Other urls found in this thread:
Two nukes wasn't enough
they sterilize trannies in japan, you wouldn't like it there OP
how much are you paid to shill for him?
Source your shit
you're so funny and original
>news about a fucking tweet
Harada's twitter feed is basically a diary of a man with bipolar disorder.
No matter how you cut it you're just trying to say "sheeple" and it sounds every bit as fucking retarded as it did then
fuck off, fatty, advertise your blog somewhere else
yeahh, next time US should nuke all Westernfags journalists, retardera, kotaku, polygon
Is that supposed to be a surprise?
The only people who actually like SJWs are retarded white people.
>angel and ogre
Harada-san feeding the trolls I see.
Tell me that this isn't a real's written like if it's from someone from here
why doesn't he just tell them that the characters are based off of real people?
Considering how Harada is influential at Bamco, i'm almost certain he's the one responsable for having Ivy keeping her skimpy outfit and big boobs.
This man is a treasure.
expats need to fuck off and stop being imperialists. 99% of any change in Japan is because some fucking yankee is offended.
trannies sterilize themselves
Who is Josie based off of? I need to know.
Everyone is.
We voted for Trump to stop them, but nothing has changed.
>he didn't even call out SJWs at all
Why am I even surprised at OAG at this point. Nice """"journalism"""".
>one angry /pol/tard
>(((white people)))
Americans should have nuked themselves
i keep reading this word lately
what do they mean?
the nukes were dropped on the wrong country
i seriously hope all westerners are banished from japan.
OAG isn't news, it's just Yea Forums's blog
You voted for a conman whose platform was "I swear I'm not conning you this time." You did this to yourselves.
>Giving a site you hate clicks
Who do you think goes to live in Japan? Basedboys that do translation and other gay shit like that,of course they are liberals.
it's oneangrygamer, which straddles the line between irony and unironic pandering shitposting. i honestly cant tell most of the time. anyway, whoever writes for it also tries to pander to the anti-sjws, kinda like the quartering
>inb4 someone calls me a leftie for this
no. they're just as cringey and annoying as actual sjws. especially the quartering and his terrible merch
>posting a kiwi farms image means clicking on OAG
You're really smart
If you think this is cringe you have to be a tranny
satanism is actually about worshipiing satan, but more "worshiping" humans as opposed to a higher power. they just call it satanism to be edgy. of course, you could just keep posting that screenshot and being uninformed because that'll get you (You)s
Based Harada.
Two nukes were the perfect amount.
>enough for them to make anime and hentai
>not to much that they go full SJW
Americans just ruin everything
I went back too as a second gen European Japanese. It was kinda funny seeing people confused at my obviously non Japanese accent and mannerisms.
TFW you're an outlander
Why don't you nuke yourselves burgers, or at least California
Why, if he has said something can't you just show us that? Why do you need to show us the screencap of an editorialised headline from a clickbait site that cuts off before we get to the actual quote without including a link anywhere?
>ooooo, you rike dance crose to fire? WWWWWW!
There was a statistic that said around 70%+ of crimes are from expats. Like when Japan let in a dozen or so refugees and all but 3 got kicked out.
>If you think this is cringe you have to be a tranny
what's sad is that some people actually believe this. i mean, what kind of person would actually wear that? it's kinda like pic related. imagine falling for shitposting this badly
>you didn't realized that this gamergate thing would explode so you could exploit some kids
Says the only retard that replied to him
>but more "worshiping" humans as opposed to a higher power
So individualism pushed up to eleven? Why do you think trannies fall for this?
>Why don't you nuke yourselves burgers, or at least California
Aww. You hentai got censored on your wittle baby cinematic console? A bloo bloo bloo, faggot
Remember that this guy is the only reason we got Project X Zone in the west, wich ended up selling 10 times what Bamco was expecting.
Harada knows his shit.
You're right on the mark. That dude is the guy who localizes those RPG horror games from Japan (remastered version).
satanism fits trannies well, because it's all about being selfish and only caring about yourself
It's fucking crazy how people can tell so quickly. My uncle is from Taiwan and he was gone for about a year for business. He goes back to Taiwan and people instantly know he hasn't been there for a while.
nice journalism you got there /pol/tards
Japanese should've won ww2.
>cultural imperialism
Learn to code
maybe you're the nerevarine
>Trusting Satan
>Trusting Devil
Literally every religion in the world will tell you to not do that shit. It's like that one song where a guy meets Satan who acts all buddy buddy then stabs him in the dick with a trident and says "what'd ya expect?".
THAT'S what the article in the OP is based on? Jesus Christ.
If Japan won WWII we wouldn't have this.
Japan is only what it is now because America gutted the empire and made it a neo-megacapitalist paradise.
Why the fuck are americans so racist to the japanese? I thought liberals always say FUCK HATE
i replied because i've seen that image in a bunch of threads posted solely for the purpose of getting (You)s and the usualy crows of christcucks who have no idea what they're talking about losing their minds over it
>Why do you think trannies fall for this?
if i had to guess, it's because no religion accepts them so this believe system allows them to have a sense of worth and believe in themselves and what they're doing. it's not inherently bad, as many people end up using religion as a crutch and are never proactive as a result, but i obviously dont need to point out the flaws in it.
sadly true. a lot of them never think of the consequences of their actions and the effect it can have on others. there's also in incredible double standard in their thinking and most of them are just really deluded and society hasn't helped to change this but has in fact made it worse. it's sad really but there isn't much that can be done
In my college a group of me and other Japanese tried to fight against affirmative action. It went about as well as you'd expect. It's racist as fuck and I don't understand why Americans parade it so much.
It's called satanism because Satan was the first to reject God.
>Slowly getting Imperialized
>Majority are pure blood Japanese
>Accents and mannerism give you away
Judaism and Christianity are what villified afterlife figures like Satan, beforehand religions like greco-roman referred to responsable deities like Hades/Pluto as just sour guys with an heavy job, and while darker than the other dieties they weren't referred with the same maliciousness as the monotheistic religions forced with Satan.
This is also why modern stories that involve guys like Hades treat him like the bad guy by default, it's a cultural thing that was forced upon the world.
