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Explain to hate for Days Gone? Seems like another third person shooter.

it's a PS4 exclusive


>6 of 30

It's just another garbage "cinematic experience" that's quickening the collapse of the game market

Thats the issue it as generic as it could be, cinematic third person open world zombie game, it reeks of desperation.

Made by a dev whose last good game was Syphon Filter 2 like 20 years ago.

>Seems like another third person shooter.

Its a really bad sign that your description perfectly describes this AAA Sony exclusive that they've trotted out for the last 3 E3s along with another year or two of development time.



>another third person shooter.
That's it. Yet another generic over the shoulder open world shooter. I barely know anything about it, but I know it will have crafting, needless RPG elements, and a map filled with little tacky icons. Into the fucking trashcan.

>ps4 vaporware is a movie
who would have THUNKED

Why are people so desperate for controversy?


Sounds kino

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It’s soulless

>Seems like another third person shooter.
That's the fucking problem you retard

And who's most notable game is Bubsy 3D

Another hit inbound. Seethe all you want Yea Forums the party rock will never end.

It's Kojima so it's ok.

So when are they going to announce it's a split-gen game that works on PS5 with the PS4 disc but with upped visual settings?

Reminder that Xcucks hyped up State of Decay 2 up until the eleventh hour.

>ps4 game is a walking simulator

>6 hours of cutscenes
>30 hours campaign
>mostly cutscenes

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>Sony is literally only capable of either remaking old games that had actual gameplay or making movie games.

What the fuck happened bros

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The most generic game ever made that people genuinely thought State of Decay 2 and Days Gone were the same title. Then there's the myriad of unfixed issues like incredibly obnoxious hitscan, terrible melee tracking, incredibly clunky animations and animation blending and perhaps one of the worst names for zombies ever thought up because for some reason these idiots think they're above making zombies. When people in that game talk about the zombies it'll be the equivalent of something out of Kingdom Hearts.
>Look out *insert random name here* there's a Freaker
Seriously you hear that name and you expect the zombie to be wearing some gaudy 80's style jumpsuit and to start disco dancing not be a fucking threat.
Though a gaudy jumpsuit wearing zombie starting to disco dance would probably not fit in the game since it actually sounds unique and weird and not just yet another name for zombies that act like regular zombies.

You'll pay full price for the "HD REMASTER" and like it.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred because they are angry Sony has made another 90+ metacritic game

You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant after so many 60 rated metacritic games.

You Microsoft fanboys constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of classic games like Days Gone. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales or good games, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile.

Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, not favored by developers and has no games.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts.

These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.

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>Seems like another third person shooter.

There's your problem
Hope someone posted the Sony exclusive template

Are you retarded
Nice copypasta
Here you go

>days gone
Is this game still not out? I never cared from the minute i saw it but wasnt it like 2-3 years ago this game was announced?

So it’s twice as long as TLoU and with the same amount of cutscenes?

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You mistook it for State of Decay 2. Many did, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Am I crazy, is this not that PS4 game with 100s of zombies and that biker guy?

Its the one with the Zombie Bear.

>The game takes place only 2 years after the global pandemic
>It is single player only
>The game follow 3 stories, Deacon, Deacon's relationship with Boozer and NERO Response Organization that is researching the infection
>The game takes closer to 30 hours on the golden path
>No difficulty options as of yet
>Playable flashback missions
>The game has multiple endings depending on player choice
>The game does have fall damage
>You can turn off the XP pop up on the HUD
>You can still play the game after you beat it
>No load times going in and out of buildings or going between regions
>You cannot change clothes yourself but you clothes do change doing the course of the game
>New things will pop up post game for you to do
>There are 6 different regions in the game,from dense alpine forest, lush meadows to desert lava fields, ancient lava caves,badlands, and snow fields
>99% of the buildings are enterable
>You can explore ski lodges, mountain resorts, and golf courses
>Yes the game has fast travel you have to unlock it first by clearing out Freaker nests
>Alot of collectibles and loot in the world
>The game has small towns to explore
>Players can collect historical markers spread throughout the map this is bits of lore from >Oregon’s pioneer past. This is all real stuff
>The game has real world landmarks for getting around like Mount Bachelor, Mount Washington, and Three Fingered Jack
>Not all animals that are not infected still have regular deers,bears and cougars, the bears and cougars still want to kill you though
>More then a dozen choices you make in the game will affect the relationship you have with Boozer
>There are optional jobs and missions that affects the who the story will evolve
>The Inventory is limited but you can expand it.

I can't believe they made yet another tlou clone

Who’s even surprised anymore?
They just turn rejected movies into games

The lenght shsitposters go to mask their stupidity is remarkable:
>6 ou of 30 hours for the main story

How ist this mostly?

