Gets tons of money from Patreon

>gets tons of money from Patreon
>gets tons of shit for free sent to him
>reaches 1 mil subs
>less content than ever
>all videos are now slightly over 10 minutes long
Another one bites the dust

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Other urls found in this thread:

He looks like a faggot. Why would people donate and subscribe to him?

Who is it?

What I dislike about reviewers is that they either side with companies or they side with the gamer crowd. No one ever attempts to voice his own opinion because they’re scared it might be an unpopular opinion.

I've been watching his videos since 2012.
Now it feels more like an obligation than for enjoyment.
A lot of these youtubers start out innocent enough, but they always cave to the money.

I also don't understand why anyone would give away things to ecelebs.

He's a cool dude. His reviews are still interesting, even if retards say it's boring. He isn't "WAHHH!! E-CELEB CANCER INCEL!!!", he is based and redpill and you better believe it.

When the fuck is the next thrift video, Clint.

The passion is gone.

I enjoyed his dos games reviews, but most vid's he post now I don't care about

you know it goes to shit when one shaves his beard

>based and redpilled
>owns a covfefe mug in year of our lord 2019

pick one

liking Donald "let's keep throwing money at Israel" Trump isn't redpilled

Doesn't matter whether you like the hebrew lover or not, covfefe was never funny.

>pre 1mil intro
>comfy mechanical keyboard sounds
>CRT logo

>post 1mil intro
>some neo-80s neon green explosion

Attached: please be patient I have autism.jpg (637x763, 255K)

>He looks like a faggot.
>Why would people donate and subscribe to him?
because they can relate to him.

is this LGR? he's still comfy as all shit and i never even knew he hit 1mil.

Yeah, he went down with quality the last few years, but still uploads some things that are interesting, just to keep it as background noise

people have different opinions. wow

>AFTER DARK cover proudly facing forward
whiteboi at least he knows his place

just me or does this white boy have a bald spot on the side of he head

He used to do almost exclusively video game review, now he does almost exclusively old tech videos. He hasn't lost the way, just changed direction. I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

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this cracker dont know no shit about games. fuck outta here with these old ass white boy games

can't blame him

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Reminds me of bunnyhop

>He obsesses over these games because his sister died when he was a kid and he used to play them with her


He's not a pretentious douche though

Liked him better when he did weird/obscure computer games.

Maybe he's just using that as an excuse to play video games all day.

Thrift videos are comfykino tho.

>makes long videos about games and says nothing of value
Ross Scott is the superior youtuber in every way.

That's what happens to pretty much all passion/hobby channels, they start out enthusiastically and only answer to themselves but when patreon/sub money starts pouring in they feel compelled to cater to the patreon supporters or anything that keeps or increases the cash flow. Whenever they start to make it their "job" a change is noticeable. SSSelloutmanlives is a perfect example. Give it a year or so and Civvie11 will turn out the same, the writings are already on the wall

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he used to make comfy boomer fellatio but now he barely uploads anything worthwhile weeb pilgrimages.., the last couple of videos are full of lazy editing and factual errors.
efame eats your soul.

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he uses the comfy disk drive sounds now

gggman has never said anything of value in his videos. You could replace each one, even the older ones, with scrolling screenshots of each game's wikipedia page and you'd have the same thing.

Fuck, thanks for reminding me. He's one of those patreon vampires people mention, as soon as he got one content slowed down to a trickle and all he does now is travels to Japan and posts about his weeb adventures and how sugoi nippon is.

might as well ask here, does that onion (as in ogres) shit really work for hair?

He was charming and a nice guy in the start. That's how people found him likeable.
He is now arrogant, lazy and seem to not really care or put any passion to what he does.
People keep giving him money cause they still see him as the cool, underdog, entertaining guy and still didn't realize he changed a lot. Changed for worst.

>He is now arrogant, lazy and seem to not really care or put any passion to what he does.
>channel is literally called Lazy Game Reviews
>wow wtf this guy isnt putting in any effort hes so lazy!!!!11

I don't know what you expected.

He will fall eventually, and DPS will walk right over his corpse

Probably ran out of ideas. Anyways, I'm still subbed to him but it's hard to be interested in some 80s tech when those are before my time. I'd rather see him review old games because those I can still get and play.

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What ideas? I'm guessing writing a script for a review can be tough, but his format isn't like AVGN that needs to think about jokes or bits.
LGR is just him talking about his feelings towards a game with the occasional nostalgia trip of him talking about what it was like the first time he played a specific game or used a specific hardware.
Even when talking about brands or machines he pretty much just spews info he reads from wikipedia articles.

