Play Dwarf Fortress

Play Dwarf Fortress.

Attached: DFintro.png (1679x977, 82K)

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nah, id rather watch other people play it

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I'm playing RimWorld. Is that acceptable?

i made my glacier fortress about 2 years ago

what major changes have been made since 2017?


Tried it. last time couldn't take items of chests or to even put items on them so i dropped it.

sometimes the game is a real eyesore.

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Played the hell out of it in the past, rimworld turned me into a casual. I can't go back until there's a UI.

Also what the fuck has even changed in the last 5-7 years it's been in development?

Waiting for villains.

How about you update your game Toady? You autistic fuck

ummm no sweaty?

>new fort
>minotaur suddenly shows up
>no military yet
>migrant wave at the same time
>double shit.png
>a migrant literally tears the minotaur's spine out with his teeth
I'm going to build a massive memorial to this dwarf.

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I'm not normally a graphicsfag but I draw the line where I can't even tell what I'm supposed to be looking at.

What is the ultimate brainlets guide to understanding df? I mean like fifth grade level I feel retarded for not being able to figure it out the past few times I tried it.

that's just you being a mongoloid
get a tileset

You can send your dwarves to terrorize foreign sites now.
There was someone in the /vg/ thread yesterday who actually managed to destroy a goblin civ. Raided it again and again over many years, until it capitulated. Executed the demon king, after first stealing the ancient tablet containing its true name.
Apart from the new visitors, it'll probably play much the same as the 2017 version, but I still think it's cool that shit like that is possible now.

See pic.
Also it's closer to 15 years.

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Just install PeridexisErrant's DF Starter Pack 0.44.12 with DF 0.44.12 and done.

You get used to it after an hour; I don't even see the code anymore.

uhh, is rimworld dorf fort? I have heard the games name but never looked into it.

hey hey people

I want to get into dwarf fortress but I am scare of my autism, every time I play rimworld I get addicted and stop doing important shit

>can't dig down
Why would you even bother?

it's dwarf fortress for casuals
>only one z-level
>focus on a smaller group (usually) rather than a big colony
>can directly control your people
>an actual UI

Fuck off dumb nigger jew.

The actual UI is the only good thing on the list. Sounds interesting, but I'd probably just stick to dorf fort, my shit is a labrynth. How long till we can move past tilesets and get actual graphics for Dorf fort.

maybe don't play dorf then

As soon as the magic update comes out.

>Also it's closer to 15 years.
learn to read, faggot

>i legit tried once, learned the ropes as I went along until a werehare attacked and killed literally everyone

how people can understand this thing?

that looks based and fun as fuck. sadly im not boomer enough to enjoy the graphics of dorf fort

Learn to type, retard.

smily face is dwarf
0s are trees I think
M is minotaur
and then some other shit

You need an IQ>70


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>tech tree
>actual goal to achieve
>can manage multiple colonies/camps
>visual catharsis of enemies falling beneath a deluge of bullets
>workshop is packed full of mods

they're the same genre but two totally different and equally valid experiences

Normal people can’t understand this Microsoft Excel game.

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You won't see the sun again

wasn't me, but i can fucking parse 2 sentences

>played the hell out of it in the past
>what's changed in the last 5-7 years

how did you botch this

Every person that I've seen play dorf has made this joke at least once

I don’t get it.

watch more kino

Everytime I get back into it the game crashes I lose a bunch of progress and remember why I stopped playing.

by getting well and not being a brainlet.
i see autumnal grass covered in blood, a trodden path, a forest, someone's tooth, dead minotaur and dwarf, a ramp leading downward, and something that looks like a bridge. could be a 2x2 column as well.
fs are probably some new gay plants

>play dwarf fortress
>get used to controls
>make one fort that either gets destroyed or OP as fuck
>get bored
>stop playing
>forget controls

I have no idea how to make fucking food or brew alcohol
Why the fuck animals are in meeting hall, and not out wild eating fucking grass
Why those damn dwarfs dont pick up plumps
How the fuck am I supossed to follow thoughts of more than 14 fucking dwarfs

It's a reference to "The Matrix", a 1999 science fiction film.

