Why doesn't Nintendo ever come up with new IPs?

Why doesn't Nintendo ever come up with new IPs?

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splatoon is new.


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You were saying?

Their army of nintoddlies will pay endless amounts of money for anything they shit out, so why waste money creating anything new when they can just shit out a half assed nuversion of an old IP with a shitty coat of paint.

>Codename STEAM
Stop making this shitty ignorant thread over and over.

nintendogs is like 15 years old, arms was a one off shitty thing, splatoon is 5 years old, codename steam is literally an obscure 10 year old dsiware game no one knows about

>splatoon is 5 years old,
It's not even 4 years old

>Those don't count even though an IP can just be one off thing
>Implying STEAM wasn't obscure due to poor marketing and being on the DS when it's 3DS

Wasn’t EverOasis a thing by Nintendo too?

>those dont count!!

Nintendo should show some love to their other IP's

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Octopath Traveler?
Didn't play it because it looked shit but hey it's something new.

Nintendo makes new IPs all the time, they're just usually low-budget. Splatoon, Arms, Daemon x Machina, Town, etc. are all new. Xenoblade is new-ish. Boxboy, Dillion, and Pushmo are some example of low-budget IPs that have done fairly well.

>Sakura Samurai
>Dillon's Rolling Western
>Ever Oasis
>Sushi Striker
>Daemon X Machina
Nintendo makes new franchises all the fucking time
You people just don't buy them

That's Square Enix

Because they have a large number of franchises already and just need to make a few new ips.

you must be 18 years old to browse this site

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Why doesn't Sony bring up old IPs more often?

Everyone is forgetting the wonderful 101 and Astral Chain. Those are 100% Nintendo ip’s

Why should they? I don't want them to.


>Their army of nintoddlies will pay endless amounts of money for anything they shit out

Ah ah, anything bro? Or have we forgotten that Metroid is not even that great of a seller. I think it's a meme that it's a big time Nintendo seller franchise when even Kirby outperforms it. And Metroid aside, Nintendo fans allowed Star Fox to die and I mean even before the Wii U game because the 3DS game didn't sell. Then there's Chibi-Robo and Pikim which also don't sell. Nintendo fans allowed them to fail.

Don't forget Wonderful 101 and Astral Chain, which are co-owned with PlatinumGames

This, buy the fucking new IP's guys, we already lost a shit ton of franchises in the 2000's.


>Why doesn't Nintendo ever come up with new IPs?
>Like Sony and Microsoft! Not that they just focus on 3rd party or anything, not like that's the equivalent of throwing shit against a wall and seeing what sticks. Or anything.

Oh gee, I don't know, OP. Maybe because they already have an ESTABLISHED ALL-STAR CAST ON A PAR WITH DISNEY? Maybe they want to stick to developing games for those? They do have a lot of iconic characters, after all. Because , you know, they're creative and stuff.

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Thats the problem right there.

Its not that they dont make new IPs, its that none of them resonate with audiences the same way their main games do. Splatoon literally only took of because of pedophiles. If it had gone with the original squid blooper people design it would have been a one-off deal like ARMS, mark my words.

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If Splatoon appealed to a shitty otaku niche it would not have sold as well as it did.

Do nintendo have to make a new ip every year or something? What do you mean? New ip's are always a huge risk, why would they take that risk frequently?

Name me 3 companies with more IPs under their belts than Nintendo, or at least as many as.

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>arms was a one off shitty thing
Proof? They seemed to be pushing it hard with all the invitationals and the spot in EVO Japan. Not to mention the comicbook that is supposed to come out this year.

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It's not, I have no idea why many keep saying it. Sequels takes time you know.

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Because autistic nintendo fans can't handle change and need things to stay familiar

they shat on that game hard though
which is a shame because it had premise

No user, Daemon X Machina is just a third party exclusive game, like Bloodborne for PS4

Astra Chain is a first party game made by Platinum for Nintendo

>Implying it wasn't good
Literally better gameplay than Valkyrie Chronicles

They do, but most of them fall into obscurity.
From the top of my mine, and in not other order besides what comes to my mind, since gamecube, they either develop or published (with ownership over the IP):
-Eternal Darkness.
-Chibi Robo
-Nintendo Dogs
-Golden Sun
-I will count Luigi's Mansion.
-Pandora's Tower
- Xenoblade
-The Last Story.
- Ever Oasis.
- ASH (japan only, DS)
- Disaster, day of Crisis.
- The wonderful 101
- Splatoon.
- Pokken (I will count this one too, alongside most Pokemon spin offs that are truly apart of the main series in regards gameplay)
- Code name STEAM.
- magical vacation
- The Wii series of minigames, which is expanded in other names even today.
- Wario Ware
- Legend of Heracles for the DS.
- Captain Toad.
- The Legendary Starfy
- Trace Memory
- And coming now Daemon x Machina and Astral Chain.

And I must be missing some, but again, of this games, just a few stand out and get to become a franchises, and mostly just the ones that don't compite with and already established Nintendo IPs in regards the genre.


Blame Intelligent systems who retardedly thought showing Fire Emblem characters and calling it a day was advertisement

The game itself was actually pretty good


It's literally one of the worst selling Nintendo games in recent time, it didn't even come close to 2000 copies in Japan.

In reality, they have so many, that sometimes they just need to look at which one they haven't use in a long time, and make something new. Sometimes it may as well be a new IP like with Punch Out and Kid Icarus. Granted, sometimes it fails like with Star Fox, but still, with so many IP's they can keep experimenting as much as they want.