He isn't portraying a character or writing jokes. He is just talking about games with little to no depth. And there is plenty of games and machines for him to talk about.

imagine beeing so beta that you donate money/subscribe to patreon to a youtuber.

I prefer 8-Bit Guy to be honest. LGR is technologically inept and all he does is retrobrite stuff.

the virgin LGR
the chad MJR

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I have no issues with people donating to good content creators. They are providing entertainment and some of those are pretty good at what they do and they can only keep doing what they are doing if they have the money to pay the bills.
My problem is, when people don't do anything, become lazy and live of their "brand" and name.
LGR is basically doing that. Not making content and just living of the internet fame he created for the past years.

LGR is just putting on a pathetic persona about things he has little to no real interest in.

I noticed it when I was watching one of his haul videos, or maybe a mailbag segment like a year or two back, he's just pretending to thank people for their absolute tat, because he's just shoving it all into a storage unit anyway.

I think 8-bit guy has some problems, his game is pretty shit and he shills it a bit more than I'm comfortable with, but he doesn't accept any old random crap and he actually fucking grew up with some of the hardware he's taking a look at. He at least feels vaguely genuine as a person, while LGR is a blatant persona, and one that honestly just feels sickening, I can't stand seeing him crop up in 20 second segments in other creator's videos.

I fucking hate YouTubers. After they hit a certain critical mass they always pull a bait and switch and turn their content into the laziest shit imaginable.
>Dunkey now thinks he's a legitimate game reviewer
>Cr1tikal turned into a generic vlogger
>Criken focuses 99% of his effort into streams now
>Demo has become a mediocre streamer
>Kurosai is a glorified discord admin
>Matt Colville has become Critical Role Lite
And the worst part is that fans always EAT THAT SHIT UP. They're more successful than ever and are surrounded by braindead fans who spend every day on their discord or twitch or whatever telling them that they're doing a great job.

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I haven't seen a single video out of the people you listed and only recognize some names because other niggers mentioned them.

There's a solution to your issue, just think about it. Hate is just tiresome.

>why, yes, I am in fact subscribed to Sseth, E;R, and Sassy & Opinionated, how can you tell?

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>subscribed to Sseth
Strange, your picrelated doesn't look like average Yea Forums incel.

Sseth has excellent taste in vidja. His le epic 4channer persona is a bit too on the nose though.

Lazy Gay Retard

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Seeth got lazy over the time

I just find non-abrasive humor sterile and unfunny due to visiting sites like this for a decade now.
Most entertainment plays it too safe for our tastes.

cool eceleb thread

he cute

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Literally who? No seriously. Who is that?

I don't spend all day seething about YouTubers, I just hate that they stop making real content and start coasting on cult of personality once they realize that they can afford to do so. It will happen to your favorites too.

>He will fall eventually, and DPS will walk right over his corpse
In the end, all internet culture will be reduced to nothing but DSP and Guru Larry. Their final battle will bring about Ragnarok, the end of the long Summer, the rebirth of all things.

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>I prefer 8-Bit Guy to be honest. LGR is technologically inept and all he does is retrobrite stuff.
8-bit Guy retrobrites shit all the time too, and fails to tell people the consequences of it.

>unfunny accent autist trying too hard genuinely believing he's a comedy genius
>only know that he exists
>made some funny l4d2 versus videos many yeard ago

Are there any streamers still prolific with their content and worth watching?

Gurry Larry is clickbait shite but he's not DSP-bad.

>It will happen to your favorites too.
Who? I don't think you understood me.


>it's another Sims 4 video

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Holy shit this.

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He’s married to the fatty not cute goblina

>Cr1tikal turned into a generic vlogger
I can still get a laugh, but I miss Gameplay & Commentary. He was way funnier when we didn't know what he looked like.

Something about that guy makes me think that he's probably into orgies and shit...

I mean shit you're not wrong.

Early on his channel got popular for reviewing Sims shit. Now every time some new expansion comes out the teenage girls that play Sims but don't watch the rest of his channel bombard the hell out of him until he reviews it.

LGR ain't bad just different.

tfw you will never cum in her fertile latinx pussy after she comes back home brining you rare video games from her stores


Let’s be honest guys, the only gaming YouTubers really worth keeping up to date with these days are Mandalore and Ross Scott.

Mandalore is super informative about games without resorting to prententious ‘critique’ faggotry. Ross focuses on weird obscure games long forgotten and provides his thoughts about the game in his own unique way.