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>forget controls
>when the game literally tells you what every button does
DF is not a hard game. People are just fucking stupid.

post fuckoff crazy dorf fort stories

yeah i have a hard time remembering the combos and advanced movement techniques too


>there are kids on Yea Forums who haven't even seen The Matrix

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To brew you need a still.
To cook you need a kitchen. Make sure to tell them not to cook plumps.
Animals need a designated pasture.
What do you even mean they dont pick up plumps?
You dont really have to.

I know it's been 20 years but you can't possibly not know what the reference is

I love how bullshit crazy this game can get.

No. What are you, casual?

one time i built a really big fortress and a dwarf went epic style crazy and killed a lot of guys

Was blood finally modeled as a liquid? I'm asking because it's what was missing from my experience as wanabe aztec dwarf experience.

Play it yourself casual

Not too crazy but I keep naked female goblins in cages in my meeting hall.

>only 1 z-level
>way less settlers, all of which are needy as fuck
I just hated Rimworld. it felt like watching over and managing the needs of the world's most entitled and needy retards.
"Wahh my room is dirty but I don't do cleaning work, now I'm going to beat someone up"
"Wahh I saw a corpse so I'll burn down my home"
"Wahh I didn't get to eat at a table so now I'll abuse everyone around me"
At least dorfs know the world fucking sucks and they don't throw tantrums as easily.

>I have no idea how to make fucking food or brew alcohol

Make farm plots and pick plump helmets seeds, eat said plump helmets raw or brew alcohol out of them at a still by pressing q near it

>Why the fuck animals are in meeting hall, and not out wild eating fucking grass

Press i to designate zones, make a zone outside in the grass, press n to make it a pasture, press N to pick the animals that should stay inside it

>How the fuck am I supossed to follow thoughts of more than 14 fucking dwarfs

You're not

>some film studio will probably remake Matrix in ~2030
>What do you even mean they dont pick up plumps?
it was summer/autmn, plumps have fallen of trees, I set up zone to pick up fallen fruits, and my dwarfs dont give a shit, 9 iddle short faggots just sit their arses in meeting hall starving to death watching corpes of animals like mule who allready starved
Also how do I set up corpse zone to avoid miasma, digg giant hole outside and dump everything there?

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>make food
Dig underground in soil. Use 'k' to look at what the floor is made of. Anything like loam, sand or clay works.
Build farm plot. Size it to something like 3x5, you can expand later if you start running out of food.
Set the farm to grow plump helmets every season (you need to cycle through the seasons and set it for every one).
If you have a dwarf with the farming job enabled, and some plump helmet spawn, the dwarf will go do some farming.
A few in-game months later, you'll have edible mushrooms.
Then construct a brewery and set it to brew drinks from plants on repeat. Plump helmets will be turned into wine.

Create a pasture zone outside from 'i', go to zone settings, and assign all the grazing animals there.
Omnivores like dogs don't need food right now, you can put them in pastures to keep them out of the way but it doesn't matter.

They're probably busy. Or you don't have a food stockpile.
Or any number of reasons, really. The game's kind of bad about giving you feedback like that.

Don't bother. As long as your dwarves aren't starting fistfights and breaking shit, they're fine.
You can give the ones you care about custom nicknames to better keep track of them.

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>adv. mode
>decide to be weakling and grind up skills
>wandering a tower in a human town
>find a book about a zebra demon that impersonated a lord and took over a town
>look at the lord standing across the room
>ask him "hey brah is this you?"
>turns into zebra demon
>'yeh it's me senpai lmao'
>ask if he wants to join me
>traipse across the countryside with my bro, had to respec into ranged because his acid breath fucks things up before i can reach them
>do this for about a month in-game, hunting big beasts and shit
>anyone else who i recruit gets friendly-fired by acid breath
>in some sewer system a kobold sneaks up on me and puts me squarely between zebro and the kobold
>take a full blast of acid to the face
>die after a day of grueling agony

also the one time i went to kill a dragon with entry-level shit and it turned out it was a super young dragon, killed it with a bolt to the head after getting a leg burned to a crisp.
All my fort mode stories are the same, build big, have fun, die to some stupid nonsense


If you're 30 now, you would have been 10 when The Matrix came out, and wouldn't have met the age rating.

