The Escapist issued an apology

how about that?

Attached: 65483.jpg (1200x800, 226K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does Quartering looks so unhealthy?

when is all this culture war shit going to end

What are you talking about autist

When trump leaves I guess

When it stops making money

>escapist write an article about how he is a pedo/homophobe/racist/whatever
>he loses his sponsors and is demonetized
>they apologize afterwards, but he is still broke

I imagine the above happened. It has happened more than once.

When one side crushes the other and the divisive cancer that is (((liberal democracy))) is abolished.

Thats what vydia does to you

did he get woke why he’s now broke?

What was the original article he's apologising for? It's been taken down now.

sjw are really obsessed with this guy. Is he canadian?

>yfw Thomas Hobbes was right

Attached: 1551012390021.png (501x421, 284K)

Unironically this. Nobody gives a shit about any of this, it just gets them money so they pretend. It's snakes fighting snakes, or "jews" as I like to call them

I have still not heard of him even once outside of tranny discord OP images. Don't even know his name.

This shit has been going on since before Trump though

Fuck this nazi.

how many chins do you think he hides under his basedbeard?

"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.

Hes posted all over Yea Forums some group of sjw faggots really have it out for him.
Its been a year.

reminder to sage all tranny threads until they finally kill themselves

Attached: 12414ofob621.jpg (2320x3088, 804K)

Considering it's deliberately engineered to keep the general populace in-fighting and ignoring class-based inequality, not for a while.

He eats the quarterpoundering

When and how?

>The Escapist issued an apology
for what?

>Fat beta cuck reeeeeeeeee-piller making money off betafag welfare on patreon gets BTFO and now has to learn how to code

Attached: 1526837799118.png (474x720, 296K)

I've only seen videos of this guy posted here, and every single one is fucking retarded.
Honestly, if someone asks "What a gamer is" just point them to this faggot.

He looks like he could get some more sleep but that guy is just a totally average looking lad.

When both sides stop feeding on each other's outrage and hate like some symbiotic relationship.

Imagine still being a commie LARPfaggot even after the jew abandoned it. Antifa are useful idiots of the establishment btw

who ?

The dude seriously needs to shave that fucking beard. Trim it, do something with it because he looks like a fucking yeti.

Jeremy is such a fat, disgusting neckbeard. He should be ashamed of himself, just look at that fucking face, makes me sick to look at it.

Attached: (((WARSKI))).png (393x540, 24K)

I can tell you're american. There's absolutely no way someone can look at and not see an unhealthy obese loser.

so this guy just complains about stuff and makes all his videos over 10 minutes for ad revenue?

sounds like your average parasite

you are just jealous

How so? He's definitely overweight but in this picture everybody shitposts with he doesn't look bad otherwise. No worse than someone you'd pass on the street.

I agree fellow gamer, this is his worst video by far

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I'm not a commie

poor guy. i dont like him, but thats horrible. He should sue the escapists for all the net revenue he lost from sponsors.

>he is broke
dont trust you, he poses himself as a guy with plans, i bet he has money in his account and had plans to if shit like this happened. If he doesnt it just shows his lack of foresight

Imagine getting obliterated by this retard. This drooling fucking tardboy is schooling these people and its baffling.

Nah, he is perfectly healthy. Jeremy is actually in really good shape.

40% of this thread will be dead soon, it's kinda spooky really

like talking to ghosts almost

Attached: 1551449636439.png (738x669, 186K)

>sjw are really obsessed with this guy
right. that's why i keep seeing threads of his ugly mug around here you fucking retard.

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You're objectively wrong. He's an obese neckbeard retard.
But like all americans, keep telling yourself these are positive traits.

Why is this guy's fanbase so fucking autistic

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this webm lol

Fuck you incel frogposter,LGBT are here to stay forever. Your children will be trans haha

Circles are a good shape

It's his beard. It looks like he never washes it.

can you explain to me how he's different from some shitty tabloid like the escapist?

every single video of his is a hitpiece clickbait opinion piece, his entire channel is basically a reverse SJW clickbait website

Stop spamming yourself on this board every fucking day you hack fraud.
Nobody is obsessed with him except the fuckers who post him here. You think they're obsessed with him because you're constantly bombarded with any instance of him being argued with.

