Yea Forums still talks how bad Mass Effect 3 ending was to this day

>Yea Forums still talks how bad Mass Effect 3 ending was to this day
>Doesn't even TALK about Banner Saga 3 ending which is LITERALLY the same

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Nobody played that. wasn't that bad.

ONLY good thing about banner saga 3 is Oddleif

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Exact same? Certain characters can live or die regardless of your final choices, which changes the ending at least a little.
Rook died because I killed the dredge baby. I beat the final boss within the first time limit, so I didn't see Rugga's ultimate fate and most of Rook's party got no resolution.

I didn't play TBS3 because TBS2 was so much worse than the first game.

Benner what?

I meant the overall ending unless I missed some hidden timer or something like that the normal ending doesn't even explain what happens to the Varl after the whole juno magic thingy
It's also pretty unclear about the fate of several minor characters such as Egil who even if you're playing as Rook in BS 3 and kept him alive for 3 entire games he pretty much disappears

Its quite simple user, no one cares about Banner Saga

oh shit I forgot the third one came out. I enjoyed the first 2 but I was SEVERELY pissed off that you have no choice but to take the centaur faggots in bs2. There isn't an option to turn them away, you get horse nigger refugee's joining you no matter what fuck that gay shit

is banner saga fun even if I'm a brainlet?

Those 3 centaur's you get in BS 2 is PRETTY good unit's
Except that blonde centaur
I think her was canary or something
She causes more problems than her usefulness

Yes , it's brainlet friendly but it has prema death

Is there a point into protecting the caravan in any way? I played TBS1 several times and ive come to realize that the only thing that matters is whether or not the people are happy and not their numbers
I consider myself a brainlet and had a ton of fun

This. Shit series with shit gameplay.

Nobody gives a fuck about that trash though.

It's a lot less popular so no shit. I was disappointed by it personally but not to the same level I was for ME3.

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Yes , kinda
In BS 3 you NEED numbers so if you had a large caravan in BS 2 they function as effective expendable meat shields in BS 3 against the darkness ( they buy you a Few more days time )

In BS3 you get a final tally that gives you more time to complete the game for how many caravan members you have along with supplies and misc shit. That's it.

Egil is a total nobody unless Alette survives, then he's her love interest. He died to Onef in my game, and Hakkil died at some point in 2 when I sent him to distract the dredge. I sort of wonder how high the PC death toll can get.

I played as rook and alette
Rook is objectively better
Egil is a complete retard who gets killed for no apparent reason at all

I am pretty sure by the time you reach BS 3 most except """"core"""" are expendable

I think these are the none expendable ones
Iver , Oddleif ( you must be a special kinda of retard to get her killed ) , hakon , erik ( best NPC in the game once he gets his pet bear ) , those 3 centaur's you get in BS 2 , Ludin and aleo
There maybe more but I can't recall

You can't just call everything shit if you don't prefer it, this gives way for actual shit to sneak in past the hyperbole.

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Ludin can die pretty early on if you ignore him as Hakon. I think he can also die in at least one instance in both 2 and 3. Ro'ech the Horseborn and his wife can also die, but in the latter's case I think you really need to screw up in the third game.

Ludin is the cannon choise for Alette. Best pairing.

The paradox of Banner Saga ending is that... the better you do troughout your campain the more underwhelming the ending will be... [/spoiler] on my first run i finsihed on 1st return and missed the old lumberjacks conversation, got the ME3 flashbacks then. Thankfully the first impressions were wrong

>first game has shit gameplay but GOAT atmosphere and characters
>sequels leave the combat alone but make the good parts worse
what a waste

I enjoyed it, but it came out quite suddenly. I had no idea it was releasing at all.

>tfw still haven't played 3 despite finishing the other 2
>Not sure if the save is still around either.
Eventually. Eventually.

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Banner Saga didn't promise hundreds of different endings. It promised that choices mattered, which they did, even if it's not that much.

Am i the only one who found secondary heroes like Ymira ? , Erik and hogun/mogun more interesting than """"main"""" heroes such as Egil or aleo ?

Can we at least agree the soundtrack for all 3 was great?

Don't get me wrong, me3 was inexcusable, but how much do you guys realistically expect from a "choices change the ending" type of game? was fallout new vegas good enough, giving a little 30 second shout out to each sidequest chain you did and the outcome or what would you consider a good example?