So this thing is dead on arrival right

So this thing is dead on arrival right

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The first one was so bad I didn't even bother trying the open beta. Fuck it.

Not at all. Out of all the shoot n loot AAA games this year I think it'll probably be the most successful. Not that its amazing but that it doesnt fuck up as hard as the competition

Actually the opposite. It'll be successful cause of how much support Ubisoft gives for it's games. Granted it's not saying much with the current competition

It's Ubisoft that's why

pretty bad
can't be worse than anthem at least

>can't be worse than anthem at least
it's no where near as bad

This, I'd get it after they patch and fix the bugs and maybe add an expansion and possibly make the base game free, so next year.

its gonna sell 10x more than Sekiro and DMC combined

I liked The Division and the beta of the second one and will get it day 1, but it will be a colossal failure and the last game in the series.
I can see them not even finishing that roadmap they presented at E3.

By what account? The first game sold over 10M copies, this has even more pre-orders. Plus the game has the free advertising of "not as bad as Anthem and Destiny 2"

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Well people are starved because of the failure that is Anthem, so the time is ripe for The Division.

You're out of your fucking mind nigger

>The first game sold over 10M copies
The first game sold about 30M by now

Holy shit it's not on Steam?

Every people disappointed by Anthem will buy Division 2 instead, cry harder bitch

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>Division had its fair share of problems but Ubisoft, perhaps uncharacteristically, stuck with it and made it a decent if not good game at the end of the day
>Throw all of that work into the trashcan and release a sequel not a year after they got the first game's shit together

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based retardposter

Division 2's base game is built on 1.8 programming and design
The only problem with D2's beta is that it didn't let us really explore the min/max possibilities in the endgame

I had first started playing The Division 1 back in January of 2017, about nine months after the game’s release. I thought that it was a fine game back then that only got better with the introduction of new game modes like that one underground mode, the team capture-the-point mode, and the survival mode.

>entire base systems and foundation of the first game had to be remade
agreed what a shit move
why didnt capcom just patch RE2 instead of selling RE2make as a $60 game?

>Advertise a game as a live service
>Service is live for a few years and is then abandoned for another "live service"

pretty sure i can boot up Division 1 right now and play

It's terribly boring and one of the lazies rashes I've ever played... but people will buy it anyway, just like they always buy all the other terrible ubishit open world garbage.

If this actually fails, then the AAA crash genuinely has come.

>game literally had a maintenance today
yeah abandoned as fuck lmao

Abandoned as in no new content will be developed for it, you pedantic niggers

this games the proof Yea Forums dont even play video games


Yup. The first game was awful and no one liked it, there's no chance this sells even half as much as that did. Didn't even bother trying the beta to know it's still garbage. I'd sooner buy Anthem.

>The first game was awful and no one liked it,
>sells 30 million

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You have to understand that as long as it's ubisoft people are going to hate it regardless, beta was fun and I would get it but not right now. It was up for 4 days you had time to try it out and have an actual opinion instead of shitposting and meming.

>there's no chance this sells even half as much as that did

Attached: ohDKCIO.jpg (750x591, 48K)

Tried the open beta, it sucked.

4 chan is completely disconnected with reality
posters on this thread probably dont even know what the looter shooter genre is

>shoot n loot
How the fuck did this ever become a genre?


It was probably a genre already, someone just put a name to it and it stuck I guess

Yeah, and all of those people who bought it dropped it in a week and regretted it. They won't make that mistake again. It's a guaranteed flop.

Dumbass cuck Ubishills.

Its the natural evolution of mixing gameplay

yikes, get a look at this dork

looter shooters have functionally replaced MMOs

This. I liked The Division post 1.8, which is way after I quit it after the first shit raid dropped.

And I was so pumped for Anthem, it's fun gameplay can't even begin to compensate for what a dumpster fire it is in its current form.

Anthem being a major letdown led to my current focus into the division 2, as well as many others.


Anthem is so bad it makes the division 2 (which will be fine on its own) look even more tantalizing.

Its got more preorders, more advertising and ultimately going to have more sales than D1. Will it dominate Twitch? Probably not. Will it have a healthy respectable cult following like R6 started with that could take off if they continue to support it? Probably.

I personally enjoyed the beta alot. Only thing I dislike is the mods
The ai is actually pretty fucking good. Oh most alien isolation tier.
They will try and flank you and everything.
Most of them aren't bullet sponges.
I'm planning on getting it. Just not right away. I'm not that stupid.

>So this thing is dead on arrival right

There's literary no way they can fail right now. All they have to do is make a carbon copy of the first one and they would win. Everyone else is fucking up so badly that The Division 2 will look god tier compared to them.

Anthem, Apex Legends, Fallout 76 and Destiny 2. Even fucking Red Dead Redemption 2 Online is shit. From what I've seen of The Division 2 beta, they fixed a bunch of shit that was wrong with the first one and it's mostly the same shit. Right now The Division 2 is on top of the loot shooter pack.

Im a fan of the first game and the beta of the second game, but I strongly wish they added manual crouch and even a prone option.

Are you implying Apex isnt a home run?

>already behind Fortnite
no its not, you are acting like Apex is selling $60 a piece

The Division 1 is kept alive by the Chinese, that's where their numbers come from. There's a lot of people who bought it in the west, but the active playbase is overseas.

The servers are populated, but it's a pain in the ass to find groups in English.

It'll have a comfy community away from the filth playing BRs. :)

It's like exactly the same as the first one, I can't justify paying 60 bucks for this. It's a good waste of time but I'll wait until it's like down to $20

You can't shit on Apex gameplay, its the successor Titanfall 2 mechanics which to this day pisses me off that people stopped playing it in Australia cause the skill ceiling was too high for them.

I forgot this was happening.
>female front and center
Yeah, don't care.

user, everyone wanted a new titanfall, not apex legends.

she walking towards a giant dick, it only makes sense dear poltard

True that. There is a last insurgency I need to finish and it must be with at least 2 players. I kept the matchmaking searching for over an hour and nobody showed up. The global chat is a chinese chat nowadays.

>Destiny 2 failed
>Fallout 76 failed
>Anthem failed
Its our time

>6 times as many PC pre-orders on the Ubisoft store alone

They said that they're going to rework the mods supposedly. Hopefully they just make mods have different bonuses with no downsides.

back to sucking on your thumb while playing with your imaginery waifu in some anime game from japan, you know, the 4chin mainstream genere

So? Experience what it has to offer and move on.

>Hopefully they just make mods have different bonuses with no downsides.
that might happen but you gonna have to wait a few months for that until people really start to complain and tell how useless mods are

Funny thing is the enemies can prone. Also add flashlights and ability to switch fire modes.

Probably with borderlands which was fun as fuck
and 10 years ago

I preordered it.

cancelled my anthem preorder to get it