Use this:
Also I recommend this:

Are we not speaking of plump helmets? Because if not miss me with that gay shit and start a plump helmet farm. For refuse and corpses you set up a pile. Also

>now has a patreon and makes crazy dosh compared to what he used to make
>DF's development seems even slower now somehow

>Also how do I set up corpse zone to avoid miasma, digg giant hole outside and dump everything there?
You could make a refuse stockpile, but it will most likely fill up pretty quickly. Dumping is a good idea, because it lets you fit all the trash into one tile. Either way, remains outside don't produce miasma. You might be in for a fun time if a necromancer happens to show up though.

god it feels good to live in a smaller town where the movie ratings are either relaxed or outright ignored

they put snakes on a plane as PG by accident and left it that way

good for Toady, he earned it

>Also how do I set up corpse zone to avoid miasma
I build a 1x1 room with a door and put the dump zone in it.

p-plums? are you trying to say "plums"?

Oh for fuck sake
I meants plums
I didnt fucking know that plump helmet as a word even exist

do you actually need a good cpu or is it just a meme?

>plumps have fallen of trees
Oh, you mean plums. Yeah, a plant gathering zone should work. Do the idle dwarves have the plant gathering job enabled? It's under farming.
For corpses, you can make a corpse stockpile, a refuse stockpile, or a garbage dump zone. The last one is probably the best. Just dig a hole and place to zone over it, and you can select individual items to be dumped into the hole. It doesn't need to be big, items stack infinitely when dumped. Outdoors is good since there's no miasma there, but beware of necromancers.

got a fort of 50 dorfs doin nothing
when do i lose and have fun

>DF's development seems even slower now somehow
oh fuck you have no idea my man
one or two more releases and then we're hitting the "Big Wait" where the magic system is finally implemented

plump helmets are mushrooms that grow really easy and quick and are good alcohol ingredients. essential, just about

when you dig down to the fun

I've heard RAM speed is more of a bottleneck most of the time. No idea how true this is.

Get to 80 dwarves and goblins & titans will start to attack you.
Or dig into the caverns and fight forgotten beasts.

did anyone help you

im also a genuine 80 iq retard and i need help

Trade, as that will get you wars. Or dig. But mostly just dont follow any of the guides to game breaking fort protection systems.

gr8 b8

It doesn't matter how good a CPU you have; once you reach 100+ dwarves (or have a lot of visitors/invaders) the game begins to slow down.

Not really. Set a population limit of like 120-150, set its cpu priority higher, and cull animal populations frequently. Remember, one male can get lots of females pregnant so its ok to eat them.

It slows down later on a good CPU, though.
Still perfectly playable on a toaster, if you choose a small embark site and set your population cap low.

digging tkes forever though, everyones just a socializing normalfag

good thing im 35


Do you have a tavern? If so, remove it so they get back to work.

Bullshit, my IQ is 82 and I can't follow it at all.

Can anyone suggest good world settings for adventure mode? Cause I'm trying here but everything feels really disconnected and too spread out.

Doesn't sound like a good thing

Does anyone else think that Dwarf Fortress got exponentially easier when z-levels became a thing?

Always nice to see the hivemind kickin' around.

Me too

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I always get the depressed dwarves that go catatonic when under stress.
It creeps me out, I never get used to it.

>can choose any race in adventure mode
>cant choose any race in fortress mode
gay game

>tfw no hivemind or symbiotic mindscape

>tfw brainlet that can't get into it

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It's called DWARF fortress user, literally what did you expect

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You absolutely do not need to be smart to play DF. I fucking hate this meme.
The only hard part about DF is getting used to the keybinds, visuals and UI in general.
DF is not a hard game nor is it 'complicated'
You just have to take some time and read/watch some tutorials to get started, and you'll be fine. It's more of a time investment than a difficulty thing.

just follow the wiki's tutorials
use a tileset so it's not as confusing
get a newbpack so handling jobs is easier

Rape mod when

Yeah, it's not like teens in the 2000's ever figured out how to pirate movies or something.


>build a fort in fortress mode
>move your character into it

No. The game hurts my eyes.

>download TheMatrixCAMRIP(GOODQUALITY)
>get child porn

the internet was a lot more interesting back then

This + don't gen the world too long so most the titans are still alive.

