What was your opinion on SC2 when it came out in 2010?

What was your opinion on SC2 when it came out in 2010?

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I thought it was pretty good.

I thought it had good quality of life changes for casuals. I think its a better game now

Co-op's fun. Shame content development is dead.

didn't care since I didn't care about the first one either

Too much focus on making it a competitive multiplayer game just to have worst koreans going back to playing the original
It felt underhwelming in general

I liked it a lot. I still think the game is great. It doesn't hold a candle to brood war, of course, but the quality of life updates alone make it an enjoyable experience. I still don't think any RTSs compete to SC.

SC+Brood War > SC+expansions >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other RTS

Dead on arrival.

>hell, it's about time

campaign was fun
multiplayer was shit, unlike SC 1 and WC 3


Entertaining campaign. Fun multiplayer (1v1).

Battle.net 2.0 was dogshit on release though. Made custom games a massive disappointment.

>three campaigns are released separately and you have to buy all three at full price
>"gee I wonder what people are behind this game?"

the story was so shitty that I haven't even tried the other 2 campaigns

i'll probably get flamed for this but i really liked sc2 and i also liked buying the guides, not really because i needed them for the missions but i liked reading about the units and dev info they put into them - legacy of the void didn't even get a hardcover guide book like WoL and HotS did, i guess because it was so lack luster at that point in time or because the devs didn't think it was needed. feels like a piece is missing

>what the fuck is this shit
>why did I get memed into buying it
>where's that RTS legacy everybody was blabbering about
>wtf is this clicker shit
>it's like a moba but with multiple controllable units and buildings
>where's the scale, ambition and love
>what the fuck is all this micro-bullshit
>where's the fucking strategy
>fucking awful story, kerrigan is a cunt
>what an interesting campaign presentation
>more RTSs should follow suit, we're no longer in the 90s

What a fucking waste of 60euros, what a profound damage Blizzard has done to the RTS genre.

I enjoyed it a lot, both single player and 1v1. Didn't enjoy HotS that much but played through the single player campaign.

With the legacy of the void the story became unbearable shit so I dropped it. Didn't touch the multiplayer either.

>what the fuck is all this micro-bullshit
>where's the fucking strategy
you have a severe lack of how the game works if you think it's not a strategic, macro game. just because micro is important doesn't mean that's the focus of the game.
>fucking awful story
no one gives a fuck about SC singleplayer

lack of understanding on how the game works*

I liked Brood War's UMS maps more

>kerrigan is a cunt
really I thought they turned Kerrigan into a Mary Sue

BW Kerrigan was a cunt, the best cunt

Alright but bland gameplay.
Consumed months of my life if not an entire year.
Making medics and marines is only interesting for so long.

Oh yeah, it also has a great campaign, complete with optional achievements on every mission and multiple difficulty levels.
Not quite as great as War3's campaign, but still something to snack on before War4.

A couple of months in and after the pro tournaments it was just, oh fucking garbage marine/maruader/medivac rush every fucking game.
Awful balance at launch and no fucking units

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>no one gives a fuck about SC singleplayer
It's fucking there, they fucking continued it, they fucking poured work on it, they fucking charge money for it. So fuck off with that shit already.
>just because micro is important doesn't mean that's the focus of the game
Fuck you and your gookclicker bullshit. I don't give a rat's ass if macro becomes a thing 30 minutes into the game. The game is so disgustingly
micro heavy it permanently ruined the RTS genre, and any games with a top-down camera for that matter. MUH AYYY PEE EEEHMMMM

lurker D, sunken D, poker D, golems

The original Starcraft when I was about 12 or 13 was my favorite gaming experience of all time. I spent an entire summer playing it.

Broodwar had almost no story between Kerrigan and jim

SC2 was a love story and was S H I T.
SC is supposed to be a story about 3 races at war, not MUH DARLIN faggotry

SC > SC2

It was pretty good, I liked a lot of the new units and the graphics was a definite improvement, it looked far smoother.

I was really disappointed in the lack of porn custom games though.

>macro becomes a thing 30 minutes into the game
and you continue to display your lack of understanding with stupid shit like this. macro starts at the very beginning of the game, dipshit. SC is a macro heavy game and only non-players think otherwise. just kill yourself already you stupid faggot. don't talk about shit you don't understand, no one wants you here.

I thought it had potential until region locking and the hilariously bad management of custom games because they were trying to string money out of it.

disappointment. They raped the lore so bad, as they did force the battlenet 2.0 with always online

Yeah by a mile. SC2 custom game system was so fucking retarded.

redditor casual

I liked it and I still like it even though I only play Brood War now

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Yeah they turned her into the living mcguffin to end all wrongs.
She's nothing more than an irredeemable hormonal genocidal cunt of a woman that can do no wrong. Such a fucking awful character.
Muh betrayal, muh Mengsk, muh primal zerg, muh fate, muh zeratul, muh hybrid.

I'm so fucking salty.

>expecting balance at launch

not even the first starcraft had that

>macro becomes a thing 30 minutes into the game
You clearly never played the game in competitive multiplayer. If you perfect your build order and macro you can a-move across the map without looking and win. You can get to high diamon, sometimes master bracket doing this.

