Ps4 bricked cause of anthem

ps4 bricked cause of anthem
fuck bioware

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stupid games, stupid prizes

play shitty games, get shitty prizes

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not a problem with any other system
more like fuck snoy

You dropped this

Play low metascore games, win low metascore prizes

not yet at least

I'm on PC and can't finish a single mission without disconnecting. It's not like my internet is shit, Destiny 2, the Division 2's, beta, and other multiplayer games work just fine for me. I got Anthem for free with my new card yet I still feel ripped off


>this coming from a person who most likely spends money on gacha

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i mean, that sucks and all but i cant say i feel sorry for you OP

>buying anthem
>playing anthem
you brought this on yourself desu senpai

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>playing Anthem
You deserved it

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Whatever helps you cope

We were all young and foolish once OP
Take this as a lesson
You will learn in time, fool

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Its not bricking it, you fucktard. Start up your console in safe mode and rebuild. Its that easy. The game is still shit, but stop spouting shitty nonsense

>game causes you to have to start up and rebuild your console in safe mode
>this is somehow fine

Didnt say it was fine. I am saying its not bricking consoles.

gacha never bricked my phone. in fact the entire time i've played Gacha hasn't cost me as much as a replacement PS4 pro would.

except I've done this 3 times already and it still shuts down and refuses to start up again until done another time
having to repeat this process for start up is annoying and I'd rather get a new one rather than having to start up and rebuild in safe mode EVERY TIME i want to play a game that's on my harddrive or disc
might as well be bricked at this point

Thats nice. But its still not bricked. Quit playing a shit game then.

>ps4 bricked
stopped reading there

>0 proof still
What did everyone mean by this?

Do you even know what cuck means, you underage?

I've since deleted it
and it is bricked, sent to sony to repair and they accepted to do it free of charge

That bricks it (it's a useless hunk of plastic) until you fix it.

A game can't brick a console.

This is as sad as people on steam saying the game broke their pc.

A game can't destroy your pc or your console unless it has an issue to start with.

>stick fork in power outlet
>gets electrocuted
>fuck [energy company]

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>game is broken and makes you have to enter safe mode and rebuild
>keep playing the game until it happens 3 times
The intelligence of the average Bioware fan


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Are you stupid?

>b-but other thing!

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I admit I thought it was hardware the first 2 times until i looked it up when it happened the third time
so yes I'm a smooth brain moron

>Someone somewhere at some point will probably do something

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