Good. Read this and tell me you aren't happy about it happening.

What a brilliant move to future sponsers, by the way.

Attached: 1551459492444.jpg (1080x1675, 874K)

>this guy is really obsessed with sjws. Is he canadian?

You are actually objectively wrong. Jeremy is a fit specimen and you are just jealous. This is typical mentality of those envious of USA. Work on that attitude son.

Attached: usa eagle pepe.jpg (720x720, 69K)

the fact you people have such high suicide rates pleases me greatly

how can we get trannies to kill themselves at a higher rate is my only question

Attached: GQz6vnK.jpg (2059x1697, 339K)

Didn't he get beaten up by a tranny?

Attached: 1545170140931.png (796x675, 209K)

Yes? Are you retarded? You think these threads are supportive? The thread is always started with the same image and an OP poking fun at the guy. Does your caretaker know you're on the internet unsupervised?

Ah yes, the completely SJW free 4channel board. No Resetera trannies to see here, no si- ma'am.


Attached: 197.jpg (680x907, 81K)

I'm not happy

>The thread is always started with the same image and an OP poking fun at the guy.
No it isn't. Also Jeremy got caught on /tg/ samefagging. He literally browses Yea Forums and uses it as an advertising platform.

Attached: 27 results of autism found.png (946x788, 424K)

Stop being so obsessed with Jeremy, do you want his mutilated penis in your mouth?

Attached: 1440220675611.gif (352x370, 1.78M)

Learn how to code


I Guess You Were DROPPED By Your Parents Because They Didn't LOVE You, user!

> claims to be mad that LGBT are being used as tokens to cultivate an identity to increase sales
>cultivates and sells a counter identity

Attached: 1528574177409.jpg (423x287, 28K)

would love to see this fat fraud take on a left wing intellectual like destiny

would not go well for him

Attached: 27666eda0cc50b16b0cbd6e7d13d03d7351522b8.jpg (535x652, 70K)

I wouldn't be happy if you lost sponsors/employment because someone spread lies about you either even though you're a twat.

Trump being president gives these people the feeling of “legitimacy”. They always point that out when others tell them to stfu.
Gamergate thing was mostly despised by everyone and was considered to be cancer. Hell, moot fucking banned everyone here who attempted to start another gg thread afaik

>Learn how to code

Sounds like a typical nazi white supremacist dog whistle, fuck off racist.

Attached: clown pepe.png (512x512, 112K)

It's already starting to stop, huge media firings and mass flops of politically charged movies/games.
The media has been baiting controversies for hate clicks and advertisement, now there's mass distrust and political exhaustion.

Speaking of autism, you apparently cannot gauge when someone is being facetious if you think those threads aren't an invitation to come circlejerk over how evil this guy is. Man, you must have been bullied a lot and most of it went right over your head. Sorry, man.

>obnoxious beard
>got punched in the face and didn't even fight back
He is a literal soiboi disguised as a "redpiller".
Why do people like him?

>intellectual like destiny
lmao, got roasted by Faulk over race too
fuck the youtube "intellectuals" on other ramblers who play vidya and think they know everything

Those all sound like pretty good reasons to me.

Almost once a week we get some random Quarterpounder thread, Gamergate is over, pack up and go home, no one cares anymore.

>spread lies
What lies are being spread about Jeremy? That he has a working penis?

Attached: kibbler.png (631x941, 232K)

Faulk was literally a Minecraft letsplayer, retard.

Fuck you incel white supremacist.


>:ok_hand: meme starts
>:ok_hand: meme gets adopted by actual nazi's
i'm just using it ironically haha

Attached: nazi.jpg (1200x675, 142K)

That's quite the projection, my man.