But SC2 was so egregiously bad. The map pools were fucking dog shit as was the balance. They didnt even try to fix that shit

>post yfw Rain's dumb ass lost again today
Him and Effort literally threw their entire series away. Finals are gonna be so shit

I'm not going to take a picture of my physical copy to prove you wrong cocksucker, your autistic gookclicker
dicksucking invalidates any and all points you're attempting to make.
Try harder, Yea Forumstard.

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multiple people in this thread are calling you out for being a dumbass who doesn't know how starcraft works. take a step back and have some self-assessment time. it'll be good for you.

Fuck of, subhuman. I gave this game its fair chance for the few first months and it was FUCKING DOGSHIT. Go dilate before AGDQ starts, you don't want to miss it!

it was SO HYPE when it first came out. 2010 was my first year in university and literally everyone was playing it, even the normie fags. for you zoomers, imagine if everyone that you know currently playing apex was playing a hardcore rts: that's what it was like. my uni had monthly tournies of 60+ entrants with cash prizes, cute girls would show up, people would go to bars to watch MLGs, people would stay up to watch GSL. 2010-2012 was fucking BONKERS for starcraft 2 in the US

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>take a step back and have some self-assessment time
Get a load of this autist.
Imagine giving a shit about SC2 sissies and their opinions. Ahahaha what a fucking thing to say. You make me sad, and thanks for the (you)s cocksucker.

You're a special kind of braindead retard aren't you? Anyone who had ever played a strategy game before could reach diamond by doing random shit during the first months after release.

>enter thread about game you barely understand
>barf out incorrect statements, immediately alerting starcraft players that you don't know how shit works
>get called out on it by several people
>rage and throw insults
>continue to provide zero proof regarding your original points
why are you the way that you are? go outside and interact with a human being

campaign was good
battlenet2.0 killed the community, it was less social
awful custom games and the search system pushed shitty maps
massive letdown after playing W3 custom games for 10 years
not even sure W3 remaster will be fun ._.

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Imagine typing this shit. Imagine demanding proof for objective truths.
Imagine being this much of a dicksucker. Why are all blizzdrones like this?

>not even sure W3 remaster will be fun
It will revive the 1v1 multiplayer for a few months at the very least. Other than that what would you expect?


Pretty poor

Glorious resurgence

Insane fucking bonkers

The game has never been so much fun to play, I don't know how they did it

>macro doesn't matter in SC2
>objective truth
the fuck out of here

I sincerely hope you're merely pretending.

try again retard. fuck warcraft, fuck hearthstone, fuck blizzard, and double-fuck you.

>Campaign split into three games? Fucking hell, man.
>Surely the campaign's subplot about the rebellion against Mengsk is the main plot thread. Oh no, it goes absolutely nowhere.
>The Tychus missions are. Well, guess he's on the cover and in the intro cinematic and all that.
>The Overmind was a good guy? Holy shit!
>Wait a minute, that's fucking trash.
>mfw Jim loves Kerrigan and saves her instead of killing her like he vowed to
So much for the campaign. As for the multiplayer, even leaving aside questionable decisions like no chat channels and battle.net 0.2 etc, I had no illusions it could be as good as Broodwar. That game was a happy accident that probably couldn't be repeated if you tried.

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I really liked the campaign. Other than that, thought it catered way too much to competitive esports shit. What killed it for me was Blizzard taking almost another decade to make two expansions for the fucking thing.

I fucking loved it.

Based. I still play it some times. I still use strats i used at release to get into diamond

Terrible multiplayer when compared to WC3 and the single player story went in every wrong and predictable direction possible.

Pretty good, I still ladder pretty often. There are some underlying balance issues with Protoss that really should have been addressed in beta that can't really be fixed now though. For example, why the fuck are Zealots a Light unit? They have as much HP per supply as an Ultralisk and they're Protoss' primary tank unit, they have 1 base armor. If any unit was ever meant to be armored, it's the Zealot.

>I don't know how they did it
They fired David Kim. David Kim was the lead game designer 2013-15. He was also responsible for Red Alert 3.

When it first came out, it was fuckin great. It was shallower than Brood War, but prettier, and had some nice balance changes. Also, we all knew it was getting two more expansions, so we knew anything wrong now would get ironed out.

Then Heart of the Swarm came out, and it all went to shit. HotS was garbage, and nearly broke the game.

Then Legacy of the Void came out, and it got good again. In fact, I'd go ahead and say that SC2 now is as good, if not better in some ways than Brood War at its best. It's just a shame that Blizzard sucks now, the Esports scene is dead, and nobody cares about Starcraft anymore.


except wc3's multiplayer was ass
name a single gameplay aspect that warcraft did better, and do it without using "more" or "variety". I'm talking quality here.


SC2 has the same custom content system WC3 had.

sc2's editor blows wc3's dick out the back of its butt. you clearly haven't used it. granted, bnet 2.0 is shit and killed the UMS scene.

and don't move any goalposts by saying "hurr durr wc3 older game of course it's worse"

So bad it retroactively ruined SC1 for me

I liked it.

Sure, it's *technically* better.
But how many entire fucking genres have spawned from the mod community of SC2?

nigger, I KNOW you aren't dumb enough to think that DOTA is WC3-based and not a rip off of starcraft's Aeon of Strife