Liberals only care about brown and dumb minorities.
The Che Guevara one is the most triggering for me
Hate the commie fuck all you want, but... NPC? That cunt was one of the most influential people in Southern American history. Do these faggots even know what the NPC meme is supposed to mock?
Ameritards and westerners are hypocritical as fuck
Japan should stop stereotyping Europeans as white.
Isn't Hades the one nice enough to let his wife leave him for a season or something? and IIRC Hercules from Disney portray Hadesas just sour and jaded too. The animated series expanded on that too in which Hades only does what he does because not only does he have a rough job but everyone makes fun of him.
Man they're really milking that third tweet for the article, huh
Ah, so he's a fucking retard
>but nothing has changed.
What are you talking about? All this failed SJW game is a godsend.
americans have always been the biggest perpatrators of cultural imperialism of late. Malcolm X knew that you can enver trust these people 50 years ago
It's getting worse.
>Game gets censored
>"Good but it shouldn't have existed in the first place. Japan needs to change".
Silence when it involves the Middle East though.
Tranny detected
>many people end up using religion as a crutch and are never proactive as a result
Non religion brings you too
-people not procreating and instead turn into depravity like transgenderism and faggotry
-people not being productive with their time
-more people using drugs
-people being more susceptible to depression and other mental issues
-people not having a strong sense of community since they all believe in their own bullshit,leading to isolation and we go back to point One
Trannies will obviously disagree
I see you there Shinzo Abe prime minister of Japan
>that distressed face when confronted with logical wrong-think
omg pedophiles are so pathetic at making excuses
The quartering is the defenition of cringe
>guy tells harada to "kys"
>harada is somehow the bad guy here
Liberal anglos are literal NPCs,they are the ones that turned Europe into a political echochamber for decades which it kinda still is.
The official myth of Persephone goes like this: Hades was alone so he kidnapped her against her will, her mother Demeter (goddes of agriculture and seasonal weather) went to get her back but Persephone ended up having Stockholm Syndrome for her kidnapper, so they reach a compromise that for half the year she stays with her mother, and for half an year she stays with Hades. And that's where the seasons come from, Spring/Summer is the Demeter period, Autumn/Winter is the Hades period.
All media tied to Disney's Hercules portray Hades as a straightforward dick who wants power for the sake of it and for jealousy on the other gods. Said other olympians are dicks of their own (as per tradition of the myths) but it makes Hades just as sympathetic as say, og Kratos, who wanted revenge and chaos for the sake of it.
i'm not saying religion is bad, and while i'm personally not religious i can definitely see the advantages that it has. however, it is not perfect and has also been usurped by people as a means of financial gain. there are also instances of people thinking prayer is the only solution to their problems, which is what my previous post was in reference to.
>tells GuP author he sells child porn and he has to stop because it will increase real CP and increase the rate of child rape
>based author tells the thot to go back to UK and take care of their own problems with CP and rapes first
Japs don't need white people to "save" them like their brown pets so they try to subvert their culture.
There are still a good amount of blacks who realize this, but since they tend to lean conservative/right, you won't hear from them in the media. Hell, I don't think even FOX shows enough blacks on their side, just from what little I've watched of that channel.
>fly to japan with tv crews to bully people about drawings
>ignores muslims raping real children in their own citys
Makes you think.
Trannie pls
This, the right target was across the strait
>buy PS Classic (modding it makes it worth it)
>play Revelations Persona that comes with it
>played PSP version before so I'm curious how this one is
>almost everyone is white and given really boring ass names
>one character is blackfaced and has a baseball cap
>this character is also written as a trouble making asshole who communicates with demons by shuffle dancing and telling bad jokes
ATLUS must be happy the PS classic flopped or else we would have the pitchforks come out.
Let's not go that far.
Satanism is just what a bunch of atheist nerds call their larping club, they don’t actually worship or believe in Satan
Based GuP author
you can make your excuses to the judge
>B-But Jews
There aren't that many kikes user, when the fuck are whites going to admit that most of their race are annoying liberal fucktards?
a lor of black activists were actually conservatives and would definitely be seen as such today. Malcolm X and Steve Biko being the most prominant i can think of. more than anything, they wanted black people to be able to do things themselves and stop relying on white people so much. unfortunately, that'll never be the case given how things have turned out. but who know, maybe 50 years from now when i'm on my death bed things will finally start looking better and we'll stop causing problems and blaming everyone but ourselves for them
Oof, embarrassing
Reminder that Ai-chan is a lolicon and a raging lesbian
you and your nonsense is why sjw keep winning dumb christfag
Just like Pagans don't believe in Thor but they still drink their wife's (male) cum,in the world you are either a Christian,a Terrorist or a degenerate.
fuck off back to redit
>what is japan
That's not Claire.
white people trying to ruin japan with their culture wars bullshit
cornball ass, quit cooning on the internet for acceptance.
cute and funnypilled
>Moved to Hawaii
>Gets called Haole
Will this stop eventually?
Welp, time to buy Tekken 7.
I actually will be too, later on steam.
They are probably still more spiritual than most westerners,i was primarly talking about non-religion in western nations.
harada is a blessing
And Japan is going down the shitter along with America suffering from the same problem of weak citizens and beta males and a lack of kids being born.
So don't count on the nips to pick up a gun and join the revolution against evil, because they're apathetic despite being somewhile redpilll even though they're actually bluepill since Asians are for big government for some fucking reason.
go jerk off to your "based" niggers and fellate yourself to how the "liberals are the reaaaal racists" somewhere else. Sure as fuck isn't video game related in any way.
Why cant he ignore them?
>he thinks i get offended by low effort racist remakrs
lmaoing at your life
What makes them so racist?
You mean with how America wants Japan to pay for their forced military presence?
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
He should really delete twitter, its nothing but a cesspit
what evil user? yu hearing voices? get help.
Japan is 98% japanese
America is 55% native?
By the time America will have his first real issues Japan will look at them and hopefully wisen up.
But i thought leftists were against racism????
you should post a link so the shilling becomes more obvious and easier to filter.
