ITT; Games with terribad endings.
ITT; Games with terribad endings
>Best girls Xion and Olette get best ending
>Everyone else gets a happy ending, but Sora and Kairi
Nomura is a hack.
You waifufags do nothing but shit up discussion.
>All the shitty handheld game characters get forced-as-fuck happy endings.
>The ones who actually matter get shat on for a forced bittersweet ending in order to make you play more games (Riku's cool though, even if he ending up with Namine makes no sense.).
Continuing the series past KH2 was a fucking mistake.
The ending isn't the problem. Everything else up to it is.
I like KH3's ending because it felt like a combination of KH1 and 2's. It's a happy definitive ending, but also bittersweet/ a cliffhanger.
movie game
>all these anime characters looking edgy
>and then Goofy
How does anyone take these games seriously?
Its deliberately designed to feel "off."
The fanservice scenes are for the, heh, goats who just eat up what they're told without questioning things
Don't you mean...TERRAbad?
I would say the ending was the problem. Kingdom Hearts 2 ended perfectly. Sora's mission was to find his friends and at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 the villain was dead and he found his friends. Roxas and Namine found their peace and the story was over. But the entirety of Kingdom Hearts 3 has very little to do with Sora himself. It's all him closing the book on events that he wasn't even there for. The fall of the wayfinder trio happened 10 years ago. Aside for Ventus renting an apartment inside sora's heart they have nothing to do with him. Also it sure is convenient that Xehanort gets to come back because Sora murdered his body and soul. Most people just stay dead when that happens. Also you can time-travel just out of nowhere.
That's what people mean when they say that Kingdom Hearts story is convoluted. You have to force all of this stuff out to make the third Aventure happen. And because everyone likes to characters we'll play it. But let's not pretend it's not a mess
t. Brainlet
>ITT; Games with terribad endings.
pic unrelated.
now this was a bad ending
>best anything
>y-you just didn't understand it
I understood it just fine, I also understand now that Nomura was never the person that made KH good.
>Best version of Kairi
That's Namine.
That's the secret
don't take it seriously.
It's dumb, but it's fun
Mafia ii
>tfw remember MGS2 coming out and everyone hated it
>tfw years later it suddenly is best game in the series because "MUH LORE"
>tfw we're back to hating it again
See, KH1 had a bittersweet ending, but you still felt proud. I mean Kairi knows Sora loves her and Sora is going to continue his journey with his stupid grin while part of the Traverse Town battle theme plays. Even if the series ended there you'd still feel happy until you learn there aren't anymore games.
KH3's just ends with punching you in the face for not enjoying the handheld games and pointing a gun at you in order to make you play more games. We may not even get a proper conclusion until 2026.
You start, OP.
Remember kids, the moral of KH3 is to rely on others to solve your problems while you do nothing.
Don't forget the secret ending about Sora and Riku fucking off in modern-day Japan in order to awkwardly cash in on the "JRPGs set in modern-times" fad Persona started, thus ruining the franchise is a few seconds.
>KH3's just ends with punching you in the face for not enjoying the handheld games and pointing a gun at you in order to make you play more games.
And this is the worst part. Xion is the most baffling part in this entire game. Because she really has nothing to do with anything. She was a robot that only existed for one game and when she died nobody even remembered her. So she has no presence in the entire series. But she has an emotional payoff moment in 3 which mandates that you play days which in and of itself is pointless. Because the only thing that game establishes is that Roxas worked for the orgy and that Roxas and Axle were good friends. Things that was established in 2. I guess also that Xion is the reason he can use two keyblades? But was that really so important that we needed an entire game to explain that? Sora can use two keyblades by fusing with Goofy. Are we going to get another side game for the switch explaining that Goofy is a part of a clan of Keyblade Warriors long-forgotten and that's why Sora gets access to another one by joining his heart with Goofy's?
>modern-day Japan fad
Isn't that just The World Ends With You world?
it's TWEWY world, another squeenix game
>Sora can use two keyblades by fusing with Goofy. Are we going to get another side game for the switch explaining that Goofy is a part of a clan of Keyblade Warriors long-forgotten and that's why Sora gets access to another one by joining his heart with Goofy's?
I'm sure Nomura is watching this thread
You mean just like the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts 1? I guess the franchise was ruined since it began then.
>I guess also that Xion is the reason he can use two keyblades? But was that really so important that we needed an entire game to explain that?
Are you really asking that when Nomura went out of his way to explain why Mickey was shirtless at the end of 1?
That was just a made-up one. Not fucking Shibuya.
Imagine if the cloaked figure was walking around the streets of NYC.
Fragmentary Passage really made Mickey look like an asshole for leaving Aqua behind like that
Hell, most of the sidegame characters should've just died/stay dead. There's no point of them existing seeing their arc are over. At least if Nomura stops shitting on her, Kairi could have one about her trying to be come stronger even in the most desperate and inhumane ways like at the cost of her sanity.