As for LGR, he’s pretty one note these days
>here’s another old hardware video or computer restoration video
>oh shit time to review another sims expansion pack!
>unboxing random shit for 40 mins
That’s pretty much it from him these days

ecelebs go in

>that last one


yeah this basically summed it up. he talks about vidya like once in a blue moon now.

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Get real, fag. You would do the same if you were rich.

IIRC he made an "I identify as an Apache Helicopter" joke in one of his videos and got trashed for it.

How is he arrogant?

good, talk about late to the fucking party
hasn't been funny for over half a fucking decade

That my friend is Clint "Big Dick" Basinger

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>Early on his channel got popular for reviewing Sims shit.
>the teenage girls that play Sims
It's 30+ (wo)manbabies though.

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FFS can I get sauce on this damn video please? Some guy once told me it's of a gay guy being rode by a girl (hence why he seems uninterested) but yesterday when I googled "girl rides gay guy" I just got a lot of gay guy videos

LGR has fun reviewing dead and weird hardware still. Getting it to work must be a fun challenge for him.
These are the vids I tend to watch more.
Ross is the same with the obscure games he plays. He has a lot of enthusiasm for trying to find gold in shit.

lmao fag

is there anything comfier than lgr and 8-bit guy restoration videos?

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not to defend GGGmanliives specifically but this kneejerk reaction to fluff piece youtubers is such bullshit.

I never got why Yea Forums has such burning hatred for LGR
He seems to know what he is talking about and has interesting videos on obscure tech


LGR is still good, not sure what you're on

Are you retarded?

he is a mental manbabby that hides it badly. His only experience doing any real work is Target Electronics and barely understands how to repair his own shit.

>still good

haven't watched a video of his in over a year despite being still subscribed

convince me to change my ways

>Opens a successful patreon
>Starts uploading more often

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He looks like he stinks of cum. Fuck jannies for not deleting e-celeb garbage.

I think he's running out of ideas. I was expecting more game material but it's now about gimmick plastic devices etc. However he has made literally a ton of content for so many years now it's inevitable the rate of making new material is slower than it used to be.

not OP, but I wish he did more game reviews

>The 8-bit Guy
>that daily routine video where he shows himself manually jogging around
kek I doubt that guy has jogged once in his life before making that video.

She's so cute... Are they in relationship or what's going on here? I never understood what is their relation to each other.

jej or where he bitched at his wife in the video with some comment like "and here's me cleaning the microwave, which my wife says i never do"

Fuck off Metokur, Clint is not responding to you

Looks like a sòyboy

>hating on based Clint

fuck you OP, you probably collect coffee mugs or some other gay shit

>gets ton of subscribers after 30 day Switch launch stunt
>eventually gets enough money coming in to buy an RV
>eventually gets even more money
>leave bumfuck nowhere, move to New York
>"This will allow for so much more content"
>Hang out with Etika
>Literally stops posting.

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>having an intro

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>tfw this happens to a pixiv artist you like

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Tool restoration videos.


I enjoyed his thrift videos but him picking the worst trash and leaving the cool stuff behind drove me a bit mad.

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>He looks like a faggot. Why would people donate and subscribe to him?

This is 2019. Being a faggot is in.

Now, it's no longer cool to be straight.

Name one cool straight person

just watched his latest review. he's doing fine.

I've enjoyed watching older LGR stuff where the snark and commentary was a bit more fun and light hearted and silly, but now you can really see and hear Clint just wanting to make these videos to continue getting ad revenue.

I get it. You pump out a shit ton of videos early on and over the course of years, you just burn out. It's understandable. And mixing up the formula to make a little less quantity with a bit more quality can be a good idea. The problem is that Clint is kind of doing the exact same stuff now as he was two years ago. He said he didn't want to be known as Lazy Game Reviews anymore because he doesn't really review games that much, and everyone just says "LGR" anyway.

To me, it really sounds like he doesn't want to do this at all anymore, and I don't think I can blame him. He seems more excited to talk about stuff that isn't tech related. I mean, he created a whole channel just on him making food, and that was after like one video did somewhat well. He's burnt out, and I'm sure he'll fizzle sooner, rather than later.

>8-bit guy
>boils your NES cart on the stove in a vat of acid to apply a custom label
>mis-wires your Atari ST PSU and burns down ur house
>masturbates to his own family in front of u

idiot retard

Thank god Ross is okay.
I know everyone was worried about that mold but I'm glad Ross was able to work something out with us.

