I'm sorry, but it's just not that good.
I'm sorry, but it's just not that good
Nintendo's own remake was worse
It's definitely the best Metroid game since Corruption and probably the best since Echoes.
It's not even a real metroid game
When are we going to get a really high profile Zelda fangame? Or Mario?
Would OP care to explain why he doesn't think it's good or is he expecting a bait thread for a low-response subject like Metroid to get a lot of (You)s
Super Metroid is still the best game in the series so why bother remaking it
It's not like either of the first two games which are still deeply and profoundly flawed
Returns was better than this game. It's still good, but it Returns keeps it more fresh.
Super Metroid is not one of those games that needs a remake. Its timeless in nature. Only thing I'd say that would benefit from a remake is the physics. I'm in the minority when I say Zero MIssion/Fusion's tight physics are the best.
You misunderstand. I just want Super Metroid but with modern graphics and physics.
>modern graphics
so awful?
>modern graphics
also fuck you, "modern physics" in 2D metroid means shit walljumping
It's better than Zero Mission, there I said it.
Then play Metroid Prime.
If you mean a 2d with good graphics, Super still looks fantastic.
The graphics are timeless and the physics don't need to be changed.
If you're a tasteless homo who wants GBA style physics there's a hack for it any way.
I get the feeling that wanting to change the physics is the majority opinion, because it comes up every time Super is criticised in some way.
I love Super's physics simply because it's the only game in the series where you have a sense of momentum and a real reward for mastering the level design. I like to compare it to Classic vs Dimps Sonic.
I want Super Metroid with Prime gameplay
>3D Kraid fight where you can morph ball between his legs to escape attacks
Personally I love Super's physics and much prefer them to the GBA games. Samus is way too heavy.
Prime 1 is almost super in 3D anyway
Well we almost got Kraid in Metroid Prime 1, but Nintendo axed it. If we get lucky we might see him in 4.
I love all 3 Prime games and want more. I hope there's Kraid fight in 4.
For me it depends on the style of gameplay. GBA physics are much snappier and make it easier to respond to enemies suddenly. That makes it better for combat-heavy games like Fusion. On the other hand, platforming is much more fun with the sheer amount of freedom you have with Super's physics.
See that's the thing, I never felt like the GBA games didn't reward me for good level mastery. If I played well enough then I could quickly and efficiently navigate levels. I just like how Samus can tightly jump on platforms and wall jump. Just appeals to me more.
Super will always be good in my eyes though. I think its gameplay and level design is next to perfect. Bosses too.
Fuck off with this naming convention
I agree that the GBA games reward it, just not to the same degree as Super. Keeping up the pace is in my opinion more rewarding when the character's running speed isn't a binary state.
Where do I get the updated version?
I always thought platforming was kind of a slog in Super compared to the GBA games.
AM2R is my favorite right next to Metroid Prime.
I've replayed AM2R too many times to count. It has pretty much the perfect progression in terms of upgrades, so shit is always bugging you bet then you get a nice upgrade to tear through them and so on.
My only real complaints would be that being able to damage metroids with only missiles is a little annoying, and that the music could've been more atmospheric (though I enjoyed it for what it was. Hydro station man)
I love Super's spacetime beam. pic related
>I'm in the minority when I say Zero Mission/Fusion's tight physics are the best.
If that's true then it's kinda sad that the minority opinion is also the objectively correct one.
did you get tired of shitposting on /vr/?
I like the crisp, fast physics of fusion/zero too. Playing as samus feels like playing as some sort of space ninja. The overall game and level design of Super is just vastly superior though
Oh yeah I don't deny that. The level design in Super will always be superior. Imagine a combination of the two.
Super would not work with ZM/Fusion's physics though. I prefer them too but Super would not work in any other way.