Games where the bad guys fight amongst themselves?

Games where the bad guys fight amongst themselves?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's pretty based

I'm on Müsli's side on this one.

LMAO libturd choices are finally backfiring for them.

Also fuck UK bunch of fags

Based muslims
Fuck mentally ills

those levels in halo where you can let the flood and the brutes fight each other. I think the gays are the flood in the this case

The double standard is getting obvious now

That one map on DOOM where cyberdemon fights a spider mastermind.

>yfw they destabilized the middle east to have a radical religion in the west to suppress degeneracy and you can't bitch about it or you're waycis
Mama merkel lowkey based.

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it's either join the muslims or die in a terrorist attack after leaving your LGHTBBBGSFR son in school for his onions injections in LGTB school

tough choice

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>The LGBT and this religion thats openly LGBT will surely mix!

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That's why Islam will prevail while christcucks abort their children

Of course you are Egon, now get me another Döner.

>H-how could the Muslims do this to us? They OWE us

Based Muslims stopping degenerates

I will take based Muslims over white leftist basedboys any day

You are granola.

Get your fucking shit together England

user did you forget what you were writing mid sentence

>yfw the supposed enemy will become the saviors we all need
Will we one day look back on this day and wonder what was wrong with us?

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based mohammeds

In KH2 the heartless fight the nobodies a few times. I don't know if it's just cutscenes though or if there are actual gameplay segments where the fight each other.

It was only a matter of time until the golem turns on it's master.

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based towels

Your wife's son*

Muslims can't be based. Either you're a terrorist, terrorist sympathizer, or a decent person because you're a shitty muslim. Not defending sodomites by any means.

Muslims > Faggot white people
Anyday everyday

based 'slims

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>christcucks abort their children
Wut? Those are atheist fags and both Islam and Christian agree that they're cancer.

>In KH2 the heartless fight the nobodies a few times. I don't know if it's just cutscenes though or if there are actual gameplay segments where the fight each other.
>Implying anyone cares about that shit game series

Are you dissing döner?
Döner iskender is one of the godliest foods on the planet.

Based, should ban the muslims next

Abortion is legal in Islam, faggot.

>implying white people won't convert to islam and become the arabs' masters

I care

Hilter said they were Aryan, so they are based

>LGBT acceptance lessons

That sounds dumb as fuck and I’m glad it was removed. If I had to learn about something I’d rather it be about Muslims because at least other cultures can be interesting, even if it’s just seeing how different they are. LGBT lessons just sounds terrible


She did it masterfully tough. I doubt anyone could've comu up with a better plan to fuck up an entire continent within not even one generation without any war or plague like disease, in fact, managing people to cheer towards their own destruction.

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Good point, I just checked the catalogue and there are zero (0) threads about any entry in the franchise.


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Based, they will get last turn in the guillotine.

Great "allies" you got there. You reap what you sow.

Anglos are fucking pathetic.

He's actually on topic. Unlike you, dumbass.

And never did a Muslims wife abort their child. Really makes you think

Kill yourself polrat

>yfw the supposed enemy will become the saviors we all need
You should play Golden Sun 1+2.

Hitler said Iranians were Aryan, which is true but only a small part of the Muslim community. Most are Arabs, which aren't Aryans.

the kids are in school, check back later

Based Media influenced retard
Killing a person without a reason in one of the biggest sins in inslam
But lulz media amarite?
I. S. subhumans FTW huh bro?

This is bullshit and if anything it shows not only that lessons on LGBTQ acceptance are important, but that some parents need them even more than their children.

>telling a simple truth based on observation
Almost like an automaton.

He also said Turks are based

can't wait for the day the muslim will take over, enslave females and stone to death trannies

>not Döner Kebab
You had one job


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>LGBT acceptance lessons
Jesus fuck what's wrong with people, don't put that shit in schools.

Fuck off faggot.

