>enemy can start fires
Enemy can start fires
Other urls found in this thread:
>enemy dies before I get to see it
fuck man I had tickets for their show in may (first us tour in a decade)
good thread
>enemy claims to be a spitfire
name 1(ONE) game that does this.
>Enemies can make the fire rise
>enemy takes 50% of your stuff after divorce
Why'd he do it man?
>fire only makes enemy stronger
>enemy can kill self
Why didn't he did it sooner, you mean
wtf keith flint died yesterday?
drugs, i guess.
Yeah, committed suicide right before the Prodigy was about to kick off a big tour.
>Enemy can take your brain to another dimension
Drugs fry your circuits, man. Uppers do, at least. Maybe he had that dopamine receptor problem where he literally couldn't feel happiness anymore.
>enemy spawns voodoo people
Same thing happened to Robin Williams, fuck divorce courts.
He didn't smack his bitch up
>zoomers are shitting up the industry
>boomers are on mass suicide
He always said
>When I've done everything I wanted to do you'll see me infront of a bus
>zoomers are so cancer boomers commit suicide to escape it
but did he smack his bitch up?
He was almost 50 dude
The fact that he was still alive in 50 was outstanding
>enemy can one shot kill you
>can't level higher than 27 because enemies won't spawn
>enemy stops breathing
>Protagonist's Love interest that swore an oath to remain loyal and faithful until death suddenly betrays the protagonist and takes away all his hard work and happiness while publicly destroying everything he holds dead until he had enough of her.
is there any game with this story?
Broke up with his jap wife according to tabloids.
Asian women, every goddamn time. Like Yoko Ono all over again.
He's been clean for a while, he did say in an interview though that once he felt he was done he would just kill himself.
me too man, me too.
Yeah fucking Chi Bi stages.
I don't think Keith Flint is going to show up man
They had one song.
In the 90's.
Let it go.
t. pleb
Re: OP's pic, I first heard that song playing Wipeout on PSX back in the day, and I went out and bought the CD single it was so catchy.
they released a pretty good album in 2015
Here it is. Nostalgia's a helluva drug.
Why does anyone do it? A number of musicians recently have been killing themselves.
>Like Yoko Ono all over again.
Leave Yoko alone. John Lennon was always an asshole with a massively inflated ego. When you look at careers after the split it's obvious Paul McCartney was the vast majority of the talent in that band.
i like the prodigy, eat a dick
Keith Flint is a textbook example that even if you're a manlet and look like a goblin you can still end up getting a 10/10 gf. Don't lose hope.
That's FSOL, dumbass.
That's the whole OST of Wipeout 2097, jerk. Not just FSOL.
He was rich and famous, idiot
some zelda game?
You mean textbook example of no matter how ugly you are as long as you are rich there's always going to be a decent looking gold digger out there willing to fuck for a few years of marriage.
Smooth brain, clogged ears.
he was 49 years old, it wasn't going to get any better.
> 13
> few years
Lurk before shitposting
>gold digger
iirc she's some dj/celeb herself
Who is this guy and why is his face in my backpack?
i thought that was a disney song.
>enemy can die and everyone starts talking about them even though they had never mentioned them before
>open Yea Forums
>see an Oasis thread
Man that board has changed.
Boomers took over a large part of mu during the great v exiduse
>had one song
kys zoomer
holy shit that's abstract
I'll honestly miss this dude, what a fucking legend. Saw them perform in Australia, and it was like watching a bunch of stage divers that never got off the stage. Punk as fuck. Really fucks me up knowing yet another passionate artist couldn't win the fight against depression.
>Lennon an asshole with a massively inflated ego
Yoko wasn't too different from him. They were made for each other.
Idiots saying drugs. He divorced Nip wife and she took a bunch of his money and his home.
Probably the reason especially added to the last album being pretty sub par in his eyes
He was on a downer big time
Life goes down the shitter once you hit 40+. Can't really blame him.
it's pretty sad that you think that's 10/10
Fuck you
Oasis is a talking point really.
