>Yea Forums died
what happened? you guys finally stop caring?
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Rockstar stopped caring.
Uninstalled the first time I saw a guy on a flying motor cycle with homing missiles. Fucking stupid leave that shit in Saints Row
>Double money on contact missions
>Bring a 4 door car so we can all ride together to the objective
>Everyone just gets into hovercars, rocketbikes, or the fucking jetpack
>Flies away and spams homing missiles at the target
wow has it really gotten that bad? i quit around the time the heists came out.
You have no fucking idea.
KikeStar took the series in a nosedive with GTAO. Rocket cars, Flying bikes, Alien weaponry, While all that may be fun, it doesn't belong in GTA.
Why is nobody ever talking about singleplayer?
it literally turned into saints row, theres fucking aliens, flying deloreans, flying jet bikes and more dumb shit
Because GTAV sucked and there was nothing to do when you beat it. The world felt dead and boring compared to IV.
This. If they actually cared they would have released story dlc similar to the GTA IV episodes. Instead they got greedy and focused on updates for the dumpster fire that is GTA Online so they could rake in the paper when Hispanic fourteen year olds buy Shark cards so they don't have to grind the same heist ten times in a row to get a yacht.
Word on the street is the Doomsday Heist was originally planned as story DLC but repurposed to sell shark cards.
V's story was terrible, GTAO is cancer but since retards will throw their money at it it's going to shape the future of the series, GTA as we know it is dead.
Yeah I remember thinking Rockstar was one of the last non-whore aaa devs when GTA V was released after they delayed it. That's pretty much over now. If by some miracle they get tired of pumping out increasingly ridiculous meme tier updates for Online then they'll move on to GTA VI which I think will have a fully fleshed out online right from launch for them to continue lining their pockets.
I actually only ever played SP and spent tonnes of time just driving around exploring. The city is good to explore but the rest of the map is shit.
I got it pretty late so I started around the time the heists update was released and I left after two weeks. Unless you're a NEET with hundreds of hours to burn grinding heists and missions or hundreds of dollars lying around to blow on shark cards it ain't worth getting into.
I always just end up just driving around in a taxi in these games. City setting and radio are the only appeals of GTA for me, too bad the radio stations are mostly shit in V.
>Friend gifts me GTAV for PC on xmas
>Last time I played it was when it came out on PS3
>Tells me how good the online is now with heists and businesses
>Decide to download and give it a go why not
>People flying around in bikes spamming missiles left and right
>Can barely move around in freemode because the moment I lose cover everything explodes
>Try a heist
>Randoms literally can't stop fucking up, even though the pop up tells you exactly what you have to do
>Try to run a business
>Same bike flying people just go and destroy your shit in 2 seconds
Pretty terrible experience. At least I got some fun out of it from the heists when it was just me and my friend but other than that it was complete trash.
No single player updates/DLC.
And the online has been littered with trainer users since launch and rockstar doesn't care because getting your ass kicked in online will make you more likely to buy shark cards.
The IV sub-humans have finally arrived.
The funk and soul ones were good but didn't seem to have many songs
Vice City > III > Gay Tony > San Andreas > IV > V
Apparently there was 3 big DLC's planned, A story dlc for Trevor, An Alien invasion, And a Zombie apocalypse, Each DLC radically changed the map too
I didn't really like IV either but the map felt way more detailed, and despite all the crying about muh cousin, those minigames added something to fuck around with. Why the fuck they got rid of pool in GTAV but gave us fucking yoga, I'll never know.
Fuck off 4 had a fucking terrible world.
>Story DLC for the worst protag of all and two meme DLCs
Doesn't sound much better than what we got.
Worldwide, Mirror Park and Space were my shit but the fact still stands that IV had the best radio.
What the fuck has this game turned into? I got into it right when it released on the PS3. Played it for quite a while but got bored eventually. Came back for the heists and was severely disappointed. I also couldn't manage to find a decent deathmatch, everyone was just playing some gimmicky shit.
this is awful taste, lmao
I unironically enjoyed the hangout and dating aspect. In IV you got to hang with a Slav caricature, an Irish punk and a washed up gangster. All you got in GTA V was the protagonists, a cunt wife, a 60 iq thug and a fat little shit.