How long has she acted as the Chancellor? She has been head of germanistan for as long as I remember. How's that legal? Don't they have anybody else?

stop pretending this is video game related, and delete this, mod.

tyranny and suffering is pretty based

God I have the fucking Left so much. I guarantee you if you replaced these Muslims with Christians everyone would be talking mad shit about them being homophobes. But guess what?! They're Muslims so they're too much of a pussy to fucking criticize Muslims about their stances on LGBT in fear of making themselves look like "racists". Fucking cowards.

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>Whites are so cucked they need muslim migrants to keep them from being degenerate retards

Gonna be glorious.

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They can say it's a sin all they want, it doesn't stop them from killing just like it didn't stop christians.

Is egon a turkish name?

People get voted for in democracies.

you still won't get laid incel

How else would to brainwash the kids?

kys tranny you will always be a man

Thank God I don't live in a 3rd world country

Without limit?

>Final Boss joins your party in the sequel

>without a reason
Too bad walking down the street is enough cause for most muslums to beat your ass

She can be chancellor for as long as she gets reelceted. We don't have term limits tough iirc she's the first one to make it past three terms.

no need to thank me

i don't live in america

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

>400 muslim parents

Protip: Religious fanatics should never be allowed anywhere. It's always the loonies which are the first to ban music and videogames. They'll never be satisfied, so just give them the boot.

I think its hysterical that /pol/ is becoming more and more """"""""ironically""""""""" pro-Muslim. Anything to be edgy I guess.

Thankfully our mudslimes are better here.

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Depends on the country.

Why are they even wasting time teaching that crap at school, that should be teached by the parents

I laugh at pathetic Britbongs, at least America will still be culturally white Christians in 50 years.

>Muslims are now a protected minority class because 9/11 or something

shiggy diggy

>America first guys

Man, the ancestors of the Brits that allowed this to happen to their country would be devestated if they saw it today. It's fucking insane how the West is dying right in front of us and no one's doing anything

Children don't need a class on it. It's fucking dumb. Keep hate out of school but don't push acceptance, acceptance is the natural way of a child.

I think his plan worked.

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Your ESL typing gave it away. Sorry you live in a third-world shithole though.

Birmingham is in Britain not the USA

It's not faggot
Don't put real Muslims in the dirt because of the paid subhuman waste called IS who get their weapons from america

>hate jews
>hate gays
>hate women

Muslims are as conservative as they get, I don't know why they pretend they aren't so similar.

I feel sad for you then but I won't pray for you. You chose this

g-guys its 67-D chess he's not pro-Israel....

In a few of the Batman Arkham games there will be goons shooting at each other. It can be triggered by the player in games like Dishonored, Fallout, and Elder Scrolls. JRPG's with some sort of confusion status can result in enemies attacking each other

Ok, now THIS is epic

>real Muslims

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faggot detected

Oh you deluded newkid. /pol/ has always been pro-muslim. Every time they do a country test to see which country suits them best, it's an Islamic country like Iran. Always has been, always will be.

/pol/ only hates them because they are brown, otherwise it's the same shit.

THX doc and based

Not believing in Islam is a "reason" according to Muhammed the pedophile warlord, barbarian savage.

What a fucking simpleton.

/pol/ would easily convert to Islam if it weren’t for their fear of dark skin, ironic considering they are 56-percenters themselves

>Muslims are as conservative as they get

Yeah but the difference is conservatives don't want to hang gay people, kill jews, and enslave women.


No, the gays would be the covenant since they treat their LGBT shit as a religion and act as if they're in the right despite the massive overwhelming evidence that they're in the wrong. The muslims are the flood because they are literally breaking through from their containment cells to attack anyone that is different from them and you literally have to join them or die (but in the flood's case, you're going to die anyways.)

You forgot
>Hates America
>Hates western values
>Hates whitey

>Killing a person without a reason in one of the biggest sins in inslam
Too bad that you can hide it under the pillar of "Jihad"

Something about hijabs that makes me want to fuck arabs with the hijab on.

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>All protestants are black.

>libshit doesn't even try to argue

>a simple truth
Next you'll tell me it's inconvenient


I would if i knew i can get away with it.

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Intersectionalism meets reality.

