Buy new mouse for $100

>buy new mouse for $100
>breaks in 2 months
>go back to old $40 from 5 years ago

Attached: rival.png (1000x575, 203K)

*lasts for a decade*

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heres your m&k bro
manchildren need not apply

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planned obsolescence n sheet

whens the new mx 518 coming out


Mega chad.

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>20 bucks
>thumb buttons
>batteries take years to die

Attached: m510.jpg (640x480, 21K)

>buying steelseries garbage

Buy Logitech mice only.

Low-med end is all you really need.

I hated that mouse, it was thin and awful feeling.
Also the back button broke just from normal PTT use.
Replaced it with a g400s and haven't looked back since.

the old rival in the pic is what i fell back on, the new rival 310 is a piece of trash

If I ever replace my mouse, i'll look into that one. I've used this for years, though, but i'm sure i'll re-adjust if it comes down to it.


>paying more than $10 for a mouse as if it matters

literally why?

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>side grip starts to wear down and get sticky

Big no from me, wireless technology didn't become not shit until around 2015.

who else /offbrand/ here?

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so i don't have a retarded wire or 5min battery

Must have been a Razer mouse. kek

I have the top left one it fucking sucks!

every single one of those is going to spin out if you try to flick at all

>retarded wire

a wire is a wire dude

either it works or it doesnt

all steelseries shit is pieces of trash and their designs/shapes are garbage tier to the max

>tfw only mouse better than the Mx-518 shape is going to be the 2019 version

having a wire is retarded at all anymore.

I bought my G500 8 years ago, still works fine. It was something like 45$

My g400s survived for like 7 years or something like that

i dont want to ever have to deal with charging or batteries or signal loss so i use wire

technology is supposed to make life easier but wireless is often not really worth it

>mouse starts double clicking
>throw it at a wall with the force of a thousand suns

can someone tell me why its impossible to find a wired gaming mouse with the sensetivity button not right in the fucking middle next to the scroll wheel

why is this retarded design in literally every fucking mouse, it only takes 1 gaming session to realize its absolutely fucking retarded besides nobody wants to change their sens that often that it warrants a button in such an important spot

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>buy deathadder black many years ago
>still works
>get a laptop, buy a newer version of deathadder
>2 months in and middle click starts to work like every third click only or pressed really hard
>3rd month middle click doesn't work at all

I know that razer was always crap but the og deathadder was the only exception and now they turned it into shit too. I looked up and there are not a minority but a lot of people having these technical issues. Fuck this company.

I got a razer deathadder and it broke after 3 months, now I have a logitech 403 and after 2 years its still going strong

literally every single zowie mouse has the dpi button in the back of the mouse

>Performance MX for 9 years
>Best fucking layout imaginable. Fits like a glove, the 3rd mouse button next to the forward/back is a true "Third" mouse button that you can press as easily and as often as left/right.
>Suffers the Logitech double-click issue
>Try and fix it but fuck up
>Order refurbished new one
>Double-click issue

I finally went to the G502 or G502 whatever it's called. It's pretty good, I'm used to it now but the 'sniper' button is so far ahead of my thumb in my resting position I have to pivot my hand or move it forward to press it.

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It's supposed to be for swapping between DPI when sniping in shooters and stuff, i just have 2 settings active, one for shooters and one for desktop/RTS.

The SteelSeries Rival has lasted me several years now. I even got a second one for parts that's Fallout 4 branded because ThinkGeek had clearanced them out to $5 over the holidays.

remove the wireless receiver from the cable and plug it into the front of the mouse when you go to sleep every few days
there arent any batteries
>signal loss
there isnt any signal loss

Yes, wireless is worth it. You are evaluating wireless with 20 year old standards. Wireless mice are simply put the best now.

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*cracks open can of Monster*

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>remove the wireless receiver from the cable and plug it into the front of the mouse when you go to sleep every few days

still too much work, now thats one extra thing i have to remember to do

are you a nigger? like honestly

mine's fine, idk what you're talking about

using the thing in OP's pic

is having no wire worth the extra cost and having to do the recharging (even if its only every few days)?

what are you doing with your mouse? using it from the kitchen?


Attached: [bonkai77].Patlabor.the.Mobile.Police.Episode.03.The.450.Million.Year.Old.Trap.[BD.1080p.Dual.Audio. (1920x1080, 148K)

>is having no wire worth the extra cost and having to do the recharging (even if its only every few days)?

Yes, unquestionably.

do not buy overpriced "gamer" products, you only get shit aimed for 13 year olds

that reminds me that my good old genius is dying after 7 solid years, it costed me 10 bucks too, any recommendations for a good all around mouse that doesnt cost a retarded amount of dollars?

but how does a wire impede you?

having to charge the mouse every few days is far more of a hassle than occasionally having to move wire out of the way

its not logical unless the sight of a wire triggers your OCD

Mx518 is all you need

>buy new headset for $100
>is bad

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>but how does a wire impede you?

it creates friction. have you ever played a computer game competetively at a high level before

Not that user, but the amount of wires can add up and cause clutter for people trying to keep their desks/areas straight. A wire for a controller, a wire for a keyboard, a wire for headphones, a wire for any external drives, hdmi cords etc etc. Moving A wire isn't the issue. The issue is constantly moving wires.

