You are now reminded that FGO has made more money than the entire series of The Legend of Zelda

You are now reminded that FGO has made more money than the entire series of The Legend of Zelda

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well maybe if Zelda showed a little more cleavage then that wouldn't be the case.

She has her ass and you're gonna like it

They should've just made Zelda a girl like they did King Arthur, then they would've made all the moneys.

Based. Merlinchads where we at?

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Which Zelda character would you whale for?

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Excellent thread. Mobros?

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>Based. Merlinchads where we at?


farming hands

Attached: CurrentSupport.jpg (1280x720, 823K)

>needing to use merlin to clear this piss easy game

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Zelda sucks anyways, and not in a lewd way.

Oh no no no no

>Want okita
>but arthur is so damn cool
what do bros?

>Merlinlet cope
Oh no no no no

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Emiya Alter is supposed to be darker due to over use of his projection skill burnt his mana circuits and this started to burn his skin

>my dark chocolate husbando got bleached
Thanks, not rolling for him anymore.

I'm almost a Merlinchad, just a few more hearts

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Shit like this means they're not above editing lewd shit either.

>being proud of dumping hundreds of dollars into a """"""""""""game"""""""""""" for jpgs
Honestly, I didn't think it could get worse than assfaggots and lootboxes yet here we are.

>Shit like this means they're not above editing lewd shit either.

except that makes no sense because Jack the Ripper got in with no problem

I quit this game cause I was doing the same boring thing over and over again with a basic turned based system. It's like a light version of a jrpg and even jrpgs with simple battle systems let you explore towns and dungeons.This can barely be called a game. I'm glad I'm free from this garbage.

What does wwwww mean in Japanese? Is it laugh?

I won't quit until I get Gilgamesh to 5 NP as an f2p.

Proto Merlin *the real Magi Mari when ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Congratulations on having at least an ounce of common sense.

How can people stand this shitty gameplay and gacha rates?

It is literally only fanservice people do in this game? even the story is shit and theres no cooperative gameplay.

so this is the power of gacha

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No it hasn't. Zelda has sold consoles for many years now which results in more profit than any gacha.

wwwww is basically lololol, yeah.

888888 is applause.

Ìs First Order any good?

No. It's a shitty movie about the prologue chapter.

it basically lets you understand what the fuck is happening in FGO, in terms of the opening sequence. Basically the very first hour of the game is a super huge text dump. so it is a huge welcome. the action is quite servicable too

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No, i would suggest waiting for the new FGO movies meanwhile just watch UBW and fate/zero and heavens feel 1 and the garden of sinners movies and cannan

>FGO has shitty rates
>meanwhile in DL the rates are actually in favor of you getting spooked by shitty wrymprints because the pity rate can be broken by them

It’s all relative my dude

I've watched and played all of them already hence why I was curious about FGO. Guess I'll just wait for HF Part Deux and the FGO movies.

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For me it's Void!

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>pity rate
At least it has one.

which is why its performing below expectations

>cucked by Nightingale when trying for MHXA
>No Moriarty

I have lost all my desire to play this game now. The only gacha I bother with is Azur Lane

nah, the FGO movie is about Camelot Singularity. and the TV series is about Babylonia Singularity.

FGO First Order is a must to understand the basis of FGO or you have to play the gacha.

Also it gave us cute Olga.

Attached: cuteolga.gif (400x390, 1.14M)

>wanted my husbando Yan
>ofc get nothing
fuck this game

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Get fucked lucklet

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Remember that Mona Lisa said that the Chaldea system only summons servants that like you. In short, you have to be a dick for asshole servants to answer your call and vice versa.

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>Da Pinchy says this
>Doesn't turn up when I dumped 500 rocks for her
Fuck off then you stupid tranny.

whats your favorite class?

Attached: potus.jpg (960x800, 128K)

>not an asshole
>end up with only asshole characters like Archer and Gil anyway

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>the only one who keeps coming to me is liz
What does it mean?

You must have questionable, I mean impeccable taste in music.

>cucks paying so much money to see fake thots
uh oh


How do I keep retards out of my Chaldea?

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>playing censored garbage

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>meanwhile langrisser has banners where the first ssr you get is a guaranteed rate up and not a dupe

what about ass cleavage then?