Not him, but that's what got me about Rimworld too: How fucking whiny the colonists are compared to Dorfs.

Yeah, I get it, going crazy over some minor triviality and spiralling into chaos is part of the fun, but how fucking QUICKLY Rimworld colonists go from okay to bugnuts insane just came off as silly to me. Even before I knew what the fuck I was doing in DF, I could make a farm, some rudimentary bedrooms, and basic crafting before anyone could possibly go crazy. Not so in Rimworld.

Dwarves need the plant gathering labor to gather any wild plants and fruit
Press [v]iew a dwarf, check their [p]references, and check their [l]abors.
Or use Dward Therapist.
It's under the category of Farming, on the second page.
Make sure to dump the pits(seeds) after the plums are eaten because dwaves can't plant trees.


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>that one result in every limewire search that was just your search repeated in all caps
even 12 year old me knew that shit was dangerous

Not really since now you have birds fucking shit up and retards getting stuck in places you least expect

what game is he playing? looks fun

how long do you have to get a fully functioning place going before winter or bad shit happens?, I always dig into the mountain then quit or restart an hour or two later because it's all just random rooms and looks like shit.
Only recently figured out how to dig down, so I want to take time to actually plan a fort.

Dwarves can go crazy too, especially ever since stress was rebalanced after memories were added. Some dwarves are just born broken too, and are never satisfied.
The cool thing is though, if they deal with a stressor long enough, the dwarf will undergo a personality change to make peace with it. Seeing that degree of personal growth is really satisfying.

50 yrs so everyone has had a chance to procreate a bit and fuck around, no more than that though

Unlike Rimworld, where they'll be whiny psychopaths until you forcibly harvest their organs

the memory and psyche changing as a result gets my dick so hard
toady is a god

DF is harder if you play in an old and aged world? Didn't know that

Every single one of my forts were horrifically slaughtered before z-levels were implemented. It's no problem to keep a fort running indefinitely with z-levels.
>ya got gud faget
I really don't think so.

Once embarked on a frozen river in the middle of a canyon. Game starts and the river thaws so quickly that only my miners survive two tiles in. Wish I held onto that initial save instead of taking a screenshot and deleting.

>Oxygen not Included
>someone gets stuck in a loop trying to get some breathable air
>dumps their bladder contents all over the floor
>scientist dupe walks in it
>already stressed from job, massage tables all in use, throws a fit and busts down one of the walls on your polluted water reservoir
ONI can be such a fucking slut when it comes to moods and tantrums

Give me a decent UI

easier and more boring, actually. heroes and civilizations typically clear out all the fun and make the game a boring stretch of farmer's fields and livestock

It just lets the game go longer, so more shit can happen. Older worlds have
>less megabeasts
>more demons
>more necromancers (the books move around me)
>a higher chance of civs being wiped out
>a higher chance of a single race predominating
>a higher chance of having stronger people in the civ

It's a flash game, made by the same group that made stick rpg I think.


super motherlode was one of the first PS4 PS+ games and it was a fucking blast in co-op

Watch kruggsmash videos and turorial if you want the normy experience

im playing cataclysm dark days ahead
ill switch to dorf fortress when it will become boring to me

>tfw used to spend hours every day playing DF
>every time I go back to it I spend at least 100 hours in it
>No urge to play now
Has there been any updates recently?
Any cool mods that don’t drastically change the game?(never used mods)

Zoomer detected.

the zoomer meme is real!

You gotta dungeon crawl stone soup after

I check it once a year like always and the game hasn't had an update that changed anything meaningful since 2015.


how the frick do i get isometric tileset in dwarf fortress without using 10 outside apps?


The next update will have some cool stuff like villains and jewish trickery
and some RPGish stuff for adventurer mode

If you got a farm, a still, a Trade Depot, dorms, and your bare basic workshops, that's a good enough fort for a year or two.
Preplanning your fort can be frustrating because you have no clue what your hill looks like from the inside, it's hidden behind stone. A more comfy way to play is to dig only what you need at the moment, but make sure your fort easy to expand and rearrange.
For specific tips:
Don't dig unnecessarily huge rooms, a 3x3 farm is big enough to provide infinite amounts of that crop.
Keep the rooms a couple levels underground, at least 7. The woodcuting from the surface disturbs sleep.

you use DFhack/stonesense and disregard whichever other 8 apps your hyperbolic ass is messing with

what the fuck does this mean

When is the expected release?