Many complain that all the good people left RARE or Bungie or Bioware years ago, surely the same could happen with good people joining developers

>He has three main skill trees: ranged combat, melee combat, and survival.
>Weapons have different conditions and rarity, weapons found in the open will be worse then weapons you buy from camps.'
>Weapons you buy from camps will be added your lockers you can always get them from there.
>You can upgrade his Health, stamina and Focus suing Nero Tech
>You climb things with the X button
>You can find blueprints for new weapons
>You can craft herbal buffs
>Your health does not regenerate you have to use health items
>The touchpad can be used for menus
>Deacon can use his binoculars to mark enemies
>Freaker Ears acts as currency in the world , you turn it in at camps for credits that you spends on weapons and other things
>Snipers call out you position if they spot you
>Holding L1 to bring up the weapon wheel where you can craft, weapons, ammo, or healing items,You can also attach silencers and such here.
>Deacon has survival vision that you activate by pressing the R3 button that you can use to discover tracks, clues, and resources such as vehicles to search
>Police cars are like the treasure chest of the world where you can find ammo and health kits
>You can craft different Health items and traps
>Enemies will sometimes hide in trucks of cars

Sony wants to be a movie company and gaming platform
They don’t give a fuck about exclusives when 95% of they’re customers don’t even buy they’re game

Seethe more

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>zombie games
> You cannot do shit in the game
> third person shooter like the rest
> retarded lore like zombies being freakers and main characters are uninteresting
> looks worse with every gameplay trailer for it
> made by people who never played a zombie game before.

>Alot of collectibles and loot in the world
For fucks sake, I hate this in open world games, shits just there to increase time wasted on the game.

Gun and Explosives
>L2 aim R2 shoot pretty basic!
>The game has many types of weapons such as handguns, rifles, shotguns, crossbows, and a lot of different types of explosives
>You can switch to you sidearm with the triangle button
>You can switch shoulders while aiming
>Explosive include: gas cans, molotovs, napalm molotovs, grenades, proximity mines, and even a mine that will first attract enemies then explode.
>Weapons can be upgraded with stuff like extended magazines
>You can get a makeshift silencer from vehicles
>Bullets can penetrate though multiple enemies
>Firearms degrade as you used them making the guns less effective with higher recoil and the accuracy will drop so you have to fix them
>You can craft diffrent explosives you can also craft different bolts for the CrossBow
>You can even make bolts that causes freakers to frenzy and attack each other
>Some of skills for range combat includes headshots recovering health, and leg shots downing enemies.
>You can set a mine and lure enemies towards it.
Melee attacks are on the R2 button
>You have a melee skill tree
>You can craft new melee weapons by finding blueprints
>You have to keep your melee weapon repaired or they will break

Where is your Sekiro pre-order bro?

You seem like a bro.

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It could but they need to prove that because for some reason despite the game being clunky ass shit a while ago they had full voiced and animated cutscenes. The hitscan was god awful, it had an obnoxious witcher sense, the animations for the actual character was terrible. The only nice looking thing is the
>We have thousands of zombies on screen at once
and the over done at this point realistic graphics.
The actual movement looks like shit, they didn't at least fix the hitscan not even replace it, but fix it from being so poorly timed.
Its possible but there's a whole lot of proving that needs to happen otherwise we may as well assume they hired recent college graduates.

Different site bro, got it cheaper with steelbook than on amazon
3 days bro

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>6 hours of cutscenes
>30 hour campaign
>mostly cutscenes

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Playstation 4?
More like
Watchstation 4

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Gladium I'm glad you're becoming less and less of a consolewarrior

Gamecollection? Saw they had it with a steelbook

Fun fact: Campaign is only 30h. Its an open woeld game with side quests and more. Its really even longer
Yeah, the game collecrion. They have it for 5 cheaper and with steelbook, or pay 49.99 at game instead of amazon and get steelbook + mini ost + digital artbook

Have you ever considered that you don’t need to find all collectables?

>You can hide in trash bins
>The circle button toggles crouch for stealth
>Guns make alot of noise as opposed to something like the crossbow
>There is a noise meter on the side of you mini map
>You can hide in all grass
>Rain makes you more silent
>You can set traps and lure enemies to them
>You can attract enemies by throwing rocks or other objects against walls
>You can activate car alarms by throwing something at it which will attract enemies
Gameplay Loops:
>Nero Checkpoints: has all kinds of loot for you but first you have to get inside each one acts as a little puzzle. NERO checkpoints act as respawn location and fast travel destinations .You can also access your weapon stash here as well as find Intel about the world
>Ambush Camps: are full of human enemies, clearing them out lowers the frequency of ambushes in the world. It also sets up as a fast-travel location and offers more supplies to scavenge you can also find pieces of map here in bunkers.
>Freaker Nests: are of course full of freakers, burning these nests will unlock fast travel for the area. Also decreases the local freaker population
>Jobs: Encampments offer several types of jobs for you that benefit them such as hunting a deer, doing a variety of bounties and survivor rescues. >By building you reputation with these 5 Camps you unlock weapons ,suppilers and discounts from them.
>Hordes: Hordes are all over the place they can appear anywhere they migrate. Some missions will task you will destroying hordes. Some of the best loot is around hordes
>Dynamic Events: Roughly 1,200 dynamic events that can occur throughout the regions

what's stopping this game from being Dead Rising 3? a Better story?

