
>Using these terms unironically and thinking anyone should respect your opinion on competitive play

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Tiers are for queers to be honest

I only use these terms in relation to non-competitive play i.e. quickplay

respect my dick and balls if you think i should care about your opinion

Aww.. did someone hurt your feewings?

tryhard and tierwhore are the same thing, tourneyfag is someone who plays games competiviely, i.e. a fag

Casual elitism is something I really don't get.

Funny enough, actual competitive players in the FGC sometimes use tierwhore, but it's more of a joking thing since there really are people that will just choose whatever is believed to be the best character in any game they play. We just don't delude ourselves into thinking it's a bad thing, if they wanna win then what can you do.

From my experience, it's mostly used on people who don't actually understand how a tier list works and assumes that by playing the best character they automatically win.

>Competitive Videogames


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>I play for fun!
>I didn't lose at all!

What? Also, what kind of uptight butthole doesn't play for fun?

Here's the thing; competitive scenes for literally any game look a lot like the cross-section of the earth

>Crust: Casuals. People who play to have fun, and don't really care about being good. They hang around the scene for the spectacle and the drama, and get some gaming in too

>Mantle: the tryhards The vast majority of any competitive scene. These people don't care about you, they just want to get good, and half of them are certain "getting good" means talking as much shit as possible. They look online for the best STRATS and then when they lose, it's anyone but their fault. Usually play online. Full of salt and rage.

>Core: The true competitive scene. Mostly pretty cool bros. These people go to official tournaments. Some of them rake in the big bucks. Almost all of them are totally cool people to play around with, at any skill level. They don't lord their skill over you, or think they're superior to you for playing a stupid game. It's just a job to them, and they're so good at it, they don't have to be "on" all the time, they can chill out and play with items on at a party, and still wreck your shit when 10Gs are on the line.

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>he likes fun
Get the fuck off Yea Forums you casual fun loving fuck.

>thinking compfags are important
Get out of here little shit, you are cancer, stop shitting up the scene.

>thinking anyone gives a fuck about funfags
Go play with your Lego kid.

>food analogy

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lol, you cancer have the rest of videogame players against you, you are the reason so many shit games have been released lately, you are too vocal with your crap so developers thought it was a good idea to pander to your stinky asses, but guess what, it all went to shit, none of these new games are good.

>I can only enjoy things because neurochemicals tell me I do!
Wake up cuck fun is a drug designed to control you.

What the fuck are you talking about, did that hit you so hard it triggered your schizophrenia?


But why do you assume people who play to win aren't having fun?

Someone who plays at a high level.
Someone who plays at a middle to high level by utilizing some janky/unfun means

Consider being bodied by a really good Dark Samus or Ryu, as compared to losing to a fair spamming anime character.

Why would I take medical advice from somebody who likes fun?
Go play with your dolls faglord

Because he grentexted "I play for fun", heavily implying he doesn't.

What medical advice? Calm down stinky butt.

>he's still trying to defend fun
>He still let's chemicals control how he feels

people that complain about tiers are the biggest fags ever, get with the program or stop complaining

>following the meta instead of making the meta

>It's just a job to them

Comfags are literally sick in the head, go figure.

>using Yea Forums aka the scrubquotes mine to discuss competitive games

>calls others sick in the head
>cucked by neurochemicals

How do you think you wrote this? Or are you also brainless?

Only fun competitive game is Mario Kart. Chang'e my mind.

I didn't write anything, braincuck

>food analogy
Shit nigger you must be daft.

Yeah brainless.

Says the one who likes fun.


lol, imagine letting neurochemicals control you

Now you're starting to get it buddy. Free yourself of your shackles.

What shackles retard? Your silly assumptions? lol, imagine being this much of a brainlet that you can't even accept you are wrong. I'm sorry you are obsessed with being better than someone at pushing buttons, follow your own advice stinky ass, "free yourself" from compshit.

Over a decade and some people just still haven't learned.

The shackles of your own mind obviously. If you weren't so fucked because of fun you would be enlightened and break free.

sounds like something a tierwhore would say

Tierwhores do need to die in a fire. Some of the best competitive moments have been niggas getting btfo’d by a low tier pick

You spend countless hours watching photons being shot at your eyes, mashing buttons expecting to be better than someone doing the same, that's far from being enlightened.

It's said to see how pitiful you have become due to your addiction to fun.

I tried to help your stinky ass to delete your programming to be a loser, but you refuse to accept, keep being a brainlet, you just proved you can't do better.

>competitive play
>in a medium for children
LMAO do you play competitive hide and seek too you fucking manchild?

You cannot try and make and addict of the one trying to set you free from your addiction.

The way you play video games is wrong and boring. Why haven't you realized this yet?