Imagine actually losing in a debate to Destiny. You would have to be a mega retard, but fuckboys like No Bullshit somehow manage it.

>trannies make same thread everyday
>everybody recognizes it and calls them out
>thread is filled with images reminding them that half of trannies neck themselves

is this some sort of sadomasochist thing?

Attached: 5555555.jpg (927x1644, 565K)

Only if you play little sissy games that don't make you think for your wins

Attached: Z.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>wtf guys I'm just roleplaying as a nazi why isn't WOTC letting me back into the game?

Attached: HasbroRevolt.png (597x116, 11K)

>you think those threads aren't an invitation to come circlejerk over how evil this guy is
Considering OP wanted us to sympathize with and be happy for him over what happened...

Is that cokeski playing in the pig farm?

SJW boogeyman syndrome

How embarrassing for the manlet.

Attached: 1529700413331.jpg (244x295, 32K)

imagine unironically watching this manlet

Attached: 4124124y2.jpg (720x591, 42K)

The average fatigue of a onions boy cuck how can u not tell user

stop posting this right wing piece of shit on Yea Forums

That actually was funny.

>gets reduced to a gibbering retard by that other retard Sargon of all people
Yeah no


how do people watch this shit i went to see what this guy was about.

>abused and threatened daily just for existing
>prone to suicide
These two things can't possibly be linked...

Maybe he should spend less time watching fucking She-Ra.

posting a video by "antifa enthusiast"
why do you trannies stink this place up so much

>orange man bad

If you can find a picture of his body proving that this man is fat I will gladly concede. If this picture is all were going off of, I suspect you are either confusing his beard for some jowlieness or are just being a meanie. From that picture it actually looks like he has strong shoulders. Are you one of those effeminate European homosexuals that I have heard about?

What the fuck is that?
Nigga looks like a boglin

Attached: download.jpg (308x164, 7K)

Hope he sues

white knight

How badly his Hasbro boycott failed? Yeah that was pretty funny.

Attached: HamblyStormer.png (642x311, 39K)

they are trying to destroy him. last year he was in some mtg controversy
It attracted some literal lgbt tranny discord. They waddled into /tg/ and have been harassing the board since and they post threads about this guy. A year later.
Its just insane sjw. They think this guy is some sort of alt-right figure they even assaulted him in public ( a tranny too)

>dad's face

Attached: cdc.jpg (577x537, 33K)

you deserve it faggot, disgusting mentally ill freaks who will never be real women

hope every tranny in this thread ropes

Attached: 1551077509057.jpg (900x1200, 279K)

go cry cis male

Faggots are sick and disgusting though.

>american "male"
>passive aggressive hissfit response punctuated by :)
Every single time.

I can't tell anymore if this is just lefties pretending to be /pol/tards or if people actually believe this shit.

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Is there's such a thing as being an emotional hostage? I imagine this is what it looks like.

>wtf why are advertisers moving away from me??


it's the new chomsky

Attached: us59vgufxof21.jpg (718x835, 67K)

How do I explain to my daughter incest is it actually?

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Sponsors shouldn't be damaged because they chose to drop a sponsorship. If I was a sponsor I would just stop sponsoring youtubers and just go directly through google

Never expected it to succeed, just an attention grab. Why you save so many tweets form some edgy neckbeard?

It was enough to make Jeremy quit Twitter for days because of his health, lmao

I cant stand to watch Destiny literally cuck a guy and fuck his gf, both swedes too

That's pretty much the worst possible way he could've handled it, but that doesn't really justify libel.

You can't have it both ways, user.

you will never be a real woman
give in and get the rope

Attached: Dp1xtObWwAENxyOffsfsf.jpg (1139x1200, 134K)

>that kid is probably shitposting in this thread right now

Shut up nigger lover.

If you look closely you can see the shades of the tears

That is a pretty fuckin' good one.

dude they literally make threads on the /tg/ board about wanting to harm him.
Thats not /tg/ related.

gamergate is not over.