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>Proto Merlin
there's an official prototype of merlin

I don't why people are complaining about the gacha rates in FGO. I find it the most balanced out of all the gachas I played.

All of the time, if the gacha game gives out the highest rank units easily, there are so many bullshit attached to it, like rolling the same unit to limit break it, the unit itself is weak, you have to roll gacha for its equipment and level its equipment too.

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God bless capitalism

>alterego Magi Mari

>you have to roll gacha for its equipment and level its equipment too
>CEs don't exist
Are you a retard?

>most balanced

>leveling NPs
FGO is just an elaborate experiment to learn more about Stockholm syndrome

>don't need roll for equipment.

Yeah brah, you don't need that hotdog or 2030. Also everyone complain about FGO rates because you have no way to alleviate the shit rates.

FEH and Dragalia have pity timer, Granblue have spark and ton of other mobages have different options.

Only way to get a SSR right off the bat is either waste money on scam gacha or whale like a retard for wheels.

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FGO is probably one of the few gacha games where almost every unit has some sort of niche. Most games anything below a SSR is almost useless outside of a few SRs, but even R equivalent servants in FGO can be good.

Why are people upset about Emiya Alter having his skin colour fixed? Alters tend to be pale to begin with. Honestly pissed they didn't also fix his stupid nigger lips.

His design was trash to begin with, nobody was defending it, and the only people who liked it were the retards who think "metaphor = good" because they recognized kintsugi and thought making him an african-american gangster is passable because of that. (Look at him, he even has fucking handcuffs on).

His skin should have been a pale grey or something, not black.

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CE's aren't really that important. its mostly all for e-peen wanking. Jack for example, is best used with a christmas event ce that you can easily obtain.

NP level isn't that important either, its just more overcharge. 1-3* are the only ones that need NP level since most of them increase their damage the higher NP level.

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Rerolling on 4 star banner or any 4 star alter. Want archer dude.

Being a Merlinlet must be truly painful

Stop with the daily shill thread insectoid gacha tards

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If they made a few tints lighter that would have been okay, but his skin is fucking lighter than regular EMIYA

If you mean Emiya Alter? The game will eventually give all players a ticket which they can use to summon ANY 4* of their choice, barring event exclusive stuff like the Summer servants or Welfares

I think its because Seamonkies already promised that nothing is getting censored but now with Emiya Alter it could mean the tentacle key loli or Illya might be censored as well.

feh is much worse. you have to roll 11+ copies of a unit, a pity rate doesn't do anything except make you feel like spending more because you might lose out on something.
the only "good" gacha i've seen so far is langrisser. rate is decent with 1 ssr every 50 rolls on average and you can grind just one copy to max potential even if it takes much longer than if you'd get dupes. also and the equipment gacha is something you want to avoid because you get all the equipment you need from just playing your dailies and events.

>Event CEs.
>When most events already got 2 reruns then rotated and some still didn't came back.

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Whats my chance of getting emiya alter or 4 star saber alter from rerolling? On the banner

I figured they did it because he looked like fucking trash, not because they wanted to censor the VERY obvious racist joke of a character that he is.

>Whats my chance of getting emiya alter or 4 star saber alter from rerolling? On the banner

1.2% for each on the Shinjuku 2 banner.

I liked him :(

Except the NA branch already threatened to censor another loli in the same message where they said Emiya would get censored.

>When you just need +1 to kill IVs.

Unless you are esports tard that extra 4+ stats barely matters even then you can pad the stats with support and flowers. Ton of units are good at +0.

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Do you have brain damage or is Grand Order your first look into Fate?

Proto Merlin is a girl, it's already confirmed.

Going to keep rollibg for him. I did it all day yesterday and only got imagine number card 17 times. I will get him

FEH also has the most retarded IV system plus an incredible powercreep. At least pretty much every Servant from 1 to 5* is usable in F/GO.

He's turbo edgy Emiya with guns. I think it's cool.
Besides, why wasn't Nightingale or Jing Ke changed as well?

dont worry, Albert said that he will try to rerun all events this year since global missed out on some events, so here's hoping for Chloe re-run.

In Fact, some of the best units in the game are welfare like elly brave, shiki, santa salter, chloe, lily jalter, nobunaga are the best 4* units in the game.

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Well, it's kind of a problem when you don't explain that ingame and just make a bunch of nigger jokes at his expense. Even FSN never bothers to explain why Archer has brown skin and white hair. Normies don't read the complete materials.