I'll go back after this don't worry. Anyway there was a Reddit thread on why so many SJWs target Japan and one person from Ghazi and Resetera actually replied. They grew up as weebs. They loved Japanese media but then they said they "grew up".
white privilege 2bh
Im not so sure, if Japan had won tokyo would be swarming with chinks
Why do all the Asian countries hate each other? Japan, Korea, China, etc.
Yea Forums should be deleted
Blatant racism and lots of old wars
>they wanted black people to be able to do things themselves and stop relying on white people so much.
Actually Malcom X wanted separation and thought the white man was interfering with blacks and making it so they'll be nothing but bums and druggies. He also thought other black activists didn't understand what blacks really wanted or needed. One of them couldn't even understand slang.
They have a long history of killing each other and they love to keep grudges
Whut? Natives are a tiny minority in america
/pol/ppet author detected.
The actual tweet is just some random person demanding characters back and insulting Harada.
She's British.
>if Japan had won tokyo would be swarming with chinks
You mean inside labs? Because the Chinese were lab rats for the japanese during the war.
Or do you mean that China would have beaten Japan? Because without Soviet intervention/aid communist China would have lost.
Japan and Korea have only good reasons to hate China,especially considering what kind of predatory nation modern China is.
Back to containment, schizo Max
There’s actually different kinds of satanism.
Native=Whites,indians were always a non entity and second class citizens in North America.
>leftists try to bully other countries to be like them
>get mad and start yelling racism when someone criticises blacks
where did the priest touch you, user?
Based fearless leader Harada
Based coder
Yeah back in the day, but in the current day chinks would be allowed to roam free around the empire and would have taken over Japan like the mexicans are getting over the US
>SJWs think niggas gonna side with them after fucking with fighting games and DBZ
This will cause true peace between the white and black man. Dick unity will win in the end.
They’re all still asspained over eachother getting BTFO in different wars resulting in a triangle of hate. Korea is a little more of an outlier compared to Japan/China though. They still have huge hateboners for eachother over a bunch of shit from WW2 and the 60s/70s in particular up to and including incredibly petty acts of nationally backed espionage commited by both sides.
> but in the current day chinks would be allowed to roam free around the empire and would have taken over Japan
Japan would have much better military tech than China and quite possibly have other powerful allies too,in fact China could still have been a puppet today or at least some parts of it.
So are they racist or not?
>stolen country
>whites are natives
Satan confirmed.
>fapping to drawings BAD
>raping real children GOOD
sjw and all of left should to to jail
>it's written like if it's from someone from here
>implying that's a bad thing
You're free to leave anytime.
How the fuck did they all not get banned for racism?
Oh and forgot to say that Japan would have never allowed Chinese into the mainland in big numbers because why the fuck would they do that.
2020 is the biggest chance for the west to erase what it doesn’t like about japan. What do you think will actually happen?
In dick, unity
That's too much. Nearly all if the last batch got fucking kicked out for murder and rape.
Chloe a cute
What does that have to do with blacks?
Japan is going to be crush by globalism. They're already bending the knee to the chinks.
Also, the native Whites will become a minority soon.
Yes there is evil in the world. Humans are not equal. Some deserve to die.
Holy shit, it's like bizzaro Yea Forums
>defending overpopulation
when is this meme going to die?
Population decreasing is a GOOD THING in the long run
>implying satanism isn't based as fuck
It celebrates human nature instead of turning you into a cuck. Besides, we're on the winning team.
Praised be the North Star.
And because we're cruel self centered garbage we named self worship after evil?
Don't forget tiddy games.
>the native Whites
But the whites aren't native, if they are then so are the blacks.
We need more devs like him.
And I thought Harada was the retard lol
>TFW Hell is real
>Satan isn't a bro
>Get stabbed in the dick
FUCkin based
>study japanese because I like the conservative and traditional culture
>all other students are people who only watch anime and want to change everything that makes japan japan.
Fuck these people, I really hope japan kicks all these westerners out.
Reminder that OAG is controlled opposition trying to make white males out as stereotypes.
If you want a real media that caters to us, use Daily Stormer. They got a vidya section too.
The United States of America was founded by White people.
Otakus rise up and wash the streets in the blood of the white puggu, fingers crossed.
Dont worry none of those people ever learn the language, they will all give up.
Tranny please,whites arrived and found no nations or civilizations worth preserving,liberals smartly found a way to bound those poor uneducated souls to the state and that's the only reason why people like you are still worshipping them today.
Not an argument
>Self hating this much
Lmao at your life rn
Why is racism and shitting on other cultures okay when it’s targetted at japan?
Your fake picture proves that you are lying
>population isnt growing because they dont take refuges
I'm saying that these retards love to talk mad shit about whites and asians but when someone even dares to criticise black culture or any brown culture then its no longer criticism of a culture but racist
Whites are the only people native to the united states.
>ugly ass fat bastard defending pedophilia on national television
Yikes. If you see nothing wrong with this you are definitely some nofriends incel
>all other students are people who only watch anime and want to change everything that makes japan japan.
Why would people who watch anime want japan to change?
No bad tactics, only bad targets
You dont go outside much do you
Your average anime watching weeb is the most pathetic beta male imaginable
I see IRA is hard at work. How much do you make per post? Half a ruble?
Japan is high IQ enough to not fall for western liberal propaganda,asians in the west are also hardworking and non violent people compared to other minorities,they are pretty much the contrary of what SJW want to defend.
>we're on the winning team.
Then why is religion and fascism on the rise around the world? If you're winning, why is your progressive country so flatly broken in two halves, one very religious?
I hope you look forward to getting stomped in the neck by the ever-increasing Muslim super-majority.
As an actual Asian it simply astounds me how the left/SJWs can preach for days about tolerance and love and the like but at the same time be so racist against Japan.
Like where is the logic in that?
>Reminder that OAG is controlled opposition trying to make white males out as stereotypes.
Some of us are living stereotypes, though. What's wrong with "being yourself"?
pretty fucking based. sjw's will tell you op's pic is offensive and degrading but then say pic related from the same game is totally ok and not just as unrealistic for most men. The only difference is most men don't give a fuck because we realize its a fucking video game
>study japanese because I like the conservative and traditional culture
Oh how disappointed you shall be.
