No Kh3 threads

was it that bad?

Attached: 2239F1BE-907E-4281-BB3D-3D2FFCC860A8.jpg (920x518, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>almost genocide all the world's
>cause countless suffering
>literally indirectly kill an untold amount of people
>directly kill a couple people too
>"I'm done bro, see ya lmao"
>Walks off with his dead friend to light heaven

What the FUCK is Nomura's problem?

There was so much wasted potential that you can't help but feel disappointed.

No. It's better than 90% of the rest of the games with KH2FM still being the best.

I loved it.

I wasn't fond of the story but the gameplay was fun. Nowhere near as polished as KH2's but still easily the second best in the series. I see myself revisiting it a lot once critical is released.

Name ONE person who died other than Xehanort and Luke.


shut up you know theres 5 threads everyday
