but Japanese.
>It's pic related but Japanese.
Even Left Alive has better gameplay and level design that is the complete trainwreck that is Alpha Protocol.
alpha protocol was an actually interesting game though, left alive is just using the front mission franchise to make a shitty decade old clone of a completely inferior version of mgs4
Its okay to be stupid, user.
>alpha protocol was an actually interesting game though
>cinematic corridor shooter
>interesting game
I'll wait for someone to post a webm that makes this game look good and makes me want to play it.
Is that hideo kojima and his translator?
The ruse is not over.
AP was an absolute garbage when it released, memes helped to make it look good, same will happen to Left Alive.
Alpha Protocol is a 9/10 RPG that just happens to be pretty janky
>Patrick is clearly a pretty dodgy looking character
>only thing is he's black.
I'm so fucking disappointed. Really had high hopes. Only good thing to come out of the games inception were the play arts wanzer figures.
Caution: the enemy is approaching
imagine being a dev working on this game.
imagine pouring your sweat and soul into this project.
imagine the amount of JUST they must be right now.
you dropped those
>Alpha Protocol is a 9/10 RPG that just happens to be pretty janky
It's barely even an RPG. It's a cover shooter with horrible controls, braindeadstealth and superficial RPG elements, a generic story about the private military companies (like every triple-A game) with the usual 'your choices MATTER' sthtick.
Deus Ex did the same concept (stealth/shooter/RPG hybrid thing much better). Especially since your chocies weren't restricted to dialogue/cutscenes, but actually happened during gameplay.
Wait for Biomutant, that looks fun
And Left Alive isn't interesting? For a piece of shit game it's gotten its fair share of threads. It's certainly interesting from a conceptual level. Everyone ses to instinctively it could have been good, if only it had a little more funding and tweaking.
There are more times where how you act affect what happens in other missions in Alpha Protocol than there are in Deus Ex, you idiot.
Left Alive is a Quiet Man of Metal Gear Solid genre
>imagine pouring your sweat and soul into this project.
Yeah, I bet the devs imagined doing that too.
>with the usual 'your choices MATTER' sthtick.
It's quite literally the best "choices matter" game there is, even now.
no. its a game that used a different franchise that came built in with an already existing interesting setting. which SE used for tacticool third person espionage gameplay which has been refined for two decades now. the gameplay isnt good, the graphics arent good, the sound isnt really suspenseful, the sound effects and the "ENEMY IS APPROACHING" shit isnt good
conversely, alpha protocol isn't a great game either. as far as i know though, its a completely new IP made almost ten years ago that was, what another user said, a janky aRPG. I wasn't thrilled when i played it, but it was at least humorable and interesting for it's time.
Speaking of Metal Gear, why does it look so much like MGS5?
Shame that Camp Omega in Ground Zeroes had far better level design than any area in TPP.
>There are more times where how you act affect what happens in other missions in Alpha Protocol than there are in Deus Ex, you idiot.
Bullshit. Deus Ex allows for infinitely more ways to play through the game and get a different experience, to the point that you can even 'talk down' the bosses.
Another entry in the endless line of eastern garbage games. Weebs on suicide watch as usual.
>It's quite literally the best "choices matter" game there is, even now.
>your choices matter
>but only in cutscenes
It's a literal downgrade from older RPGs like Fallout where not just your dialogue chocies mattered, but also your choices during gameplay
>killed a guard with one Molotov and two shots
>People crying about shills or that SE fucked up and didn't give them enough money
They knew they had a stinker.
I remember anons making threads asking what the fuck happened to this game a year and a half ago or more where we had 0 new info about the game outside of a random trailer announcing it.
Notice how much advertising you saw of it? Fucking nothing in comparison to DMC5, it's been quieter than Sekiro.
They knew months and months ago that it was a shitty product.
>threading yourself
go play anthem
What a shame. This game looked interesting to me, the last couple of videos that released a few days ago didn't look so good. At least Olga is cute and I hope we get some SFM porn of her.
Squenix are morons. When they have a shitty game like this come out, they just sweep it under the rug and hope nobody notices. While EA and Ubisoft make fat fucking stacks not giving a shit. Go ahead and stream their shit games and make videos shitting on it, make threads saying how terrible it is. Doesn't matter, EA will make sure the whole world knows the name Anthem, and by god they will just walk around acting like everyting is normal, everyone loves it and it is a huge success. People might not buy your game if they know it is shit, but people FOR SURE wont buy your game if they don't know it exists.