>gta san andreas had a gang banger flying a jetpack and VTOL jets
fuckin millenials and their low attention span
You're most likely a millenial yourself, user.
>that bad
It's actually worse.
The jetpack was a one of a kind military prototype which you couldn't fly outside missions without cheats and VTOL jets aren't science fiction.
I smell an IV fag, A Harrier jump jet is nothing compared too half the shit in GTAO
No one plays deathmatch because loading times, so they just rdm in freeroam with the benefit of enraging people just trying to mind their own business. All the other game modes (adversary, recreations like parachutes) are abandoned because loading times are so obscene on top of there being no incentive unless one of the (literally hundreds) of rebranded gimmick team DM game modes gets a double money bonus; and even then, most people quickly tire of the shallow mechanics within them.
it's the execution user. Or rather the saturation. Some skrawny hood rat in a jetpack pales in comparison to the following, which isn't even all the more fantastical examples
>hover bikes
>jet packs
>alien blasters
>copyright friendly expies of the following; KITT, Mach 5, the Batmobile Doc's DeLoran but with weaponry, several examples of Bond's various spymobiles
>A whole host of Vigilante 8 refugees in the form of weaponized vehicles as well as the recent Arena machines
I'm pretty sure the jetpack spawned at CJ's airfield outside of the missions.
has to be the most unfun game ever. PS Home was more fun even.
Didn't the jetpack stay at the airstrip in San Andreas?
Anyway, the main problem with these things in GTAO is that they can all be personally owned and many of them can be spawned right next to you on the spot and spammed.
There's a difference between breaking into an army base and stealing a tank, and losing it when it blows up; and having your personal rocket bike spawn 2 feet away from you on the street and just instantly getting it back any time it gets blown up. Not to mention all the exploits and glitches people can do, like teleporting to your facility through the mission invite and shit like that.
It did, user is trying to pad his argument
Yeah it's called grinding dude
u kiddin me right?
Amazing west coast classics with Ambitionz az a ridah track by 2pac, hosted by DJ Pooh who helped make plot for gta sa, friday movie.
A legendary 80s groove/disco on Space 103.2
a very suitable for setting Non-stop pop with DJ Cara
same with Hipster indie music on Mirror park
of course the Radio Los Santos with Modern rap about golden bugattis
4 sick nightclub sets with total duration of 4 hours which have their own references and other stuff
Los santos rock radio is pretty nice too
but yeah, lack of death metal, TLAD had a wonderful shit
in what other game will u find a such rich soundtrack?
rip I forgot about that
It's still worlds away from the ease and destructive capability of the Oppressor in GTAO like said but I did travel to the airstrip a bunch of times and then fly around Los Santos taking over gang territories by busting on fools with an uzi from the relative safety of the jetpack.
Did you reply top the wrong post?
Then I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to tell me.
I wasn't introduced to that much cool music in the GTA V radio because I already knew most of the songs outside Mirror Park. Back in 08 I made a long ass playlist of all the tracks I liked in IV.
GTA vice city and SA radios are much better
The IV and V mongoloids don't understand that
Good taste
I liked VC, didnt like SA or IV, and liked V.
Strange, What about III?
>finish IV
>throw a brick at someone
>fuck around with police for half an hour
>uninstall the game
>go to Yea Forums years later and praise IV while shitting on everything else in sight, because for some reason it has endless fun post game activities now
Nobody likes III outside nostalgiafagging.
>Mention the atmosphere of a game
>Spergs start making all kinds of implications
I never even finished IV. The world space was just better.
GTA online happened. At first the guns and cars from online updates were accessible in single player, but the money from cash cards must've have slowed down when they decided to block them from single player. The only way to get them in single player is with a trainer on PC but even then R* makes the new cars unspawnable unless the trainer developers bypass the block.
Honestly R* are just cunts now.
so, are we gonna restart our /vg/? or no?
III is way worse than SA
>I never even finished IV
Then you should. Because all that world space is useless when there is literally nothing you can do after you finish the story, at least V has a ton of side activities and other shit to do after you finish the main missions.
>Collect a bunch of submarine parts
>Collect a bunch of scraps of paper
>Collect a bunch of cars
Wow I'm fucking blown away.
Going around in full lobbies and watching people rage over getting blown up constantly while trying to do CEO missions is the only enjoyment let in GTA online.
