Low settings thread

low settings thread

Attached: ls.jpg (2560x1440, 243K)

Attached: yo.jpg (810x630, 106K)


Go lower!

>low settings

You call that a toaster?

Attached: 1.jpg (640x480, 57K)


You're doing good work, op

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Looks like a DS game except with more polygons. Looks comfy.

Attached: dragon's dogma switch port.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

look at all this SOUL

GD is so goddamn ugly it barely matters what settings you use.

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this looks eric, what gaem?


Attached: 2014-08-17_00001.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

nooo doshin the giant

looks like runescape from another perspective

Attached: FEAR.png (800x600, 121K)

Someone post the FFXV screenshot(s)

Attached: 20161022183845_1.jpg (1920x1080, 512K)

I know DDDA isn't a demanding game in the first place, but does this mod make it significantly easier on toasters?

That's so cool. I want to play it.

Attached: the Vanishing of Ethan Carter's selling points.jpg (1024x768, 163K)

Attached: 1537025365739.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

360 Launch game

>if only they made an FF mmo that was sprite based like this or this
would be hype friends