>Retarded powercreep.
>when tiny hands man still meme 90% of units on game.

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not when you already have +10 units like fae and hana. pulling new units just got so fucking boring because using them meant heavily gimping myself and i fucking tried hard to have fun with it. also you're braindead when you completely ignore that arena works with stats. face it, feh has the worst gacha there is because it tries to trick you with good rates but then fucks you over with SI being locked behind 5*s and off banners out your ass. even when you get what you want it's a massive dissapointment because it's useless.

>At least pretty much every Servant from 1 to 5* is usable in F/GO.

yeah. This is the Most Grailed servants of 2018 in Japan.

1st place is a fucking 3*.

Hell, there are 1*'s that are good for farming because they can clear a wave with no problem by themselves

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langrisser doesn't have type moon characters, so none of that fucking matters.

>zero dot seven percent chance of getting who you want
>the "pity" mechanic of doing a 10 roll is useless because CEs exist and doesn't even increase this chance
>the "safety net" just makes you whale harder instead of helping you
Gee I wonder why

Why would they change the nurse?

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>limited 3*
>worthless if not NP5
>literally harder to get than a SSR NP1

Is he usable with his base kit or does he need 5* exclusive fodder skills? I want Bold Fighter on my Jakob but everything that has BF is a seasonal exclusive or a legendary

I've been playing for a year and a half now and I can honestly say the gameplay is dogshit, I'd have gone insane a month into playing if not for macros and the SSRs I got
With the amount they earn you'd think that they'd at least make this pathetic excuse of a game better, but I guess they don't have to since their target audience will eat up whatever they vomit

Albert was creeped out by the tentacles. Not the fact that the loli was mostly naked. Yea Forums can never into context.

I love chuuni Jeanne Alter.

Attached: Jannu.jpg (650x1101, 177K)

Literally Who?

>You are now reminded that FGO has made more money than the entire series of The Legend of Zelda
and Pokemon has made more money than anything else ever

>available on 3* rarity.
>all he needs is deathblow which is available on 4* from Klein or just promoting some random effie/hawkeye.

There is a reason of everyone and their mother have one.

Doesn't change the fact that they made a hackjob with Emiya that didn't even fix the weird lips. They can easily paint Abi skin black to make it look like clothes and call it a fix

Is Okitan good or is just Paizuri window okita?

No idea, I play NA

Waifuism turned up to the max.

Why would they censor any loli and leave Jack the way she is?

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She make pre buff Kiara look useful.

Also this.

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>70 billion dollar franchise
>They still put out mainline games that are a fucking decade behind the times
>There are fan projects made on a shoestring that look better
How the fuck do they sleep at night?

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Shes dogshit, one of the worst characters in the game.

I believe, she's a 5* AlterEgo, so she has uses against challenge quests and like a pseudo berserker

If it makes you feel any better, the overwhelming majority of the money comes from various forms of merchandise as opposed to the games.

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blame TM for being retarded.
its a three way split between Sony/Aniplex, TM and DW. TM isn't probably seeing that much money from FGO. Maybe thats why Nasu wants to leave after part 2

Shes worse than Kiara as an AE
Hell they just made a strictly better AoE Buster AlterEgo

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What cool dudes do I save for semi-short term (5-6 months) after I blow all my quartz rolling for Hijikata and get nothing
I want Okada, but that's such a long ways off

>get free summon tickets
>managed to roll alter altria in the last 3 tickets
Great roll or calculated roll?

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I love the giant moss girl.

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>Berseker Jalter
I hear she isnt really that great compared to other ST SR Berserkers. Do people really love her that much?

She's cute okay?

I literally burn every ugly Servant. I just burned Emiya Alter for scraps, fuck that faggot looking asshole give me regular Emiya any day. I hate all the Assassins of the Mountain whatever with the exception of their boss, burning every fucker that graces my Chaldea. I especially hate that cockblocking faggot Mash and if I could pay to burn out of existence I fucking would any day. Ruins every side story, looks ugly as fuck, you know there is a stereotypical nice guy therefore you must fuck me? She's the female version of that, get the fuck out.