>taking GTA:O seriously
Anyone here play LSPDFR? It's a pretty comfy cop simulator
Sure thing little zoom
I played it as a kid and after trying to replay it a few years ago I have to admit that the story and characters are shit, the side missions are all "drive from point A to point B before time runs out lmao" and the map is bland. III served its purpose as GTA's first step into 3D.
i wish they would just focus on flesing out the city's underworld more than just having a linear plot your shitty characters follow
they almost nailed it in vice city stories with the empire mechanic
>RC cars
>Stunt jumps
>Drug packages
>All give you rewards like Money, Weapon spawn, Stat boosts, Vehicles etc.
Nice try kid, What do you get for doing side activity's in IV and V? Nothing.
III and vice city are pretty much unplayable to me now that we have a free 3rd person camera
There's stat boosts in 3? I just beat it for the first time a week or two ago.
That and using L2/R2 for driving. Are there not mods for those though?
Play with a keyboard and mouse you cretins, There's free aim on foot, and in cars in SA
>if the game has good reviews its ok for it to have "micro"-transactions
Eh, at least the side missions can somewhat distract you from the predictable story devoid of any character development.
Rockstar still care, about shark cards
We didn't play games for story back then, Gameplay came first
Not saying it didn't, I'm saying that we enjoyed it back then but it hasn't aged well at all. Claiming that it's equal to or better than modern games is blind nostalgiafagging.
At least it was more entertaining than RDR2 online, but that says almost nothing
>Randoms literally can't stop fucking up, even though the pop up tells you exactly what you have to do
I literally quit the game because people can't follow a simple instruction. The prompt told them to stay in the fucking helicopter but yet they jumped out every single time. I held out for about 40 minutes hoping the dude would pull his head out of his ass but nope.
If you are comparing story's then yeah, Most nu games are movie shit
Liberty City Stories would have made a great PC port. Damn.
Very few online games are played for the experience anyway, they're places to collect virtual items and climb ranks to fulfill your need for a sense of achievement.
lol what? It may have been dull in color but everything else was way better than V, even the barebones online was 100 times more fun than V
GTAV was trash from day one.
t.GTA2 babby
sure why not
Do you just have mad nostalgia for III? I liked the game but it did not age well at all. Replace III with SA and you have something, hell, maybe even put SA in front of VC
>LCS & VCS PC ports never ever
shame since they're on fucking cellphones now
This. V may have had more stuff but it was absolute garbage
III is fucking fantastic.
it's like saying
>bruh are you nostalgic for ocarina of time?
>bruh tetris didn't age well at all it's feom like the 80s
it's literally one of the best games ever made
Yeah dude, it would have owned.
I really liked LCS, I didn't much care for VCS though the story didnt feel as interesting and the weird gang territory part was pretty snoozer too.
Maybe on their 20th anniversary.
It's fun with friends.
looks like I got the last laugh after all
RDR was pretty legit, RDR2 could be decent if cockstar actually gave a shit and added some worthwhile content. It felt like it released a couple months too early.
>decide to help some scrubs out in contact missions
>see some lvl 50 autist in a 4 door shitbox
>get in my flying hover bike and finish the mission at maximum efficiency
>he leaves and doesn't even thank me
Yeah this game is fucking shit
yeah I loved LCS, especially the OST.
The cutscenes were kinda jank though.
Welcome to online gaming in general
>No fun allowed
Yes that's my crew's name how could you tell?
The autism gives you away.
>Playing in a dead crew
best sp in any gta
What's so good about it?
don't feed the trolls user...
So there's absolutely no way this game is getting single player DLC, right?
Let me know why rockstar release a proper GTA
Because it felt like long movie, immersive and different with every mission.
My first GTA was IV, I haven't played any of the previous ones. I have VIce City and San Andreas, are they worth playing?
Shit game with bad online
good taste
Vice City is Dan Houser's favorite game as well.
Im playing gta 4 atm
should I pay gta 5? Is it worth? My pc runs 4 at 1080p 60fps, will gta 5 runs with same performance?
5 is a disappointment, they put most of their efforts into the online than singleplayer and it shows
the flying bike is pretty damn good for grinding tho
but yeah the whole futuristic shit is retarded