>paying this baby faced homo anything

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he is stuck in a revenue bubble where he can't quit to do "real" work because his resume is all retail dead end memes. He literally started doing the patreon thing because he had no choice job wise and thought he would never get burned out. Then he got burned out and almost quit. And now we are a year or so in and we see the "zombie effect" in full swing. Barely cares, barely does what he did to make him big to start with, mostly does passion projects to keep himself sane even though they get the least clicks compared to other stuff.

name one cool person

>tfw no lgr bf

Most of the youtubers turned into streamers anyways, just like ENB who turned into a massive whining faggot after he gave up on youtube.

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I liked his sandwich videos

>>masturbates to his own family in front of u

It's a shame too, because he started out well. Oh well.

That's because youtube made it harder to survive solely on youtube

Im pretty sure that the reason he quit doing videos is because youtube has mean comments.

That was for the general movement, no idea who ENB is

I liked Trump at the time and I thought covfefe was funny

There are only 5 good YouTube channels:

Do not bother wasting your time with any others, they're all shit, any that you enjoyed a few years ago are fucking awful now. Accept that and watch quality > quantity channels exclusively or better yet stop watching YouTube altogether.

Also subscribe to PewDiePie.

>i like him therefore he's good
/vol/ is pathetic.


>Lazy Game Reviews
It's shit

>sellout seth

lost him after the Dorf video where he stole other peoples footae and only credited them when he got called out.

>Mandalore and Ross Scott
Stop being literally me.

when you stop bumping eceleb threads

You forgot the most important.
>still never got to fuck pushinguproses

This woodgrain sex fetishist gay pervert is a good reason why thrift stores are clogged with shitbags swiping any and every piece of tech and video game. Thrifting was my hobby but I can't compete with neets who spend every day going to multiple thrift stores spending their neetbux.

That means you bump them too then.

whats their connection anyways

The entire reason he got any popularity at all back in the day was from his Sims 3 reviews. Hell its the way I found his channel back in 2012. His Sims reviews are the most viewed on Youtube because he's the only honest reviewer who actually calls EA on their shit.

Clint is beta as fuck. I remember making a joke about how girls take photos of things on one of his thrift videos (one of the photos sent to him by fans was an egirl who totally accidentally and totally because she, like, doesn't care took a photo of her haul with her knees and feet in frame), and he went full on white knight on me about how he hates the stereotype, etc.

>I like this because you can do things and stuff and I don't really know why heheheh
This has been like 90% of his tech reviews for the last two to three years.

He posts hidden gem lists that spike the prices of old games. She runs an old game store. Their relationship is strictly financial although I'm sure she lets him sniff her dirty socks.

Name a bigger patreon vampire

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>game/software reviews and tech tales are his best series
>all he does these days is hardware reviews and restoration

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Imagine how she gets stretched

fucking cybershit

Sort his video by most views.
Sims videos everywhere.

>nboxing random shit for 40 mins
These perplex me the most. Both because I wanna know who the fuck actually sits through this shit and how lonely do you gotta be to send something incredibly rare to a guy on youtube in the thin hope he'll open it in a video someday and make a quick remark before moving on?

I think he just ran out of content. I mean when your shtick is old games you have a limited amount of content to use. Eventually you have to stop talking about ones you like and just scrape the bottom.

>Give it a year or so and Civvie11 will turn out the same
That guy is an annoying unfunny faggot who won't stop trying to shill his shit on /vr/.

Retromancave is 100x better than 8 bit guy and LGR.

So this guy has hidden camera glasses. Not exactly standard issue hardware. And he whiteknights online. I bet if you looked on his computers you'd find a lot worse than pictures of bare knees and feet.

At least Civvie and Oxhorn are still putting out great content on the regular.
Ross is going through some shit, but he just uploaded a video chat.

Attached: oxhorn.jpg (368x368, 17K)

Was pushinguproses in the same chat?
She has Clint by the balls. He would do anything to please her like the beta dong he is.

>after his FO76 review

>giving patreon money to a guy who took nine years to make a video he said he was going to make shortly after his LP of Sonic 2

Honestly, I'm not even mad at Cybershell. It's his donators that are the morons, and they knew what they were doing.

Well all the good ones have been reviewed to death by everyone now. Same with films. Everyone has played Hong kong 97 and seen The Room.
I have expect most of them to start reviewing "ironic" bad films and games.

I feel like this has happened with AVGN

James never liked AVGN character. He doesn't even play videogames that much and bad at them.

look at his channel currently. He's completely burnt out on f76. He only posts 76 videos when he's working on something large and needs a short filler episode, like when he's doing more LA Noire or going through an isometric fallout

Also he started going through FO2, and does streams of Metro.