From what I heard, she is an okay SR Berserker but since she is Welfare, it's an easy NP5.

basically, she's more survivability than smart cat, and she's free compared to banana demon. thats makes her a better Berserker already

and to top of it all, she's a cute chuuni

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She is fine but people grail her because she is the second most popular female in the game after Mashu.

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>tfw you'll probably start playing the JP version in the unlikely event that she becomes summonable (as an alter ego or so)

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zoomers just don't care for your zelda


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>and to top of it all, she's a cute chuuni


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How much SALT you have right now?

I've been rolling for so fucking long but still no 5 star.


Even Cursed Arm Hassan?

God, I love Medusa

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That guy's OK, I haven't burned him. He's cool.

Pure salt. I have Saber at NP2, Jack NP1.thats all I have for 5*. The game took my Gawain when it had an error when I was leveling it up, so the only 4* i have (welfare excluded) are Tama Cat, Elly, Lancelot, Martha, Gorgon.

I also started around October last year, so I don't have a good team to kill Goetia without spending quartz, so I am stuck at him, unless I give in and spend some quartz.

Attached: 06.jpg (1280x1824, 513K)

>Still stuck on 2nd world
>no way close to Tituria or my ultimate goal

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just get a herc with the Castle CE on support

>I also started around October last year, so I don't have a good team to kill Goetia without spending quartz

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Is the shitty friend point summoning system the only way to roll Rider! Medusa?

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>Can't even bother to burn my AP outside of events
This year is going to be rough.

You get a 4* ticket on anniversary.

Just use support Astolfo/Berserker/Ibaraki

story-locked servants are unlocked when there is a rate up for them

>weebs thinks anybody cares about their wrong and altered historic anime tits


She is in the regualr summoning pool

but at a 1.2% chance on regular summons.
For some reason the FP Summoning Pool has no displayed rates

fgo is a disease

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When tho?

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>more renevue than theb whole sony and fate franchise

mario dabs to your slut king

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Reporting. Got him on my first 30 sq roll too.

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I currently have 67 SQ. Everyone on /fgoalter/ makes fun of me for being a Waverlet, so I wanted to roll on the male banner in a few days when Waver comes up. Is it worth a 10-roll? I also don't have any Sabers besides Fergus and Caesar, so Proto Saber would be a nice spook.

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Proto Saber manages to be shittier than Seibah.

Go for it. Hope you get both!

statistically, you can manage to pull a 1 5* servant when you have at least 300 sq and 30 tickets.

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i went like 9 months without a SSR stop crying faggot

>prototype merlin is voiced by kawasumi


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>Winnie the Pooh makes more money than Mickey Mouse and Star Wars

Attached: china-winnie-the-pooh.jpg (780x585, 68K)

thats not statistics work retard.

How so? From his skills, he just seems like Saber with a decent anti-boss skill


Sadly, I wasted this month's tickets trying for Demiya, since I thought there wouldn't be any good banners so soon. Didn't get him, and now I'm dry, so I guess I'll just cross my fingers, expect that I won't get either, and just hope to get spooked by someone decent.

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Was a new player, I did the math and thought I could live with welfares for a while. Then I got tired of being the only person on my Friend list without a single 4* or 5* of my own. So I rolled 130 something quartz and 10 or 15 summon tickets. I didn't get a single 4* or 5* Servant. This was with the Berserker titty monster because I wanted to use her for quick daily EXP grinds, that's all, I hate the grind in this game and I wanted something to make it bearable. Not even pulling because I wanted my dick to be happy, I got tired of having no 4 or 5 star Servants.

No 4 or 5 stars Servants showed up, last roll was fucking Kid Gilgamesh. Uninstalled the game. I tried rerolling accounts every time there was a beginner rate up welcome event (so like twice a year), nothing. A year passed, I remember that cursed account that didn't get Minamoto had a backup transfer code saved somewhere on my phone, I rolled on a Story banner in April 2018 and got original Jeanne D'Arc. After all the abuse its nice to see something good happen to me, even if it was summoning Jeanne on Friday the 13th, 2018. Grailed to LV 100 motherfuckers, fuck the tier lists. Same with Edmond Dantes, he's going to LV 100 too. I don't care if they suck, they're cool as fuck.

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They are only legally obligated to show you rates on gacha that costs real money.

>tfw absolute skillet
I'm ashamed of my support list, but I can't fucking stand farming outside events.