It's not the real Shibuya, none of the buildings are the same and all the signs are in a made-up language. It's even less accurate to the real Shibuya than TWEWY is.
It would be bad if the series was going to stop at 3, but it won't.
>by fusing with goofy
holy shit I havent played any of the series. is that ACTUALLY something that happens? someone fuses with a disney character? I cant tell whats real and whats parody anymore.
Forcing Mickey and Yen Sid into BBS was fucking retarded because it just makes them look fucking retarded for not realizing that this random dude with amnesia that happens to be named Xehanort who appeared exactly when the original evil Master Xehanort they both knew disappeared was the same fucking person. It also doesn't help that Donald in 2 didn't know what Yen Sid's tower looked like until Pete told him he lived there. Same with 0.2 for the reasons you mentioned, Mickey should only ever have been seen from far away with Aqua defending him from oncoming threats he didn't even know about like the exact thing she did with Riku.
Also shit like how Riku somehow managed to not look at Aqua when closing the door in KH1.
I liked KH3's ending because it actually made me FEEL like Spider-Man
It's one of those weird things that they never really explained. In Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora has Drive forms that change him and the way he fights. By fusing with Goofy he loses the ability to use Magic but he gains a second Keyblade and moves a lot faster and jump higher. By fusing with Donald he loses the ability to fight physically but his magic is far stronger and he gains Mobility moves. By fusing with both he becomes an Unstoppable demigod. But all of this is gameplay exclusive. They never talk about what Drive forms even are narratively
Hey remember that time Riku accidentally bumped into Castle Oblivion but Mickey didn't. And he had to get an some to fish him out of hell? And some is a pretty weird guy himself like why is that something he can just do? Also the guy has invented technology that not only lets him digitize human Souls and put them into a video game reality but he can also create matter from nothing using nothing but digital Construction and 3D printing. At that point Ansem is basically God. Why is he even bothering with any of this shit?
The series ended after 2 and that's all. Everything else are just hallucinations.
He was busy staring at Sora.
>Riku accidentally bumped into Castle Oblivion but Mickey didn't. And he had to get an some to fish him out of hell
Actually Ansem fished Riku out, it was Mickey that had to find his own way out by following Riku's heart or something.
Kairi was never going to go through that. Because she is a princess of heart who was established that they physically are unable to be evil or have any negativity whatsoever. Which is probably why she's so boring. Interesting characters are people who struggle with something or are forced to grow in some way. People like Riku because of how much he's grown since the start of the series. He's not the same person he started the series as. But Kairi is already as pure as she can ever possibly be. Even Namine is more interesting than her since she had the deal with the fallout of her being a selfish cunt. Yes she fiddled with Sora's memories under duress but she herself admits that she just wanted to feel important. Which was shitty and selfish but understandable. What's understandable about total moral perfection?
Forced in the sense that the plot of the game was your main character literally forcing all these events because he wanted everyone to have a happy ending. This ending is incredibly in character for sora, ya dip.
But the rest of the game was so overwhelmingly shit, that I'll agree.
Ending was fine, everything before it was fucked in way or another
>i didn't play the game because i have anti handheld autism therefore everything sucks and isn't canon
End yourself
>even if he ending up with Namine makes no sense
If you are gonna talk shit about a series at least put some effort or pay attention to the series you fucking baboon, you probably only played KH2 anyways
What about Eraqus? He got corrupted by ligh.
The handheld games are stupid. Here's a question why did the unversed have to exist? So at the end of Birth by Sleep Vanitas remarks that he's the one who has been spreading the unversed across the Universe. Because he's just so evil that he can create monsters out of nothing but his own negativity. So why couldn't they be heartless? Darkness is already described as the negativity that exists in everyone's heart. Vanitas himself is the living embodiment of the negative parts Roxas's soul. So why did they have to invent an entirely separate enemy type when there's already and in the universe explanation for where monsters come from? Maleficent is able to control heartless because she's evil. Xehanort is able to control heartless because he's evil. You mean to tell me that no one else in history has ever been able to create monsters just from their own mad? Unversed are proprietary to Vanitas? And you think this would make Vanitas important in some way but neither he nor the Unversed are mentioned again until 3 and no one cares when he comes or goes. So all of this was completely unnecessary. Especially since the only reason Vanitas started shitting out monsters was to get Ventus to leave home and try to protect Terra from him. Something he would have done anyway the second he told him Terra was in danger.
from the Gestalt point of view, the ending sucks because there was no closure for Sora, All because Nomura needed a excuse for the next game.
Well I guess that's true. Light corruption it's sort of different than dark corruption. Dark corruption turns people into cycle murderers with no control over their own emotions who go around killing everyone around them. Light corruption basically turns you into Light Stalin who has a knee-jerk reaction to anything involving Darkness. Like the guy was seriously going to kill Ventus, not because Ventus was evil but because an evil guy was targeting him and that endangered the light. And then was going to beat the shit out of Terra for attempting to protect who he considered his brother.
Not really, Sora got closure at the end of 2 and they still bullshitted 13 more years of sequels.