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Supergreatfriend is the most based youtuber, just because he only do videos because he enjoys it and he doesnt even jew for patreon or stream money.

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>"Yo Yo my niggas whaddup?"
>It´s your boiiiii, NGR up in this joint!"

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i thought black people hated being called boy. or is this another "our word" kind of shit.

easy allies are the best youtube husbandos.

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it's less a slave thing and more a "missing authority figure" thing.

The money he gets is just for using Twitter to bitch about Trump all day, he has had nothing to do with Video games for years.
It's sad. I still like the Phantasmagroia playthrough and Ripper.

I still believe.

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L. A Beast the only one keeping it real.

No love for /ourchildsoldier/? He's Mandalore when the pills stop working.

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I can't believe Spoony just became another one of THOSE.
I mean for fuck sake. There is nothing more typical to be, and I used to like him because he was the most atypical guy I knew.

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I miss his old format though. The new format is still entertaining but it's not exclusively video game.
Still, I like that he's still a niche channel not exploding into fame like Fitz.

This guy, despite being an actual autist, is pretty funny and surprisingly hardworking since he's playing five different people in his sketches. Too fucking bad I'm gonna witness his fall much earlier than possible since he's butthurt about Yea Forums for the 100th time

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So when the pills stop working, Mandalore stops also playing the games he talks about himself? He should take those pills more often.

Hey, hey, people. German Egyptian Kang from Nigeria here.

Came here to post about him. Literally the only game related youtuber I give a fuck about, and the only decent one at that I imagine.

There is no hivemind, user.
Individuals have different feelings about things.

>since he's butthurt about Yea Forums for the 100th time
elaborate please

Do I need to? This is the same guy that believes GGGmanlives and Jimpressions are the pinnacle of reviewers

If you want a serious answer, its because of how racist the site is. Yeah he's one of those

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Only stuff he did that was any good was the obscure hardware and games now I have no clue and unsubbed ages back

What are the consequences? Tell me!

Spoony's content hasn't aged well for me since I got older and discovered that 80% of his humor consists solely of references, just like all of the other TGWTG fags and wannabes at the time.

>Let’s be honest guys, the only gaming YouTubers really worth keeping up to date with these days are Mandalore and Ross Scott.
I feel like every day you fucking zoomers have some new YouTube heroes that I've never heard of before, and just as quickly you forget about them.

I've been watching LGR for years upon years. Who the fuck is Mandalore? Who the fuck is Ross Scott? Will they still be making videos next week?

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>only youtuber that literally everyone agrees its good
>its not even video games

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Yeah, especially when you realize that the fucker didn't know what he was talking about most of the time, even on subjects that he claims to be an expert in. The Pumpkinhead video is the worst, he outright claims to be an expert on shitty b-movies, and he's never heard of Pumpkinhead. He says it like we should all nod in agreement, but that movie is literally one of the most famous b-movies of all time, and arguably one of the best horror movies of the 80's.

Fucker didn't know his head from his ass.

Rubbing old plastic with bleaching agents, potentially fucking long-term material integrity just to make it look good for videos and ebay auctions. It will just yellow again eventually.

Attached: vintage yellow.png (498x400, 231K)

He's just one of those guys you can't hate

Did he fuck PuR or not?

It makes the plastic more brittle, and it will yellow again even faster. Retrobriting is retarded.

>its because of how racist the site is
on one hand, the shitty 12 year old nazi larpers who own /pol/ are the face of the site, and are REALLY annoying.

On the other hand, 13%...

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Thanks but isn't the plastic going to get brittle as fuck within a couple decades anyway as the softeners in the material dissipate?

Ross started the Freeman's Mind series back in 2007 you dingus
he's a veteran of youtube

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Did Broteam ever finish that indie film? I stopped giving a shit about him a while ago but he does nothing but rant about pedophiles on his Tumblr and vegetate while playing shitty games on Twitch. Looks like seeing a doctor did absolute jack shit for his mental health problems.

Ross has been making videos since 2006, retard.

He's just boring

And I still haven't heard of him.

>all videos are now slightly over 10 minutes long

Why is that so common, is that some kind of sweet spot?

>image manages to be more and more relevant as the years pass

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He has stupid fucking facial hair and I hate him. Nah, he's great. His content focus is very narrow and clear and there's little room for any kind of ideological bullshit to slither its way in. Funny since his entire channel is constantly touching into the military and foreign policy and history and all of that stuff, just like Forgotten Weapons.

