Yeah, folks say that...

Yeah, folks say that, but do you ever get the feelin' ya only like the most overrated and undeserving entry in a franchise 'cause yer supposed ta?

Attached: enos.jpg (519x386, 56K)

Kingdom Hearts 2 is shit compared to 3

i understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. but youre actually retarded for this one, user.

Not really. 3 doesn't have le corridor worlds with a million loading screens like 2. Mobility is way more fun in combat and especially out of combat and there is far less "press reaction commands" to win in 3. While 2 has good combat, it fails in many departments.

Attached: let's see how many people I can get with this one.png (220x162, 88K)

Agreed. I have no nostalgic attachment to 2. It's definitely worse.

I was going to ignore you but then I saw the filename so I guess I'll let you have just one.

Attached: protomans gay cousin contemplates the implications of robots with total free will.png (432x175, 6K)

Which Zelda game am I supposed to like?

Attached: a203211c612faff2ef615118d98326b8.jpg (500x500, 32K)

Thank you, kind sir.

Sounds like someone needs to play final mix

>New game out?
>Pretend to like slightly older game
>Aqcuire gamer cred
So many people out there seem like zombies to me

>there is far less "press reaction commands" to win in 3.
>Attraction Flow
>Keyblade Transformations
>Grand Magic
>Random Limits

what's not to like about it?

Read the file name sweetie.

Literally none of those are reaction commands. You're a retard grats

What is Fallout NV?


Not really, same for bioshock 2

Attached: Dark_Souls_II_cover.jpg (220x317, 16K)

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VIII.jpg (856x800, 207K)

I honestly think Fry fucking his grandma as a hot young chick gave me my incest fetish

In both cases, you're pressing Triangle to make something flashy happen and clear the screen, pretending that 3 is more interactive because Triangle makes you win in a slightly different way is being disingenuous.

The CHAD Zelda.

Attached: hqdefault (9).jpg (480x360, 20K)

I'm pretty sure you were just drinking the Freudian Kool-Aid.


If KH2FM didn't exist this would be a true statement