Jeremy is a hero and role model to us all.

They're going to birth the Avatar just so you know

>orange man good

This thread was started and maintained by the leftist gamers union
get used to it fascists, we're in charge now :)

Attached: 4124214f4414124.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

>everyone is a tranny who opposes me
weird world you think we live in

EVERYONE who WRITES like THIS could die in a FIRE and NOTHING of value would be LOST

>Never expected it to succeed, just an attention grab. Why you save so many tweets form some edgy neckbeard?
Because its funny to laugh at him. His kiwi farms thread is a pretty good read (or it was, I haven't been to kf in ages).

And Jeremy absolutely expected it to succeed. And it failed, hard.

Also didn't he get totally shitfaced and ended up humiliated by Jim a while ago? What happened with that?

Attached: 1544256406985.png (1314x1610, 1.27M)

>those threads aren't an invitation to come circlejerk over how evil this guy is
They're not, you fucking retard. They're forced garbage which are filled with people circlejerking about how him being retarded because we're rejecting your forced politics bullshit. Get the fuck off of Yea Forums you fucking parasite.

the irony of this post concerns me

Fuck off sick disgusting tranny.

>I imagine the above happened
So does anyone actually now what OP is talking about?

>black man bad

Everyday, every hour. Rent Free. sick of seeing this fat fuck and the trannies that keep making these threads

Worse clickbait than Buzzfeed desu

Oh of course Yea Forums likes this guy lmao

Attached: upload_2018-12-9_14-2-42.png (578x428, 175K)

get the rope
there is no point living the pretense anymore

Attached: 1h4rciygcx921.jpg (2320x3088, 669K)

Im actually quite cute, but im a guy ;=)

Idk, Jim is a hateful disgusting bigot so I don't associate with people like him.

spoiler: the trannies now control feminist and lesbian subreddits.

You're retarded, mate. Nothing more I can say to you if you genuinely believe what you type.

>"exclusively games"
>article not about games

This thread has so much roleplay it should be on /trash/

Attached: upload_2018-12-9_14-21-10.png (500x756, 89K)

>mfw Someone actually thinks desTiny is and intelligent political commentator

Attached: 0BA1E049-1651-455E-ADF2-771162774458.jpg (800x450, 61K)

He's a mouthbreather that thinks class conciousness is a commie meme, there's no point in replying to a literal subhuman user.

user, they're outsiders who came here exclusively to force their bullshit. It's only natural for them to assume everyone else is as well. They cannot fucking fathom the idea of a native Yea Forums user.

Psh, those were just third party trolls. I bet he fabricated it. Who can't handle a little harassment anyway? Just close the screen and walk away. Anyway, he probably deserved.

Destiny is more intelligent than you entire family combined.

the only way to treat trannies

Attached: 1551461068094.webm (720x720, 379K)

Attached: Alex Jones's wife's son.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

I identify as a white supremacist communist.

>I dont want politics in my videogames, if you want that then go make such a game
>what, they put fucking gays in videogames? this is abhorrent sjw agenda

Attached: fMWvhGY.png (1280x720, 638K)

oh no!

>the sjw furries have arrived
Alright, I'm out. Yiff in hell.

>I identify as a white supremacist communist.
Actually fucking based.

You are as native to this board as that estrogen count is to your body.

I love it and I don't want it to end

>youtuber who has actively admitted to shilling on Yea Forums
>gets threads about him forced onto Yea Forums every fucking day
>'you'd have to be retarded to think those threads were made by him'
Go back you fucking scum.

Lesbians are getting pretty pissed about trans co-opting their community. Also I can't imagine how bad it feels when you want to go down on some pussy and you see a mutilated dick. Genuinely feel bad for the lesbos because they have to deal with trannies, especially lying trannies, on a far more frequent basis than most straight guys.