Also good old Abe signed a bill letting in more "immigrants" into Japan.
>Whites are native to America
Ha! Good one.
It's even worse as a Japanese American user. They fucking swarm you like flies and ask you a bunch of stupid shit. One claimed that he spoke better Japanese than my native born parents.
He doesn't and is failing
chinks =/= sjw ameritards. if anything it will be harder for americans to have influence on japan
It was founded by Natives user the whites wouldn't have survived without natives helping them
Bullshit they are just as racist to blacks as you are
Harada is acrually a corporate tool. He biched and moaned about the Lucky Cloe criticism, he said several times he wasn't gonna put Lei in the game. And then when he has to put him in the game, what does he do? He gives him a Lucky Chloe t-shirt and a special animation where he dances with her when he breaks her 2+4 throw. As a sort of temper tantruum bevause he can't admit he's wrong and can't take criticism.
>these fucks are bring over Vesteria Saga
>they didn't even fucking mentioned that it was made by Shouzo Kaga, the father of Fire Emblem
about to fuckin REE over here
They only care about us when it fits the argument. Is a white person wearing a Kimono? Now it matters. Is a Japanese student denied college due to AA? Nope it doesn't matter. Fucking yankees.
But that's wrong
Do you think you're funny, posting shit like this?
>no tits on either
They are the native population of the United States of America,Indians only ruled tribes that existed before or died right after the USA was created.
>There are the people who got a British colonial removed from Don't Starve because it was "offensive"
Racism is only okay when they do it.
They only care about other races when they're minorities. The moment these minorities become a majority, they drop them like wet socks, and turn THEM into the new "White Male".
Indios are only "native" to the land not the country.
All white
Nothing wrong with being yourself. But if you're a detrimental part to white causes, you need to kill yourself. But we both know you're a chink/kike/nigger trying to slander us since no white man is like how OAG makes us out to be.
That's just a Junior Highschool user and it's giving the choice of skirts or slacks which is a normal fucking thing.
If I was in charge of a fighting game, this is what I would do.
Depending on who the character was based on, I would even go so faf to hire them to model at EVO or be a booth-babe/booth-hunk at E3 for maximum salt.
Whether you like Harada or not he does know what the Tekken community is about. A fighting game selling around 4 million copies and still growing in this age of gaming is saying a lot about his directing.
based and redpilled
>United States of America
>United States
Modern men no longer desire large breasts
Only babies like those. Intelligent men know those lump of fats are just a burden and inconvenience
IMHO, it's going to be like 2012 2.0: electric boogaloo where everyone is afraid of an apocalyptic event that would chance the everything forever only for to end up being a mountain out of a molehill situation and Japan continue to do it's own thing without bothering to listen to outside nations.
We can only hope.
It's fucking disgusting and more people need to call them out for it.
They grow up getting into anime and other Japanese stuff, later get told it has "problematic" elements that they aren't supposed to enjoy, and decide that it's Japan which has to change (lol cultural imperialism) instead of analyzing their own conflicting thoughts.
Japan has always been very tolerant to gays, all samurais fucked men after all
And the immigrants are just temporary workers that wont be able to stay in the country
Is there anyone (here at least) that actively dislikes him? If so, why?
White refers to European decent.
so immigrating and conquering through outbreeding creates a native state? doesnt that mean shitskins can show up in any white country, tear down a state and then create a new one and that would make them native?
White men are inferior and i can't wait until you are extinct
>videogame thread
>/pol/ thread
3 posts every 5 seconds
Yea Forums
You should tell them they are pathetic trash and that Japan hates them, Id enjoy doing that
Real men like big tits, big ass, wide hips, thick thighs and a toned belly. Only a child chooses one.
Why have it at all?
>give them an inch; they'll want a mile
>amerimutt /pol/tards love to shit on nonwhites while ignoring the fact their nation was built on genocide, rape, thievery and general trampling of human dignity
Unironically ebin
>fxxk off
Just as I proved. A subhuman is behind this libel of whites. Keep talking nigger, it won't save you from the uprising.
Yeah because they do fucking crimes.
>people not procreating
Education, high standard of living and women's rights do that. Christian women use the pill and men roll on condoms. It's sinful, but everyone loves to 'interpret' their own ideologies if they don't get to create it.
>people not being productive with their time
Besides unemployed people, which is at a great dip, everyone is as productive as they could be currently.
>more people using drugs
Are they? In my country, smoking and drinking are both down in the youngest adult generation.
>people being more susceptible to depression and other mental issues
Yeah, I'm not sure what causes this.
>Red skin primitives are native to America
>Just retarded Asians who followed buffalo shit trails
I can't hear you over White acheivementssssssssssssssss!
Why does Yea Forums praise the chinese one day then call them bug men with no sympathy the next?
Whites built the nation and were a majority since the beginning.
There was a reason why those dudes were hardly worshipped on their own days, they weren't going to promise you anything different than the afterlife of misery that the Romans and Greeks expected of everyone else, just Persephone somewhat offered something different
The uniforms? The students wanted it. Hell when I was in HS in Japan I loved the uniform. Saves time and money from having to choose shit.
You only like lolis to make up for your small penor.mp4
Then you get in to the issue of that person possibly suing you for using their likeness.
You do realize this is just giving women the option for slacks right? Men can't wear skirts still. The bill Abe signed was a marginal amount too.
Well, so does humanism, too sad it doesn't require you to be an edgy manchild to be part of it
>Whites built the nation and were a majority since the beginning.
That was the natives
whites were not a majority when they first settled in the americas and established colonies, i dont know what would possibly make you believe that
Anyone who isn't a cuck would be disturbed that anyone would want women to look like men and visa versa.
>that buttflap
I was talking about Japan not the Chinese,the Chinese are also high IQ but their government is completely ruining them,the ones that come into the west are a problem too since contrary to other asians they don't respect trade and working laws.
You already have e white supremacy and you are doing out your time has already been its over cracker white supremacy is getting weaker daily.
All stolen and rewritten history by white supremacy
>I'm special cause people of my race did sone shit, despite doing nothing of import myself
And that bedwench tranny is gonna end up alone and broke cause she ain't coming back to us.
