Is Nintendo Switch Online trash? I kinda want to subscribe just for Tetris. Plus I'll need it later on for Mario Maker anyway.
Is Nintendo Switch Online trash? I kinda want to subscribe just for Tetris...
If you don't like Splatoon 2 or Smash then it's not really worth it.
Use the free trial to see if you like Tetris and are willing to pay for it. If not, then just wait and get a 1 or 3 month sub when you pick Mario Maker 2.
No sense in buying a year sub and then wasting 80% of it, that's just dumb.
I use it for Tetris, Puyo, Mario Kart, ARMS, Dark Souls, sometimes Splatlon, and NES games. When I write it out like that it seems like a lot but I still think it’s overpriced. If you can afford it, go ahead but don’t feel bad about passing
Is this board full of 14 year old kids? Its 20 dollars a year for gods sake.
If barebones Tetris is worth $20 to you, go for it. It does literally nothing else.
Oh fuck, right
I thought it was per month for some reason
It's bad in terms of social options and for even existing, but Tetris 99 is good. I guess the NES app is ok too.
fuck off shill.
If you do end up getting the online subscription, make a Japanese account and download both your region's NES Online and the Famicom Online from the Japanese eShop, so you can play the Japan-exclusive games, and Disk System versions of other games.
I tried downloading a game, but every time it finishes downloading, it says that the data is corrupted. What's going on?
Isn't Tetris 99 a free to play game? Why is NSO required?
incentive to buy the subscription. the whole point is that it's online tetris with lots of people.
Forgot to mention, you don't need a second subscription to play the japanese version, you can use your main account to play any region's version.
Just thought it was a rule where these online subscriptions weren't needed if the game was free to play. Like fortnite.
Yeah, but Tetris is specifically a bonus for online subscribers
I got into a family plan for free on Twitter. Someone who runs a novelty Kirby account added me and two other randos just because he felt like it.
As in not a bonus at all and actually an exception for the free to play online game rule, based Nintendo shitting into our mouths
yes its awful but its like $2/month so you get what you pay for
Give me 20 bucks then, you aren't 14 years old, right?
>you get what you pay for
This saying only applies when the bad thing is cheaper than the alternative. The competition lets me play games without charging extra and has more features.
That's what I did too. I paid for a $35 family plan, then charged my friends $5 per slot to add them. By the time I got 7 people on board, I got paid back in full, and my friends got a year of online at a 75% discount.
>The competition lets me play games without charging extra
no, you still have to pay for ps+ or xbox live if you want to play multiplayer in a $60 game you bought
Those services are also no better than the competition that lets me play the same games without charging extra.
What service will you provide me for a year?
This. The last date i went on i tipped 20 dollars. Fucking poorfags
I'll let you use the internet you're paying for already.
Only because you had multiple years to save up for that tip.
I make 6 figures in the south. I'm basically rich down here
>Is Nintendo Switch Online trash?
I have good internet and I experience online ping lag and latency issues on my Switch with smash and splatoon more or less the same as Rocket League battlefield and apex on my PS4
>b-but it's cheap
even 20 dollars a year is too much for how fucking little this service offers, how ass-backwards some of it's features are, and how bad nintendo's netcode is
It works fine if you're not living in a third world shithole.
its cheaper per month than getting a beer at a bar nowadays