Levity. If it doesnt take itself too seriously, and acknowledge the zombie genre is an overused trope.

>zombie game
>third person shooter
>open world
>rpg elements
>generic setings
just a worse dying light but is a ps4 exclusive and faggots act like will be something good

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>You can hide in trash bins
The memes write themselves

Dear fucking god, as someone who grew up owning every playstation, this disappoints me so much. I remember when Sony was all about amazing varied games, specially from Japan, with crazy good gameplay, wacky wild ideas, an overabundance of brand new original IPs and whatnot. Nowadays their highest rated games are all carbon copies of one another following this extremely safe cookie-cutter cinematic formula and pumping millions of dollars into aggressive marketing to shove this trash down everybody's throats.

They are swimming in money, at least in the PS division, but damn me if they haven't completely lost themselves in the process.

>wacky wild ideas
they dont do it no more

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Gritty realistic cinematic zombie shooter.

They used to sponsor every kind of complete fucking weird shit and sometimes you'd get amazing games out of the mess. Fuck, even their ads had this crazyness to them, i.e. the late ps2/early ps3 ones.

Now it just feels like there's Naughty Dog, the biggest conglomerate of pretentious self-absorbed pricks, pulling off these extremely scripted games and every other studio following suit.

>The bike breaks down and runs out of gas so you need it fix and refuel it.
>You can upgrade the bike in 20 different categories such as: the exhaust system, engine, frame, fuel tank, tires, suspension, storage space, nitrous, forks, handlebars, headlights and other stuff.
>You can paint the bike any color you want such as gun metal grey and hot raw red
>You can store ammo on your bike
>Your bike makes a lot of noise and will attract enemies
>If you left your bike in the wild you either have to go get it, or have someone from one of the camps bring it to you.
>Tapping circle makes you do sharp turns
>Bike acts a respawn point
>You can get gas from gas stations, but be warned that your enemies of course have the same idea.
Weather & Day/Night Cycle
>Snow can and will impact your ability to ride the Drifter Bike
>Cold makes Freakers stronger and also changes enemies
>Rain can dampen sound, but brings more Freakers out during the day. Rain also makes trails muddy and harder to navigate so you may need to switch the tires
>Sunny Skies will keep the Freakers in their nest
>Night brings out even more Freakers and changes the behaviors of Marauders, and more

they want stable cashgrab. new ideas might or might not pay off.

Does anyone think think we'll ever break free from every famous game being an open world checklist craft based survival cinematic game with stealth/RPG elements or is this really the hill where every single game out there is gonna die on?

I mean, it must come to a point where normalfags will just say "ok, I've played this exact same shit a thousand times before. Enough" right?... right?

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Reminded me of

You can’t really blame Sony for this, it’s the devs choosing themselves not make all that shit.
Death Stranding will probably be very crazy

Jesus christ, who wants this? The only possible thing zombie games can float on nowadays is exceptional gameplay. The genre itself was outdated by like 2014.

Yea Forums still miffed about State of Downgrade 2

It will but we're still a ways off from oversaturation. The real danger is that they want to keep pumping out the games at a higher and higher budget including marketing. Remember the Tomb Raider Reboot's 2nd game flopped at 6 million. That's the direction we're heading. They need to catch on and make more unique games or at least support them because if they aren't careful, they'll reach oversaturation when they need 10 million to break even.

>Sony brought in David Lynch to do the PS2 marketing campaign
>Just made really fucking weird games to be different
>Even let their dev team radically change their biggest selling 1st party IP at the time (Twisted Metal) into something completely radically different with Twisted Metal: Black being inspired by films like Seven
>Now just a cookie cutter award bait factory with sad dads or sad girls climbing up ladders slowly with a third person camera angle

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I do pick up most PS4 exclusives, and enjoy most of them. This game, however, looks bland as fuck.

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Just thinking about how Twisted Metal used to be a top tier franchise not long ago is already enough to highlight how far this hobby has degraded itself into a hollywood wannabe oscar bait machine.

It's the exact same shit as uncharted, tlou, god of war and every other moviegame ever made. All they need to get people like you creaming themselves with hype and saying how the generic game was a life changing experience is an aggressive marketing campaign.