>mic and headphones for $100

I bought a CM Storm Spawn years ago and it's easily has been my favorite mouse. It's starting to shit itself but it's been discontinued and it sucks

>mouse starts double and triple clicking
>headset dies on left side until i jiggle the cable

I still have my old tnb mouse, and my 1 year old advance starter keyboard is working perfectly fine
what's some good

The mic is shit but those are just rebranded takstars which are alright. Way over priced for what that thing is and 7.1 is a meme.

Surely you can just get a new one from a secondary retai-

What the FUCK.

Attached: mouse.jpg (800x404, 74K)

They sound terrible to me, there's no bass, just treble.

I had this one too, it was a really damn good design, but it ate batteries like no tomorrow.

>he bought a headset

you don't have to remember, it has led notification when it needs charging with still hours of battery time, and you can plug the cable in 2 sec and keep playing

>what is warranty

>mouse starts double clicking
>fix the microswitches in 15minutes because i'm not a retard

For me, it's Logitech M90

Attached: logitech-wired-usb--mouse-m90_1.png (700x700, 207K)

been on this badboy for 6 years, tried other mice but this works well for my caveman hands. If they released another one but with an updated sensor i would be set for life. The current sensor has some shitty liftoff issues.

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That's just how good it is

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What is a good unironic non meme mouse? I bought some MMO mouse thinking the sensor was decent and I was attracted to 10 buttons that were promised programmable but they are just shortcuts to the numbpad.

>buy g903
>begins double clicking after a few months
>ignore it
>fixes itself

Huh, that exact mouse just broke for me after only having had it for 2 years. I bought a Logitech G305 and I like it a lot more so far.

>Not buying a Zowie mouse

lol you call yourselves gaymers ?

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>mouse starts double clicking
>get upset
>punch mouse 3 or 4 times
>it stopped double clicking
Literally just smash the double click right out of it.

Where's my g300s bros?

Attached: g300s.jpg (280x280, 11K)

I've been using this for 4~5 years now, it's far more comfortable than a regular mouse for long sessions of play. No idea how it performs in shooty games though, I don't play them.

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>spill drink over keyboard
>starts glitching out
>take it apart and clean all the contacts and stuff
>it worked

I.. I just bought Rival 310.
Is it bad?

it werks

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I bought the G602 and it lasts forever. It’s super cheap on Amazon now. I fell for the Razer meme before I bought this one and it’s a lot better.

looks like your mouse was infected by g-virus

what wirelss mouse from logitech shoul i get bros

>take apart keyboard and clean all contacts and stuff
>it glitches out

Been using the G602 for a while now.
It's a bit heavier than my previous ones but you get used to it after a while.

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for me it was, they use new side grip material but it gets almost just as nasty as the old one except it doesnt seem to wear out as fast

no way, i clean the balls every week

Right here dude, I used to fuck with g700 and g602 until I realized they're to hard to claw grip and thumb buttons are dumb on a mouse.

>Imagine being such a retard to pay more than 10$ for a peripheral

>Still Using Batteries

Mine survived for 2 years before the cable shat itself.

>buy new mouse for $100
Fortunately, nobody but the fundamentally retarded do this and the rest of us can make do with 40 dollar mouses.

>buy new mouse for $40
Fortunately, nobody but the fundamentally retarded do this and the rest of us can make do with 16 dollar mouses.

>nobody but the fundamentally retarded do this
>rest of us can make do with 40 dollar MOUSES.
I don't think you have the right to call anyone retarded.

>not keeping rechargeable USB batteries onhand for all your old electronics and handhelds

I have no clue if this is a good brand. Its the first picture I found.

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I didn't even know this was a thing. Looks cool but they're probably shit.

THey're not animals, moron. Hence mouses instead of mice.

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All of them are chinkshit mouses

I don't think that's how it works

Apparently from what others have told me rechargeables have made massive strides since the 90s, but you'd definitely need to make sure you get the right brands and not any knock-offs.

>I don't think
Yeah, you don't seem to be the only one.

Should have bought a G403. Just got pic related myself. Have been waiting for this bad bitch to get released again.

Attached: Logitrch-G-MX518-the-legend-reborn.jpg (1904x871, 161K)

>want to open mouse
>need a needle dick sized screw driver to fit the hole

fuck you @ mice manufacturers

thats what i plan on getting if i can find one

I wanted to buy something fancy and 4games (I already have 2 other mouses for work etc). Logitech has extremally obnoxious style. G403 looks like a scifi thing. Also, I have large hands.
What else I could pick?

>not drilling it open with a power drill straight through the screw

>all your old electronics and handhelds
You mean TRASH?

try to keep up gramps if anything its either analogic or use batteries is trash time to toss them into the garbage and update your stuff

Is there any reason to upgrade from my old Microsoft mouse?

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A shit. And the buttons went bad after a few months on the one I had.
Logitech needs to start making cabled Trackmans again. I want to go back!

Nigger fuck you, my portable CD player is still going strong. No skips or anything.

>i have large hands
me to and this mouse never fit well

I've had some basic chargables that plug into the wall, but having a single battery connected via USB seems ingenious. I'll have to search them out now

I unironically bought a Mamba Elite because it fit perfectly to my hand's size.

PC hardware is all the cheapest chinese shit possible. It's pathetic how much better consoles are.

i believe logitech allows u to turn it off via the driver, zowie mice as another user said and razer deathadders feature no hardware dpi button you need to change it through the driver

They just released a new version, it's $60 on amazon