>it's ok for women to look like men
That sneaky and slow siltier into changing Japan with feminism and liberal garbage.
That is a cute cherrypicked article you have there. There's no movement without a counter-movement. Besides, the global elites are part of the club and they control public opinion. You have no chance. Best thing you can hope for is a quick death before we rape and eat you.
If women aren't any different now in schools they'll 99% opt to wear the skirts still. So it's pretty much amounts to nothing. They know it's cute.
>if you don't like bouncing cancer bombs you're a pedophile!
Eww Unevolved monkey brain at work
Don't kid yourself, you're worse than niggers, you're a slav, the first race of subhumans to die.
>that shit on the right
>not absolute fucking morons that would fall for religion if it was the popular thing
Based. Shimbori should learn a few things from him.
>conquering through outbreeding
brown people having babies isnt an attack on white people you fucking retard
21% would attack themselves?
Did they ever add Anna in VII? Mained for years, held off because she wasn't in. If it's just Negan in DLC, I'm not buying.
Haha, get fucked whitebois you deserve everything you got.
This guy is based.
It only means something if the majority wear slacks. I guarantee aside from maybe 1 per grade nobody is gonna be wearing slacks over skirts.
They were the great majority of CITIZENS of the US,literally all indians were still uncivilized nomads at the beginning and only when whites were way more numerous than them they started to settle.
Slavs are white supremacists just like you. dumb inbred cracker
>freedom is bad
Go fuck yourself
SJWs wouldn't be so bad if they didn't become a fully blown terror organization.
Then by your logic niggers and spics and shitty races shouldn't be able to claim racism from their ancestors because they didn't experience it themselves.
But that's totally ok because fuck White people am I right?
on the contrary, anybody who isnt white existing at all is an attack on white people. or at least thats how racial supremacists think
How nationalist must you be to infer that 21% of South Koreans supporting an attack on Japan means attacking themselves?
>I don't like tits
>bitchboi avatafagging
Ok we're done here.
You know what's cringe? American education,i know way more stuff about Amerindians as a European that you brainwashed liberal Amerifats.
You forget that Japanese Women like to look cute. Slacks aren't cute. Ergo they won't wear slacks.
us angry gamers right?
shills are okay when tehy are "on your side" right?
>Then why is religion and fascism on the rise around the world?
are you guys jsut openly calling yourselves fascists now? Thank fucking god because the whole
>im not a fascist, i just spout fascist talking points and agree with fascists, that doesn't make me a fascist
song and dance was getting tiring, im glad we can just be open about it now
I want Harada to make SF6.
I didnt realize it was asked to Koreans, because it was in JP I though the people asked were JP
There is nothing cute about women wanting to be a man.
You know that it can quickly grow to be normalized. This is going to open the flood gates to leftism into Japan.
>false equivalence
>haven't experienced racism
Do you watch fox news?
You should kill yourself.
Anna got added as DLC a while ago. The recent patch which added Negan also included Julia.
You are some stupid paranoid fuck
Freedom is only good for Whites since they have the wisdom and clarity to use it correctly. All non Whites would do with "freedom" is ooga booga and chimp out and be filthy degenerates.
>indians and blacks built the US REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Which is ironic since they're not white, but automatons. Useful tools. We will use them as meat shields in the coming war.
>1 (one) post with Lee
remember that time some cuck at IGN called him a garbage human being
Thats nature. You thinking that you are above the rest on evolution is some sad denial.
(((fox news)))
sf6 looks like a tranny simulator. literally not a single attractive female in it
Racism is still a present issue
>spics and niggers
>then talks about them not experiencing it themselves
Self defeating are you
the usa wasnt the first state established here you retard. whites sailed to the americas and warred with natives for land, then due to spread of disease and continued war native populations dwindled while white populations exploded in an upward trend. you think the usa would be what it is now without the population advantage that whites had? youre a fool. whites came, multiplied and used that to expand. the tribal states that existed before were uprooted or annihilated. that doesnt make whites native
>yoorupoor thinks im a burger
Oof,big yikes *snap* this going on my cringe comp
so lets try and figure out the difference between these 2 statments
>the way my grandparents, who experienced jim crow laws, were treated and lived their lives has a fairly direct impact on the situation i was born into and the environment in which i was likely raised
>people with the same skin color as me but literally no connection other than that, did cool stuff a few hundred years ago
you fucking retards talk endlessly about how high your IQ's are and yet you make these inane retarded arguments that amount to less than nothing when you think about them for even a split second
I said the skirts are cuter and man you really are thinking it over. It won't be normalized ever. Believe me user. Everyone guy likes skirts better. Girls want to look cute for guys. So they will wear skirts.
What's a ghazi?
But then by your logic they should be able too and Jim Crow laws aren't even 100 years old.
>literally not a single attractive female in it
That's because it doesn't exist.
Okay yeah but those are different things ad the afterlife in Judo/Christian isn't just one world. If its Satan its actually just evil.
You realise that people don't have a lifetime limit of only one Tweet right?
>He doesn't know whites litterally would have died if not for Indians and that the South was severely dependent on their slaves.
Fat feminists an nu-beta males who hate any and everything white men enjoy.
>he's now part of a YT gaming patreon that's making $26,500 per month
>even though his videos only get ~30K views
what the fuck?
I think it's a reverso sub for kotakuinaction
>literally all indians were still uncivilized nomads
except the multiple sprawling cities of south america, the Mississippi river valley civilization, the Olmec, and the list goes on. You are just an ignorant fuck
Counter-Movement has always been a couple idiots who swarm a few websites, and think they control the world because they make the most noise out of it.
The truth is, 86% of the world hates you, precisely because you're too much of a dumb-ass to keep up with the increasing poverty that inevitably leads more people to become conservative.
It's the literal definition of an ivory tower, and when the minority leaders do not represent a very angry majority....
What do you think is going to happen to you?
You are an NPC.
yeah i know, i was thinking about the last one, the one that looks like shit
You lost me there. But
>haven't experienced racism
>blacks getting shot by cops left and right
>can't do anything without whites getting up in their business/calling the cops on them
Don't even try to play dumb you knkw what I'm talking about.
