Why is looter shooter a thing?

Why is looter shooter a thing?

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Cause cavemen are addicted to dopamine which gets released when something shiny drops

Or when you do the same shitty bait thread for the 358th time

It's just a fun melding of shooter, rpg and collecting.

Is Yea Forums the looter shooter of forums

Discount Destiny with even LESS content and MORE microtransactions

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Warframe isn’t a looter shooter. No fucking loot

It's a zoomer thing

The only winning move is not to play

Warframe has way more content than Destiny the fuck you on about?

>top 8
is that like all looter shooters

>more content
you mean the exact same repeated layout of missions and no endgame?
say what you want about Destiny, but at least that fucking game doesn't prey on newer players with their shit MTXs
>inb4 hurr just become a tradechat slave
if you have to work for a game to be fun, it was never fun to begin with.

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>there will never be a proper sequel to Phantasy Star Online
>You'll never see your MAG evolve again
>You'll never feel that feel when a red crate drops again

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Don't you guys mean 'Shlooters'?

I blame Diablo 2 for hooking me into looters. Then co-op shooters like Gears of War for getting me hooked on co-op shooters.

Shooting things with guns and superpowers is fun.
Getting drops is fun.
Making builds is fun.

Together these should all be fun. Plus sometimes you just want a game to grind in. It doesn't really matter that you're doing the same shit over and over again; you just want to grind and slowly make progress toward something.

Looter shooters should be good, but they always drop the ball on the gameplay super hard.

I wouldn't classify Warframe as a lootershooter anymore
The only things you "loot" are faction points and crafting materials.
Other than that, it's all rng mission rewards or no effort pay to have shit

>The only things you "loot" are faction points and crafting materials.
so it's a looter shooter then, you need those to make weapons and shit.

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What was the first looter shooter?

>Warframe has good movement system but everything else is shit
>Destiny has good, meaty combat but everything else is shit
>Anthem was suppoused to hit the sweetspot between the 2 and make a better game
>it was actually worse than both

Honestly the only fun Looter shooter i've ever played was Borderlands 2 and The Division after like 3 years of updates.

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Call of Duty is a looter shooter too now? Retard

Because plebs without jobs want to take on a fantasy job.


Diablo 2
its the same shit

does call of duty have RNG drops tied to mission completion?
shut your whore mouth before you spew retarded comparisons like that, you mouthbreather.

>What is Borderlands 1 and arguably 2
Say what you want about the writing but borderlands is the best of the genre

"people" don't like to play a game, they like to be "rewarded"

yeah, too bad they dropped the ball on TPS and Randy bobandy decided to commit career suicide.

Shadow Warrior 2 was fun thanks to the combat but the whole "open world procedural generated maps" was kinda dumb.

>"people" don't like to play a game, they like to be "rewarded"
I don't get this criticism, what is the difference between shooter's looters and any MMO/rpg in that regard?

Ohh I forgot about shadow warrior 2, I didn't mind the procedural generated maps that much , my main grip was the end game content was kinda shit

Really, they've *always* been a thing.

They're all basically just Diablo With Guns

Sometimes I'm looking for that kind of stuff. Not always, and they're not the best games to me, but I'm glad they exist.

It literally has you stupid shitstain. Kill yourself

Is EDF a shooter looter?

>6 month video with not even 4k views
go shill your shitty youtube channel somewhere else, faggot
also, you're better off using microsoft sam than your actual voice

Somehow some fuckheads convinced a bunch of idiots that 99.99999999999999999999% of the shit you pick up should be junk and it would be fun, and then made an entire business model around it which has fucked up video games for the past twenty-ish years.

Everyone wanted to be as badass as Borderlands



Why is looter anything a thing?
Diablo and its garbage "you need to finish the game twice before you can start enjoying it" is retarded bullshit and yet is apparently the best implementation of this dumb shit
>oh boy I can't wait to play the MMO gear grind purely by myself.


Cause its fun with friends crowd and carrot on a stick progression make money

There isn't a single single player shooter looter

Yes if you get le resources xD

Exalted Blade

Are there any "Looter Shooters" that actually handle loot like the RPGs do? Like Diablo, Titan Quest, Dungeon Seige, etc?

The only good loot shooters are BL 1/2


lol that's a funny word

I wish someone would make the game that Borderlands wanted to be when it was being advertised. About having infinite different gun combinations that actually worked uniquely and had interesting interactions and shit and finding something new could actually be exciting
Instead of nothing but "ha ha unfunny ironic bad comedy writing"

Why the hell is Warframe the splash image for that? Warframe is almost entirely as far away from loot shooters you can get.

Corporations are toiling away at creating the perfect unholy combination of ARPG and MMO to create the ultimate video game theme park.

>Online only.
>Can't be pirated.
>Kids brag to friends about their gear.
>Psychologically addicting

>shoot things
>loot things to get more shooters

Not really.

It doesn't really have the intrinsic grinding or loot economy that the other games live and die by.

Grinding is really more of something you can do if you want to do crazier and crazier things.

EDF games are of complete games, not hamster wheels like looter shooters.

Still beats playing destiny lmao

You don’t loot shit. You craft.

Borderlands definitely does. Maybe The Division as well.

What the fuck are you smoking?
Warfarm is 100% a looter shooter.

It's just that warfarm doesn't have progression.
All your shooting & looting is to get materials to make different things to shoot & loot with.
This is opposed to the destiny/anthem/detroitsim where you shoot & loot to get stuff to let you shoot & loot harder things.

So it's really just a boring, worse version.

And how do you acquire the parts to craft, user?

People like shlooters.

Same thing. Gotta vary the loot so they created a crafting system.

The point is you replay the same shit over and over for incremental rewards.

if you unironically play any of the 2 you are a stupid faggot.

So all games where you shoot and can craft are shooter looters?

The Division 2 started adding negative stats to the gear so you have to balance them now.

Don't you want these (You)s though? You like it when the Yea Forums icon turns red, right? Admit it, it makes you feel sooo goooood

Too an extent, yeah.
Not that they're all bad, it's just the trend right now.

Is MHW a slasher looter? Could this be a natural next step for the genre?

It does. Only reason why I love baiting

Shadow Warror is the closest to a "Slasher Looter" i could think of.
Monster Hunter is just shit.

>if you unironically play destiny 2 you are a stupid faggot.

Was the one before Borderlands 1?

go back to your containment general, warfag.

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Correction, MHW is just shit, everything else is fun you tasteless pleb

i unironically believe MH is the only game where "It's better with friends" rethoric actually works.

you don't play rpg to increase some meaningless numbers

Hell yes you do idiot

ok you are a clinical retard

I think borderlands 2 really started the craze if i remember correctly

Are we still doing this? MHW is fun, it is too easy and the next World game better update the monsters so that players aren't continuing to get more and more options while monsters are static, but it's fun and it made some legitimately good changes. Like everything about resource collecting.

I like MHGU more tho tbqh

It won't be for much longer. Bungie's gonna try to do a third Destiny but with no major publisher to take the financial hit that third flop is gonna present them they're gonna have to also abandon ship. Anthem is donezo too, Borderlands 3 is the only hope the """"""genre"""""""" has left but if it goes always-online like the newer looter shooters it's fucked too. Genre's probably going to die off because it's impossible to sustain an always online experience like this without a monthly sub fee.

Go back to your dead game, bungietard