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This is a good thing tho why is this bitch boi account complaining

even more based

It is not you filthy retard
Get your sources right
But why should you care amarite? Shitposting is so much more fun

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Fuck off Achmed, don't you have a 10 year old wife to molest?

Your religion is vapid and superficial. You can't come to terms on what it fucking is and the basic pillars are dedicated to servitude and financial gain. There is NOTHING worthy of respect in there. Enjoy your tourist trap Mecca that they'll force you to go to for easy money. Make sure to buy some fucking souvenirs.

If it was petition by non-muslim gov would take kids from the parents.

So let gays become self hating instead, as is currently the case, because it's not seen as normal?
Maybe their solution isn't great but. It's something.
Hate gays all you want. Just remember that people you know, your future children, etc, could be gay. They don't hurt you personally so they? So there's really not much point in being anti gay.

Theres a subtle kind of sex appeal to not showing anything

No shit I'm gay, retard. Yea Forums is like the gayest site on the internet, are you surprised there are gays here?

>/pol/'s always been pro-Muslim, you're just new!
lol yeah they """"""ironically""""""" agree with them about women and fags and jews but its escalated and become more retarded. /pol/ has a nasty habit of falling for their own roleplay and becoming the parodies they were trying to mock.

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fuck off back to discord and never come back

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That's not what the Guardian and Twitter tells me

You can't faggot
You don't even know the meaning behind jihad

What do they even teach? Call everyone "they" until you know their preferred pronouns and dilation?

>if global hunger exists how come I'm eating this sandwich???
libtards btfo

Enlighten me

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mudslimes do something right for once

>American reading capacity

Legitimately need to glass faggots puny cock sucking jaws.

After Mountain Blade they are more based than the western degeneracy today.

Why do mutts think your situation is any better than the UK?

God forbid we discuss video games in a thread on a video game board.

when will /pol/ convert to islam? they belive in the same shit basicly

>import a bunch of people known to hate women and gays
>they hate women and gays
>"um wtf??"

what the fuck did they expect to happen?

Fuck off Goldberg
Don't you have to a world to rule and truth to hide?

I can't wait for the Chinese to take over and do to you what they did to the scum in Xinghur.

Or conservatives, for that matter

who'd stay an incel under muslim rule when wahman literally have 0 rights?
checkmate libfag

Wow I wonder why OP used the screenshot he did as his thread opener. It's truly a mystery.

Not when their parents indoctrinate them into hating people, which I find very likely in this case.

golem bites back

/pol/ worships Israel too much to ever do that

Why the fuck are you even here?
Go rape some tourists or a goat you savage.

>tfw I just walked by the area this photo was taken today

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I feel sorry for you
In a good way

Unironically it is which is why you fucks have been silent on the pullback from Syria.

>Yea Forums is like the gayest site on the internet
It's also the most mentally ill site on the internet so that's not very strange.

Except for the fact that Lord Jesus Christ is our Saviour moron.

How is this possible? They were supposed to assimilate... Surely this is the right's fault.

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It's also full of Nazis :^)

At least America still has free speech and gun rights, and our immigrants are assimilated and integrated.

What's it like going to a place where you're most famous for a shooting?

A lot of men. Islam still operates under the rule of the strongest. I bet you the majority of dudes who blow themselves up do it in the hopes that the 72 virgins are real, and it's an easy exit from a life without sex.

>China taking over
China only wants economic benefits and couldn't care less about how other countries rule

I can't wait for the Chinese to take over and eat your whole population

I was making a pun, you twat

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Because she has a big fleshy ass visibly moving underneath the cloth and you're a monkey.

Culturally white but ethnically black. Great...

No it isn't.

>So let gays become self hating instead, as is currently the case, because it's not seen as normal?
Yes, its their retarded choice so let them live with the consequences. Funny enough you retard would've been the first to criticize religious class.

So are mudslimes alt-right now?

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honestly who's worse, leftists or muslims? it's like choosing between aids and cancer.

