Best FE girl

best FE girl

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What a shitty list.

What is so appealing in her?
I find her attractive but I can't explain why.

>likes easy mode 8
>hates 12

>hates the gameplay entries in the series
>likes the easiest games in the series
Sasuga GBAbby

cute pale girl with red eyes

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Daily reminder that attempting to wife a bloody bastard with room temperature in Fahrenheit IQ will cause said disability to propagate
Conserve the quality of the gene pool today and cockblock this dragon

Is this going to be the feet thread?

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Yea just fuck the male version.

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Aside from awakening, are you reacting positively to easier games?

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Now THIS is bait

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When did corn and camilla get such shit taste?

Here's a actual good tier list

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>6 god tier
>thracia not even on the list

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>wahhh the 6 is too hard for me
FE5 is a broken piece of shit with some of the most poorly designed gameplay every conceived in video games.

6 has a good difficulty, but it simply cannot be "god" tier with that terrible unit balance and requiring every single fucking gaiden. 5 being broke as fuck is also what makes it so fun.

first ever good FE tier list I've seen posted

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I have to admit she's growing on me. I only know her from smash though

>that terrible unit balance
Applies to every game in the series.
>requiring every single fucking gaiden
Alternative endings are bad now? No Gaidens are great, the only flaw is that they are totally cryptic on a first run though besides 7x since you will only know about then when you fail. 5 being broken as fuck is what makes it bad due to being a mess of game design.

FE conquest is the only good fire emblem game yet it's unanimously hated by Yea Forums
Hmm ...

>it's bad because it requires Gaiden chapters
Jesus christ dude the unlock requirements of those chapters are like 25-30 turns. It's impossible to miss them unless you run 3 armor units, as well as Roy, Lugh and Sophia and you don't rescue anyone.
You retard.

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Based and goodtastepilled

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6 has it the worst though, next to only RD. Like over half the cast isn't even worth using, even more so on hard mode. Alt endings are fine, but the chapters themselves make no sense being gaidens considering you're going up against fucking dragons you're gonna need those weapons regardless. It's not even that they're hard to do or get just that they're so badly implemented.

t. numales


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I want to fill her with my semen if you know what I mean

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Echoes was the worst FE ever so yes.

>no feet
>worst girl

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Same literally applies to other games. Miledy, Marcus, Rutger, Larum and Elphin, Perceval, Saul, Shanna, Shin, Niime, Zelot, Lance, Alen, Tate, Deke, Cecilia, Merlinus, Astolfo, Clarine, Yoder,
Elen, Zeiss, Echidna, Klein, Igrene, Lugh, Juno are all great units that fill their required roles and that's about half the cast on HM. Even shitters like Wolf have use since they can provide reliable chip damage in the early game. The Gaidens are perfectly implemented. The all have a story role and a reason when you miss them m

Ok maybe I was wrong about unit balance but there's really no story reason besides bullshit like "uh oh tunnel collapsed" for missing the gaidens. Like if you're in the area and you know it's nearby there's literally no reason to not go looking for one.

How not? That's why there's a time limit. Same for all the Gaidens in the series

It feels like a stupid way to do things, I mean you could just send some of the benched units to go get the weapon while you fight.

Same can be said for any Gaiden. Nonetheless benched units wouldn't even be existing in war since everyone would be fighting

That makes even less sense because you could just send one part of the army to do it instead of shitters like Sophia and the like.

No it doesn't. You are complaining about nothing but the sake of complaining about nothing, It's the same for any Gaiden in in the entire series. Benched units would be fighting the war effort with the commander, they wouldn't be doing high profile jobs on their own. That's the whole reason behind the time limit. They would still have to go though the level on their own.

So how is getting the weapon when everyone else is distracted not for the war effort? It really only makes sense in the sandstorm chapter because there's a fucking sandstorm and dudes blocking the entrance. Not to mention that people fight without the commander all the time, because there's a fucking chain of command so at least someone will be leading them.

I like Cordelia.

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Because they don't even know where is it that's why you need Lilina, Elphin, Sofiya, Juno,etc alive and have soldiers need it . Benched units would be fighting the war effort with the commander, they wouldn't be doing high profile jobs on their own. That's the whole reason behind the time limit. They would still have to go though the level on their own. Whey does Hector and Eliwood not leave the shitters to defend Merlinus when they have vastly more important things they are doing? What's the importance behind Chapter 32x?H

Your taste is questionable but I can't really argue against something like that, unlike what most of this place thinks.