Liam is a bellend
Noel is a bellend
The songs are decent
They both need each other to be successful
>old boomer junkie dies
Literally who gives a fuck, their “”””””music””””” is absolute shit and cringy. No talent at all
It's like life fucking sucks or something and drugs just mask the suicidal depression.
Listen to Climbatize and get back to me.
>boomer pretends to be a zoomer for le ebin troll xD
>if you have a lot of money you can buy an average looking gook
Woah mind blown
Get out. Get the fuck out from this thread right now.
Lol,he's dead
zoomers detected
Why would you kill yourself when the world is just getting interesting
>enemy has the poison
>install codex game
>expect chiptune music
Interesting is just another way to say bad.
>enemy says always tell your mummy before you go off somewhere
Kill ya' self, m8
Your yellow fever is blinding you that is a completely average Asian girl.
But you got the remedy
change my pitch up
Ah so now we pretend we ever liked this shit?
Aww le rippy in pepperoni absolute legend man I listened to your god tier music aaaaaaaalllll the time. man ya’ll I am so devastated.. like this comment if you listen to Prodigy and NOT Justin Bieber !!
I'm glad I was still going to concerts 10-15 years ago and got to see the artists/bands before they all fucking died. In 10 years I wonder who's still gonna be here.
was shitposting in this thread part of your master plan ?
rich, famous, but ends with some sea nigger. Thai I bet
>absolute legend
S M H he doesn't even try to hide it.
She dropped him for August Burns Red drummer. Can’t really blame her.
Prodigy is great.
If you dont like them, kindly shut the fuck up
>Enemy can drop Atom Bombs
Is this an "Electronic artists that were in Wipeout 2097" thread
May 3rd for me, sucks man.
It's now confirmed that he and his wife were divorced. She drove him to suicide.
actual zoomer
He was a psycho somatic addict.
Zoomer is right
If you kill yourself because of a breakup that is your fault.
Take your trash somewhere else instead of Yea Forums faggot boomer
Based ching chong woman. What a soýpilled faggot beta cunt he was.
Keith didn't contribute until after they had already released their best albums - Experience and MFTJG.
>enemy can ascending to outer space, to find another race.
he's gen x retard
Whatever roastie.
Again, you really don't need to respond or say anything else. Just go do something else :)
>enemy is a punkin' instigator
um what is breathe sweaty hmm??
>One of the GOAT dance/big beat acts
>Only had one shit album in 2004 during a split
>Get back together and make Invaders Must Die which fucks hardcore
>The Day Is My Enemy and No Tourists aren't as good but still fuck
>Still fucking had it on tour
I want zoomers to leave Yea Forums
Yea Forums is the official dumping ground for trash and there isn't anything your dumb ass can do about it, incel.
..then breathe and firestarter happened and shot them into the charts
Hope the mods respond soon and delete this off topic thread. Also rest in piss literally who talentless old junkie
>what is breathe
Second track on Fat of the land
>youtube videos still have the tour dates listed
I hope your day gets better!
We all know it wont, lol
Who else is gonna watch Morricone this year? I've been wanting to attend one of his concerts since forever and he finally comes to my city in may.
They made two good albums, and then they got eaten by commercial bullshit. Experience and Jilted Generation is based as fuck though. Those later albums you mention are fucking depressing, and probably the reason Keith killed himself was because of them honestly.
self proclaimed arsonist
It’s already good considering that talentless faggot died like a little bitch, thanks LOL
Guess he should've smacked his bitch up some more.
>being like this
Are you underage or is this just a big Y I K E S
He actually contributed on Poison.
I’m a firestarter, if ya know what I mean amirite? ;) xD
This post gave me cancer
Haha epic
>Fat of the land had fucking "SMACK MY BITCH UP"
>got eaten up by commercial bullshit
yeah nah fuck you.