Well yeah /pol/ is here

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what exactly is this picture trying to say
isnt free speech the opposite of safe spaces

nice cover

You should. I feel sorry for everyone that has had to interact with your primitive retard mindset. It's even worse when you see there's good people underneath all the retarded bullshit that gives them fucking mental disorders.

Black people are unironically more dedicated and better Christians than most white people

That's the poster, not the cover

Why are YOU here? I am not a degenerate like 90 % that come here for cp and fur shit
I bet you fap to these things yourself degenerate.

now when they say "LGBT Acceptance " do they mean teaching kids not to be shitheads to Gay people? or "Legal Child Grooming or brainwashing of otherwise children who would be straight"?

because I'am not gonna lie, one of the two is super unethical and pisses me off.

>live in medium size slav town
>literally never see a muslim on the streets
>except for that one day when I spotted 2 women in hijabs
>they were wearing 16cm+ platform heels and heels happen to be my fetish

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Do you even have kids? Are you planning on teaching them that gays don't exist?

They're trying to mock safe spaces by dressing up like babies but everyone just assumed it was conservative diaperfags and it ended up as somewhat of a joke.

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There's still hope.

>primitive retard mindset
Why are you talking about Christians now.?

These are good times to be a misanthrope. The world is so unrelentingly assfuck retarded and I just revel in all of it.

Yeah you're more into little boys yourself I imagine. All that sweet sweet sexual repression.

China backs paki, that can't care less about religion. Uighur just got shafted because they have funny thought of being independent.

ah yes, "white culture"

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>Thankfully our mudslimes are better here.
They're not even Muslim. Those Munafik fucks would literally suck cock first if it means getting gibs from dems.

I really liked Pac man user it was revolutionary

You soon will probably have to choose one

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Consider that under Sharia Law, patriarchy is law, beating and raping women is legal, and so is having loli harems

Just saying, it isnt the worst end of the west

I wipe my ass with christianity, or any religion for that matter. It's only derranged amerimutts that think religion should be above your nation, your race or your culture. Have you seen African christians? It's a fucking circus.

video games

I'm gonna have to take muslims over homos/libtards. At least muslims will make sure abominations like this never happen in their entertainment. fuck snoy

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blue eyes & pale as snow. try again mutty

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You mad faggot? And there's nothing you can do to stop me posting them.

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It's alright, most people are either insufferable normies or cringey autistic retards so it's a little lonely as someone with a brain.

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>Do you even have kids? Are you planning on teaching them that gays don't exist?
Oh I do and also crazy, retarded and mentally ill people so the fags are not excluded at all. Usually you don't need a whole class or subject to teach you that basic fact


>No shit I'm gay, retard.
virus pride?

In The Last of Us DLC you can lure infected against humans. In many MGS games the villains are eating each other.

Muslims will first eradicate homos and libtards. Then you are next. They won't stop until they have everything.

>had to draw black kid as a fucking goblin, as if ugliness has to do anything with the argument its trying to make
>ignores that black children still gravitate towards white dolls

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But no blonde hair, sorry muttley.

Not really

nice larp

I mean you're in this thread, so how smart are you really? But I kid, user; good luck to you.

>I have kids and I spend my time larping as a retard on Yea Forums and whining about fags
Look at this guy and laugh

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>entire white, religious schools were not allowed to do this, but brown muslims are

If you actually read the article, it just says that they're not doing LGBT shit for the next semester. They still plan on shoving that shit down the throats of kids later. But Yea Forums needs its clickbait twitter threads.

>Are you planning on teaching them that gays don't exist?

Yes, twinks and traps are too sexy for a teenagers brain to handle. I'll wait until he is trapped with some woman to tell him

They will make sure that videogames never happen

you're welcome /pol/
only us can save you from jewish menace

It's not ahrd to guess.

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>A muslim calling others pedophiles and zoophiles.
Holy shit how deluded can you get?
Come on, go blow yourself up in your local pisshole and entertain the west some more, all you're good for.

