Be honest: Did these games deserve their scores Yea Forums?

Be honest: Did these games deserve their scores Yea Forums?

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Prime sure does, the others are good games, but Perfect Dark and Soul Calibur being so high just seems odd

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A lot of Nintendo fans exist in a parallel reality where there's no one else making games. So whenever a Nintendo title does something that hasn't been done before on their platforms, the fans go rabid and praise the innovation and how exciting this completely new thing is. Even though it's not new at all most of the time. It exists elsewhere. They just don't acknowledge it.

I never even heard of perfect dark


It's a sequel to GoldenEye, except the protagonist is a girl

>being this obsessed

Perfect Dark was better in every way


Metroid sure as fuck does, Zelda kinda does i guess, not sure about the other two games.

And why should we? Those other games don't have the Nintendo characters we know and love. There are plenty of game genres I have never touched but would buy in a heartbeat if there was a Mario take on it.

It wasn't better because I couldn't pick odd job

Instead you can pick Elvis

at least they produce legit fun games unliked your cinematic shitty experiences sony fag.

I think they deserve the score for the time they were released. Like if you compare Ocorina of Time to other N64 games I can see why most people considered it to be the best. Everything it did has been done better over time though so does it still deserve the score? Hard to say... I do think it deserves the high praise at the time it was given but if it was a new game released today I don't think people would be impressed.

They should all be closer to 90.

Yes. I think in modern times they all have flaws but for their times and even now they are all quite accessible
SC can be played in HD, OoT has the 3DS version, MP is great on GC and Wii, and Perfect Dark on 360 arcade is nice as well

Metroid prime deserves 100

Perfect game

> OOT has been surpassed
Opinion discarded, the game is close to flawless. Only SoulCalibur even comes close to being all around as good as OOT

When they were released those games were phenomenal.

Dark Souls basically took Zelda and just did everything better.

What are you even on about?

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> 3/4 Protagonists of these games are Cute girls, 4/4 if you count Link who is a Trap
What did they mean by this?

> Dark Souls
Stopped reading right there, only 96-99 games are allowed in this thread. Souls games are shit

Yeah but souls games aren't fun to pick up and play right off the bat at all. Most of them feel clunky and they have their own rules, learning those rules is the reward and satisfaction and once you've played one through you'll be better at the rest but Zelda usually always feels comfy and easy to pick up right from the get go

the only game that is wildly out of place there is perfect dark, maybe metroid prime could be argued but I think it deserves its score for being groundbreaking and a flawless transition of a decade old series to a completely new style

That's because Nincels don't play games outside of their home console.

This is incredibly narrow minded. Why would you deliberately ignore great games just because Mario isn't in them? That's just depriving yourself from having fun.

But the game isn't fun if it doesn't have characters that I like in it.

No opinion | Yes
No N64 FPS holds up | Yes

>Metroid prime deserves 100
>Perfect game

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It's not a perfect game, but come on dude, you're comparing apples to oranges.

zelda oot yes
soul caliber never played
metroid prime maybe not that high low 90s
perfect dark absolutely fucking not
it was a cool game but barely fucking playable
and while the other games are great games in their genres there were much better fps games out when perfect dark was released that didn't run at 10 fps

Probably not but I'd still say most should still be in the 90s.

PD was doing a lot of things even PC shooters weren't doing at the time like really advanced AI, co-op and "Counter-op" campaign, really large immersive sim style levels with difficulty changing meaning more objectives, different starting locations and changes in the level instead of just tougher enemies. And that was on top of the massive amount of weapons and multiplayer content (That had bots so it could be played Single player as well).

>MFW the Villa stage on Perfect Agent started with Joanna as the negotiator and you had to disarm and kill the datadyne guards before fucking up everyone in the villa

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how much of a faggot you have to be to give any amount of shit about the opinion of a bunch of sjw leftist retard failed "journalists"...

Kill yourself you autistic faggot

>It's not a perfect game, but come on dude, you're comparing apples to oranges.
Bait images aside, there are a lot of things wrong with Metroid Prime, both as a Metroid game and a first-person game. I'd argue Metroid Prime is a prime example (no pun intended) of how NOT to translate a 2d game into 3d, and going with first-person was the wrong choice considering how uncomfortable the devs seemed with it.