Everyone hates him because he was a manlet.
If he would have been a 6'4" chad, Yea Forums would mourn his death for weeks.
That house is 1.5 mil?
He was charismatic and talented.
People just try to shit on him because they aren't.
That song was spammed on all the radiostations. That album was literally number 1 in all the countries. >not commercial
i dont think you know what commercial means.
Other than dancing? I don't remember his vocals, did he help write?
>enemies can make off-topic threads
Yes and? Manlets are disgusting
Not that guy, but height is the first thing that's being judged the first time you meet someone. It's unfortunate that everyone ended up being concerned about how tall he is instead of giving him a fair shake.
Vocals is a Praga Khan sample. Liam did the music. Keith just danced back then
Damn shame. RIP
He wrote Firestarter.
He also contributed on a few of the tracks starting with The Fat of the Land onwards.
until they have money and a big dick
yeah and "fuck the police" was a massive hit for NWA, doesn't mean they made it cus of "commercial bullshit".
>enemy just up and fucking dies
And they will still be disgusting and women will just use them for money
What's that from
Hiphop culture is a nigger approximation of the white mans consumer culture. Consumer bullshit is built into it. The Prodigy sprang out of the dirty neo-hippies in england around the late eighties. All the soul in early UK rave is from this idea of opposition and anti establishment the youth had because of Thatcher. By the time of the Fat of the Land liam had realized you could sell this shit for a quick buck instead of getting ripped off by LSD brainwashed organizers of illegal raves
Isn't it his voice in Their Law?
Venture Bros, it's pretty fun but it takes years between seasons.
>trapped in a sewer with a confessed arsonist
>if you make any money your art is worthless
He think rich manlets are the ones being used, no man, sluts are the ones being used
it was a sample from some movie. youtube embed relevant
>You're seeing Gen X personalities dying left and right
I'm also shocked at how cheap Prodigy Concert tickets were before he died. I checked it the day of and it was like 35 dollars. That's 20 less than I paid to see The Midnight. While Knopfler was fucking 150-200 dollars. Granted he's the real big enchilada.
way to miss the point. when a culture that is alive in the underground you get different culture than when it is being prostituted by big jewish conglomerates.
Fat of the land is a low effort cashgrab made by liam
Jesus Christ
Just goes to show that they knew.
He fell for the bleached meme.
Jimmy Eat World made a cover ages ago that is really good.
It sounds way more approachable and relateable than the two albums that came before, and as such it is less relevant to my interests. By that time the UK acidhouse scene had fractured into all the different styles you still see today and no longer had the same feel of rebellion and unity that made it so interesting. Liam was clever to jump on the MTV bandwagon instead of wallowing aound in the Yardie infested Jungle scene or the faggot infested techno scene, or any number of retarded drug infested "music cultures", his sound suffered from it though.
How did the Prodigy jew people with their music?
Seems like you are blaming the prodigy for something that is an issue for the entire Music Industry.
and yet your "culture" has no real bearing on the talent or work of the artists themselves. They're still the same people making the same music, it's just being played on the radio instead of in front of some monged out hippies in a warehouse off the side of the motorway.
Fire Boss: Let's turn up the heat!
All i am saying is their first two albums was a pure expression of a youth culture in england, and their later albums are made to fit on MTV, and as such, they lost a lot of their appeal for me.
Shut up gay boy. This is our board now >:^)
But the artists work IS the culture. Its made for those parties. If you change the context you change the work.
He's just a millennial hipster pretending their older work has more value to him, despite the fact he'd never have heard it if their later albums didn't go mainstream.
Yikes sub 120 IQ post
I was eating xtc before you were born, wanker
Wasn't it so good that Liam came out and admitted that they pretty much took the song and made it their own?
No, the artist's work is their work. The culture that surrounds it is merely their audience.
They have no input and no bearing on the work. You as a consumer are a non-participant in the production of any art.
Is this the band that made that fire meme song used in a lot of memes?