9/11 happened because we permitted homosexuality.

destiny's family tree must be pretty small with these body proportions

Attached: xQZytCC.png (413x848, 272K)

>Literally cant stop making this about trannies

Attached: 1549601264467.jpg (1200x900, 123K)

>Very few people cared about gay people in the 50's, 60's and 70's
Isn't this guy supposed to be smart about history? oh, wait no people just watched him open booster packs, that's right.

Someone should take away his shift and bloq mayus keys.

>buy a romantic H game
>lol we put some gays in it

>the tranny cries out in pain as he strikes you

>white people in 2019

Attached: 1551695073761.jpg (1024x644, 173K)

Wasn't it the guy who got fired from GoG for that tranny hashtag fuckery? He only got harassed about being hired by Jeremy because Jeremy ANNOUNCED IT ON TWITTER

What a fucking dipshit

>buy a romantic H game
There has been crossdressers in "straight" H games since at least the 90s. Japs are just faggots

Cool pic, "user". How long have you had it in your HDD?

Be real thats exactly why they buy them

>internet 'personality' thread
>autistic screeching about SJWs thread

someone post a bunch of videogame waifus and reddit tier console war bullshit and we will encapsulate Yea Forums into one single superthread

Attached: 1432846051231.jpg (960x720, 93K)

>trannies living in your head rent free
don't forget to take your pills user. sometimes i legitimately feel sorry for you retards.

so you subhuman peabrains are telling me SJWs are making these threads? do you seriously believe that? yes, tons of people shit on him like i do, but in every single one of these threads you also see you spergs GATHERING and sperging about muh trannies and leftists. and that's exactly the point of these threads: circlejerking. maybe its time to accept that these aren't falseflags and your kind are actually this retarded.
it makes no fucking sense whatsoever for sjws to make these threads.

yeah he should invest into a twitter fight with some noname retard like a real working adult.

I'm not even gay but if I had to I'd rather fuck a ladyboy than a tranny. Those mutilated pussies look nasty as shit.

The idea that a nefarious discord of trannies is secretly controlling the narrative on Yea Forums is one of the funnier boogeymen I've seen, I have to admit.

There are 68 ips in this thread - how many of us are on the tranny high council?

why don't niggers just kill these people, it's a win win for both sides

less faggy whites for conservatives and less whites in general for them

You know that even his fanbase mocks him for being short and even made those edits you are posting right?

january i think, got 2 more

Attached: 1549667852929.jpg (1094x1200, 118K)

And you're trying to pretend you're not completely foreign? Nobody who's been on this board for more than two fucking years would be foreign to the idea of Yea Forums rejecting stupid shit that's blatantly forced. This shit used to be the norm before you retards flooded the board.

He does fuel it

>wojak edit merchandise
biggest fucking yikes

you can tell its sjw because no one cares and the only reason this guy is noticed is because he triggered some progressive fascists.
He was also assaulted by a tranny.
So yeah tranny cult.
On the streets attacking people.

nah let's post animals

Attached: 1545869696655.webm (502x574, 2.87M)

when the last wh*toid commits kys

trannies pretending the same thread made at the same time everyday is organic

why do you faggots have to bother normal people in your short time on this earth, can't you just live in the woods or something until you finally neck?

Attached: 423424med.jpg (900x900, 78K)

>it makes no fucking sense whatsoever for sjws to make these threads
Yeah, that's why you should stop doing it. You're only promoting someone you hate. It's time to stop, this is an intervention.

There's literally nothing wrong with this image. Even the black man is a respectively rank in the Air Force. You literally can't find fault with this.

>gay videogames exist at the expense of non gay videogames due to retarded subjective policies of what is allowed or not and can be revoked anytime
>nonono you”re not supposed to be mad user if you like freedom of speech you gotta accept us to censor your shit completely out of existence because freedom of association also exists :^))))

Most blacks don't want to kill whites. Unlike whites who elect leaders who constantly assassinate, chop up, and overthrow black leaders and countries.

>thinks its isolated to Yea Forums
its got to the point even women are panicing and calling this out in public.