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her original look is the best though.

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Guaranteed? or a percentage increase?

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It's not fucking guaranteed, don't listen to that retard.
1% is 1% no matter how many times you roll

No, every single roll is 50%, you either get an SSR or you don't.

Nothing is guaranteed. You can roll 900 quartz and get shit all. It's always going to be a 1% chance for a 5*

It's nothing. It's just user trying to say if you roll 100 times on something with a 1% chance, you'll get it.

So what's next for Typemoon? What happened to the Tsukihime remake?

his skill is to kill giants, not bosses. so he's good at like against spriggans or something. seibah can buff the whole team.

and Proto's NP damage has a secret modifier that depends on the round table's knights that he calls.

Attached: riderinanutshell.png (1207x679, 887K)

no u
never ever
billions off gacha retards

FGO singlehandedly ruined the entire series and fanbase.

I'll take zerofags any fucking day over these tertiary pieces of shit

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Whoops. A year didn't pass between Minamoto and the April 2018 Story banners, I just thought I lost the account. I spent 2017 rolling once or twice for Saber Arturia. You lads wanna laugh? When FGO NA first came out I did get a 5* Servant, regular Gilgamesh. I threw away the account and didn't play until the demon slaying Minamoto event and I tried to play with welfares for a while. Somewhere out there is that 5* Gilgamesh account that could've been me if I hadn't been thinking with my dick, in the end Gilgamesh got the last laugh when he fucked out of Minamoto causing the 2nd temporary ragequit until Jeanne.

The moral is OG Saber Arturia is a fucking joke that cost me Gilgamesh and 1 year's worth of quartz had I stuck to that account.

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I think sometime in June/July

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Oh, THAT'S what Giant means? I thought it meant big enemies that couldn't fit the screen, like Fafnir and shit.

I heard they're waiting for the rights they sold to DEEN to expire.

I bet you think that human/humanoid means same thing.


And demon/demonic.

uhhh.. Actually FGO is one of the few gachas that dresses the women the more you level them up

Attached: Boudica3.png (350x495, 281K)

You need to pick jets btw, he's the strongest 4*

>Barely even have to think on challenge quests
I see why DW started trying to counter the buster meta with break bars.

Attached: Support.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

The welfare servants aren't available?

>You need to pick jets btw, he's the strongest 4*

see and he did get to NP2 after I took that pic


I still can't believe I wasted so many hours playing this dead beat trash. I'm glad I failed to roll Merlin so I could wake the fuck up.

Not on np1 he can barely clear hands on his own. Skadi wont help him much either


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its Heracles, you fool.

You should have went back to the superior gacha game.

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>playing a censored game
No, thank you. I'll rather stick with a true CHAD game.

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You're not black like that Japanese Emiya Alter are you?

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who the fuck is jets

>The welfare servants aren't available?
Nope. No Welfares or Event Exclusives (like Summer Martha)

I want Mordred to beat me up!

>who the fuck is jets

Beserker Lancelot because of a thing he does in Zero

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Should I roll Arthur + Waver?

Why does Shirou hate black people?

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oh berserkerlot, that's a fucking retarded nickname
i also already rolled 2 of him so i'm all set with AoE zerker power

ohnnonono delete this

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I don't think that's true. Botw has made around 500 million from game sales, probably over 600 million with dlc. The franchise as a whole has probably made around 2 billion.

just waver. don't be greedy. also proto seibah manages to be worse than seibah.

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good grail war before Fuyuki and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his Gate of Babylon comfort even when Shirou threw forgeries at him
>Main evented the lowest drawing rateup of 2017
>Main evented the lowest drawing rateup of the 2018
>Tanked the buyrate of saint quartz in 2018 so hard the NY rateup got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main routes because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of The Brothers of Gaeclae
>Only the 4th best member of The AoE Buster Farming Archers
>Only the 8th best member of The AoE Buster Farming Servants
>His singularity "Absolute State of Front Babylonia" was utterly BTFO by Tiamat and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Ishtar on us
>His Caster cosplay was cringeworthy
>His slav cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA OLDEST HERO IN DA HISTORY OF HUMANITY""""""""
>Shit taste in treasures
>Shit hairline
>Has gay tribal shit tattooed all over him
>Failed at his first quest so badly that he resorted to ruling a desert shithole
>Only significant achievement was accidently being given an ayy lmao sword
>Is the servant equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Fought so poorly without his armor that Emiya Shirou of all people had to take the arm off him
>spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on Chaldea was sitting around in the back and telling one of his no-draw buddies to job to someone who could actually draw dime.