Well "youth culture" in the 90's vs in the 00's are two very very different things. How the fuck would they make albums in 00's for a "youth culture" that was now all adults?
You never made music did you? Music is made to make the floor hype. If you make music for a different floor it will sound different. The floor is in the studio with you when recording. The artist is always thinking and comparing "how will this sound to the crowd?"
Unless the artist is talentless or an egotistical douche, but i reckon Liam is a pretty empathetic guy that knows his dancefloor
Then you're even worse. A gen Xer who accomplished nothing in life, but thinks he shares a portion of the credit for an artist's work because he danced and took drugs while seeing them perform.
And now argues with people twenty years younger than him on an anime imageboard
>culture doesn't have an input in art
Do you not know what context is?
When you take drugs for so long your dopamine production gets completely fucked. So you literally become incapable of feeling joy in anything you do as a reward, so imagine making something and feeling nothing after completing it.
>understanding this little about music culture
Did you ever go to a rave?
the dopamine system is pretty resistant. its the serotonin system that's fragile
Normally yeah but when you do such quantities of drugs for that long it really does burn out.
You never made music either, friend. Music is made by talented people who enjoy their craft. Anyone who tailors their product to any particular audience are as much a sell out as someone who tailors it for money.
The truest artist will make music for their own love of the sound and will keep on making it whether anyone's listening or not.
No you fucking dinosaur, I was born in 1993.
A true musician does it to make other people feel awesome. An egotistical douche does it alone. Also, my collection of vintage synths and drum machines told me to tell you that you are retarded
>my collection of vintage synths and drum machines
I believe they still put on raves and press pills, so get on that. Its pretty fun!
Not him but I have made art, so I know that you're completely talking out of your ass. The notion that a "true artist" doesn't make art for an audience is wrongheaded and idiotic. Artists need to eat too, and knowing their audience is part of their practice. Shakespeare was a master at catering to audiences of both the royal and working classes, is he not a true artist?
No musician has ever made music just for the enjoyment of other people. If they aren't doing it for themselves, they're doing it to be rich and/or famous, or to impress girls.
So straight forward, why are they such psychopaths?
You're missing my point. I'm not calling either a sellout, I'm saying his claim that the small audience is true art and the large one isn't is bullshit.
Maybe they do, but "music culture" has left that far behind
You fucking throwback
Manlets aren’t really considered humans to them so they think it’s alright
>enemy has homicidal tendencies towards invaders
>Hit Mr. X with a flame round
>It creates a huge cone of fire which slows Claire down if she tries to run close past him
>He just stands there impassively like I don't give a fuck nyaggah
If you believe the western sun
Is falling down on everyone
And you feel it burn, not try to run
And you feel it burn, your time has come
I feel it!
Jilted > Fat > Exp
havent listened to the other ones
Play Wipeout 2097.
I love this one from Invaders Must Day because someone in a Star Wars vidya thread posted that Stand Up is the kind of songs that for some reason fits/reminded him of the Y-Wing. Squad showing up, dropping the bombs over Empire scum and afterwards flying over the people celebrating
Stand Up is my victory song.
Used in my graduation. Dunno if it's normal in the US to have a song of your choice to play when they call your name and parents to come up and get your diploma
>enemy always outguns you
This fucking vid just appeared in my recommended what the hell.
>Rival picks the Fire Starter
Imps in SOTN
>enemies form an unlikely alliance
saw them last august, but i feel with you bro
>be right at the front of a Prodigy concert
>Keith hops down to the dividing barrier and starts high-fiving everyone at the front
>I got to high-Five Keith
What a nice guy, was the greatest concert I have ever been to.
James Blunt is a fucking trooper on twitter, spits out bants all day every day sitting on all that you're beautiful money. Top lad. Hated his music when it was big but come to like him as just a guy.
>twisted fire starter
why is it the nicest people that always kill themselves? fuck man
reminded me of Robin Williams
Which album should I listen to?