Fake outrage. Microsoft releases a survival, zombie, crafting, early access shit, and Xgroids praise Phil Spencer. Sony makes their own zombie game with its own quirks, that looks and plays better than State of Decay 2, yet Yea Forums coughs.

>le moobie game
God shut the fuck up retard

Yea Forums can barely read. It's not surprising that they also have a bad grasp of math.

>The closer we get to release the more shitposting pops out
Tendies are afraid

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How much do they pay you in Commiefornia?

is this fucking game STILL not out? what the fuck i havent played videogames for months, i remember watching some e3 atleast 2 years ago and seeing this games demo as if it was about to be released. it doesnt even look like a complex game it just looks like an average third person shooter with zombies

Your autistic tears are the payment.

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After skimming through some of the details of the game, I really hope Days Gone plays as good as it sounds.

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You obviously didnt play god of war, the combat was fucking awesome.

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Pc fags are always salty about ps4 esclusive when they have to play ancient ports all year long , pure 100% autsitic jealousy

I'm saying the game's so generic it was mistaken. At least it has that otherwise this game would be forgotten because it's the most generic piece of shit ever made.

So this is the power of the PS4 Professional...

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b-but movie and paid gaming awards!

It's the most bland, uninspired, unoriginal, cookie-cutter bullshit I've ever fucking seen. At least TLOU has homosexual-bullshit (even if it's forced as fuck), Days Gone looks like a desperate WWZ remake.

>when you shit yourself

Well, turns out that no good people joined them. This shit is Bubsy tier.

Could you try again using your own opinion? Take a deep breath

I think Days Gone is gonna surprise a lot of people. Can't wait to see the previews.

>tendies even use the mandotory cherry picked shitty gifs

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>open world third person cover shooter WITH crafting

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>alpha gameplay
why dont you grab something actually recent?

You'd have to pay me to play this turd lmao

>Zombie game with spectacle "horde" aka zombies are not threats imdividually.


what's with all those damage numbers? and I thought it was harder to kills these zombies. they Seem as easy as Dead Rising's paper zombies

>open world third person cover shooter with crafting AND experience points

western gaming experience right fukken here boiz

The hate is they all spent money on a PC to play multiplats or they were stupid and bought an xbox and a switch on too of the PC instead of the ps4 ans switch like a smart person so they could play all the exclusives. So they write them off as movies and walking sims.

Nigga the game has multiple types of zombies, even zombie animals.

PS4 Pro is a fucking scam.

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This game is going to be a flop, its extremely generic and their unwillingness to show off its gameplay shows a lack of confidence in the product.

>generic doesn’t sell
You aren’t very bright

Generic unexceptional games only sell if they have a central hook and good marketing.


Meh, as long as it's fun it's fine with me.

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Zombies and Sony marketing isn’t enough to sell? Again, you aren’t very bright retard

>Alpha from year old gameinformer preview
>Almost every best looking game this gen is ps4 exclusive

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Word of mouth is far more important than marketing.

That is still the E3 build.

Weapon Durability
>Weapon Durability
Weapon Durability
>Weapon Durability

>30 hour game
>6 hours of cutscenes

Okay dude.

Better than having nothing at all like MGSV

When it produces image quality like this, you have to realize you are delusional.

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Word of mouth IS marketing you stupid idiot

No its not.

So is Yea Forums going to buy the game or not?

Lmao did you drop out of school? Fucking retard

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What Skyrim mod?

Truly an incredible argument.

I think you meant to say that western ps4 exclusives are "muh cinematic" trash.

Reminder that not even Sony has any confidence in this game


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I dont know why all these people hate story focused somewhat cinematic games from sony considering they are all practically dead on all other platforms.
And all other platforms have plenty of game-play only games. Hell you have the whole indie and AA scene that's nothing but game-play games.

Id rather have such games than the current over saturation of "LIve" services.
Seams to me this is mostly just hate for hates sake.
Also for the record i do enjoy Sony exclusives but the actual ps4 console is pretty garbage.
I only use it as a last resort for Exclusives.
Pc is better for literally everything else.

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>borderlands-esque loot

solid no from me

Then that means it's good.

It's a looter shooter? Fuck that shit. The one feature where they deviate from the Sony template and they choose it on lootshit.

Miss me with that crap.

more like frames gone

>that Xboner trying to be relevant
shouldnt you be damage controlling MS going 3rd party?

it's okay when certain other companies do it.

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The Xgroid is mad.

>Lifetime movies winning Oscars
Don't let Spielberg catch wind of this.

The state of sony

If they're still producing this AAA zombie garbage why can't they go full simulator and gun porn. Instead it has to be a shitty story that no one cares about.

I don't think you know what that word means.