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Is the green girl from the 2nd Singularity a good Archer? Good for trash mobs grind, good for boss slaying, what's her quirk?

just roll for waver, if you get spooked by proto seibah, its fine, but if you get waver already, dont be greedy to try to roll for proto seibah too.

In like July I think

>Hans never going roast everyone again.

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kk my guy

What's the actual reasoning behind this?

Is it censorship? Surely it's not an offense thing, since turning him from what appears to be natural black to what appears to be tan seems like it'd do the opposite.

She's an AoE Quick archer.

Not that great because her NP gain is complete ass, even when she gets her NP gain skill, which is part of an evade skill.

She is a skadi memer, but shit comes in 2 years.

well, she's fine, since there's not really much good archers in the game.

What do I have to do if I want Jack, Semiramis and Nightingale then

Skaldi makes all quicks (that aren't Jack or Okita) not shit but she is like 2 years down the pipe

>Quick cards

N-Not like this bros...not like this.

Attached: sweden.gif (290x198, 914K)

>Not many good archers on the game.
>When archers have competition up to the ass.

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respond with answers that they like during events/singularities they appear

It's NOT? So levelling up Sanson was just a waste of embers?

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Fate LINK comes out soon. Anyone knows how to get that 15% discount coupon people seem to give away on Steam forums?

you only need Chloe, Arash and Nobunaga, others are just for waifuery. Billy only becomes essential in LB 2 because of his sure hit NP

I think the common theory is that it's given if you own Extella

Human enemies are the ones like shinjuku yakuza mobs.

Every servant is humanoid but not human.

humans are the usual mobs. Servants are classified as humanoid. so Sanson can't deal extra damage to them. well, he gets damage buff against evil too, so....

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Post supports!

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Tried to get into this game three times now. Everytime the combat that has Adventure Quest tier animation and sameface puts me off. What a tragic excuse for a 'game', jesus

Dang I guess I'll never get that discount then.


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How do they make so much money? What's the secret? Seriously, just 10% of FGO would make any non-AAA game a massive success, how are they doing it??

Having fanbase composed of paypigs.

I'm a terrible luckshitter. I know I have good servants that lots of people would want, but I just can't bring myself to give a shit. I haven't cleared all the singularities, I probably stopped logging in for half a year until my friend told me they released Merlin. These units are wasted on me, and the gods of luck really should have given them to someone who deserves them. I don't even know if I'll bring myself to level them all up.

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>established IP + chuuni power fantasy.

The first part don't even matter much since 90% of retards playing the game are secondaries.

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>MLB 2030
>Those servants
>Not even levelled let alone skilled

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Waifus plus actually having a decent story plus brandname

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give me your account bro

Alb*rt hates blacks

Attached: 1551250738350.jpg (954x1200, 164K)

Because of the tentacles. By themselves, loli's are passable but the combination of loli+tentacles is crossing a line.

>No blacks unless they have tits

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>Nutaku get Yukikaze untouched on TABA.
>Abby is a big deal despite being literally harmless.

I don't get it.

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Shit takes way too long to grind out.
Whereas most people pay for what they want, and have this sunk cost they feel they need to keep up with, these were just handed to me. Am I really supposed to wade through an infinite amount of hands? Is there a better way?

>No Ishtar
Am I destined to never have her?

Where the hell do I summon new cats? I'm on the fourth mission and I'm getting raped by these midgets

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Ishtar is 5* you brainlet, summer servants you also have to roll for

She's a 5 star, it's only 4 stars you can choose from.

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yea grind christmas two months ago

user, stop. Why are you even using them as an example in this?

Queen Sheba come to me pls

You don't play on NA, right bros?

I mean, seriously.
Why would anyone want to play on NA after ALL they have done?

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>japs' only explanation for why a nigger looks like it does is because of burnt skin
>they still bleach him because him being a total nigger disgusts them too much

Attached: kumikokek.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

I'm talking about localization.

If some retards can put loli without any issue then there is zero reasons to change abby.

Even if Yukikaze isn't really a loli.