You talk down the bosses by saying a kill phrase that makes them blow up, idiot. In AP, the relationship you build or fuck up with every character has a tangible effect in gameplay at some point. Some of them are large changes, like the kind of enemies you will encounter, or even a whole different intro to a mission.
This is actually fucking amazing. I'm speechless.
>enemies should go down in one hit from a takedown
Fuck, even the "defenders" of this game are one-track minded casuals.
Not every game has to offer you LE SNEAKY INSTA KILL MOVE. Insta-kill moves are fine for some games but in general they really make ghosting worthlessly risky, since those moves are much safer tactics. For this game it seems like they made sneak attacks weaker so they serve as a desperate last resort, and not a replacement for ghosting itself. Fuck people that can't deal with stealth or jankiness and use that to review bomb games.
t. I hate plebbit
This game is built for Steam sales, if they'd halved the price it would have gotten rid of the "holy shit full price for this?" factor
But it's made by the Japanese, they have never comprehended that 3000 people buying something for $30 is better than 1000 people buying it for $60. Weird face saving shit.
>You talk down the bosses by saying a kill phrase that makes them blow up, idiot.
So? Whether you uncover the kill phrase or not depends on the choices you make during gameplay. Heck, it's even possible to kill Ana Navarre at earlier points in the story, on the plane or in the subway, meaning she isn't a threat during your escape from Unatco.
Even if Alpha Protocol's choices are more elaborate than Deus Ex's, Deus Ex is so much better in every aspect (level design, music, gameplay, writing) that it hardly matters.
t. never actually played alpha protocol
>It's barely even an RPG. It's a cover shooter with horrible controls, braindeadstealth and superficial RPG elements, a generic story about the private military companies (like every triple-A game) with the usual 'your choices MATTER' sthtick.
>Even if Alpha Protocol's choices are more elaborate than Deus Ex's
Nice backpedalling.
Fucking amazing corridor though.
You seem to be getting more incoherent and desperate. You are saying choices don't matter if they are only acknowledged in cutscenes. This isn't the case in AP, but whatever, because then you say doing that is a downgrade from both dialogue and gameplay having an effect, which AP also does in fact do and it effects both dialogue and gameplay.
I think you might be retarded. Please give an example of a gameplay choice affecting something outside of a cutscene or dialogue in Fallout. AP has side objectives within side missions you can do that affect later missions, like choosing to take down elite guards in am early mission to stop them showing up in a later mission. What does Fallout do?
>You are saying choices don't matter if they are only acknowledged in cutscenes.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I was talking about how you MAKE choices in Alpha Protocol, which is always during cutscenes. In other RPGs, you make choices during gameplay. For example, you might decide to pickpocket an item of an NPC, which later allows for a different way to solve a quest or whatever.
>What does Fallout do?
Are you genuinely this retarded? Fallout is so open-ended that you can literally defeat the final boss without ever meeting him, by finding a disguise, wearing it and sneaking into his base, and hacking a computer to activate a self-destruct sequence. This is all done through pure gameplay, with no cutscenes whatsoever.
It’s obvious he never played AP and is grasping at straws to shit on it for some reason.
Also nice trips
>Nice backpedalling.
Aspects of a game don't exist in a vacuum. While it might seem like Deus Ex's choices are more limited, Deus Ex allows for far more different ways to tackle missions than Alpha Protocol, so the end result is that your choices matter more in DX than they do in Alpha Protocol.
Alpha Protocl barely even supports something as basic as a stealth playstyle, with how much of an afterthough the stealth system is.
>Alpha Protocl barely even supports something as basic as a stealth playstyle, with how much of an afterthough the stealth system is.
Uh, having no-kill ghosted the game multiple times, I don't quite agree
No, you're just shit at games. Your opinions aren't worth anything.
That's not even accurate, your actions in missions are reflected later in the story as well
>Alpha Protocl barely even supports something as basic as a stealth playstyle
I played the game once and I did so with only one kill which was due to a bug at release.
Same art director.
>Uh, having no-kill ghosted the game multiple times, I don't quite agree
>game forces you into unavoidable combat setpieces and boss fighst all the time
Pray tell, how did you ghost those?
could they have gotten someone else?
Isn't the "role-playing" in AP just tactical choices? Whereas in Deus Ex your character's narrative changes depending on what you do (but becomes linear/restricted towards the end).
Shinkawa only did character design, but they did obviously rip off his art direction of MGSV.
Shinkawa should only do Kojima games. It looks fucking weird attached to some budget trash game.
>could they have gotten someone else?
What would be the logic of that, when the fact they employed 3 different game art legends on this title was probably the biggest hype behind it?
no kills
no alarms
no detections
Not hard, mate. Are you sure you actually played the game?