>Samus, supposedly an agile bounty hunter, moves like a senior citizen who just got released from the hip replacement ward. She is slower than a generic FPS protagonist. This is especially egregious since the game has a ton of backtracking
>can't even strafe freely, can't even look up and down while moving, What is up with these weird limitations?
>you don't even have to aim because of lock-on (thus completely negating the advantage of going with a first-person perspective, so why did they even choose it?)
>bosses are boring HP sponges that barely even move and are basically stationary and boil down to 'scan for weak spot and wait for boss to open their sphincter to reveal their weak spot'
>they prioritized graphics over gameplay, so the exploration is constantly broken up with corridors that are disguised loading screens, which also makes the level design feel very artificial
>instead of building to a proper climax, last stretch of game is literally one giant fetch quest
>instead of letting you explore and examine things yourself (which the first-person perspective is ideally suited for), you have a scanner that spoonfeeds you everything you need
>third-person transitions like the morph ball transformation are too long and interrupt the flow of gameplay
>does a bad job of immersing the players with constantimmersion-breaking third person cutscenes of Samus riding an elevator or doing some other pointless shit (again, why even use first-person then?)

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> PC Cuck still seething that based Rare made the best FPS game ever until Metroid Prime came along

sure. I'd probably give it a 95 but 99 seems fine if that's your favorite genre
>soul calibur
wouldn't go past 90, but it's a solid game
>perfect dark
lmao, the awkward middle child between goldeneye and timesplitters does not deserve any more than a 75
no way this game is higher than an 85. it's simply not that good.

>really large immersive sim style levels

>game where you can't even jump
>immersive sim
Yeah no. I'm not saying PD is a bad game, but it doesn't really share any commonality with the immersive sim genre.


thief did all those things except for coop and it didn't have to run at 10 fps either

Number based scores are fucking dumb, but those were all really good games when they came out and some still hold up to this day.

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they all do except for Perfect Dark.

Thief is irrelevant garbage that nobody has ever cared about, Console gaming has always been the preferred gaming platform & Metroid Prime is objectively close to flawless. Nobody will ever acknowledge your shit meme game, not even Yea Forums

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Thief wasn't an FPS you stupid nigger. Why don't you also compare Thief to Total War and The Sims while you're at it.

Soul Calibur needs to be put into context. We were coming off a gen with a lot of great fighters but they were compromised compared to the arcade originals. And there was a massive jump in 3D from 1995 to 1999 in arcades - compare VF3 to 2 or SuperGT to Daytona - and consoles got none of that.

So here comes a fighter that was a massive jump over the arcade game and was the best looking game at the time, with a ton of extra features and modes, and keeping the same great gameplays And it was on a console you could buy for $200.

It was a great game but also a groundbreaking one.

Ya duermanse,que a esta hora sale el ayuwoki

Because those games are Western, Thief-kun is obsessed with crying about Japanese games

> And there was a massive jump in 3D
How is that relevant to fighting games, considering even the 3D ones take place on an essentially, flat 2D plane? They hardly utilize 3D space in any meaningful way.

Soul Calibur got such high scores primarily for the graphics, which were incredible for the time.

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The guy he was responding to was claiming PD was an immersive sim you retard.

No he said it has immersive sim-like level design.

>no grim fandango

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At its time yes.
Soul Calibur actually sold dreamcast for a while
Zelda showed how to do a 3d action adv game on consoles when there was hardly any competition.
Perfect dark was the evolution of goldeneye
Metroid prime was the translation of metroid to fps.

Where are the 3rd party Perfect dark/Metroid fps clones on consoles?

>multiple bethesda games in top 100
opinions discarded. what a dumbass board.

i'm not the one making excuses for shit games

>It was better because you couldn't pick odd job


on degenerates allowed people to pick oddjob. every sensible human being banned oddjob in their play group

but Elvis had a big ass head

>that image is missing Super Smash Bros and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

>Most scores come from multiformat game magazines
>Somehow these Nintendo games get near perfect scores from reviewers who play multiple platforms.


at the time? sure. if they were released today? hell no

You have to be 18 to post here.

The only one that genuinely deserves it is Soul Calibur. Metroid Prime, OoT and Perfect dark are all clunky garbage.