I cant tell the difference

I cant tell the difference

Attached: 1540324846647.png (1611x1068, 3.48M)

I wonder why

soul - soulless

It's easy to see, but then again this is a zoomed in picture. It's much harder to tell the difference when it's not zoomed in.

look at the crossguard on the sword. really telling. many such cases.

yes you can you fucking yogurt

His hair is the most hair improvement.

It is most evident in the metal pieces of geralt's armor but it's mostly not a big jump.

The difference is there, but it's a much less significant difference than say 60hz vs 144hz. Reminder that your extra GPU power should go toward more frames rather than higher visual presets/resolution


Problem is when playing the game no one is going to focus for 1 second on the crossguard enough for it to matter.

Attached: 4k nier.jpg (1761x984, 177K)

Even then it's still pretty clear
My guess is people just don't really know what their looking for

Look at the hair and sword sheath; Those are the 2 biggest giveaways of the resolution.

1440p should be the premium not 4k

How sharp the image looks depends on the screen resolution and size, always strive for higher PPI if you’re upgrading your screen
1920x1080p on a 21 inch screen will look as sharp as 2560x1440p on a 28 inch screen

Attached: 380A0C8A-6118-4AA8-B01B-5FB8D329A979.png (800x781, 408K)

tv manufacturer decides that

I can tell the difference between 4k and some shitty AA slapped on vs DSR downscaled from 8K to 4K
if you can't, you need to have your eyes checked

Attached: rei_ayanami_eye_vector_by_romansiii_da0qs27-pre.jpg (1032x774, 83K)

Attached: they'rethesamepicture.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Textures are blurrier on the left and the image is much sharper on the right. Look at the clothes textures, the distant houses, the ground, the metal armor under his hair. It's very noticeable, specially when the image is not zoomed in and you have way more details on screen.

Are you blind, does console gaming damage your eyes?

it's cute how often people have to lie (to themselves) in order to justify a choice. don't care for 1440p? it must not matter at all then!

That's not how it works user. High PPI alone doesn't mean anything if you're not taking view distance into account.
>1920x1080p on a 21 inch screen will look as sharp as 2560x1440p on a 28 inch screen
1440p on a 21 inch screen will look sharper than 1080p on a 21 inch screen and 1440p on a 28 inch screen will still look sharper than 1080p on a 21 inch screen.

What you should be saying instead is that 1080p will look sharper on a 21 inch screen compared to a 28 inch screen when vi. 1440p simply have more pixels being displayed than 1080p so more details are rendered on the screen, it's impossible for 1080p to look sharper but if the PPI density is too high on a 1440p screen(either by having a smaller display or more distant view) some of those details might be lost since we cannot see pixels that small.

This is why I think 4k is a meme on anything lower than a 50 inches display.

>when vi.
when viewd at the same distance.

What's the best screen size for 4k with 16:9?

I can

How big difference between native 4k and 4k dsr?

you a bitch ass nigga

Only virgins can. Buy PS4.

Nobody can

Look at the silhouette of his pants leg and boots.

Ouch. I wonder what is the difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro

You blind? It's more noticeable in motion, but even in a still there's a difference. Look at his hair, or the fences.

Why do people like you do this?

Human eye can't see above 480p user, you were memed.

Attached: 1543804306372.jpg (400x800, 116K)

If you sit at a desk then probably 25-30 inches
If you game in your living room and view your screen from a distance then probably above 40 inches

Didn't even open from thumbnail and I saw two major improvements

-more visible separation between the sword sheaths on his back
-less pixelated treeline

get your eyes checked

pc has 4k and ultra-ultra-widescreen 60 inch ips monitors with 300hz refresh rate with 1ms input latency

why do consoles still exist
because there are still retards and destitute fags

extremely minor, pro plays it like shit

Something like this because PS4 pro has forced motion blur.

Attached: 1481246826025.jpg (1662x470, 263K)

If you don't have a 1440p monitor you won't be able to tell you mongoloid.

Who prefers less clear resolution?
I normally like to put all effects on but at low res than my monitor is capable of merely because it feels like objects in the world connect better if you can't see them properly.
Also makes games more dreamy.


Who cares, the human eye can only see in 720p anyway

Massive 2B ass movign at incredibly hihg speed

You don't even need a 1440p monitor to tell, just use vsr or dsr depending on your card. I have a 1080p monitor and playing at 1440p and 4k on vsr is huge difference, it's night and day.

Ehhh Vsr looks like shit in most game m80.

Yea Forums the land of retards

All games I tried so far looked better with it on. Maybe it's just your display because my in old tv it did look like shit.

why did you quote me?

I have a 27'' 4k display and a 65'' 4k display, I can tell the difference with both but the 27'' looks sharper, I don't understand why everyone says it's a meme

Because they're dumb.

The difference between 1440p and 4k on a 27" is much smaller than on a 65" display.

Then you're fucking blind like the retards who can't tell the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz.