>tfw one of the 3 girls I've ever actually really really liked in my life is a Muslim immigrant

Literally 10/10 beauty and the subtle Arab accent was fucking hot

Holy shit. Muslims are actually saving Western civilization... Does this mean if we import more people of the faith, we will become conservative, strong and masculine again. I've just had an epiphany, muslims are the fucking good guys all along. What the hell...

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Not in the current year and even if that was the case modern society is very "you do you" in terms of sexuality.

Nah but you seem to seething

i think he meant anti-LGBT

So now the ones that are supporting Muslim are retarded commies and not /pol/?

>Black kids gravitate towards white dolls
[[Citation Needed]]

I will just convert to islam

>not liking muscle girls
Wow what a gay


Sounds like you're teaching your son to be a sub sissy bitch to a dominant woman. Congrats on raising a buttslut, user!

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Good, Westernshit should be stopped

how else am I supposed to fill my (you) quota?

>Only Jews hate Muslims
Newsflash, everyone does. Even other Muslims, seeing how you're always killing each other.

He is the saviour in Islam too. Literally, they believe he is the messiah who will rule the world.



According to Islam, everyone is born a Muslim before being turned into something else.
Everyone not a Muslim is an apostate
Apostates are to be killed in Islam

They'll stop everything.

>white '''''''''''''''''''''""""""""""people'''''''''''''''''''''""""""""""

>Muslims will first eradicate homos and libtards. Then you are next.
In this hypothetical scenario you're presenting non-retarded people would be able to defend themselves without retards getting in the way so I think it'd work out fine.

If you guys hate gays you sure picked a weird as fuck place to hang out, just saying.

Religion is all horseshit, I'm just stating an observed fact.

Black people go to church more often, are usually more and directly engaged with their community and are more likely to be charitable and help said community than whites, they act on the values the religion purports to promote more often and consistently.

Thanks asshole now I'am super mad.

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islamic themed games will happen. muslims have movies, music, etc. so video games will be there too

>blow yourself up
Nah I am not a retard and I would advise you not to do it eighter

why the fuck were there such lessons in the first place?

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>tfw afraid of oppressing gays and muslims at the same time so you implode with logical inconsistencies

Let it happen, this is what they wanted and it has to happen over and over till people realize that they had no idea what the fuck they were doing when they let one or the other be accepted.
>letting foreign influence in in such amount that is means that they can actually vote in favour of things that the natives dont want
>everyone has to be acceptant, even the people that are not acceptant of anyone but their own, without our country

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FUCK, oh well, it's my wife's son anyway.

Tell me why every Islam majority country (minus micro meme countries like Singapore) is a medieval shithole without blaming whitey

full fucking circle
now the religionists are retaking control after witness the fall of civilization at the hands of loud mouth liberals
itll be a while before the liberals gather enough for a proper push back

Why wouldn't Muslims be fighting against progressive ideas when they're a very old conservative right wing religion? Do /pol/tards not realise they have more in common with Muslims than most other political groups?

No they don't, they just believe he's another prophet.

kys homo

In what games the enemy already overran everything and you are fighting a losing battle?

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>form a group with other dudes
>rape some bitch together
it's so easy they literally do it all the time
glorious co op

Bitch, I'm not white and even I know most things everyone uses and does worldwide is white culture. Jeans, button down shirts? Polo shirts? Plumbing, the white picket fence. Big Band music, shit goes on and on. Yes white culture, just because they don't get all up everyone's ass about using "their stuff" doesn't mean white people have no culture you dumbass.

You can't defend against the rising tide. It's why China will end up winning in the end. All 1 billion of them.

is this a surprise to the lgbt? isn't muslim/islam against that kind of stuff.

How about games where the villain joins the heroes at the last minute?

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Muslims truly are our greatest allies

>the idea of an actual white person is so unfathomable to the American that he assumes you must be joking

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based towelheads

>According to Islam, everyone is born a Muslim before being turned into something else
This is true
>Everyone not a Muslim is an apostate
Apostates are to be killed in Islam
This is not

are we going to go full circle and the left will become edgy atheists again and the right will be the politically correct ones?