This game is less on-rails and cut-scene heavy than MGS4, despite being "budget trash". So why wouldn't you want him doing art for better games?
No, not at all. AP is *all* about your narrative remembering your decisions and adjusting accordingly.
For example, there's a mercenary character that only respects people who are professional operators. If you talk like a cocky asshole throughout the game but then talk to him professionally, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself because he knows your reputation and that you're gaming him
It's also better balancing than MGSV in the sense that, as much as everyone is claiming it's too hard on 1st playthrough, that's still a way better situation than a game being too easy (because you speed through it with nothing to anticipate as a reward for playing well).
How the fuck do I rescue the suicidal woman, I already convinced her to not kys but for extracting there's a fuckton of enemies in the area.
I know there's a wanzer but I got this feeling once I get in then it's over for her
>because you speed through it with nothing to anticipate as a reward for playing well
I get the feeling that trying to speed through LA is why so many people are having trouble with it. The only time I've had issues with ammo is at the end of CH2, but ammo is one of the big complaints I've seen.
Squenix shill please go.
I get Konami is a competitor, but not even the biggest Kojima haters here are dumb enough to post this.
How long do Squenix usually take to optimise the PC port? I remember people saying DE:MD finally became playable at some point. Also is this game notable enough that crackers will work on the DRM?
Just stop already, please.
First playthrough is bad ending only so dont bother
Why does it matter if they are being paid to post or not when everything they said is true?
Looks boring compared to all the shit you can do in Deus Ex.
Dialogue variation isn't the same as actual narrative shifts.
Should I play Alpha Protocol or Blacklist?
>playing ubishit
>Left Alive
>Yea Forumserdict?
>playing Obshitian games
Obsidian at its worse is eons ahead of any ubisoft game past 2005
>A widely acclaimed series, one of the most loved in videogames, is worse that some completely uninspired derrivative clunkly crap that everyonewill forget about within a month, because on of the entries in the former has lots of cutscenes.
Yeah definitely an upgrade. I am sure when he puts his resume together he skips over all the Kojima Production games and makes sure everyone knows he contributed to the art of "Left Alive." at least he can juxtapose his art, against the shittiness of the game, or brag about how it is the only reason anyone heard of it, cause the cool cover art made them google it.
fallout shilling this hard
How so?
>game is not even out
>Bethdrones are already in full defense mode after their God delivered another bucket of shit as promised
>tfw did more than 2 hours
no refund for me i guess
at least it has a cute girl...
If you dont cheat you cant unlock skills and shit needed to be able to manage side quests
But be our guest and try to get the real ending on your first playthrough
>Should I play Alpha Protocol or Blacklist?
What do you prefer
a) a very good, entertaining RPG based around character choices that has clunky, janky gameplay
b) a very nice looking and polished game with very solid mechanics that is an absolute void when it comes to characters and story
>You've played: 116 minutes
I don't think I'm going to refund
Why are you equating 4 and V to the quality of the series at its prime?
V is the series prime
Hey, if we are lucky they will patch the game.
How so?
>Never bothered to patch Automata
>for some reason will patch this
Fuck off pleb. Rest of you fags better buy my game or otherwise I'm calling my dad on you.
I thought they already made it clear you can ditch the dude when you first start out?
god fucking damnit Squenix.
ruining game that would be good or at least alright with no patch...
I am not...? How are you Equating directing the art for Left Alive, and MGS? Do I think 4 or 5 were as good as 1 or 3? no. Do I think they are better than this trash? yeap. Do I think they made better use of his work. Yeap. literally only good think about this game is the cover.
It's unambiguously one of the best stealth games that exists
>fuck other franchises everything needs to be an MGSV modpack
I pray this is bait but still please kill yourself
>GOYT edition still didn't patch Automata
Now I'm angry all over again
You're just pulling phrases out of ass now and your comparison game can't keep up. AP does have "actual narrative shifts" that you can incure during dialogue, such as choosing to spontaneously shoot some characters mid conversation. How characters that control pivotal points in the story react to your attempts to change an outcome is often determined by how you played, as well. Getting Albatross to invite you to team up with G22 is a bit of game changer in the plot. And convincing Parker to join you against the AP organisation brings up many of the things you did throughout the game. There's more ways for the player to turn the story on its head in AP than in Deus Ex and Fallout combined.
That is indeed a pretty sweet looking chick, actualky.
What's better? 60 with some framedrop or 30 fps with no framedrop?
She's already my wallpaper.