His whole fucking crew gives me the vibe that they are a local fetish troupe with some doms and subs going on.

Can only get money from youtube for 10min long videos.

I remember hearing somewhere (probably not from LGR himself) that viewers tend to tune out if a video is longer than that. If they're genuinely interested in the video and they're invested in the channel, 10 minutes is fine so long as they're not daily.

This too.

Supposedly ten minutes is the optimal time to maximize audience engagement, which is important because the YouTube algorithm doesn't just look at views, but also time watched. I'm not sure if the 10 minutes thing has been true for years though since there's been plenty of long form content on the site that gets viewed to death now.

>all of those shit just so he can makes his real passion come true: Making a cooking show
fucking based

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Thanks for bumping the thread, retard.

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>Making a cooking show
It's american cooking show, why would you want to watch that?
>makes a perfectly fine sandwich
>eats it with half a pack of crisps
The fuck?

>letting other people's opinions affect you
no your pathetic

It's depending on what's used in the plastic. Some of my old electronics are getting more creaky with the years maybe. Plastic getting brittle shouldn't be much of an issue for computer cases or cartridges, its worse with cables hardening and ripping open on their own and rubber membranes in input devices drying up.

>makes a perfectly fine sandwich

>he has had nothing to do with Video games for years.
After his Fallout 2 stream I wouldn't trust a word he said about video games again. The guy is an absolute fucking moron.

It doesn't make plastic more brittle, it just hydrated the oxidation at the surface. It doesn't even penetrate the plastic
-t model builder

>being this new

Like two years ago he decided to start copying 8 Bit Guy and Techmoan, but I already watch 8 Bit Guy and Techmoan and both of those guys know a hell of a lot more about electronics than LGR does. His videos on the topics are so obviously surface level it's a waste of my time.

Of course the issue for him is that there's only so many "old games". He's been reviewing them and talking about them weekly for like 10 years now, there aren't any left so he needs a new topic.

>I-I saged it! W-with picture that automatically removes sage!

Also, thanks for staying in thread you hate and taking my dick even deeper up your ass, fagboy.

>Official /ourguys/
Joseph Anderson

What are the types of people who fund youtubers patreons?

Solver Squad is still pretty funny though.

E;R is funny but the waiting is unbearable

I wish Max0r put out more Arma clip videos. Does he still stream at all?

wow a fat gaymer mememan with granny glasses and shitty hair and beard
really stands out from the crowd

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>that time Yea Forumsirgins got butthurt over him using other people's dorf fort videos for his review
>even the people who made those videos told them to stop being retarded

>he doesn't know

oscurus lupa and her feminist bullshit ruined him making everyone turn their back on him

>Yea Forums memes everywhere

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Who is he?

Shut up Civvie no one likes you.

>Ross is going through some shit
He isn't though, the mold has been defeated.

>live in a good, low cost area somewhere in America
>make youtube videos
>stroke of luck become e-famous and hit a couple hundred thousand subs
>money starts rolling in
>hey I know what's a good idea, increase my cost of living by 7000% and move to either New York or LA
>they either bankrupt themselves or just disappear
Why do so many of these retards do that?

>he's butthurt about Yea Forums
But he was right about calling /vr/ a bunch of faggots.

Keep taking it deeper, bitch.

It's shockingly relevant

>tfw I've been subscribed to him since 2009 because of his depth dwellers and vinyl goddess from mars videos
>he barely makes videos like this any more
>he barely does tech tales any more
>he barely does oddware anymore
>it will be edutainment month soon
>it will also suck
Maybe it goes hand in hand with PC gaming also going to shit in the early 2010's but man the classic console guys like my life in gaming are just so much better.

he does some good stuff but he can act like such a pretentious retard at times it's almost infuriating, the demon souls video he did is pretty much

I guess Yea Forums would like a group of contrarian bitter losers

keep going, I want to see you try harder

Mathewmatosis, Chris Davis, Mandalore Gaming.

TBF, I thought I knew a lot about B-movies and I had never heard about PumpkinHead either.

Wasn't last year's edutainment month really lackluster? I remember binging through his older vids right before it started and just feeling kind of bored by his latest selections.

Not sure if he's just worried that his new stuff is going to suck so he keeps procrastinating on shit (which is something I can relate to) or if there's other stuff going on. People always assume that someone's output slows down because "lol lazy," but people don't put a ton of work into something and then suddenly lose interest just because the money comes in. If that was the case, musicians would always stop their output once they release a decent album and just invest the income wisely instead of chasing after another platinum record. People who lack self-motivation or who only work because they're worried about being homeless don't seem to understand that.

