Why don't you play gba games on your Switch?

Why don't you play gba games on your Switch?

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I like playing super smash bros online, something hackfags will never understand because they have no friends to play video games with, so they sit in their solitude and play the only games they ever enjoyed, the ones they had when they were children.


I play Smash Bros on my untainted sysnand and pirated games on my emunand. You can easily have both.

lmaoing at your life imagine spending $600 dollarydoos just to play old nintendo games

I only have one Switch, if that's what you're implying

good for you, asshat.

at least give better reasons for not hacking a switch rather than 'lol babbys'.

i for example, dont hack my switch cuz its till dangerous and its still soon to do it.

So is Switch hacking still a pain in the dick?

but i can play online with my friends while also having my emunand to play pirated games and emulators?
have fun only playing NES games that nintendo picks for you i guess

Bans are a meme anyway. I fucking play all my pirated copies on my sysnand and play online since SX OS released. Nothing has happened.

I have what's known as a Personal Computer, it allows me to play whatever I want without needing to resort to physically modifying my switch hardware just to play some gameboy games

and im sure EVERYONE here does too, you are not special.

never implied that I was, just that OP is retarded

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. If it is, most people do own computers or even phones which can emulate shit these days. If it's not, you're the one who seems to think he's special. Either way your point is stupid.

seething piratefags who need to look for approval on a east indies spice trade forum

Can you take your PC on the go?

Because I play them on my DS with my GBA flashcart. Much better battery life and a d-pad that isn't complete ass

Guys, I bought a couple of titles from the eShop, but I keep getting the 2005 error code whenever I try downloading them. Something about corrupt data. What do I do?

still too soon. I’ll let the retards polish it up and full proof it until its hassle free like the 3ds. basically thanks for beta testing


>make a backup first thing once you use the RCM exploit
>stay offline during hax
>restore backup when you're done
>go back online
wow so hard

imagine being you

I have an old switch model. Can I hack it on the newest version yet?