Depends on the game and the frequency of framedrops
Shinkawa's girls all look the same
His art in general is all kinda samey but he's good to the point that who really cares
>There's more ways for the player to turn the story on its head in AP than in Deus Ex and Fallout combined.
How so, consdering Alpha Protocol is a linear game with very limited player agency (e.g. you can only kill npcs when the story allows you to?).
Fallout's narrative, because the player has much more agency, can play out in vastly more different ways. I have no idea why you would be in denial about this.
>How so, consdering Alpha Protocol is a linear game with very limited player agency (e.g. you can only kill npcs when the story allows you to?).
oh my god just stop digging your hole even deeper
is it me or the mecha gameplay is super shitty?
It is
These graphics are amazing, I hope my 1070,00 can handle them God this game is amazing like MG:Survive
The story is always the same in Fallout. You always go to the base and stop the master, either by speech check, presenting the tape, or hacking. Then you go and get kicked out of the vault forever. The outcome is the same every time. In AP, not even the final boss is the same every time. Sometimes you join the final boss. Whether the final boss even lives or dies is dependent on you as well. Fallout actually does not hold a candle to the range of options you have here.
>oh my god just stop digging your hole even deeper
Fallout: ways to reach the endgame
>stumble upon it while exploring
>track down some minions of the antagonist and find out from them
>let yourself be captured and taken there
>probably a bunch of other ways I am forgetting about
Alpha Protocol: ways to reach the endgame
>the game automatically takes you there, you don't have to do anything
Illiterate brainlet
there are three main hub worlds that can be played through in any order you choose and the game reacts differently depending on which way you decide to do it
I think Quiet Man was a low budget Hipster movie, they didn't had money to finish it, Square bought the movie and made a game around it.
>there are three main hub worlds that can be played through in any order you choose and the game reacts differently depending on which way you decide to do it
Even Bioware games do this, letting you tackle each of the hub worlds in any order you wish. Is this supposed to be worthy of praise?
The game does not automatically take you there. You reach it by completing dozens of different missions and choices which all come into play as you progress through it.
I don't know why I love it so much. I bought it bc it looked like an interesting game with a good setting and I liked the gameplay trailer.
But the difficulty is soo hard lol. I'm right behind a wall, there is no chance they could hear or spot me but theyve pinned me down many times in the first mission.
I like this game, it looks like fun and I like challenging games. But they should patch the AI because sometimes it's really unfair. The soldiers do not mind if I kill them from behind, but then some Wanzer 2 or 3 blocks away shoots his rockets into my fragile body and I'm dead lol.Overall I'm enjoying the game! You really need to think outside of the box to get out of these situations they put you in. And the story already has me, I have the same first name as the rookie pilot lol
The stealth in this game reminds me of Vampire Rain
Yep it's based. It's like MGS4 except not just limited to 2 okay corridor missions followed by tons of on-rails set-pieces.
>The game does not automatically take you there. You reach it by completing dozens of different missions and choices which all come into play as you progress through it.
But you have no choice but to complete those missions, and the game always presents them to you.
There is nowhere near the non-linear problem solving there is ain Alpha Protocol as there is in Fallout. The game is far more linear. I have no idea why you would be in denial about something so obvious.
Fallout does the same thing except the story is always the same, which makes it more linear. You just played yourself, idiot.
>Fallout does the same thing
Except it doesn't, The location isn't handed to you, you have to find it yourself, which you can do in different ways, and even after you find the location, there are still different ways to enter. This also means you can go to the final boss and complete the game as soon as you start it. There are no artificial barriers whatsoever.
In Alpha Protocol the location is handed to you. The game is on rails and there is no way for the player to deviate from the linear structure.
this is pasta
Patch what exactly?
You are either retarded for continuously making these leaps of logic, or you genuinely are trying to change the goal posts because you keep losing on every point. Which is it?
Or do you really want to die on the hill of saying the story of AP is less variable than Fallout because the endgame occurs in the location that Thornton was being interviewed in during the first scenes of the game?
The infiltration genre has evolved into a design philosophy.
If I remember rightly, the first game of the genre was Metal Gear for the Japanese MSX computer system and according to legend, the idea of a weak player as the paper that had the need to avoid combat was born by the small amount of memory that could support the hardware. We could say that the genre was born facing the problem of scarcity, one beyond the video game itself but the system that supported it. Today, the idea of stealth and infiltration in video games exists as a sub-genre or alternative for the player, rather than a unique experience. Added to this, the great capabilities of hardware and software have alienated designers from the original concept and needs. "The power of choice" is the keyword. The player can make and approach the challenges that are offered in any way he wants, leaving the concept of scarcity to games that are not stealth or infiltration, but survival and building as Rust or Ark.
