Do people seriously believe a revolver shot to the leg would incapacitate a person...

Do people seriously believe a revolver shot to the leg would incapacitate a person? It works in the first since it is more like spaghetti western but not the second with its focus on realism. It is unrealistic for someone to be down and out with just a revolver shot to the leg.

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Let me shoot you in the fuckin leg and let’s see what happens

>cowboy times where a gunshot to the leg can only be cured by amputation
>why does this down and out someone?
gee i wonder...

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Maybe they went into shock

shoot yourself in the femoral artery with a revolver and see how it goes

Have you ever been kicked in the knee? How did it go?
That's probably about 1/100th of the force of a small cartridge.

If you got shot in the fucking shin it would.

a shot to the leg is permanently crippling

Check out this fuckin badass guys

Back then a slight cut could mean the leg cut off or could even kill people you mong

Let's not exaggerate man, medical sciene wasn't THAT bad even then. But yeah, OP is kind of a faggot. Only kind of since Red Dead threads are always welcome. Literally playing right now.

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I meant in combat with adrenaline. You fucking morons. Revolvers and repeaters didn't have the velocity to fully incapacitate as people hoped they would in this game. Sure they'd get their leg amputated later but during combat it is completely reasonable for them to get back and keep fighting with a limp. And the game isn't detailed enough for limb damage to have different vitals, sadly. Neck shots and gut shots are very satisying though.

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Play online

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Let a bunch of people shoot at you for a bit and once you've got that adrenaline goin', someone can shoot you in the leg and find out

Not everyone goes into shock.
Getting lead fucked in the thigh is a pretty big ouchie.

>Play online
No PS Plus right now plus online's kinda meh in my opinion anyway.

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Friend let me play a bit, it was fucking great.
Any new news about a PC port?

That's one of the dumbest OPs I saw. Bonus points for being retarded instead of trolling.

adrenaline isn't going to do much when that bullet started spinning the moment it pushed through your skin and tumbled through muscle and bone.

These threads are shit bait.

T. /k/

Nah. You're just a fuckint autist.

As someone who took a round to my knee in Afghanistan, I assure you it does stop you. I was able to crawl, but only with severe stress to my entire body

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which kind of round?

>I want guaranteed replies because I'm this fucking lonely

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Comparing modern hardware to weapons from over a hundred years ago. It's incomparable. Especially since you were most likely shot by a rifle and not a pistol. Everyone on here refuting me is a literal dipshit who thinks rping as a /k/fag will make their point more valid.

>Femur shattered by high velocity flying ball of metal
>wtf why did he fall over?

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>Thinks pistol calibers are "weak" because all of his firearms "knowledge" comes from video games
>Calls other people dipshits

Pretty much everyone goes into shock when shot, so most likely.

Army medic here

A gunshot wound from a high caliber firearm at close range directly to the thigh will DEFINITELY incapacitate pretty much everyone. Even guys who get shot in combat from afar with adrenaline pumping normally get temporarily incapacitated by that kind of wound and can die from it alone.

Why does the game look blurry on the PS4? You can't see any detail past 10 feet in the game. And why is the aim assist so strong, all you have to do is repeatedly tap ADS and you snap to heads?

a bullet shattering your tibia or femur would do a pretty good job of incapacitating you

>have a bullet rip and tear through your biggest muscle which is essential for moving
>chance it hits your femoral artery and you're dead about 30 sec later

Supposed a .44 or a .357 or a .45 or a Long Colt or a .38 go flying into your knee or thigh. Once those bones are crushed, the nerves severed, and the muscles ripped up it doesn't matter if you have adrenaline. You physically do not have the internals needed to support anything on that leg.

I'd rather be shot by a modern caliber than any of the soft lead projectiles of the 1800s. Unlike modern projectiles which zip on through for the most part and tumble or fragment, minie balls and the like immediately flatten on impact and completely crush bone. They perform like hollow points do but larger and even more reliable to flatten.

Never mind the fact that your legs are riddled with artery’s. A shot to the leg could lead to you bleeding to death in minutes. That’s why police don’t just shoot people in the legs to disable them.

That's cute. How many years of med school or EMT training do you have?

while getting hit by a minie ball would be quite unpleasant, modern projectiles are more effective for their weight.

True, good game but the auto aim makes it too easy sometimes.

Is anyone here even an expert on the weapons of 1899 and how they would affect limbs when shot? I'm genuinely curious since op is a retard as well as this whole thread.

a .45 revolver from back then is stronger than a modern .22 rifle

>Why does the game look shit on a console?

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True, but unless you're getting pegged by a full powered rifle cartridge (and discounting well placed shots to vital organs) you seem more likely to survive being hit by the smaller, faster rounds we use today compared to the larger, slower, and filthy rounds they used two centuries ago.

Are you a fuckin’ idiot

You’ve never been stabbed or shot, have you? This ain’t a fuckin’ anime.


About 30 years before hand but check this out.

I have never played the game so I am not sure what caliber bullet was used, but a .357 mag hollow point hitting you in the thigh would effectively remove most of the meat from one side of your leg, rendering you incapacitated. You are retarded for criticizing something you know nothing about.

