Pex thread m8s. Favorite setups and legends? I abuse the wingman and really use whatever weapon I can find a good load out for.
APEX Legends
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solo drop when
Bump Brudahs
Whenever you want lmao just ignore your teammates
The gay Nigger with AIDS powers. Pool's closed.
Wouldn’t work. Would be nothing but wraiths and Bangalore
I normally just run with whatever I pick up in the first little area I raid. The only guns I don't use are the mutumbo shotgun, the pistols, and the alternator.
I used wraith at first but I've recently switched to bloodhound and I like it better.
Ballistics feel like shit in this game, someone 10 meters away shouldn't be able to outpace a bullet at a brisk walk.
>deliberately goes out of its way not to make a rowdy country boy character
Fuck this game.
Are they going to fix the hitboxes or... ???
Every single squad is Wraith/LL/Bunga
Did these fuckers really rip off One Punch Man?
>user wants his country boy character
>It's an inbred mutant named Cletus with potato face and never stops with the Brokeback Mountain shit
>fight someone
>they have purple gear
>I have blue
>shoot them 100 times
>they shoot me twice
>I die
>have gold gear
>get shot twice
I really don't understand why I go down so fucking easy compared to everyone else. I'm sure you guys will tell me I suck, but it's really fucking frustrating.
Literally just turbonerds who studied the way of bullet velocity for 500 hours that are now able to track your head reliably.
For some reason I just can't git gud at this game. I don't know if it's because everything is projectile instead of hitscan or because of the bullet drop or what, but I can't reliable land shots for the life of me.
I'm not good either. I get the occasional win with my friends but most of the time we get raped. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong is probably the most annoying part.
Bullets travel at a snail's pace, so coming from another game with projectile travel doesn't help much. Until you learn how to aim, the answer is to pray you're matched against retards or the skilled players are lucklets.
Wraith first, Bangalore or Bloodhound if she gets taken
>Set up
I'll try and get a longbow or hemlock and throw a scope on it if possible, and either a wingman or peacekeeper, barring that I'll try and pick up a prowler if I find the fire select, or the .45 auto
>tfw got all of the mozambiques legendary skins
I feel like the game is mocking me
Become the best Mozambique main the world has ever seen.
every shooter i always favored mid-range assault/battle rifles over anything else
in apex i've wound up being good with snipers and shotties and cannot for the fucking life of me hit anything with a mid range auto rifle
That would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn’t so goddamn disappointing.
I really wish the Flatline were any kind of decent. It's the nicest looking and sounding AR.
Couldn't I just claim I'm a mozambique main and become the greatest by default, who else would use that shitty gun
>playing battle royales
>rip off a boy
>call him a girl
I haven't used it much in apex, but loved it in Titanfall 2, does it still have the horizontal recoil?
No, it's just kind of shit
what is this? they look at an atlas and goes hey we shld name our characters and things based on real life places!!! DJ Pyongyang vs Nuuk em' sukkas
I want the 'wraith with a peacekeeper/wingman/r99' episode to end already and for the devs to fix the hitboxes and make the bigger characters viable already
Shame, used to have the weirdest recoil, but hit like a truck, great for mowing people down at close-mid range indoors
Holy shit are you me
My midrange fucking sucks in this game
I like using the RE-45, usually dump anything else I have on hand when I find one.
>Straight forward recoil
>Enough ammo for one clip to take down a non-armored enemy in early game
>With an Extended Mag it only takes two - three to take down gold armor
>If you hit all your shots you're golden
Solo'd an entire trio the other night with just lvl1 armor while using Mirage, RE-45 only.
Why is a Wraith with a close range weapon any more dangerous than a Bangalore? Bangalore can close the distance and out-track you in CQB better than Wraith, whose "invisibility" is more of a self-detriment than anything
honestly though i would rather use the mozamb rather then the p2020
exactly what I was thinking too
because wraith's hitbox is fucking ridiculous if she's facing you and halfway decent at bobbing
If not bullshit, you must’ve been fighting against literal braindead children
well the mozambique is a reference to the mozambique drill more than the place
>really love playing Path
>has the worst hitbox in the game
Is this time trying to balance his swinging around, because this is a pathetic joke
.cont Wraith's are try harding faggots, peacekeepers are the hoodrats of the gun community and R99s are pretty shit because they run out of ammo too quickly, take too long to reload, and if you miss your shots for half a second you wasted 1/3rd of your mag.
I dropped the game after my random team died to a solo Wraith with a peacekeeper, there's something so cuckfaggot about the hitbox, and her Sarah Ryder looking autism face.
They need to balance the fucking hitboxes. The most useful characters also have the smallest hitboxes meanwhile caustic and pathfinder get fucked on.
>muh hitboxes and solo queue
You little bitches need to go back to fortnite
Why would you ever play with the caustic? That gas shit doesn't even do any damage. Defensive characters in a game that is all about fast paced offense
When will they nerf the stupid fucking peacekeeper? It's fucking disgusting to be using a longbow and get outsniped by a fucking peacekeeper+choke.
Funny how nobody was bitching about the hitboxes untik that meme video came out and everyone jumped on the bandwagon. You were fine until you were madevware if it, now all of a sudden the characters are unplayable despite being the same as before. Brainlettes Get out
God I want to fuck Sonic. Any good doujins of him.
is that Speed of Sound Sonic as a 3dpd tranny?