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Archer can Reinfore mid phantasm?

Nutaku specializes in releasing adult only mobages. Nevermind the fact that I just fucking told you that it's the combination of both loli & tentacle that they are having a problem with. Nutaku does not need to give a fuck about their image nor the games they release, TM does.

here is the thing, he is unedited in the Japanese version but for some reason was lighter in NA

>The gacha game notorious for being jewish
>There are people who decide to not only play this game but play the server EVEN MORE JEWISH than the JP one
>Its censored to boot
Its mind boggling

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>TM does.
>When every single damn server get same shit as JP.

It's always retards on charge of localization, never company itself.

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Its not like I have much of a choice if I cant read Japanese/korean/whatever they speak in that other server

You shouldn't play gacha games. It's not good for you mentally, physically, and financially.

I can't read moonrunes. Also, I can catch up more easily if the server's behind.

Why, it's almost as if there are different set of standards for different nations or something.

They are fucking stupid, I'm telling you.
Why the hell would someone want to play a watered down, more Jewish CENSORED version of of FGO?

NAfags are unironically retards

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>After my interview with Shiokawa-san, I briefly spoke with a representative from Aniplex of America about the matter. She claims that “it’s because it wasn’t Shiokawa’s sole decision; it was more of a group decision and it isn’t fair for him to be the spokesperson for that decision.” I assured her that I understand and thanked her for giving RPG Site the opportunity to interview Shiokawa-san once again.

>Aniplex and DELiGHTWORKS Inc. has not given us an official statement regarding the changes in Emiya Alter’s design at the time of publishing this piece.

Stop defending those cunts bootlicker.

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>defending censorship
The ABSOLUTE state of altertards

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Motorboating brown Jew tits!

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Because the alternative is being /fgog/

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Eresh is cuter anyway


On the gacha page?

It's a porn site for porn games user. F/GO is all ages.

I might be a complete waste of life, but at least I've never burned money on a virtual slot machine.

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>FGO is all ages.

I'm not talking about the original vn you retard.

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And I said FGO retard, not F/SN.

>/alter/ memes
Of course you are mentally challenged.

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Dumb Euryale poster

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You must fuck her

Do I have to remind you of your place again, Meduseless? Now get down on all four.

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Play azur lane then
>easy to get high rank units
>equipment bought from ingame money which is easy to accumulate
>can limit break them with either copies of the same unit or bulins that they dump on you every week
>easy to get mats for equipment leveling and it's free

Stheno isn't even a good assassin, much less an anti-male unit. Medusa is at the very least a passable rider.

Meduseless is literally only second to Blackbeard being the worst Rider in the game.

>Merged enemies
All still manageable with non or low merged units

>Blackbeard and Medusa are bad.

Thats boudica you stupid.

what are you qouting?

I'm quoting that my non merged Reinhardt can shit on the enemy's +10 Hana or my non merged Owain to my enemy's +10 Fae. +10 only means you have more health and +4 in all stats.

Oh yeah, I forgot Boudica existed she is so shit. I guess she is third.

yeah, so what? that's not the point of the post, retard. the point is that even if you get something new, it's still worse than all the stuff you already built and it's impossible to get them equal without spending an obscene amount of money.

Are you stupid, newer units have much more stats than older ones.

>still haven't had a good TM game made from FGO shekels
>just some dogshit Musou's that they were too cheap to send out to KT
FGO even has plenty of good designs that are going to waste.

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not without +10! and that's another huge argument against feh. the fucking powercreep and the ridiculous skill descriptions.

>The Tibarn I got recently isn't better than my Laegjarn I got with having better PP and movement
>The L!Tiki I got isn't better than the Nowi I have due to self buffs, effective damage against dragons and adaptive damage
>The Naesala I have, who's free to get, isn't better than my Cordelia, while also having more movement
Okay then fag.

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>Fuckhuge descriptions mean ton of effect.

Having -2 cd or being a huge ass statstick mean shit when older units can have better performance due weapon effect or better stat spread.

Units don't work in a vacuum.

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>FGO even has plenty of good designs that are going to waste.
This is the biggest sin of FGO, all that wasted potential thrown away. Well at least we might get a chaldea focused carnival phantasm someday.

