Why don't you build a PC, user?

why don't you build a PC, user?

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Why was I never molested by a hot woman as a boy, I fucking hate my life

My current one's chugging along enough for me to play most games, too poor for it otherwise.
And no cute girl with big titties is ever gonna help me build a new one.

You weren't a cute boy, obviously.


>tfw still look fondly back on past vacation memories

I already have, waiting for CPU prices to drop because my 4th gen i7 is bottlenecking emulation. Being dripfed tech sucks

Harsh truth

>build PC because laptop broke and Yea Forums tells me consoles are a meme, have no games, everything gets ported to PC anyway
>okay, build mid tier PC
>all I do is play console ports and emulate, some games literally don't launch, not even good for fapping because it's comfier in bed, huge lag time between console release and PC port (which is often busted)
I'm buying a PS5 to compliment my Switch next gen.

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>he doesnt know
stick a good cooling onto any fucking gen, just as long as it overclocks. then clock it as high as you can. you need singlethreaded performance way more. chasing newest shiniest 256 core toys wont help much.

Is this the ERP thread?

but i already have? i would like to get a new monitor tho. are there any pc monitors with DPL and so on?

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i already have mate, but i'll probably buy an SSD later this year.

No it's the shota thread, go away.

imagine being this much of a brainlet you cant launch fucking G-A-M-E-S LMAO

imagine being poor

I'm not black enough to invent my own PC

>buy game at launch (I know)
>literally won't launch
>post about it in Steam forums
>nobody can find a reliable fix

do jap kids really get molested by Onee-sans?

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I did and I hate it.

is a i9 even worth it at this point

ss has to be the worst of the normie fetishes

>he wasn't molested

Actually not that great, BUT worth the man points sure.

Aren't Japanese women tiny, where does a fantasy like this come from?

But I did user, it's getting pretty dusty, it's been months since I last used it, got me a {{{gaming}}} laptop and I can't go back, I just love being able to play anywhere I want, my bed, my patio, at a friend's, at my sister's

do american kids really save the world from thanos?

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No Onee-san save them from the bullies

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I'm gonna need to see the next few panels here user.

okay poopy nigger

Sounds like that will be a better fit for you. Consoles will always have their place as idiot-proof game boxes for the non-enthusiast.

I was molested by a man when I was a kid and I can't even forget this shit even though it was 2 decades ago

funny, the kid ends up with the blonde loli afterwards

>imagine being a brainlet

this is going to 404 but did you always know what happened?

Sorry, bud.

The artist is shit though. She is very poorly drawn.

>mfw my Nip has progressed enough to understand what she's saying

I'm very, very slowing leaving this dirty EOP world behind bros.

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I was a very cute boy, my mommy says so

>the artist is shit
sure thing, picasso

Gibe translation pls

What are they saying?

you're poor drawn

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I was molested by a woman when I was 10 or 11. It was at a waterpark. I was about to jump into the pool when a woman pinched me in the ass really hard. Was pretty painful, actually.

What do I win?

>hey, hey, wear this
>it will make you feel good
>lets put it on

I want to RAPE a little boy!

i can't build onee san.

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Good choice

My neighbors cousin made me eat her pussy when I was a 10. She was ugly and it was gross. I now have a huge fetish for straight shota and eating pussy

>caring about what a fetishlet has to say
Hope someday you get some taste.

big sister, big sister~ arrive this

if you arrive after good feeling thing die . demon . book~