Attached: 1550197209599.jpg (267x342, 39K)

>based sonicfox dabbing on numales = sjw


>How long have you had it in your HDD?
Gee I fucking wonder you absolute fucking mongoloid. Screech at trannies all you want but you will never, ever blend in. You will always be a fucking tourist and it's blatant as shit.

>how DARE you trash our raids, watch me act very passionate about something I'm totally not
Yeah, no, fuck off.

Attached: 4KYRuE2.jpg (540x720, 127K)

>you can tell its sjw because no one cares and the only reason this guy is noticed is because he triggered some progressive fascists.
But Jeremy is currently triggered about losing sponsers. Why would SJWs be triggered by this?

Believe it or not, blacks don't want you to die out.

>trannies pretending the same thread made at the same time everyday is organic
I don't think that's what he said at all. Just that the autism is on your end.

>antifa enthusiast

Attached: 786632.jpg (1252x704, 123K)

Attached: 1498842768138.gif (370x319, 1.99M)

the trannies have been here so long they are calling others tourists

Attached: 1551720060654.webm (720x720, 985K)

>unix timestamps ever reliable, let alone after userscripts
Project harder, suicide statistic fuel.

Yes user. I too, as a human who also definitely goes outside, regularly hears random females on the street complain about discords full of transexuals astroturfing everywhere.

This is real nigger posting hours

Attached: 1214845110207.gif (228x160, 194K)

>Dangerous people are teaching your kids
>Here's one

to who? regarding what?

You're about as clever as a tadpole, I don't know why you even bother trying to be subversive.

>mentally ill
>never be real women
Why does any of this bother you lmao. You're repressing some feelings hard.

I feel like there's a hentai image hidden somewhere in there.

Based peterson shitter

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calm down autismo not everyone on this board is a tranny

Attached: 1518966564068.jpg (600x599, 31K)

God that fucking writing style is searing cringe.

Attached: 34523.jpg (192x192, 7K)

this is what hormone injections do to your mental state, tragic we allow it

managing to be the dumbest poster in a thread full of mentally ill trannies, nice

broccolibutts i think, some swedish fag

Oh you want cringe?

Buckle up, its time for cringe.

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one peek at the gamergate article in Wikipedia is all you need to know anout how faggots can maintain a militant omnipresent group ready to occupy spaces and retake control, even after a whole decade
if you don’t think trannies and apologists can be as autist as polfags, you’re pretending to be retarded. no resetera or reddit will keep them locked out of the rest of the internet, specially now that the most degenerate containment sector of Tumblr is gone

That's called an American.

do you have the one where the cow is playing at the beach?

>responding smugly to someone on your side
Discord's not sending their best.

I'm getting mixed signals here, sir oldf*g. Should I be rejecting stupid shit that's blatantly forced or not?

thanks mate

Attached: 1536316154208.png (1200x960, 1.41M)

Dude, you WISH the average 4channer knew how to read unicode. No one actually learns that shit, except uber nerds. NEEEEEERD

He owns a separate marketing / web design business unrelated to politics etc.
He doesn't advertise it on any of his Youtube stuff.

everybody is bothered by you people, it's why society rejects you and you kill yourselves

did you just transition?

Attached: 1521500282378.webm (240x426, 311K)

>one peek at the gamergate article in Wikipedia is all you need to know anout how faggots can maintain a militant omnipresent group ready to occupy spaces and retake control, even after a whole decade
They're called racists ;=)

Attached: 5676789.jpg (1400x787, 194K)

Maybe GG shouldn't have been such fucking spergs then. There's a reason I dropped out of that shit after a few weeks, it just turned into the Jim dicksucking brigade that spent all day on twitter shitting their pants about Brianna and Zoe.

Anyways what vintage images do you guys want, memes or porn or what. I've got my 2008 HD all fired up.


they are not triggered, they are cheering over comitting a crime of libel and getting away with it

The only "people" who buy romantic games are fujoshits though.

Its ok to be straight.