I only can say the difference between 1080p and 4k is huge in both monitors/tv, and I use glasses my sight is not that good.

If 1440p looks very similar to 4k in 27' then that may be a good point

the left picture gives me eye cancer

People like you are the reason streaming is gonna be pushed and successful despite the compression ruining the image.

Nah streaming issue is input lag. That I can see/feel

why would 1440 be the premium when 4k is higher? The only reason 1440 is popular on PC is because current hardware can't play most game at 4k while maintaining a decent frame-rate.

Attached: 1534789421848.png (606x580, 315K)

>Hair still looks like shit
>outfit because kind of higher res
What a blunder.

1440p is so much clearer than 1080p, its ridiculous how much of a Vaseline screen 1080p looks trying to go back.

That's why you game on PC.

This. I wish newer 21"-22" 1080p gloss/semi-gloss monitors weren't so rare. Even going from 23" to 24" is a downgrade at 1080p because of the PPI. But if you have the desk space you can always set your bigger monitor farther away to get some of the perceived sharpness back. 23" and under is the sweet spot for 1080p though.

Attached: 1550338059689.jpg (1230x1562, 349K)

have you never switched between 1080p and 1440p on youtube? cope

I see no reason to go above 1080p. The price and reward ratio just isn't worth it. It is barely an upgrade to 1440

If you're setting a 1440p monitor to 1080p or running a game at 1080p on a 1440p monitor it will look like trash. A game running at 1080p on a 1080p monitor will look vastly more sharp than running 1080p on a 1440p monitor. Also PPI is a big factor, if you have both a 24" 1080p and 24" 1440p monitor, the 1440p will obviously look sharper, but if you had a 24" 1080p monitor and a 32" 1440p monitor at the same distance there won't be much of a difference in perceived sharpness of the image, the 1440p will barely look better.

based the office watcher.

then you're fucking blind

t. poorfag

>zoomers think this is a great leap in graphics development

It's a meme, just like 120 fps, 75 hz refresh rate, and 3D tvs


Imagine being this retarded.

Automata's PC port is ass tho.

Attached: slightly confused marcin.webm (506x488, 376K)

Human eye can't see more than 30 fps.

The keyboard controls on this game are horrible, you need to create an AHK script to give you ctrl and shift modifiers to play it comfortably. Dumb asses didn't have the brains to realize that half the keys can be bound to multiple tasks, as they're only used in certain modes. The irony is that the joystick options are fully aware of this problem and address it. MGSV had the exact same problem, especially if you was a cursor user and not WASD player.

Another example of console porting at its laziest.

You have to see it in person you mong.
Just like the retards who claim they can't see the difference between 144hz and 60hz while watching a youtube video on a 60hz monitor.

>paying as much for your monitor as your gpu

I just took two screens of TW with 1440p and 1080p.
You can see the difference in the foliage and hair easily. Believe me, it is more noticeable in person than in screenshots.

Attached: 1440p.jpg (2560x1440, 2.72M)

And 1080p.

Attached: 1080p.jpg (1920x1080, 1.57M)

That's what you should do, your GPU will become outdated and irrelevant far quicker than your monitor. You can always use an old monitor as a second or third display, and if you didn't cheap out it won't be jarring when its sitting next to something newer.

Dude, 1080p on a native 1440p monitor looks worse than 1080p on a native 1080p monitor...

lools exactly the same

Going to 144 made me almost unable to play anything at 60hz again, it definitely alters how fast you're brain can process visual input, yet it's strange how 60hz was fine to me before. A good example of this phenomena is the game Super hexagon, when you start getting good at it the early levels look like they're in slow motion, even though at first they were nightmarishly fast.

1440p, gotta be.

Left pic is upscaled, it doesn't look like this on a native 1080p screen.

it appears you are a retard

that's because not even 1440p can make a shit game look good bahahahaha.

Maybe you don't have great eyesight, you should think about getting tested for glasses

I've tried multiple times my bro's 1440p screen vs my 1080p screen, both are the same size. It's definitely not worth the loss of framerate.

>Guys i can't tell 30 fps from 60fps on this 24fps gif wtf

Attached: 1548274909190.jpg (400x396, 28K)

If you invest smartly, your monitor will last you more than a decade. It's a worthwhile investment. Same goes for the GPU.

Just upgraded my old-ass 2008 PC late last year, and the jump from 1080p@60Hz to 1440p@144Hz was fucking massive.

Attached: xenoblade2-kosmos-3.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

I'm sure buying the 1-2 most expensive items on the market for something that's not in demand in the slightest was a good purchase an not coupled with buyer's remorse at all.

I play my PS4 on a 24'' 720p TV, ask me anything

1440p gives you less fps therefore its worse, the best option is to go 720p.

This whole thread you've been upset about how poor you are. Only poorfags like you cry about muh big corporations.

Reaching 1440p/144hz isn't even expensive anymore, retard.

