So do we just let Criken get away with this shit?
We drag everyone through the mud here but we let his shit slide cause hes /ourguy/?
fuck that faggot and all These other scammers
So do we just let Criken get away with this shit?
We drag everyone through the mud here but we let his shit slide cause hes /ourguy/?
fuck that faggot and all These other scammers
this epic cool youtuber that wanted to make a twitch bait game, never delivered anything for some reason, ended up being sued by a friend, then settled, then finally after years of silence settled on developing a twitch extension for 80k
Criken you mean the Left 4 dead guy?
le funny video man
Been wondering about that, when was the most recent update? It seems like it disappeared one day, he stopped talking about it, and I never heard of it again
Criken is a massive faggot and hasn't been funny for years
you can't be /ourguy/ if you rely on 2 experienced phantoms to get through a souls game
He looks exactly like this mega autist I went to school with.
His humor is so bland he has to surround himself with funnier people.
just chek the updates, its constantly a year apart saying sorry guys sorry guys
last update is from december 2018 saying hes gonna make a twitch extension so chat can click things on the screen, truly epic
Some of his videos are pretty good but it generally isnt because of Criken himself
Tomato (and occasionally Bedbanana) are the only funny things in Criken's content
I'm going to need a quick rundown on this, pretty sure they still have a lot of time before they even said they would be done.
>trusting an internet funny-man with your money
A fool and his money yadda yadda yadda
Especially when the phantoms are more funny than you.
I don't know nor care about what he looks like. I'm asking you if it's the same guy who did the left 4 dead videos in 2009
Fucking this
the whole thechief1114 and bucklington crew really had a great start when they showed up on gta rp but they really fell off
le funny man collected 82k from 2k backers to make this twitch bait game, estimated delivery date was dec 2017
I don't know how anyone can stand Buck. He's actively become more of a loud gibbering retard. He was such a weird stammering fucker when he first showed up around Crikens group and I remember him lying a shit ton 'that kid' style.
how can anyone stand bucklington, once you notice all he does his do this retarded screaming voice NON STOP hes a goner
Tomato is an unfunny loud obnoxious asshole.
He's like Tomato, but even louder and more retarded.
Criken's streams are like being a part of a discord voice chat where you're permanently muted. I tried watching his streams, but they're so fucking awful.
Don't forget twisting water bottles and slamming his desk then pretending to freak out like he broke something. When shit like VRchat was popular he did a "OMG I BROKE MY TV!!!" joke like 5 different times because haha guys that's what happens in vr streams isn't that hilarious? He's such an attention whore, I can't stand it.
Tomato was the funniest person in the SCP videos
i wonder how it feels being sued by your buddy
The alpha squad of Crikens stream friends are Mrlawlman, Strippin, Bedbananas, and the rare Shayne because of how salty his skills make everyone. It's pretty funny when ImmortalHD shows up and gives Criken a panic attack over some of the edgy shit he says, like Gmart when he kept talking about slaves during a WC3 colonial map.
I don't hate Bucklington, but holy shit I feel he needs to play streamer bait in order to be entertaining otherwise he tends to be extremely bad at anything that requires a functioning brain to play. It's annoying watching him get stuck on an obvious puzzle or missing an item or objective for fucking ever.
sucks how broteampill, charlie winsmore and all these other guys keep backing crikens back when hes literally owing his backers a fucking game
To be fair I don't think charlie knows shit about what's going on with criken, the dude shipped himself off to Japan and stays in his own corner of the internet. Last I heard of broteampill he had bigger fish to fry though, dunno why he likes him.
brote is lost, hes been doing the same shit ever since i found him 5 years ago, i hate his YT videos, used to like his twitch streams but they are just so nonsensical
charlie left the full time streaming thing, nice guy tho
>new-criken team
old gang was better
Bedbannas and Charborg are the only good people from that group and are genuinely funny to watch on their own.
Charborgs runescape videos are fucking gold
this fucking nigger stole my goddamn handle. ever since he got any amount of viewers "lol are you criken?" fuck this unfunny cunt
shut up criken
that's why you avoid kickstarter
keep it up and ill take you and all these other faggots with me
I remember Skippy, he was my favorite
>accidentally joined the server he was on in mirage making that sponsored video
>just follow them around and watch them be retarded
>suddenly they all stop and run to the center of the map
>they start crouching and standing
>criken climbing up the map to jump in the middle
>right as he jumps use my double jump to make him land on my head and die
>yell NIGGER in voice as loud as I can
>vote kicked almost instantly
Not much but it was fun
He's done two Ghost Commander shows and is shopping around the concept to media companies.
He's so painfully unfunny on his own that he has to constantly play with his funnier friends to actually retain a following, impressive
He is unfunny on his own, but I'd argue that the group is stronger with a straight-man. Three weirdos yelling in funny voices doesn't work as well as three weirdos plus one relatively normal guy.
Isn't he barely 20? Who the fuck is dumb enough to throw money at a zoomer and expect a project of this scale to be done competently?
>start of a Criken stream
>he opens up talking in a weird toddler voice like his chat is some kind of small animal
He's one of those weirdos obsessed with wholesomeness and innocence isn't he?
kys e-celeb shitters
He just tries to be satirical and doesn't pull it off well