Attached: 1546894296561.webm (960x960, 2.56M)

>even after a whole decade
>2014 is ten years ago

based and correct. They divide vertical while fucking everybody, but their scam wont work forever.

What was the libel committed and if it was so easily proven as libel, why is it being undisputed?

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schizophrenia shouldn't be left untreated

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Loving how i got a warning for posting "sage and report" and yugi, while this 100% off-topic /pol/ culture war cancer shit gets completely untouched and will reach 500 replies.
Great job, mods!
Compare that to Yea Forums where every single off-topic thread gets spammed to death and gets deleted after 5 minutes.
Especially /pol/e-celeb/twitter/ shit.

Attached: mfw99.jpg (647x558, 171K)


who is this girl? why does desTINY always have a pack of asian women surrounding him?

>Yea Forumsmrade
Literally can't make this shit up.

video games?

Legal action does that, however I guarantee you only a tiny fraction will see the apology compared to the initial action.

It's like when people say someone is a racist and you ask them what the person said that makes him one and they can't give you one. He will still be called homophobic based off the original article now.

Attached: 1544652177621.webm (620x334, 1011K)

you can also say the exact opposite, that he has fans here because he triggered the trannies which is far more likely (i don't even know what happened and i honestly don't care).
especially considering that the people defending these threads are utterly OBSESSED with trannies.
you tell me what sounds more likely.
>tranny obsessed culture war faggots putting this guy on a pedestal
>sjws making the thread to make us hate on him
look at the thread and it should be obvious.

the latter doesn't even make sense realistically. you can't make people hate someone just by posting him. you can only make people talk about him, which means the ONLY thing you're guaranteed in doing is giving him more attention.
>b-b-b-but ES JAY DUBLEWS are retarded so they'd do this regardless!!1
yeah, take your pills user.

you mean like tranny? based retard

Its been a constant stream of /pol/ threads all day from what I've seen. I assume people are still assblasted from THQ apologizing, or maybe just cripplechan tourists overstaying their welcome. Either way its odd.

Meanwhile I got warned for complaining about mods deleting a pokemon thread.

Attached: suck my dick.png (970x570, 113K)

This guy is an idiot and probably got his vision of the franchise from some anime with very light cyberpunk elements.

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>spamming off-topic threads
But user, according to these shitposters, only discordtrannies could POSSIBLY want to do that

go to 8 it bans tranny cultists and sjw on site

the sooner the better

this same thread gets posted everyday by that tranny discord, exact same replies

mods leave it for ages

people on Yea Forums instantly report stuff they don't like. On Yea Forums people either ignore it or participate.
Also announcing a report is a bannable offense, consider yourself lucky newfag.

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Trump being elected speed it up, and that is a fucking good thing because slow boils take longer to counter and can often do huge damage.

When it happens faster everyone reacts against it faster.

Ultimately this is all happening because of social media, social media is destroying our society because every hair-brain on the planet gets a say and everyone else gets to read it.

i love the onionsing

Is this guy dyslexic?

Yeah dude I went there all the time back in 2008-10. You're probably too new to remember when it was good (or when this image used to be common here).

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>people still shill that shitty pedo site
goobergate pls leave

Mods in this place have gotten too used to their power and think they own this website, they only enforce what they feel like and the sole reason why Yea Forums isn't affected is because if they did to Yea Forums when they do to the rest of the website the entire userbase of Yea Forums would revolt and bring attention to their shitty powertripping to Hito, who would then strip away their power. No other board could do something like that.

Bad form

Got a screencap of him samefagging? I've always assumed it was someone against him with an agenda flaseflagging to get Yea Forums to decide they hate him through forced exposure?

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Shouldn't you guys be in a THQ thread talking about how based it was that they apologized right away?