The last 2 great exponents of absolute tactical stealth (that do not have the factor of social hiding as in Hitman) that are MGSV and Splinter Cell Blacklist, have the same characteristic, a tremendous arrangement of weapons and tools that make the experience comfortable. Also, both Venom Snake and Sam Fisher Revamp possess High mobility and high resistance It is as if the masterminds behind both works were fleeing from the original concepts that made their best titles so funny.
Left Alive, however, is stealth and survival as the genre was originally conceived. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to enjoy this. The action is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of guerrilla warefare tactics and ghosting, most of the solutions to the difficulty will be beyond a typical players's head. I'm smirking right now just imagining casual simpletons scratching their heads in confusion over the difficulty and animation quality. What fools.. how I pity them.
>Or do you really want to die on the hill of saying the story of AP is less variable than Fallout because the endgame occurs in the location that Thornton was being interviewed in during the first scenes of the game?
What does that have to do with anything? Do you seriously think if the endgame took place in a different location, you would have to find it for yourself? Why would that be the case, when every other location is handed to you?
The point is that there are significantly more different ways to go through a game like Fallout than there are Alpha Protocol. I have repeatedly pointed out why. You must be genuinely mentally handicapped to continue deluding yourself to the opposite.
Automata has some fairly serious technical problems on PC, you won't get good quality graphics or performance even on a very strong PC without a fan made patch that fixes them
It's 95% fine with that fan patch, but it's still not quite perfect and it's obnoxious that it's required. The game was not patched even once, it's still ver 1.0 not including DLC being added in.
what the hell, this looks more like MGS5 than MGS5 itself
What about the XBAWKS port?
Left Alive is like if MGSV maintained the level design standards of Ground Zeroes for the entirety of the game, but was even better because it followed the natural logic of infiltration games being more interesting if you prioritise the concept of scarcity It's the REmake2 of stealth games.
This isn't strictly untrue, it's just that it's more conceptual level stuff rather actually well executed stuff
You not being the ultimate god operative and needing to stealth is fine. The game is just fuckin' jank about it though.
No, fuck you, stupid revisionist bastard.
Invisible War has never been considered a fucking masterpiece.
It has always been the Blood 2, the Devil May Cry 2 of the Deus Ex series
PS4/XBOX versions are fine, they only have some very minor unavoidable issues that are just inherent to how the game is made. Main thing that comes to mind is that the game has some aggressive pop in and occasional hitching as you're traversing the overworld, because whatever method they've used occasionally just can't keep up rendering shit as you're moving fast through loading zones
The PC issues are much much worse stuff than that.
Are the FM games in general so edgy and violent, meaning massacres on civillians and such? The game seemed to be awful, but the setting is interesting, I only played those Dynastie Warrior Gundam games and I think Armored Core V and they had barely to no story. A mech game with interesting storytelling would be gud.
>Ni hao~
What a chad
not really, it's pretty much like your regular war story
You are aren't pointing them out. You're running to them instead of dealing with the points others have given you.
>Fallout has different ways to play!
So does AP
>Fallout has gameplay affect the story in addition to dialogue!
So does AP and the changes are bigger than in Fallout
>Fallout doesn't "give you" the location of the end game level
AP is not open world so this is a moot comparison, and AP makes you work to get prepared for the endgame in both story and gameplay. Thorton could have gone back to HQ at any time in the story. But he doesn't have a reason to until he gets to the bottom of the conspiracy and the forged connections with several variable characters and organisations to make it a move that favours him
From here AP only continues to pull ahead, with a vast range of ways the endgame can play out that is dependant on the gameplay and conversation choices the player made beforehand.
I only played FM3 but the plot there felt like generic 90's anime.
Only the manga is edgy in the "ridiculously contrived" way. Games are mostly war stories with some realpolitik.
But is the storytelling good? I asked already yesterday in a thread if FM3 is worth to play still since it's 5,99 on the psn store on ps3, but I read from different anons that it's either a pile of shit or a very good mech game, but is the story interesting for those hundreds of hours?
This jank makes me feel sad
I enjoyed it, though it didn't blow my mind or anything. 3 isn't really the same as any other game in the series though
Was this sheer luck or do noise distractions make their vision shoot towards the source before their actual bodies have time to show that?
I'm having the blinking white guy meme reaction to the fact you spend the first part of the game walking around wearing a backpack advertising an F2P game
This is too risky a buy. I'll wait for sale or crack, and patches.
I bought it and am kind of digging it but I will not hesitate to say it's a wait until it's on sale game