Modern Warfare Remastered is free this month, Sonybros.
You download it yet?
Modern Warfare Remastered is free this month, Sonybros.
You download it yet?
nope, let me know when they release mw2 with online and then i'll pay for it
are consolefags responsible for all these gay remasters?
I already own it.
I've never played a CoD game
Damn... Switchchads get Tetris with NINETY-NINE concurrent players... while we get fucking CoD...
Hate to say it but Sonybros, we fucking lost...
The shitty one with the microtransactions?
That's a pass from me pal
My PS4 is only good as a Netflix/Hulu/Amazon streaming, so I don't have PS+.
Plan on beating the single player on veteran this weekend. I guess I'll play the witness whenever I'm bored
The Witness is a good game. You should play it.
It's not free if you're paying for a sub.
Yup, prop hunt is fun. Still blasting fools like it's yesterday. Bummer that not all maps (with dlc) are included here
I dont have the HDD space, my 5tb HDD is full.
Just downloaded The Witness. Is it good and comfy?
It's like a modernized CoD4 with all the bad trends that gaming as a whole has incurred in the intervening years.
The Black Market shit smacks of P2W.
Neither is tetris 99. An inferior game on a shitty console
Don't falseflag with Tetris 99, faggot. It's already GOTY
Yikes, need none of that to play it. Kys
ok. What does the switch have to do with the topic?
>The Witness is a good game. You should play it.
I came here to say this. If you like puzzles this one is pretty good.
>B-But Nintendo
Seriously, just go download the free games instead of wasting time here.
Lmao, surely is. Only if goty stands for 'only shitch game released in 2019'
Played it last summer. Campaign was still good but didn't like the multiplayer anymore. Maybe I'll give it another shot since there'll be new players.
Lootbox weapons are always shit but the best setup is still stopping power m16. There's no need to use anything else.
OP is some underaged shitposting kid, cant you tell ? See:
Imagine thinking CoD2, 4 or anything later in the series is anything other than absolute fucking console casual trash.
I'd rather play any tetris over a monetized remaster by activision
I would avoid it, it's full of nothing but super sweats playing the game like there's a million on the line
user I have 3 of the dlc guns and they outshine the base guns immensely, don't lie faggot.
ok, but what does the switch have to do with the topic?
Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. Fuck off retard.
I really only use ARs and the only one that I find as good as the M4 is the lynx and the M4 is still better on long range maps.
It's 74 Gigs! What a girthy motherfucker.
Everyone should avoid this game, the microtransactions are way too tempting. I'm the last person to fall for shitty consumer tricks but this sole game had me parting at least $20 per paycheck when it came out and I wouldn't be surprised if it all came up over $300 all for some cosmetics for a game that I eventually got over and don't play anymore.
>don't buy this game because I'm a retard!
I've played this for hundreds of hours and didn't spend a dime. You're a fucking moron with no self control.
Oh shit and the witness? Nice. I'll definitely be downloading. They just gave out hitman season 1 too, some good ass games.
>implying you've played it yet
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Yikes, not op, back to your 300 smash threads and 'comfy shitch generals'
Fucking retard
Remember when these cunts said the only way to get it was bundled with IW? I member.
what's the japanese game next to wipeout
>buying 30 fps games in the 21st century
>calling other people retards
No John. You are the retards.
Hotline Miami
>Red Dead Redemption 2 is 100GB
>Call of Duty 4 Remastered is almost 80 GB
I'm fucking sick of developers forcing optimized garbage down our throats, this is fucking insane. I had to delete two out of the ten games I have installed just to download this shit.
Meanwhile on my computer with the same size hard drive, I've got 100+ games and still room to spare.
Hotline Miami
>resident evil 4
Why do you guys feel obligated to buy the same game 10 times?
I've had loads of fun with every game on that shelf. You just make me glad I'm not an autistic fuck.
>got Destiny 2 and all dlc for £14 last month
>something like 60gb
>just got an update on it that needs 65gb free or it won't do it
Sony are just as bad.