>tech tales
That actually takes work, editing and researching. When you can make the same amount of money filming yourself poking a screw driver at your shitty 486 clone and interjecting some gay ass laughing at nothing at all every 45 seconds that's what you do. Only people who are passionate about their work do the tech tales style content and Lazy Game Reviews Man clearly hasn't given a shit about this stuff in at least 4-5 years.

Yeah bro, free shit and universal income now so everyone can just do what makes them happy xD

Damn, he really took care of himself. How can I achieve such a physique?

Yeah, I find myself going back to his early stuff more and more often. He's probably one of the few channels where the early stuff is still watchable and more often than not superior to the newest videos despite much lower production value and general editing knowledge.

Getting spitroasted by niggers while your crush you've e-whiteknighted for 6 years now watches burns a lot of calories

He seriously needs to do more research when it comes to his electronics videos. For the longest time they've boiled down to his opinion generally being he likes it but isn't so why he just does and then he spends five or six minutes trying to play Doom with a device clearly not meant for Doom.

> soiboi clearly didn't read the post

C&Rsenal has consistently gotten better and scaled their channel up with additional funds. Only counter example I can think of


he should stop doing the combover, it looks ridiculous. he looks like a fucking clown. what a cuck.


30 idiots still giving him money. he could have maintained the barest schedule and have made decent cash

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What does this guy do? I assume he has been more popular in the past.

Think part of the issue is with stuff like tech tales it takes a lot more time to make one and because he's on patreon he has to crank shit out at a rapid pace or risk losing money.

At the risk of outing myself as a numbskull, I don't know who this guy is either. What was his best stuff?

Fuck you, i like civvie.

Never tried it

He made videos about Sonic. I quite liked them but he hasn't done shit in ages.

>Wasn't last year's edutainment month really lackluster?
Yeah, but from my view as a 10 year watcher it feels like a gradual decline. The introduction of tech tales and oddware were fantastic additions. Edutainment month the past few years has gotten really lackluster. A gradual decline.

comically self-aware sonic autist who made well know LPs 10 years ago, came back shortly before mania's release, dropped some actually funny content, started a patreon promising he wouldn't take the money and run, then took the money and ran

autists, remembering everything, haven't let it go and it's been almost 2 years

>only a couple hundred thousand views
I remember what 300k views was crazy, now that doesn't seem impressive at all. Also this guy barely has any subs, the fanbase must have been super autistic and all gave him money. Usually you need 400k or 500k subs before you get enough paypigs to make a Patreon worthwhile. Audience participation rate is usually very low.

10 minutes is the minimum to get the youtube bucks.
thats why when you watch some shitty youtuber who needs the money, they stretch out their videos as much as they can to reach the 10 minute mark.
and i fucking hate when they do that because they start talking real slow, or repeat themselves over and over again.

My favorite is when they have minute or longer long end slates, and still only barely get to 10 minutes.

>makes 4 hour videos
>runs no ads
>doesn't have a patreon or a way for fans to fund
>encourages everyone to comment and engages with most viewers
>does it all for you

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This guy is really based. Really shame about the copyright shit he is in.

If there's ever anyone who doesn't deserve it, it's him. I'm looking forward to what he'll do to fill the gap, but it's a damn shame he's getting shit like this.

youtube and ecelebs are fucking cancer

*appears in your recommended section*

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>13 years later
>youtube still refuses to give you a filter tool to permanently blacklist channels from appearing for you

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Does this still count if the proper video ends at like 08:30 and the youtuber has the rest of the segment dedicated to begging people to check patreon and his social media followed up by the end slate? I usually close the video once the begging starts.

>the fanbase must have been super autistic
it's sonic, that goes without saying

step up your game bro.
This chad is making $500 per month by doing literally ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

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doo-doo-doo-doo doo doo-doo~

>almost 300 replies
absolutely based mods

Real life Dick Suckem.

i live in the same city as lgr
the thrift stores here are so unbelievably bad-- it makes total sense that it's taking ages for a new episode

>i live in the same city as lgr
>the thrift stores here are so unbelievably bad-- it makes total sense that it's taking ages for a new episode
Have you seen him parading down the street sucking dick after dick?

I watch LGR because he seems passionate about old computer tech and I didn’t know about a lot of the shit he finds and describes. He looks like he is made of pure soi but the vids are watchable enough.

The modern tech industry is full of Apple and Google shills who are happy to destroy the past so the idea that companies were working on say voice activated home automation in the early 1990s is really interesting and not at all talked about.