Named after a firing pattern, one to each lung then one to the head, the guns triangle spread and 3 shot mag are also a reference to this
Because he's a rock, just a shitty pun
Bangs galore with her ult, another shitty pun
>Why would you ever play with the caustic?
>favorite character
>favorite gun
le meme man of epic hooks
probably the peacekeer, or the wingman. yeah original, i know
The hitboxes don't seem like that big of a detriment to me, definitely nowhere near bad enough to stop me from playing a character that lets me fling myself around and shotgun people's nuts off while sliding at incredibly hihg speeds.
>dude has peacekeeper drawn
>stay out of shotgun range and light him up with assault/mid range weapon
>he still wins with the peacekeeper
Yeah fuck that shit
Unironically haven't even watched that video, I just always aim for center mass and the head...but by the elder gods if Wraithfags haven't started abusing the ziggy zaggy bitch ass cunt movement so they can land their one pumps.
that's why he needs to be fixed. He's only useful if the final zone is in a single building.
western devs cant make good looking characters to save their lives
>he couldnt kill the enemy that had a giant glowing shoot me sign that had to charge up his shots
Why is Yea Forums always and consistently bad at games
wouldn't be iconic if theres a character called Uruguay or Uranus
why did they decide to give her such a cute ass? it's seriously distracting. the fact that she does that autistic naruto run so that it's also always poking outward makes it worse. can't help but stare at it...
I didn't realize you've seen every single criticism made by every single player since launch. I've noticed the hitboxes were fucked since day one I just don't bitch about it every day on every apex legends thread.
mostly because her hitbox makes her the best at 1v1 engagements, and also because it's so fucking common it gets boring
consider that pathfinder is a fast-paced offensive character and he's fucked right now
They'd need to make a much much much smaller map.
As if you're any better
I thought they called him Gibraltar because he likes rock hard dicks
I seem to have the most success with Pathfinder + a hemlock and scout.
>frog poster
I'm better than you
Bloodhound is best doggo and I pick him 90% of the time, other 10% is Wraith
Either R-99 or RE-45, and a Eva-88. Aggressive plays with hound's ult
Scout is the only gun I do well with.
Flatline is the absolute worst fucking gun, the recoil on it is completely trash without anything less than a level 3 barrel stabilizer
Wait can you even put a stabilizer on a flatline?
>barrel stabilizer
It only gets extended mags and a stock but yeah I hate using that gun too.
It's called Titanfall 2
>Think again, weebnigger
ah yes if only she was androgynous anime faggot #4879885093
It doesn't help that bullets seemingly hit the target before it looks like they do. When I use the Longbow I aim so the bullet will travel to them, but never hit. When I aim right on them from a mile away, I get hits but the tracer is way behind the guy I'm fucking up. It makes no sense, it looks like you're shooting bullets coated in molasses, but they're basically hitscan. Very cringey design.
love the 301
>gets blown out
>m-my wojacks will save me
Definitely better than you, by a large margin
Longbow quick swap to tracking weapon is the only reason to play the game, having to fly across the map to find people to aim at is stupid, the game has no depth, what else is new.
I've never had what you are describing. Sounds like you are lagging or something.
>>gets blown out
Do you even realize where you are? The fact I'm not even making an argument on fucking Yea Forums automatically makes everyone here better than you, faggot. Go back to Yea Forums, no one gives a shit.
Contribute or go back to fucking your body pillow, holy shit. I fucking hate weebs, this is why I take every opportunity to shame your kind like the god damn jews every time I meet someone outside this dammed site.
That shit was bait and I fell for it.
what to heck am i reading
>be a meme spouting faggot
>get blown out
Calm down user, try to show some dignity
P sure i ran into a cheater never saw this before
A lifeline runs headfirst into our building and 1shots me with a winman when i have a blue helmet
Then she, while climbing oneshots my squad mates through smoke also 1 hit kills
No way thats normal
is that him in the back?
I'd like to blame my lack of understanding on lag because I've watched tons of videos on how to shoot and hit properly and it looks nothing like when I play so lag may be correct. I don't want to worm out of it completely and say it wasn't lack of skill, but I think questioning the server stability of an EA game is valid especially when there's that many players for a free game.
t. samefag
Wraith when i want to win mirage for fun
Wingman peacekeaper or spitfire for close range g7 for the rest
G7 is imo underrated
Did they even test that the game works on Windows 7?
I can't play more than 4 games without getting the memory reference crash.
Could be lag but I've never heard of cheaters that make their guns one-shot someone. PC right now is actually plagued with cheaters with aimbots but I've never seen one that modifies their damage. Not saying it's impossible though.
Projectiles don't move at correct/realistic speeds in this game. It is more like paintball.
I dont think it was lag the sever was fine and my mate saw it too
They need to add a report function
I find it hard to believe a game like this could have dmg cheats but what you said sounds more plausible
Post more of your retarded frogs, this one somehow got past my auto filter and I wanna nail down what caused it
Is Bloodhound tranny?
Post more pepe
No, it's just a butch woman. Possibly lesbian.
Lore-wise, nobody knows Bloodhounds identity. Dunno why that's classified as "non-binary" though.
That's an Apu, not a pepe you posted
>why that's classified as "non-binary" though.
It's not, it was just the VA saying whatever to get some brownie points
It's a green frog, it's still shit and gay