>Olga fucking never

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>playing FGO instead of a gacha with good gameplay and good SR rates

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Still perfectly manageable without merges and it can be argued that the new units with their Prf can be better. No older blue unit can run off with AoE attacks as quickly as Ophelia. No green other green unit has reverse desperation like Lewyn, while having the B slot availible for that all so powerful special spiral.
>Powercreep when you're saying the merges are better than the new units
Pick one fag
>Ridiculous skill descriptions

Azur Lane is super interesting

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But she's also the hottest, which makes her the best 3 star Rider in the game

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>good gameplay
>auto battle the entire event except for the single fight at the very end

Top tier fucking gameplay

>Yeah bro fuck those auto games.
>Setup a macro to farm in events.

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>Most popular characters from the new story chapter were the 3*
Salieri and Avicebron were honestly amazing.

>spent 2000 USD trying to get merlin
>didn't even get a single SSR servant
Gachashit needs to die in a fire

Attached: 1517340220569.jpg (1583x927, 289K)

I need more goddamn gold DD retrofit pieces.
>tfw Salieri still has no merch like statues, Nendos, and Figmas

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You just need to be lucky friend.

Attached: Fate_GO_2019-02-15-00-28-14.jpg (1920x1080, 574K)

Compared to FGO, it is a masterpiece.

I got a SSR (Jannu) while trying to get Merlin

I got both and I didn't even exhaust my tickets


I hate gacha with a passion but I’m glad it’s sucrssful and have spent a bit of money on Fgo because I owe Nasu for all the free visual novels I’ve read.

I np3d Merlin on 300 bucks. Sorry man

>300 bucks
But why?

Oh I was just rolling the banner for fun. I had some extra spending money

I played Dx2 for a week or two, and that was even worse. Like 3 months macca grind for a single 5* or a 0,5 base summon rate for them.

FEH started alright but got way too heavy into the whole powercreep shit. In comparison i like to use the lower star units in FGO and they have better characterization for the most part

Why didn't you come home, Moriarty! Was that parting in Shinjuku all crocodile tears? I would have been your Modern Day Moran Man! MORAN!!!!!!

>Finally get Fae to +10
>They release an Armored Fae
>She's seasonal

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Protip: Shirou means 'white'.

DIOs voice coming out of that little boy never ceases to freak me out.

Well, to be fair, they blew most of that money on the god-awful Last Encore anime.

>People think that Raita is a good artist

Yes, and?

Attached: Alias Moriarty.jpg (1280x1761, 476K)

I've convinced he and Eiichiro Oda are in a competition to see who can design a female character with the largest breasts and the smallest waist.


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It's weird and kinda sad that Ibaraki wasn't illustrated by Raita, seeing as how she's also a member of Shuten, Kintoki, and Raikou's "franchise"

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At least she got a competent artist. Imagine if she was drawn by Takeuchi.

His males and flat females are good.

Everything else is disgusting

How about that fat fairy

Fair enough.

Attached: Ibaraki vs Macaron.jpg (538x759, 55K)

>Kintoki interlude 2

Wish I had Kintoki and Raikou, at least I got the two oni.

I have the Banana and Rider Kintoki

and when Rashomon happens again, she will be bullied, HARD

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When's the rerun?

Tan is his normal self's skin color. Evil!Archer becoming a stereotypical black guy is just a bit too on the nose for Sony NA

>1st ascension consistently best
>Summer Mama breaks the streak

Why is it so easy to coerce the human psych into spending money to gamble?

Meanwhile I got him under 50 rolls and got a bonus Tamamo too. Not a cent spend on this kusoge.

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I haven't spent any money on it yet.

>Take a male character
>Make him female
Whoa... So creative. Kek I've seen the "gameplay" looks like fucking adventure quest flash game.

Dropped this time wasting garbage desu. If any of you still have me added for whatever reason ("Johnny", lv.100 both Shikis) you can delete me.

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Still playing the game but I agree. I've even resorted to using macros to do the farming for me because of how stupidly repetitive this shit is.

I miss her.

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Don't hate on adventure quest, it was made probably before (you) were born

Bros....can we get fgo2 on the yuna engine. The epicchads laugh at our animations.....

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The re-run happened in late May 2017 for Japan. So for us, probably June 2019.

>he plays and is proud of being lucky in a kusoge

Not proud. Just laughing at idiots that actually spend money on this garbage.

Don't hate on my wife.

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