>Entire theme of the DLC is that you should have just turned back while you still could but instead you keep pressing on and for some reason thats your fault
No, fuck you, i paid money for this why would i just go lolok and turn around? This kind of writing is fucking retarded for a video game and im sick of seeing it.
Entire theme of the DLC is that you should have just turned back while you still could but instead you keep pressing on...
Go play fallout 3 then.
>he misinterpreted the DLC's theme
I just wanted to find out why someone was so butthurt about me being a mailman that he decided to nuke the world a second time.
lol if you wanted to win why didn't you just not play it then???
I wonder if the devs are happy that so many people took their advice, never bought the game and 'won'
>No, fuck you, i paid money for this why would i just go lolok and turn around?
That's the message user, Capitalism is bad. If you hadn't payed money for the DLC you wouldn't have felt compelled to complete it, and cause the deaths of so many people.
Shit game.
>some reason
they're just pixels dude lmao grow up nobofy died cuz u played this game dumbshithead
It's the worst FONV DLC.
>every ending needs to be a happy one with everyone and everything turning out completely fine
this is a fucking shame
i cant wait until i dont interact with people like you anymore
>complaining about themes when the dlc is a hallway constantly broken up by some nigger giving you a 2 hour speech every 30 minutes
i wish there was a dialogue option where you tell him you ignored him the entire time
>No, fuck you, i paid money for this why would i just go lolok and turn around?
It's a fucking roleplaying game you retard. Literally the entire point is that when you're playing as your character, you make decisions and act as they would and not as the cheeto dust covered heavy breathing faggotron behind the screen would. In the context of that world, the Courier following some random old world advertisement to a casino, one renowned across the Wasteland as being a place full of treasure where people go to die, would likely mainly be out of greed or mindless curiosity.
In actual RPGs, what vidya RPGs are meant to be adaptions of at their root, your thought process is called metagaming and you'd be considered a massive faggot for it. And whilst in vidya this thought process doesn't exist, know that I still think you're gigantic faggot.
metagaming faggots are the biggest reasons rpgs turned to shit
Lonesome Road was the corridor shooter DLC.
It had a few interesting contributions (i liked the motherfucking Tremors mutants who are the most dangerous threat to continued expansion now because the little shits are altering the physical landscape as they hollow out the earth) but honestly the finale makes me think it was mostly just Sawyer and Avellone complaining that they had allowed too much time to progress and the nature of Fallout had changed. It wasn't so much a post-apocalyptic role-playing game anymore, it was an action-game campaign setting where you were boots on the ground for someone playing Civilization.
That wasn't the DLC's theme though. These were:
Redemption and unintentional mistakes: Should one be accounted for mistakes he made? Does the magnitude of the consequences of this mistake matter? Is Courier Six to blame for what happened at the Divide, is the sender of the package? Or is no one? Is Ulysses right in hating the Courier with such a passion?
Let go, begin again: Ulysses' life, much like Christine's(which may be why he sympathised with her and saved her at Big MT) revolves around one person. Instead of Elijah, it is the Courier. The unintentional destruction of the Divide was the spark that lit the fire, the similarities between Ulysses and Courier Six is the fuel. Ulysses hates the Courier with an unparalled passion, so much so that he followed him for years. His life revolves around the Courier. Should he let go, and begin again?
The Old World and the New World: When the world was engulfed in atomic fire, the Old World died. Ulysses is convinced that the ressurection of Old World ideas and ideals like the NCR and the Legion is a bad thing. He believes the New World must rise, and as its beginning, a New Nation. He saw this in the Divide, and sought to make it his home. The Courier helped build the Divide, and the destroyed it. Ulysses wants to kill him for that, blinded to the fact that the Courier could potentionally make New Vegas this New Nation. You can help him let go and begin again, and then he might see this, depending on your choices.
That wasn't the game's theme either. God, are you fucking stupid?
Only Avellone wants shit to be fucked forever in Fallout
OP has 1 IN
>wasn't the games theme
>devs literally say if you want to win don't play it
Ulysses's criticism of the player wasn't as simple as that. It was also jabbing at the Fallout protagonist (or even RPG in general) archetype in general. The wanderer who floats in, changes everything without a second thought (taken to its extreme in that the Courier didn't even literally know what was in the package or what it did when he left) and leaves to move onto the next place to kick up dust without having to really stay and invest themselves. Similarly, this is also the archetype of your cliche Western protagonist. A part of Ulysses' character though, is that he's a gigantic hypocrite who's blinded by madness and rage at something he can't actually accurately target (and so instead focuses it on the Courier). He's described by Avellone as a mirror of the player, basically his own version of the Level 50 NV protagonist character, but they've walked the opposite roads to the Courier (Came from the East, instead of West like the Courier, destroyed New Canaan/Zion, Sierra Madre and Big MT instead of saving it like the Courier). He did the same shit to the entire city of New Canaan by training and leading the White Legs and he set the entire Elijah/Christine saga on course.
It was also meant to be a final throwback to Ye Olde Interplay Fallout. Ulysses wasn't an understandable character like Hanlon/Oliver, Caesar or House, he was a dyed in the wool BBEG who's entire goal, name and plan is a reference to the villain of the cancelled Van Buren which was recycled into New Vegas (the ULYSSES nuclear launch system).
The DLC's real theme was that the Fallout saga was going to turn to shit sooner or later and it's better to let go instead of demanding for a good Fallout game because that will never come.
I dare you to find the quote where the devs said "If you want to win don't play ". I double dare you, motherfucker.
Spec Ops' theme if about soldiers "trying to feel like heroes" because of the CoD mentality, and how PTSD affects them. The game judges Walker, not the player. It's funny to see people misinterpret the game's meaning all these years later.
>newnigger wants to be spoonfed