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if the west dies it's because we ignore china and russia for too long and got fucking destroyed by them not because we let in some brown people with a different culture
it's fucking old news that cultures assimilate eventually any muslim family who has been around for multiple generations are fine, it's the new ones that keep stirring shit up

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Sounds like the typical christfag shit that happens in the bible belt. Gotta love old first gen immigrants that ree about the dumbest shit

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not video games

die tranny discorder

not muslim, those are liberal arabs

>culturally white

What did he mean by this?

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>Do /pol/tards not realise they have more in common with Muslims than most other political groups?
Wahhabists are the last thing you want in your society.

I accept LGB but not the T

that's a really cute boy

>continuing the larp

nah usually the mentally ill ones are the gay progressivetard itt.

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Everyone born from Muslim parents is a Muslim. Anyone born from parents of other religions are not Muslim.
Islam is the final religion, so anyone born Muslim or converted to Islam knows the world truth.
Denouncing this truth, ie becoming an apostate, is heresy and punishable by death.
However, never converting to Islam is okay, though you will be considered inferior to Muslims.
Not even going into Sunni vs Shia.

You're reeing about it too retard.

>tfw ate iskender with yogurt and melted butter on top of it
absolutely godly

Islam is compatible with LGBTQ and feminism, /pol/tard.

gay people are gay

Kadinger Sanctum in Doom 4. A bunch of Imps try to take down a baron

>/pol/ is a boogeyman
>but there is a tranny discord cabal working to change the Yea Forums narrative at all times

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No idea, but I would be upset aswell really. Can you imagine going to school and wasted a extra hour there? just to hear that trannies are not mentally ill or some shit like that?

Muslim by definition literally means submission to God. The belief is you are born as a result of God's blessing and it's only afterwards when you're taught other ideologies is when you abandon that submission to God I.e. not a Muslim anymore.

it's hilarious how lacking in self awareness you people are

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Radiant Historia

WTF I love Islam

Love when this happens. Leftists refuse to acknowledge how bigoted minorities are. They hate white people yet at the same time white people are the most accepting of progressive ideals.

Then again I do occasionally see a retarded leftist that claims Islam is the most progressive religion.

end yourself election tourist

t. 100% mystery meat

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kill yourself tranny discorder

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Why would it be a surprise? Do you think that all left wing people are exactly the same and that every LGBT person must also be super pro-immigration and love Muslims? Most people in the UK hate, or at the very least dislike Muslims. Meanwhile most people are accepting of or at the very least neutral towards LGBT. I don't think there's as much crossover as you seem to think, you just have this delusional world view where anyone you disagree with is "the enemy" and they must all be part of one big group

>cut off benis
>admit to technically still being a man
>go to jail


How many /pol/tard killers are we up to, three?

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They assimilate when they are the minory

>muscle girl
That's not a muscle girl

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Well, you're not wrong.

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You're not helping your case by acting exactly like them.

I remember when they were throwing a fit because it was mainly black people holding back gay marriage in the U.S.

>more larp

hopefully they will just slaughter each other

For fuck sake it's a barely functioning country with a smaller economy than Italy. It's about as dangerous to us as Brazil.

>one person once said this
>but you said something different

based and immortalpilled

>300 posts
Bang up thread, bang up mods. Good day for video games.

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Does the one that shot a gun inside the pizza parlor count?

Bros... should I convert?

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>This butthblasted fag spamming gay shit

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Because they're delusional lol
as long as they can hold onto their gun rights they seem to think nothing else matters and they're completely based and get to lord over every other country meanwhile they're literally described as a "melting pot country"
makes me fucking laugh when they talk about race purity

It's amazing how Islamophobic Yea Forums can be but at the same time they share many core values.

Reminder that literally any justification you attempt to give is null and void because a core tenet of your religion is lying to further the goals of Islam. For anyone actually buying his bullshit look up "taqiyya" and spare yourself.

>haha look at me I'm making a thread that's obviously not about video games on the video game board!!!