I don’t donate to the guy and if he starts sucking I’ll just go somewhere else. If there is a better YT channel in the same wheelhouse please tell me about it.

The dude made an "ORANGE MAN BAD" type comment in one of his videos and I immediately unsubbed. I was subbed to him for years. He isn't redpilled.

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>five minute video
>first forty five seconds is the same intro everyone's seen a million times over
>last two minutes are shilling some paid youtuber subscriber program for exclusive content
Still love you Big Herc.

Who cares really? I'm still voting for the orange man's re-election. There's no real winning move other than giving leftists a middlefinger.

Who's this guy? Google doesn't tell me much

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He only has to do that or else Pushing up roses will pull the rape alarm on him.

Started watching Mandalore a few weeks ago. Bretty gud. I like how he describes mechanics while critiquing them in a logical way. In other words, reviewing the game. Something you can’t get so much these days on the big game sites like Eurogamer.

Why does this happens to everyone? Superbunnyhop also bit the dust

nearly on red, does anime analysis in several hour long videos. Puts all other anime youtubers to shame especially digibrony and super eyecuckwolf

Is this the channel for underage faggots to watch and parrot his opinions, thinking they know jackshit about old vidya?

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>digibrony and super eyecuckwolf
Don't forget Mother's Buttplug

Oh shit, is there finally an anime reviewer that isn't a giant faggot like those three?

He's been doing this shit for years. He's perfectly fine. It just happens that turning anything into a source of income can lead to burnout. He's talked about it before. He still has fun with what he does overall and his videos are nice. Even the food channel is entertaining. He's grown (insofar as income and YouTube "worth") but that's not what's "changed" him. He's older and this is his business. There's still effort and care being put into every video.

Stopped watching him after he kept shilling that shitty rap group.

I stopped watching Super Bunny Chłop and unsubbed once he started shilling socks with his mug on them. That shit was everywhere at one point and I had enough.

Pushinguproses is here guys everyone be on your best behavior


Where the fuck does this guy put all the shit he gets anyway? Think of all the duplicates he gets too

It's basically college level analysis while also being a genuinely good guy.

Literally who

>hour and 10 minute analysis of a 21 minute long anime episode
Now this is autism

anyone like kliksphilip?

his game making journey videos make me wish i had been more productive in ny teens

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It is the batshit insane SJW he answers to.
The man clearlly has a boner for her. So he goes along with the orange man bad shit to get a chance for her snatch.

>>youtube still refuses to give you a filter tool to permanently blacklist channels from appearing for you
I just disabled all that shit with µblock origin.

I just hate seeing people that kept the politics out of their shit putting little jabs like that in their videos.

Holy fuck Mothers Basement is such a faggot.
>False rape accusations dont really happen.

jabbing at political figures has literally existed forever, i wish you oversensitive drumpftards would get a grip and remember the shit bush and clinton got during their terms

he's trash, but his shitting on Steins;gate 0 is on point

Glass Reflection is all right, been following the guy a while so it's been interesting seeing him go from cringey anime convention origins to a somewhat presentable youtuber with good editing.

gigguk is all right for the memes.

anime youtubers are kind of autistic most of the time.

also irish youtubers need a fucking potato famine already

I think it it does go on for tad too long, but there really isnt any filler there.

gee, it's almost like he has the word lazy in his name

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>Gets paid for shitting out 100 tweets a day, every day

Based and addictionpilled

He doesn't though, he officially rebranded himself a little while back

When did Jack let him back on Twitter? I thought he was permabanned

tfw the only tf2 youtubers putting good stuff out are funke and uncle dane

kind of amazes me that the quality of their output is so consistently high. most people started playing flavour of the month stuff to get bigger. muselk is just a fortnite whore now and jerma is a twitch whore. no idea what happened to ster.

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I live in Seattle, I've met MJR a few times. He's a cool guy.

Why do you hate white people so much?

So they definitely belong to a BDSM club then

He just got a slap on the wrist, sadly.

It's true. I recently found a girl I know watches his channel, but pretty much exclusively for the thrifts & Sims videos.

Sad! It will never work.

That thot is trash anyway.

>Joseph "self-published author" Hamsterson
>Ggg "can't play FPS games for SHIEEET" manlives


>shitty video shows up
>click on the "..." menu
>not interested
>yt pops a "tell us why nigger" choice
>select "this channel is a faggot"
is this not enough
what do you mean

>A lot of these youtubers start out innocent enough, but they always cave to the money.

Implying you wouldn't.