You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this game is so popular...

You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this game is so popular. These people have never heard of strategy games in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Civilization 5, they were completely alien to them. And they can't enjoy these games because they consider them boring. They want a game that isn't necessarily smart or deep or immersive, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good games or good strategy, nor have they ever picked a book about history. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. EU4 is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love history". The entire foundation of the game is built upon the dichotomy between "silly events and fun stuff" and "this is actually historical and realistic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "this game is alt-history but can still be interesting and challenging" bullshit that EU4 shits out in almost every campaign is what appeals to it's audience. The game doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any historical event, so it spouts these random rng events. Nevermind the embarrassing, forced "references", or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the devs want to remind you that this is historical strategy, or how the entire game is a series of different forgettable campaigns with just enough incompatible historical references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for acknowledging them, or how the nations have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious stereotypes than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Europa Universalis 4.

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is golden century any good? I've been thinking about pirating it and playing again.

Agreed my good sir! Victoria II with HPM now that's a good game!!

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No reason not to, if you're pirating. Pirate republics look like they could be interesting, but I haven't tried them myself yet.

>with HPM

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not after that Karakalpak drama

>out in almost every campaign

Could've just said it's boring as fuck and I'd have agreed with you.


it's an analisys on why this is shit

Of course. And the strawmanning is there because?
Honestly, the average shitposter's claim that "it's casualized garbage, mana sucks" is a way more valuable analysis than this nonsense because at least it addresses gameplay aspects and doesn't spend half a dozen lines essentially sucking yourself off at the expense of people who enjoy it and going "they probably can't enjoy REAL strategy games anyway!".

is that word your trigger or what?

it presents what their core fanbase is and the "people" they're pandering to

EU3 was WAY better, also Vicky 2 is probably the best paradox game I've ever played. Note that I've barely played any HOI3.

Vicky a shit.
>lower taxes for the riches
>increase bureacrats

Why are you so touchy? You spend most of that blog talking about feelings and auto conflating a video game with swaths of people you don’t like. Why is it another human should consider this anymore than a recommendation for the game by pseudo intellectual redditor fake strategy whoevers? Are your credentials any better than theirs? The only thing that can be drawn from your dear diary is, that your taste in games is not-EU4. In part two will you tell me who to vote for or form romantic relationships with ?

Fuck the people who complain about mana. They clearly were asleep when dealing with the magistrate bottleneck in EU3. I think EU4 and CK2 are at end of life and need the devs to sit down and think about what should be retained and polished in sequels. Shit like the estate system turned out to be useless and the new trade company stuff even worse. I really wish they'd just make a final bugfix patch for both games and go off to make Victoria III in a new engine and maybe a new engine for CK3 and EU5 since the Clauswitz engine is long in the tooth.

user, how can you not understand that not every thought that goes through your head is a fact?
you don't like it, sure, neither do i. but you had to make up some fanfiction about how people who enjoy it are some nebulous crowd of super-retards? it feels like you enjoy creating narratives where you're some great outlier from 'normal people'

It looks like that is what they are doing. I know Imperator comes out in a few weeks and I’m interested to see how it plays. It seems to look like a mashup of EU, Stellaris and CK.

Of course. "The fanbase is bad. That's why the game is bad."
Notice how you still completely fail to mention anything about mechanics
Notice how you not once have mentioned the entire solar system's worth of problems hovering around the monarch point system, its counter-intuitive interactions with technology advancement, the unsalvageable mess of the diplomatic point system in particular and the shallowness of the general/advisor system that remains mostly untouched since EUIII and maybe earlier.
Notice how not once you've mentioned the lack of usefulness of a navy in a time period when navies were a major source of power projection and prosperity through commerce and exploration, while in-game many traditional naval powers like Portugal and the Spanish are probably far better off scuttling their entire navy outside of transport ships and investing on even bigger armies to turn around and conquer France.
Notice how you not once have have mentioned the underdeveloped nature of the estate/state/government reform system, the lack of interactions between the elites of your country and the changes you do to your government beyond getting a passive bonus or malus to their influence or opinion, with no reactionary pushes against reforms they might not approve of or pull towards reforms that they would benefit from at the expense of the country as a whole, underlying the ACTUAL issue of internal politics in EUIV, that being the way it lacks meaningful opposition and power accumulation over time at the expense of hostile powers, which is what makes external politics actually enjoyable.
Notice how you're just another fag spouting buzzword-laden bullshit about things you don't like on Yea Forums, basically, though at least most of the rest don't pretend the shit they vomit have any real critical value.