The non Whites are still bitching about the ebils of (((White people))) and have the balls to take handouts from them even though they hate (((Whites)))
Non Whites are still worse than anything Whites have ever done.
His anti-SJW stance amounts to little when the guy is a pathological liar who running Tekken into the ground with his constant bullshit.
>legacy DLC characters, despite him saying that wouldn't happen
>Jun would come back if he attained 5000 followers on Twitter, never happened
>still no jukebox mode for PC because fuck the playerbase in general, desu (and no, I ain't spending time installing that mod that has no decent installation tutorials, doesn't fucking count, and it's a pain in the ass to set up anyway)
>barebones content at launch
>dumb guest characters like Negan to appeal to the lowest common denominator
>barebones customization to this day
>cut content to be sold as customization items for real money
>story is garbage
>game in general is just shit
>worst Tekken game to date
>less content than Tekken 2
This series is honestly ruined.
t. Tekken player since the first game
Case in point.
to the state they established? Yes, it does.
based japan
Brian peppers is dead.
Population decline is a bad thing for those in power, it greatly benefits the lower classes of society.
Entertainingly enough though this is one of many examples where neoliberals and leftists campaign heavily against the interests of the lower classes because the Right beat them to it.
they aren't
>all these kikes and Slavs trying to destabilize the unity of USA
Niggers, spics and whites all pledge loyalty to our great flag. Sure, we fight among ourselves, but if America is ever threatened by Russians, Chinese or kikes, we stand together to destroy these monsters.
You're right. 5 nukes should've been dropped in both the East and West coast of the US.
>To kill all the lefties and the (((youknowwhos)))
does this mean you plan to thrown in your lot with the radical muslims? Among people in the world they are certainly the ones you share the most in common with and make up the vast majority of that 86% you cited. Seems kind of ironic somehow
What are you implying? Isn't Tekken currently the top dog of fighting games?
But by YOUR logic it's good for them to do so, you can't say we need to remember white achievements but can't remember the other shit.
>the usa wasnt the first state established here you retard.
Yes it was,nomadic tribes are not nations
>continued war native populations dwindled
Wars started by indians because some of the dumbfucks didn't want to collaborate,Rome didn't offer that opportunity to certain tribes in Eastern Europe.
>were uprooted
They had no actual roots to begin with,a civilized state came to them and tried to work with them,some did and some didn't.
In response to the pro-GG board (I don't know what they call them) on reddit, another board was set up called Gamerghazi. This took the second half of it's name from Benghazi, trying to draw parallels between the controversy over the Benghazi embassy attack, which those on the American left thought was overblown and politically motivated, to the GG controversy.
You got that all wrong. Tekken is the series that has broad-shouldered trannies. SFV has literal goddesses. If you disagree you're gay.
Literally this Dick and Flag unity
It is not mocking Che Guevera, but the people who are blindly wearing a t-shirt with his face on it, knowing nothing about his life or socialism
aka hipsters
>to indulge in individualism
This is either written by a 13 year old or a literal retard.
Niggers are killing each other more.
The shirt is mocking the dumb college kids who wear it not Che himself. Fuck I don't even care for the meme and clearly got that. You dumb kid? Yeah think you are dumb. Big dumb poopyhead over here. Hey guys, we got a doodooface on our board!
Laugh while you fight over crumbs.
i dont think you understand the concept of nativity. conquest doesnt make you native
Fucking nice, thanks for the tip
Most "whites" inventors were Jews.
Indians incentivizing the alchohol industry made the US what it is.
Oy vey
Says something when a murderous Muslim is a better Human than you.
>Niggers, spics and whites all pledge loyalty to our great flag
lol no, the more "diverse" USA becomes, the weaker it's gonna be.
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?
Whites have accomplished many things. That is a fact. It isn't racist to point that out.
>Yes it was,nomadic tribes are not nations
no it wasnt you fucking uneducated retard. Go read a god damn book instead of spouting the same talking points over and over again hoping it will make you look strong.
its an obvious fake an an arguemnt to not trust random bullshit you see on t
fuck nevermind just play with your legos dipshit
>hipsters wear che guevera shirts
You're out of touch and I'm not sure if you've ever been in touch.
Don't forget them teaching whites how to farm
Based. Also fuck trannies
Ah a fellow Devilman fan.
>Hu let me pull out number out of my ass without any name or timestamp
Pathetic infograph kys
I want to choke each one of these faggots until they stop breathing.
/pol/ wins again
By the power of nepotism and identity politics
But it also isn't bad to point out the Wrong they did right?RIGHT!?
>all this deflection
>everything is everyone else's fault
I have lost what little respect I had for you.
You are mostly correct but this is Yea Forums, not /pol/.
Fuck off
They didn't conquer anything retard,indian "territory" was just random blobs of space.
>He gives him a Lucky Chloe t-shirt and a special animation where he dances with her when he breaks her 2+4 throw
Pretty fucking based.
What? That reply is based af.
Based and FUCKNIGGERSpilled
>copying bait resetera version of this
Wouldn't expect less from a memethinker.
Saved, and agreed, my good man.
this person looks like they move like an animatronic lmao
Is this Satan female or does it have some demon unconventional gender bullshit going on?
>go read a book
Go read a book that is not the Communist Manifesto tranny
How do you know this? Once you open things up it opens the doors for other things to be let in. It has happened in ever society and always changes the culture.
You shall not pass!
>Lost by 3 million votes
>Still gets elected president
Kill me
At the end of Devilman it's revealed Ryo Asuka is actually Satan and he's got tits and a dick.
We dont need niggers and women on vidyas
It's both male and female
Around 4 millions sales is really good in this age for fighting games.
you dont know what youre talking about, wars were fought over territory, goods were traded over territory. even if literally nothing existed here, showing up and living somewhere doesnt make you native. by that logic whites are native to antarctica as well
Umm k.
You do know that "mark" guy was orignally Asian right? They blacked him up.
That's the angel. And she's a transgirl (yes, really).
better not be because of surgery
>We are actually winning
I cant believe it, bros...
Yeah, sorry. I misread your post.