Typical of noguns and gun grabbers alike.

What is?

a lot of that comes down to the substantially better medical technology we have today. .45 colt out of a revolver was roughly equivalent to a modern .45ACP or other common modern duty caliber. The big difference is that modern bullets are better designed to maximize penetration and expansion in ways the old lead bullets couldn't. When it comes to hunting with muzzle loaders most hunters prefer modern hollow points as well.

How about shooting people in the ass?

Way to get weirdly political for no reason

Not exactly 357 mag, but old timey bullets would still fuck you up good.

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>criticizing something you know nothing about.

Your boyfriend's cock pounding your ass is enough to keep you from walking properly for a day. Just imagine a bullet to the leg.

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Its not so much the caliber, as it is the velocity when dealing with hollow point damage. I would have said .44 mag, but those travel substantially slower than .357 mag. Despite having much larger mass, they tend to deform less upon hitting soft targets, and also tend to over penetrate. This makes .44 mag less effective at delivering its energy to a soft target(because it still has some when it leaves). Hollow point .44 mag does deform a bit but will still tend to make an exit wound. On the other hand, .357 mag travels at a MUCH higher velocity. This means that hitting soft targets causes the bullet to deform MORE. It’s similar to how jumping off a diving board into water is fun, but jumping off a cliff of a certain height into the same water(even if you hit nothing but water) is deadly. In the case of .357 mag hollow points, the high velocity combined the bullet being designed to fragment on impact essentially means that the bullet practically explodes when hitting soft targets. You are left with a small entry wound and a fucking crater of an exit wound, or no exit wound at all and a softball sized pocket of ground beef where your insides used to be.

>tl;dr yeah, pretty much any bullet will fuck you up good, especially hollow points or(in the case of old timey western revolvers) unjacketed lead wad cutter rounds.

Ah yeah, it was just a little ambiguous. I wasnt sure if you were agreeing with me or insulting me.

I wasn't even the one who posted it, your reading comprehension is just low.

You ever seen someone shoot a watermelon with a colt .45? Yeah, fuck you if you say that wouldnt take someone out immediately.

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This is a shit thread. Got any stories to make it better?

>no ponchos
what the FUCK Rockstar???

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Stop watching superhero movies.

>le adrenaline meme

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I used to be a badass like you. Then I got a bullet to the knee.

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50 Cent was shot nine times and didn't even stop rapping. True fact.

I've been shot in the leg with a period accurate six shooter and was fine.

Not really, he could have been referring to my entire post, or just a part of it. Theres no way to know without asking, friendo.

Op confirmed for being a retarded. Good job op.

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Yes, I do actually thing being shot by a large bore revolver is going to incapacitate most people.

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I would much rather be shot by a modern 9mm or such (not expanding) than a .45/.455/.577 Victorian blockpowder round at close range. That shit is incredibly nasty.

Prove us wrong faggot

>(not expanding)

>but during combat it is completely reasonable for them to get back and keep fighting with a limp
Not really, most gunslingers back then never killed that many people or ever got into fights unless they absolutely had to. Dutch's gang was on the extreme end of the spectrum, and even then only half of them were fighters, and out of those only a few like Arthur were dedicated gunmen. Arthur himself was one of the deadliest men in the region, the average bloke would practically shit themselves having to face someone like that.

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All these RPing fags who have yet to prove me wrong. Pathetic.

Holy fuck imagine thinking hollywood injuries are realistic. A shot anywhere will almost certainly incapacitate all but .01% of the population when not high as fuck on certain drugs. The femoral artery travels through the leg and can kill you in fucking minutes if severed from massive blood loss if not treated. Bullets that hit bone cause extreme trauma and all but pulverize that bone resulting in almost complete loss of function in the affected limb as well.

Real life isnt a fucking anime you dork. Bullets going clean through flesh without incapacitating any body functions ("its just a flesh wound") are a horrendously rare exception, not the rule, unlike hollyjew shit where the hero gets up seconds after being shot anywhere but the head/heart and brushes it off as non-threatening.

Jesus, how do people actually believe this shit.

T. Has shot human beings irl

Probably too many issues with clipping. Game already clips a lot with certain clothing items.

can you still get to new Austin with Arthur?

Most likely. Just look up a guide.

I get conflicting info, some say the bug's been fixed, some say it still works. I was playing earlier today but I'm not at my ps4 right now so I can't check.

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Where do you get al that about Arthur’s reputation? You’re just making that stuff up.

dumb motherfucker

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Supposedly been patched as of update 1.06 but I haven't updated my game so I couldn't tell you for sure.

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Are you fucking dense? A revolver bullet smashing through your thigh will incapacitate you, adrenaline or not. You aren't gonna be able to walk if the bone and muscle is completely fucked as it would be, it physically won't support you, even if you want it to.

Even a .22 (smallest calibre in RDR2 if I remember right) would probably be enough to take you out of the fight if it hits solidly.

For the three revolvers in the game, there's .45 Colt, .44 S&W and .38, IIRC. So yeah, they'd all do a fair bit of damage, and that's before you get into the different ammo types.