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user, you silly billy.
its much easier to hate games if you convince yourself its catered that people you hate, instead of actually playing them and forming your own opinions

fuck eu4 and fuck monarch points

you've never played a real strategy game in your entire life, only memeshit

Good thing I'm trying to make criticism about a memeshit game, not Gary Grigsby's War in the East, isn't it, you prancing turbofaggot?

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why the fuck ARE you fucking against monarch points?

It's a game that plays itself. Perfect for people who couldn't git gud.

Asked this before but I have yet to find an answer, what was that mod that added america and all of asia to ck2?

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>replace complex subsystems with a basic af ticking point system
>this is somehow a good thing

I'm not 100% against them, ADM points work very good, but MIL suffers from the slight problem where recruiting generals and doing otherwise mundane military actions like assaulting walls drives back your military technology, and DIP is just a clusterfucked amalgamation of Trade, Naval Warfare, Diplomacy and who knows what else that makes absolutely NO sense

This an EU4 thread? I fucking LOVE alt history grand strategy

What expansions do I need to buy?


All of them

thats why i play hearts of iron 3


Pirate literally everything, they all add good stuff in lesser or greater amounts. The things that get ruined, get ruined through patchnotes anyway and there's no avoiding those.

all of em

Will they ever make a game as great as Darkest Hour?

That's so expensive though, there aren't any I can skip?


>edgy = things i dont like
fuck off reddit

edgy kid

no because paradox didn't make it

The skin packs and music ones.

do you have autism

You can do anything you want also eu3 is better with vicy 2 with dlc. It's fun when you have a shit african nation and colonize America. It's a game where every new time you play you have a goal and you go towards it.

Good point



Mana is complete bullshit, it's an abstraction that makes zero sense
>converting a province's culture takes from the same pool as recruiting admirals
Way too many mechanics rely entirely on mana which you gain largely through RNG

>people are actually hyped about Rome

strategy games that aren't popular are dogshit though
see: endless legend and literally every other civ clone on steam

Don't worry, they'll sell you a second consul as DLC.
Coming 2020: "Rise of the Republic" DLC with fully fleshed out mechanics for the Roman Republic including cursus honorum only 19.99 $

>more bird mana needed m'lord!

realism is not a meaningful argument


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are these games good?

Good, but also a knife in the rib to any player that's just getting into them due to the amount of content that has been added over the years as DLC. That's why prevalent advice is "either wait for a sale, or pirate the whole bag to form your own opinion without having to sink a billion dollars in it".
If you're completely unfamiliar with the concept of Paradox grand strategy games, Europa Universalis IV and Crusader Kings II are the two simplest ones to start with. CKII being the easiest/most enjoyable of the two to play while you're still in the process of learning how things work, in my opinion.

To be honest I never knew that Germany was a comprised of like a thousand different prinicpalities and kingdoms before I played EU2

I though Germany had pretty much always been a country like England or France

The alt-right makes me sick

>The alt-right
oy vey

Why? It's just the logical extension of conservative values

not an argument

>waaah, my feelings!! please censor this!!!1


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hello shaun
go back to playing minecraft with trannies

This is why the alt-right makes me sick.
One little statement gets multiple replies all criticising.
Opinions and difference aren't allowed with you people.
Nazism at it's finest.

>don't criticize me you NAZIS

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>i can give my retarded opinion but no one better give me one back

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