Anarctica is not a state its a condominium idiot
Yes whites
I am tired too. Faggot ass SJWs need to stay away from game series, they had no interest in, the first place.
Please explain the point of this infographic beside putting together the words "jews" and "slavery"
Profound sadness.
nope, many countries lay claim to parts of antarctica and there are permanent settlements there even if theyre only for research. its clear to me now you legitimately dont know what youre talking about
They told gamers to rise up
They actually did it the absolute madmen
Someone failed history class.
Yes whites
Can you show what "heavy campaining" those people did against South Africa? Can you show a list of every men who did some "heavy campaining" so that we can establish a ratio?
Not taking the bait
>Europeans literally bring Africans by the boatload to North America and Spaniards sleep with everything south of the border
>have the gall to be assblasted that latinos and Africans make up sizable parts of North America
That's the way "western civilization" started. The slippery slope is a fallacy because the issues are individual. If what might happen eventually is the reason why you can't support something that you suspect will lead to it, you're not using logic only suspicions and concluded that you're not willing to chance it. That's the reason why a lot of these SJWs think the way they do: "Don't say nigger because you're normalizing dehumanization and normalizing dehumanization is a slippery slope to much holocaust" "objectifying women in vidya creates an environment where abuse becomes normal".
B-but user, one of his grandfather was a converted jew this make him part of the secret Zionist Council of Samara
Out of touch
Out of time
Bring me back
My Vodka Lime
BASED fuck trannies and fuck niggers
>Nothing about the gameplay, the only thing that matters in a fighting game
>gamers unironically rising up
The fucking state of this timeline
The US wanted to send africans back to Africa,spics in America are a relatevely recent problem,i guess Democrats after the war noticed that there were not enough minorities and they needed more people to vote for them,same thing that its happening here in Europe with other liberal parties.
More like how Slaanesh is empowering the Trans community
Republicans freed the slaves. Even Obama put that in a speech.
>The US wanted to send africans back to Africa
Then why did they start killing the Africans who wanted this to happen like Malcom Xs Father?
You checked the source right?
You know that the first one is an unsourced blogpost right?
That the second one is a 500+ pages book and that the source listed here doesn't help at all?
That the third one is a report where the guy literally removed non-jewish name before adding jewish one, right?
She likes money
This post never fail at scaring away trannies
that firts Notice is pasta tier material
Yeah it's just like how Trump is literally Voldemort XDDDD
you scum sucking son of a bitch bolsheviks killed my family they are jews not white fuck I hate Americans and your commie jew lecturers I want to forcefeed you a glass bottle bottom first every single one of you slimy sacks of subhuman excrement
Das racis
>Muh Jews
>Muh white race
Reading these talking points is so boooooooooring. Please fuck off back to your containment board where the rest of the paranoid fucks are.
Or just an RPing slut for dweebs like you.
>Weimar and the soviet union were jewish
you're free to fuck off back to resetera, fren
yes they very much were
you first, tranny
Commies are white
Yea Forums isn’t your safe space.
One day people that use resetera will be seen as imperialists in foreign nations and killed for shit NPC opinions. That day is ever closer is it not?
Russian are retarded drunkards, you're undermining your point. If they truly were responsible you wouldn't need blatant lies like those
not trying to defend burgers, but I don't think you can trust japan's justice system and by extension that statistic you took
Is this true
>implying a farce nation doesn't believe a false narrative
I'm not offended, I'm just bored stiff at one of the most pathetic things to get uptight about.
it's not the place for for you to raid constantly either.
Go back to your shitty forum.
I agree with the nigger part but most "latins" that the US have before were castizos and criollos from New Spain, not the current indio and mestizo goblinos after 1965 immigration act.
>He responds to bait
No, just a proposal of recognizing post-op as their reassigned genders.
no they arent you heeb animal, and if they are, it's only because you manipulated them into it for personal gain
Except most Latino people are extremely conservative and any legal ones support the wall to stop illegal aliens from making them look like criminals.
Oh, and my favorite game is Mass Effect.
You can feel the high school level understanding of the world emanating from this post.
And yet never as weak as "homogenous Russia"
gee, I'm sorry that being forced to live around shitty muslims is offensive, I just don't want to.
>wanting to talk about something not boring like vidya makes you a resetranny
How did this happen?
youre talking in circles
>Except most Latino people are extremely conservative
Super conservative,that's why they want as much welfare as blacks do and only a small number of them votes Republican,if you mean Latinos outside of the US you are still wrong since most of them are die hard socialists.
homogenous Russia toppled your entire coutry from within and made you cut your son's dick off then feel happy about it
disgusting mutt, you deserve hot iron
>using phrases like intersectional inquisition, SJW, and NPC outside of Yea Forums
god this is embarrassing. like your little brother trying to parrot memes to you at breakfast because he thinks you havent heard them.
They never do.
Haha yep clown world huh? I'm glad you also gave up on defending that shit.
Sorry you asiatic gorilla but you're racially third rate.
it's about how everything in society relates to everything else. in practical use it means "anything you do is sexist because it relates to being sexist"
Harada is based
SJWs deserve a gun to the head.
>This is what Slavs actually think!
I'm the only one responding to each one of you guys' posts.
I can see a clear coordinated effort to quash any attempt at an argument I make, so I won't even bother.
What you guys are spearheading is immoral, and I can only hope they kill you too.
Increase in meat consumption and American food chains.
conservatards get offended far far far more than any sjw I have ever seen on the internet, Infact I never see sjw crying unless it it posted by a /pol/baby conservatard who is crying his eyes out about some no name twitter post, so he spams it everywhere.
This sure is video games.
You posted in a tranny faggot bait thread
It's worse than that, it's literally "I'm not like the other girls" but for faggots.
>cries about /pol/
>posts political memes
do you even read your own posts? I guess politics bad only when it's against importing niggers
They are white and inflected Asia
no i mean youre literally just saying fuck off in slightly different ways each time you reply to someone, youre not arguing for or against anything. nice projection though niglet
>image taken straight from CNN
jews aren't white
>A blonde haired, blue eyed, 6'1" guy is being called a disgusting mutt.
