What do you think about Hispanic videogame characters?

What do you think about Hispanic videogame characters?

Attached: guacamelee.png (480x397, 277K)

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It depends on the character.

There aren't enough of them, but i don't think corrupt-ass Mexico has a thriving tech industry right now

I like Garcia Hotspur.
Pure machismo

I'd take more of them over the tons of games that just have blacks while trying to be diverse

I don't

"I made Guacamelee to create a Mexican hero" And he and his game is boring as shit.

That’s some shit taste right there
I like him and the one from KoF

No one ever talks about the second game. Did it end up being good? Waiting for a sale.

So Guacamelee has been sitting in my Steam library for years. Should I finally play it?