I just now got here you fat fuck, call up your firend and tell them how you dropped 4 grand on a monitor and GPU, if you have any.

Went from 720p > 1080p > 1440p

There's a bit of difference between 720 vs 1080
but a 1440p is huge. Larger field of view in games plus the 144HZ refresh feels great.

Pictures won't be enough to appreciate the resolution and obviously the refresh rate if it's a 144hz.

Test it out on your local store or a micro center if possible. If you spend a lot of time on your PC, a nice monitor is worth it especially when playing vidya.

>40 fps

Attached: 1585928204477.gif (300x225, 852K)

now imagine 4K, and 8K in a year or two

>8K in a year or two

Attached: 1547238262223.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

the difference between those two is going to be like 360p and 480p

Mathematically, should that comparison only work if you have a proper monitor?
A full HD monitor can only show you 1080, so you won't see the difference between it and 1440

You're an irredeemable retard.


Are you retarded or merely pretending? For your sake I hope you're just pretending.

>4 grand

what thirdworld shithole do you live it

How much did you pay for your monitor and GPU for 1440/144hz at 60+ fps?

Not even 2K.

He's just poor. Ignore him, and let him seeth that people get to enjoy things he can only be upset/jealous about.

You put the wrong picture.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1619x1071, 246K)

more like betwen 144p and 480p

766p master race

Attached: file.png (1366x768, 1.61M)

There is absolutely no way that that shit on the right is 1080p. I'm still stuck on 720p and it doesn't look that bad. What the fuck is this retarded bait image?

4k wont reach 60 fps for under $5,000 in this decade

>There's a bit of difference between 720 vs 1080
>but a 1440p is huge Larger field of view
You're mixing stuff like size, resolution and ratio. At the same size and ratio, 720p VS 1080p made a huge difference. 1440p is better but the difference is less noticeable in gaming.

with amd being half decent now you don't have to waste money on gsync monitors and get cheaper freesyncs

>there is no difference between 1080k and 2k
is this the new "your eyes cant see past 30 fps" meme for 2019?

not a meme, just poorfag cope

Because it's exactly the same, 1440 is a meme as is 120fps in all but the twitchiest of twitch shooters.

>1080k and 2k
you are the meme

I can't afford to upgrade my PC right now, either.

nah there is no difference they're both dogshit
4K or bust, pleb

meant to type 1080p not k, no bulli.
I made the switch a year and a half ago and it's one of the best things i've done. The extra work space is appreciated too.

I don't think people really get that increasing resolution isn't like setting textures from "high" to "very high" or whatever. It's literally an increase in details of all aspects of the game. Sharper textures, sharper shadows, less jaggies.

Attached: 1550357103775.gif (241x328, 3.89M)


Tell me about the future.

you can already get 60fps with the newest NVIDIA GPUs you just have to leave RTX off because it's shit

>Tell me about the future.
(((They))) take over.

Attached: 1551829094394.jpg (466x393, 33K)

More frames/HDR > higher resolution
This is more of a console gaming issue anyways. The difference is easier to notice as the screen gets larger.

I'm not forking over more money for a negligible improvement. I fucking hate TV salesman anyways. To the point that I'll go to a walmart or costco over bestbuy because getting "tech-bro'd" by somebody working on commission is insanely irritating. Like you know, you twat.

Just gonna chime in and say i'd prefer 1440p 120fps over 4k/60 any day of the week.
Once you get a taste for 120, you never want to go back.

1920 = 1.92k = 2k
2560 = 2.56k = 2.5k

i'd edit the post if i could fampai

>tfw 120fos ruined 60fps for me

Attached: catto.jpg (3456x4608, 2.03M)

I just like to pretend anything above 60 FPS doesn't exist. High resolutions are basically free, you can't even find a TV without it and computer monitors have very little price difference between 1080p60 to 2160p60 now. Higher FPS does make a big difference, but I'm too scared to get used to it because the cost to get there is greatly increased.

>ugh wtf boomers ruined everything i'll never be able to retire...
>*spends thousands of dollars on extremely marginal graphical increases every 2 years just because it's the latest carrot on a stick the corporations and reddit told him to chase*
Why are gamers like this?

>tfw got a 1080p 144hz monitor for Christmas
>can't go back to 60 on games that support higher framerates
For games that don't have a 144 option, it's fine. But playing something like Doom 2016 or other fast games at 144 is god like.

Attached: 1497583874700.png (471x464, 325K)

The LOD on the rooftops and the textures on Geralt's tunic are a lot better. There's also noticeably less jaggies surrounding edges, especially around the metal armor pieces, and his hair actually looks like hair instead of the choppy wig on the left. In general, it's much more crisp.

Dude, the 1080p screenshot is from my 1080p monitor.
I have a 2 monitor setup.

why would ypu not at least have 75hz? even my old crt is 75hz
and my slightly less old 4:3 lcd also has 75hz

with gsync compatible 32 1440p 75hz looks really good