Because it's fun. I still have it on GameCube too. The PS4 version is a good update but I also like sparking up the GC version sometimes for the feels.
>PS3 and Vita games discontinued
>No new PS4 games to make up for it
>Ten dollar price increase
I don't know why I expected anything different from Sony but I'm still pissed off.
but that isnt a japanese game
RDR2 had to be 100GB with the amount of voice acting and other assets it has
CoD is 60 you dense retard.
It's the only way to get a physical copy. I just got it for the novelty, the cover art is fucking rad too.
>still being content with 60hz in 2019
I actually like CoD, and Battlefield too. I would happily buy it and play it, but what's the point when in a year the game's dead and forces me to buy the next game? I'm not going to pay $60 every year just to play CoD and I don't even get to keep my progress. I really liked Advanced Warfare and Battlefield 1, too.
>RDR2 had to be 100GB with the amount of voice acting and other assets it has
Did developers fucking forget how to do that are bloated filesizes some kind of retarded anti piracy tactic, even though repacks chop out at least 30gb for shit like Witcher 3
Will downloading it make me 17 again?
I've just been playing MWR since it came out. Admittedly the servers are starting to die out now but that's only as of recently and the PS plus business should revitalise it a bit. The new cods are pretty bad anyway. It's hard to imagine how they could make such a simple game worse and worse over the years but they've managed it somehow.
Unless its got some character creation I will decline.
You should be able to solve this, Yea Forums.
Pretty much the only reason I turn my ps4 on anymore. I haven't played anything in a week and even then it was only for 30 mins because I bought GoW recently but it's shit so I get bored quick.
It's good but the creator is a pretentious dickbag.
Unlike you I'm not autistic and fall for the 144+hz meme. Enjoy your 9ms faster frames.
I'm playing IW on PC. MP is still playable with only 250-400 players. On console it's 5000+. Stop making excuses.
I didn’t pay anything for them? Literally free
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I didn’t pay anything for them? Literally free
>releasing a remastered game and expecting people to pay for the DLC from the original release
In like 200 hours I've seen the dlc maps come up twice and they always get voted out. Anyone who actually bought them got legitimately robbed.
that was 8.5 years ago, retard
It's a shame because I'd really like to try Creek. It sounds huge but I never played it in CoD4 either.
Isn't it a remake of another map from an older CoD or is that a different one I'm thinking of?
Do people even still play on PS4? I never hear anyone talking about it.
Jesus Christ
Nah, they're all original I think. I played them all back on the original release, they weren't really anything to write home about.
This, I want to know. I haven't touched my ps4 since the Monster Hunter World beta.
Nah, I was right. It's Chinatown. It's a remake of Carentan from CoD1 and 2.
>PSN "free" games
Just go around the outside.
I need to cum right now and i can't be bothered to dl.
I might give it a whirl to relive my ___Uni days
Oh, I had no idea but I barely touched the multiplayer in 1 and 2. That was the best map from the pack but all 3 were mediocre.
>thinking of renewing psplus for a year and to get this game
>realise I can probably buy the game individually for cheaper than I would pay for psplus
>realise I'll also be able to play it offline whenever I want unlike psplus which only lets you play if you're subscribed
Psplus is a fucking fraud. If you're going to have a subscription where you have to pay to play the game at least advertise it so like Microsoft does with gamepass. Those aren't "free" games for $8 a month.
literally fucking retarded. haha
I mean usually you think that a remastered game not only lets you relive a fun game from your past but also check out things that you never bought into in addition to the base game.
Activated it but I'm not downloading it just yet. This is the closest I get to buying anything CoD again and it's only because I played the original before.
>Archaic Map Pack system kept intact because IW doesn't have a say in it or doesn't care.
T-Thanks Activision.
Not to mention that they've stopped the PD3 and Vita offerings yet have not replaced them with any more games. Sony are indeed pure scum.
They will add loot boxes and re sell map packs
Do you really want that?