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is it worth coming back to? i think i've forgotten the commands and controls by now, last time i played i made a base in a mountain and built a glorious greathall, then a monster came and killed everyone because someone let it in

Not this year I suppose

Is this how zoomers communicate nowdays?

пидopa oтвeт

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I don't like the controls. And text graphics hurt my eyes. I've tried several mods, but it does not get much better.

that lye maker was OG muthafucka

no, i'd rather play The Wiggles


I mean it is pretty old now, time has passed

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Eywa forbids it you foul manlet

Of course they'd be offended if you tried to intrude on their monopoly.

all I ever do is generate large worlds and look at the history
I just like that the most

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>tfw I save after each decision because I fear I'll make huge mistakes
This game isn't for people like me

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that is one shit minotaur. was your dorf already in the militia?
also how the fuck do you train bite?

me plomp helmut

to all you discouraged by the ASCII and 8 bit look but still want to enjoy the game, just ignore all the oldfags and install the lazy newb pack (LNP). It's got settings to change the tilesets and everything.
I learned the game in about a day with the help of the wiki and youtube tutorials. The game is amazingly rich in what you can do, but its UI is also beyond trash and still should be fixed (even though I've gotten used to it).
Anyways, join the /dfg/ general.

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Nah thanks, I have this problem where I play too safe and always end up trivializing the game

Go shit off the side of a tree, lanklet

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I tried getting into it but it didn't really interest me like rimworld or other sandbox games.

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зaткниcь пeдик

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Humph, I might just go do that

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>using graphical tile sets
Doing it wrong.
>using default font and colors
Also doing it wrong.

Switch to a square font and use a better colors.txt

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No he wasn't in a militia. He was a newly arrived migrant who ran right into the minotaur (who already killed several of my dwarves)
Biting is something dwarves do on their own although IIRC dwarves who train in wrestling (IE without weapons) bite more often.

I wish I could make something like this. All of my forts end up square and efficient.

You can slap a tag on any civ building race in the game and play them.

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I do, and I love it. But I hate the UI and controls. Being able to do things with the mouse would be a fucking godsend

So I opened a tavern and a human vampire showed up. He's in a cage right now.
What should I do with him?

Playing right now, as a matter of fact

Doing 4 project in tandem.
-Hauling magma up to get my steel industry going by using minecarts. Probably gonna do a refuse burning hole soon too because fuck miasma
-Digging and smoothing a cistern for a well. already got a pool filled up by dwarf bucket from the underground river
-Digging out of my burrow in the mountainside to make a massive tower in silver ( i've got so much fucking silver nuggers i'll build it from silver to be cool


I've been accepting elven visitor for a while, and i'm carefully selecting unmarried elvel woman, with either Poetry or Dancing as their main skill. selectively grant them citizenship then train them to be a Immortal elite virgin elvish fighting force. The plan is to get a 10 squad going, currently at 5

Cant see shit captain

You need to be over 25 to play, user

Sadly less true nowadays, getting outnumbered makes it so you can't block/dodge everything

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keep him in the cage and watch him die.

Starve him of blood and have a mechanism to unleash him on invaders

I have kenshi now

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Basically I can't get any enjoyment anymore due to lack of inspiration, I've made many many forts but eventually I just get sick of assigning beds and fucking whatever and make a new world, come up with some grand vision, get halfway then quit again. I've pretty much learned and made all there is to do in the game 100 times over.

The villain thing does interest me and would bring some much fucking needed spontaneous events for my enjoyment

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normal people use a tileset


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Same. I tried doing a circle-based fort once, but even when using dfhack's circle designation tools it's just a massive PITA

it's probably for the best since the wachowski became BDSM trannies after making it

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Make him a citizen ,make him bookeeper and/or manager, then entomb him in a office with no exit. Boom, free accounting.

If you don't want him to go crazy drop clotes from him to wear from the ceilling once in a while, or he'll go mad from being naked all the time in his little cubicle.