>soillenials are shitting up the industry
amazing to see live
Man all my favorite artists keep dying.
>game has breathing mechanics to avoid poison gas
I swear so many of my favorite musicians have died recently
If Burial or Aphex Twin go I'm committing too
Thot fucked him over in a divorce and he was forced to sell his home
Daily reminder that w*men are parasites and should be exterminated
he was INSANE
Alright Yea Forums, news like this comes in 3's... who is next?
>tfw you will never be blasting prodigy while playing Q3 in pre-9/11 2001 ever again
just fucking end me
That dude from Beverly Hills 90210 also died.
>kills himself
>doesn't even kill her
>she gets to live off his money for the rest of her life
Music for the Jilted Generation or Experience if you want the raw early to mid 90's rave music Fat of the land or Invaders must die if you want their more polished Big beat stuff, Always outnumbered Never outgunned if you want a Liam Howlett solo album and The day is my Enemy or No Tourists for their new stuff.
>doesn't even kill her
Calm down there incel. She's going to live with the guilt while laughing all the way to the bank kek
>Asian women
not even once
>live in SA
>somehow one of the genres I grew up listening to was british eletronica/rave/whatever other genres alongside rock and other normal stuff everyone and their mother listens to dunno how I ended up know about that kind of british subgenres
>people ask me if I like rave music or eletronic and what names
>quote all that from 90s
>they look at me like im some freak
Same goes for Aphex Twin. I know I sounded like a hipster or pedant fucker but it wasnt my intention, it was a genuine answer.
What about Experience? Also big thanks user
the worst zoomer opinion I have ever seen on Yea Forums
guess what she's japanese
>>You're seeing Gen X personalities dying left and right
weakest generation. boomers out here outliving them by 30 years minimum.
Here's your (You) fucker, fuck you
Experience is great its got so many classic rave tracks its crazy, if you like old school rave its a must listen.
>Mission: go to outer space to find another race
Kill yourself my dude
kino homage
Titanfall 2, I guess
Were you at a really tiny university? Even the PhDs were I graduated didn't get themesongs.
>enemy takes you to the hospital
Got front-row seats to his gig in London last year as a treat to myself. It was fucking amazeballs.
Fun Blunt fact:
>In 1999, Blunt volunteered to join a Blues and Royals squadron deploying with NATO to Kosovo.[19] Initially assigned to carry out reconnaissance of the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia–Yugoslavia border, Blunt's troop worked ahead of the front lines, locating and targeting Serb forces for the NATO bombing campaign. On 12 June 1999, the troop led the 30,000-strong NATO peacekeeping force from the Macedonia border towards Pristina International Airport. However, a Russian military contingent had moved in and taken control of the airport before his unit's arrival. American NATO commander Wesley Clark ordered that the unit forcibly take the airport from the Russians. General Mike Jackson, the British commander, refused the order, telling Clark that they were "not going to start World War Three for you".[20][21] Blunt has said that he would have refused to obey such an order.
And now he will finally find that other race.
On a side note Im pretty fucking sad at Keith's death. Got the opportunity to meet him backstage along Liam Howlett and Maxim. He was a real gentleman and softly spoken. Real fucking sad.
>Enemy starts to invade
What do?
She's cute. White thots fear the geisha.
Asian women typically stick with their husbands even if they're from a different race. It's just that japs and koreans are whores.
Why did the dummy kill himself
Used to listen to prodigy all the time when i was a kid, uncle introduced them to me i think. Remember buying invaders must die, listening to omen and warriors dance on the radio and breathe and firestarter when it came on the music channels on the tv. Got some albums out from the library aswell cus never had internet back then. T. Early zoomer i guess
Its a Robin Williams-esque situation.
LOL wat
Literally every song in Fat of the Land is god tier
>Listen to Climbatize
Shit I had this song on right as I read this. I agree it's fucking tits.
I've never read anything quite so legitimately devoid of iq.