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wtf is this thread?
the quality of this board gets worse every fucking day.
shame on you OP for even typing that nonsense

Not a souls fan but I remember Yea Forums was jizzing it self when this was announced,but the closer it gets to the game being out more negative threads show up,I think this is just the mental illness that have spread on this site.

quality thread

Nobody said this, you stupid faggot



>thought it was a gonna be a good no commentary new gameplay video
>some white faggot piece of shit talking over everything


Looks like fun! Can't wait, going to hop out of this thread to avoid spoilers.

imagine how different things would be if people made threads about video games they enjoy

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>player who just likes to rush in there, go katana-on-katana and feel that blade-to-blade, blow-by-blow gameplay, they're going to feel that intensity. They're going to get that really high level challenge that's probably even more challenging than previous From games.
>t. Hidetaka Miyazaki June 21, 2018

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>Pop up tutorials appear for every single item, gadget, ability, and gizmo you collect throughout the ENTIRE game
>No levelling up mechanic. Instead, there's a westernized brainlet talent tree that will act as the "rpg" system
>If you fall off a cliff into a bottomless pit the game will just insta respawn you back to the perch you were on, no penalties besides a tiny slice of your health taken off. Just like Guacamelee!
>The game is SO casualized that there is a mechanic which gives the player 2 lives. If you die, you literally have the option to just respawn right where you are and try again. There are no penalties for doing this. If you end up dying twice, you just respawn back at the last idol you rested at, and again, dying comes with no punishment. And there are plenty of idol checkpoints scattered everywhere, so you'll never have to worry about a long haul back
>No weapon variety, you will be using the EXACT SAME katana throughout the ENTIRE campaign. This also means NO upgrading and it means NO infusing. Just one weapon, at one single stat, for the entire game.
>Standard everyday Dark Souls items like fire bombs, pine resins, throwing knives, luring skulls, etc, have been placed on a pedestal in Sekiro and glorified as "Metroidvania" style equipment you will be unlocking throughout the game. How exciting! You can look forward to applying fire on a katana, or unlocking throwing knives to throw at enemies! Wow! Ground breaking!
>The only truly new mechanics in the game are jumping and the hook shot, which look flimsy and unpolished
>Gameplay has been reduced to button mashing with a parry system
>Multiplayer is NONE EXISTENT in Sekiro. That means NO summoning, NO covenants, NO fight clubs, and as a result, NO community, and NO replay value. There is absolutely no multiplayer at all in Sekiro.
>There is no currency in this game, because there are no shops, because there is nothing to purchase at all. The world is empty

Why not just give it a chance instead of crying that it isn't dark souls 4?

why does he keep making this face

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I'm glad you guys are doing this type of thing so much, that everyone will get full of your shit really quick

Face cam

>cherrypicking this hard
that's just part of the demo playtest
it's been confirmed if you die from falling off the world map, you get sent straight back to the last checkpoint

the opposite is true, moron

[citation needed]

Anyone can start a thread at any point, that's not a gauge of anything, you fat misery.

He got knocked off? So what. You fags are the worst. Your lives are so pathetic that you want every game to be the next Tortanic. Get a fucking hobby Jesus wept.

I get it you don’t like activision nobody does but they published this game in the west they didn’t develop it.

>guy is a soulsborne speedrun autist god

god this guy pisses me off for some reason

There has been multiple smear threads because activision is publishing this game in the west. It is some really sad people who are a vocal minority who want every game they don’t like to be a blunder. It’s really pathetic. Shows how insecure they must be really.

Old Yea Forums used to be a good place for video game discussion instead of blunderposting.

>If you fall off a cliff into a bottomless pit the game will just insta respawn you back to the perch you were on, no penalties besides a tiny slice of your health taken off. Just like Guacamelee!
>tiny slice
>continuing to copy+paste exaggerated lies when the OP literally time stamps something proving you're wrong

1/3rd of your life bar is not a tiny slice.

>source: ass

Most game commentators are obnoxious self obsessed retards. They also usually suck gorilla dick at games. He has an over emotive face.

when you're carrying a bunch of healing items yes it is

It is when you can just "die twice" respawn.
You should have an instant death when you fall off a cliff. No way around it.
I get that there are a lot of TORtanic threads, but I think this is a legitimate concern.
Why is it suddenly completely okay that we've reached this level of casualization in From games? There's a lot of false shit, but this falling off a cliff and then just being respawned in the same encounter is fucking weak and no Fromfag wants to admit it.

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>It deviates from my idea of a good game formula therefore it is bad.

What are you, fucking retarded?

a game can be casual and good at the same time. There is no high council that states every new series they make can has to cater to Soulsfags

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>it's not harder because of this one change that I dislike, despite a streamer with thousands of hours in Souls having a lot of difficulty with one regular mob

he was pretending

>tutorial section is easy
>just like in every other souls title

I wasn't that user nor did I watch the video yet.
I was just proving wrong.