It's honestly more enjoyable when you just go apeshit with the mouse cursor and be damned with symmetry unless it's for a grand hall of some fucking shit

>le age rating
lmfao americans

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feels good to be a 90s chap that grew up with winrar and inernetz

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>be damned with symmetry
Just the thought of it makes my heart accelerate and my breathing tense and heavy

>Not just sneaking in the theater's back door.

yeah it means you're alive friendo

Vampires can't die like that.

My baron is already the bookeeper so that's taken care of.
How do I make him a citizen though? Do I have to wait for them to petition to join?

This is something I've never tried before. I've been getting goblin invasions recently so next time they show up, I'll have a surprise for them.

how do i play on this map

Well if he came in he probably asked for residency. Once granted it takes about 2 years to ask to be citizens.

Then again if he came in as a simple visitor then i don't think you can coerce him to join your fort. You can still entomb him somewhere, or like the other user said make him a gobbo disposal unit.

Maybe put him in a danger room so he can train himself down there.

release the fucking update and I will, toad boy

>Huh, deja vu...

I understood that reference.

>the game's clearly not designed for linux
>it still runs better than it did on windows

Unironically this. It looks like a game i'd be shit at, but it's comfy as shit to watch in bed.

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Vampires can't feed off people who aren't sleeping, so if you were hoping for him to slake his bloodlust on your enemies, that won't happen.
He's still supernaturally strong and resistant to damage, so sending him to fight goblins is a good idea. Either way, you'll have one less problem.

Plump helmet man

Attached: pulp_helm.png (306x417, 22K)

Who do you watch?


> no mouse support
no thanks

anyone here watch Plumphelmetpunk?

not a clue I'm afraid

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Played it for like 5 years. Switched to Rimworld.
Not touching this shit again until Toady implements squad controls in combat.

Playing around aquifers is a challenge I always wanted to take up but I always end up building on the area that is not affected by it and ignoring it completely. Eh

this, between that and constant raids you cant do shit about its hard to get anything done even with save scumming.

demons coming towards my fort? just lock the doors, it'll be fine

I tried playing Rimworld with literally hundreds of mods, but it will NEVER reach the same level of complexity as DF.

Did someone mention the Swedish madman?

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>it will NEVER reach the same level of complexity as DF
I don't think it's supposed to. it's just supposed to be a more focused little survival/base building game where the inhabitants behave more like humans than autistic drunkards.
I like DF much more but rimworld is still a decent game

make sure when looking up df youtube vids to add -vinesauce in the search to hide them

My first fort in every world-gen is to set up an Adventure-Mart where I can make equipment for various races and display them for my adventurers to take. There's a statue of each race flanked by two pedestals full of armor. I even do it for a few of the animal-people that I plan to play as because nobody makes armor in their size.

make sure when looking up df youtube vids to add "vinesauce" in the search to include them

Did joel hurt you?

Do you have any screenshots?

Ok bud, what exactly is wrong with Joel(s DF content)

What's Adventure Mode like in this game? Is it possible to play it as a comfy open world survival/rpg? How rpg-y is it, on a scale of 1 (little to no skills or stats, get stabbed and you die like a bitch) to 10 (classic rpg stats, controllable turn based combat, can "grind" for a while to become invincible and solo gobbo camps)?

>inb4 that one autist cries about ecelebs

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>What's Adventure Mode like in this game?
It's really fun because the combat feels really good. But it can also feel really empty because all the other systems are really barebones.

>Is it possible to play it as a comfy open world survival/rpg?

>can "grind" for a while to become invincible and solo gobbo camps

On a scale of 1-10, it's an 11. Way more stats than any DnD type RPG, turn based to the point where you can control your individual limbs in combat, and stats levels as you use them so you can become a climbing demigod just by climbing everywhere.

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>she won't be real

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or you can accidentally step into a river and fucking drown

Biggest thing preventing that is anything that isn't a dismemberment can be healed with an hour of rest.

For you second question, it's an interesting mix of both. One bad wound can screw you over. There are stats and skills to grind up if you want. You can skip this a bit by assigning your character as a demigod on creation. Your stats will be so inflated you can solo entire bandit camps with minimal effort.

>he didn't put points in swimming

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once it's finished it will be the best roguelike ever made

it'll never be finished