I guarantee I'm less of a mutt than you.
See how easy it is to trigger the /pol/baby? It is an obvious /pol/ bait thread, so i posted political content that you want to pretend doesnt exist because conservatards live in a fantasy world where they are being genocided and are the chosen by god underdogs.
Taken straight from his mouth. his own literal words quoted. You brainwashed cunt.
sure you are Juan. One day you'll turn Super Saiyan too.
You know the entire point is that the people that hate on Whites can't tell the difference between Whites and jews.
go back to twitter retarded boomer
Fucking based
They almost did actually
But i have never used twitter in my life, only conservatard president who acts like a little girl and his republicunt fanbase use twitter along with transexuals no one cares about.
I'm European I don't even know or care who some heeb Cohen is.
Looking at immigration rates, I'm positive we're being ethnically displaced. You can't prove me otherwise.
I don't care about gays or niggers' feelings when my ass is on the chopping block.
Sorry not sorry.
i hate niggers/women/jews
Good thing we have things like history don't we? Humans don't learn, but the redpilled ones can always see the incoming destruction.
you sure are mature and eloquent eith your derogatory barrage, user.
Try t_d, /pol/ hates Trump as much as you do.
I am from Canada but tell me how in the fuck you can be a liberal American when you think infanticide is okay, that the world will end in 12 years because of climate change, and that ignoring federal crimes/illegal immigrants is okay
you fucking retards
do not reproduce, fucking moron.
>Japan forces MTF to remove testicles and FTM to remove uterus and ovaries
Based. Good way to reduce the number of tranny families and call out the fakers who want attention.
That endless perecution complex.
>my ass is on the chopping block.
give me a fucking brake.
cant get no pussy incel hahah
I would say B&R but you forgot the T word
Nice one /pol/tard.
lol u said the word
reddit spacing and completely nonsensical arguments put on me out of thin air. Time to kill yourself
I too am a proud homosexual nationalist. Bang?
Did not see all the crying from the libtards and sjws on election day?
Hint: Trump won aka "Orange Man"
And Russians are
>this picture
Were you trying to prove me right?
>i'm from Canada
You are the one that won't reproduce i'm afraid
brakes are car parts. If jews can coast along on persecution complexes so can I.
Woe is me I'm a poor slav saying anything negative about me is a crime now.
Ok? Thank.
Didnt win the popular vote, and how many of his cronies have gone to jail so far? More on the way.
>muh spacing
answer the question you fucking mongoloid
>literal 40 year old single mother resistance boomer enters the thread
the country, the united states of america, was not founded by natives, you dumpling.
yes you have. You're very transparent.
This. In my circle of friends I'm bombarded by /pol/ shit and edgy Yea Forums poorly researched contrariansm far more than any SJW. Black person on screen? "Look at that forced diversity and tokenism." Gay character? "They're fishing for brownie points." Artist? "Fuck these Californian liberals." Ugly female character? "A fat dyke? How progressive!" Liberal doesn't like something? "Liberals are the real intolerant ones."
Theres no question mark in your previous post.
That the modern nips are creating a weak society and will buckle down to globalism?
You forgot that Ontario just voted in Doug Ford as premier, a conservative.
We're making Canada great again.
pants are just pants, user.
what's kotakuinaction?
Just like the rest of the first world,the second and third world is already in chains.
Yet, nobody acts more stereotypically jewish then you.
No "smoking gun"
Not every day I see such a sad thread. You've outdone yourself this time, Yea Forums
how do you justify the absolute retardation of the left in America
Reminds me when people commited suicide when Obama won
>and then the whole school clapped
Its because Yea Forums is a shothole that no one regulates
But if you're accepting that premise, than one must be the bigger victim than the other.
why are JEWS so EVIL
And we hit the thread limit too.
What does that even mean? You brainwashed retards don't even know how to speak anymore with actual words. You just spout nonsensical memes non stop.
pilpul is a neat trick. Not that hard when your sloped head doesn't impact your prefrontal cortex
lmao the reddit baby still forgot the question mark hahahahaha
They're the generals of Satan.
They're the ones that created Jesus and put him in the Bible to pacify the Christians.
define "white"
>haha im retarded
I hope you are trans so you kill yourself, 40% statistic chance.
I am. Jews killed more slavs than vice versa.
They are not evil per se,they just want all the other races to serve them and are extremely paranoic,its all about dem genetics bro.
The crown giving a merchant class more power and social standing than the peasantry put spite and envy into your DNA.
Anti-Semite piece of shit.
are you going to showcase every single white serial killer?
Try some tyrones, I'm sure the murder rate is higher, since you've drifted away from communism.
As the Founding Fathers said...
You just constantly, endlessly spout memes. Genuinely brainwashed people worse than any dick chopping tranny. in the past 2 days I have seen the 40% statistic posted dozens of times. You people are more brainwashed than North Koreans at this point.
>oppression olympics
cmon, be self aware
no, it's actually because they're inbred into sociopathy. Literally all jews are spawned out of a bottleneck of about 300 people.
Jews don't think they're white we should respect their racial identity
I won't. I am a victim and jews oppressed my people.
I will teach my children to hate them.
It's true, because they are mentally ill people.
>lemme have a lifelong hatchet wound and pretend it's a vagina
kill yourself
Based Bundy
oh, youre larping. carry on then
You aren't fooling anyone.
All you brainwashed republicunts think about are other men's dicks. All day, every day.
>I am a victim
Aren't we all?
No but you're saying that doesn't count because blacks did it too? My point from the start was whites did terrible shit.
why would I larp? I hate them and have every reason to. It's my culture.
The west really likes to push their values on people and call it freedom
Fuck off, you’re the same Western influenced sheep that told japan that homosexuality was bad. Let people decide for themselves
That's weird considering I've heard white people brag about descending from the royal sociopath gene pool.
Actually if you did basic research and not your KKK chat forum, you’d actually not sound like a retard
because that doesn't matter. he doesn't have to tell them anything. he doesn't answer to them.
sure, thats why you claim victimhood and let it control you just like (((they))) do.
>posting based whites
What did he mean by this?
so only anglos are white? what about people of nordic descent?