Why, yes I only play free and open source video games, what gave it away?

>Why, yes I only play free and open source video games, what gave it away?

Attached: csmajor.jpg (966x1200, 109K)

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Would we all look like this except blonde/blue if Hitler won?

>tattoos don't increase sex appe-

I can't think of a single good FOSS game, there's something about open sores autists that make them incapable of fun.

Hitler wouldn't have allowed the use of steroids but at least we would have not seen people like this.

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>wouldn't allow use of steroids
How do you know

Steroids are harmful for human health,there is no need to take them other than for vanity reasons or if you are a wrestler.

They might not be illegal but they would definitely still be used then.

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup would be okay if it was easier to remap controls

what are some good free open source games

>he doesn't know
OH god who's gonna tell him

Freeciv, netHack

I think they were on meth but nothing systematic as far as I know, "socialist paradise" Easter Germany was ironically enough the one known for rampant steroid abuse.

Some soldiers maybe

Know what? There is zero point in letting people take steroids when they can reach peak fitness with no serious health risks by just doing physical training

wasn't the SS all on roids and meth?

The nazis advocated the usage of amphetamines, of course they would allow steroids

Soldiers not citizens

Doom, Quake, System Shock

Nah it was a war propaganda/myth, there's no actual evidence for it.

those arent free or open source

You're an idiot
Nazi Germany was the reason steroids got banned from Olympic events in the first place

Damn Ross Scott looks like that?

bro, you literally just input a ~ and the UI will help you from there

It was a myth, retard.

It was just salty burgers mad that the master race was actually better and decided to spread misinfo, they really never change.

You can download the code and fuck around with it for free. How is that not open source?

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Why did this meme suddenly resurface? Is it because someone re-used it again after it not showing up for a year, then all the newfags thought it was brand new and started using it?

It never left retard

If hitler won we all wouldn't exist right now

Well not in our current bodies but probably as different persons yes

Talk for yourself.

Talk to yourself Amerifat

(and that is a good thing)

>he thinks it's a meme

Attached: hbomb.jpg (800x450, 78K)

>Your receding hairline sir.

Its speak for yourself idiots

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>talk for your yourself

Nice english sub humans

Inb4 merely pretending


Germans were right about you

this one guy has been doing this shit on multiple board every day

I see nothing wrong with that.

Every time I think Yea Forums can't try to force a more unfunny, retarded "meme" I get proven wrong. And yet people here pretend like this place didn't deteriorate to reddit levels.

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But I'm not a Jew.

haha that's the whyguy
us oldfags huh :)