OP should kill himself and so should everyone who posted without sage

kill yourself election tourist

How are you so familiar with how discord trannies act? Sounds suspicious.

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these are your average britbongs

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t. posts off-topic gay threads constantly

It's funny that in Northern Ireland gay marriage still isn't legal here, the main argument being given is that "it's not being pushed onto you or anyone else" and "it won't effect you so why oppose it". However that is precisely what is happening in both the UK and republic of Ireland.

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Her position allows to politically assassinate potential competition and so she did. Anyone who was a threat got shoved into positions where they couldn't compete with her anymore.

>I have kids and I spend my time larping as a retard on Yea Forums and whining about fags
>Look at this guy and laugh
Oh so you're that one mentally ill guy obsessed about being normal and straight. Lay down the hate boyo faggo its not healthy to discriminate against normal people and its not wrong at all to teach kid that fags aren't normal and should distance yourself if you're uncomfortable with them just like other mentally ill people. Your passive-agressive avatar posting newfaggotry doesn't change people's perception on fags.

you wouldn't have clicked the thread if you didn't love it user

Attached: britbongs.png (600x433, 42K)

only in cutscenes
the first time you encounter heartless and nobodies fighting eachother, Maleficent is around and tells her heartless to focus on Sora instead, and the nobodies are seemingly willing to cooperate with the heartless for the sake of taking down Sora

Yes but they also believe he will return at the end of time as a leader and that everyone will follow him as the messiah (literally uses Masih to describe in and that's where the word messiah derives from).

I know this because I spent years around Muslims and read many of their books as a hobby along side my degree.

no wonder the board keeps descending into shitposting and porn
I've seen plenty of actual videogame discussions get deleted but all this other shit sticks around for ages
the only way to have a fucking thread is to post this fucking shit

is that a albino?

Limits don't make sense imo
"The president/pm is making a great government, lets not allow them to run again, hur dur"

No you're thinking of OP

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FUCK video games. Would rather shit post all day then click on a single AAA console shit thread that's 90% of vidya threads

What do you think? Nobody would mind if it amounted to "you shouldn't treat gays differently, that's it", but the slippery slope is not a fallacy anymore.

t. discord tranny
go 40% yourself

meant to quote

Why can't /pol/ stay on it's containment board it's exactly like brapfags.

This is an ok thread, but I seriously hope the level of western contrarianism in this thread doesn't combine with young edgy contrarians everywhere and start to largely manifest outside of the internet.
It would literally be the worst thing for the first world if radical middle-eastern muslims got memed into power the way trump did.
We like to joke about the popular meme things to hate right now in our society, but organized religion in the middle east is seriously freaking evil.

At least the lgbtqxrp fags literally cull themselves after one single generation and when it really comes down to it they just wanna be normal people, they're just sick.

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are muslims unironically based? should we convert?
>hate faggots, trannies and all their mental illnesses
>put women in their place

>smaller economy than Italy
I like how people repeat this all the time because they expect everyone else not to know that Italy is one of the top 10 economies in the world.

Because you can just imagine the rest?
That's the same excuse trapfags use to say they would fuck a trap with a mask on.


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>in Northern Ireland gay marriage still isn't legal here
That's just because the government haven't been drunk enough

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are muslims /ourguys/?

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Why don't you go play video games, then?

I've got 30 minutes between classes, I'd kill for some video game time. Instead you fags take what I would love and you squander it. I may be gay but you lot are far, FAR bigger fags than I could ever hope to be.

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Cringe and kaffirpilled

Wow, that’s really deep. Like, really makes you think doesn’t it?

hitler literally praised them

this but less gay

Now when was this? I see some cringey shit on the esplanade every so often but not quite like this.

except islam is an authoritarian social structure and racist Yea Forums is libertarian

Bioshock, the hypnotize plasmid is a lot of fun.
Do britbongs really have mandatory gay indoctrination classes? Based muslims, praise Muad'Dib, the spice must flow.

When have you or anybody here ever been beaten by a Muslim? If anything, Muslims usually are the ones getting bullied in America.