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>chanology babby think he's an oldfag

as soon as you stop having wrong beliefs, sweetie :)

>It's like when people say someone is a racist and you ask them what the person said that makes him one and they can't give you one.
I usually find they can give one quite readily

So the kids will be 1/4 Asian, 1/4 black and 1/2 white? That's awfully close to 56% percent
Poor goblin kids

This is on par with the dozens of thread son Yea Forums being mad about "dyke haircuts" in the RAGE 2 trailer.

pretty much Yea Forums is kept alive because if it falls to the shit on the rest of the site there would be no point in this site anymore.

>I've always assumed it was someone against him with an agenda flaseflagging to get Yea Forums to decide they hate him through forced exposure?
Yes that's the only explanation for Yea Forums disliking TheQuartering

Never, it's become profitable.
This is the new face of the internet.

Nice try faggot, Yea Forums was never good. The writing was always on the wall with all the insufferable Avatar threads. Nothing but a den of uncultured underage faggots with shit fetishes.

Jesus who wants this written about them? The shame would never leave me.

>secretly controlling the narrative on Yea Forums
That would be a ridiculous boogeyman. It's really just a discord server of trannies LARPing and organizing gay ops. A minor nuisance.

Literally the same replies, images in these tranny threads every day. Faggots talking about /pol being behind it lmao

how do you even get by on a day to day basis without a carer

>"its because the person is a nazi!"

>you gotta have the entire internet agree on not talking about X or else you’ve comitted the original sin of having discussion about it someday, somewhere across the entire internet by the most insignificant rando, thus rendering all legitimate complaints invalid forever
how can you ever make a point about anything, then? just pick a single youtube comment, hell just make a fake twitter account and attack yourself. it’s a literal get out of jail free card against arguments since you’re now being victim of harassment :^)

That's some bullshit. Fuck escapist. Never again.

No, see, you fucked up there user. I actually got here in 2006, which is what makes me an oldfag. 2007-2009 would be newfag territory, which I thankfully dodged - although I didn't actually post until 2007! See, we used to do this thing called lurking.

When did you come to Yea Forums, user?

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>Loving how i got a warning for posting "sage and report"
You just got a warning? I got a week in the hole for that the other day. Don't you just love how /pol/tards suddenly love the rules and the mods when they spot an opportunity to silence an opponent?

>repressed incels are bothered by you people, it's why repressed incels rejects you and you kill yourselves

Literally projecting. Posting sage and report and posting gets was absolute acceptable in 2000s Yea Forums, since it encouraged self-moderation against shitpost threads.
As long as you saged and reported, mods didn't ban you, they just deleted the thread.

Well, if they're a Nazi, seems pretty clear-cut

>gets BTFO
>backpedal olympics
every time

you kill yourselves because incels reject you? damn you faggots are even more mentally ill than I thought

Fuck off shill.

Is ... that necrosis on his knee?

Sorry dude, I appreciate GG for the Law and Order episode but it was too spergy to do much good for anything else.

Comicsgate is the real cringe though, holy shit what an embarrassment.

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Your inability to see why what you just said is retarded is exactly the problem with your gamergate autists


starting to think the mods removing innocent threads while leaving these tranny threads up everyday is not an oversight but deliberate

>Maybe GG shouldn't have been such fucking spergs then.
>Still wrings his hands over a twitter movement that died ten years ago because 'I'm not a fucking obsessed sperg'

why are they a nazi?

name calling
it’s undisputed because the company got flooded and would not take chances siding with one person against an amgry mob that can raise a stink in every social media and discussion board, no company wants to risk their PR for days or even longer until due process ends up showing the truth
if you think sponsorships work like a vow of blind trust, you have brain damage

What part of that was incorrect? Also I can't help but notice you didn't tell me when you came to Yea Forums, user!

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>300 replies
>Mods know about the thread and still do nothing
Suck my dick you fat mongos

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>The idea that a nefarious discord of trannies is secretly controlling the narrative on Yea Forums is one of the funnier boogeymen I've seen, I have to admit.
I'm the guy that started this whole thing. Last year in my attempt to kill off smash threads, I spread a rumor of a Discord shitposting in those threads (when in reality it was just me).
Eventually I knew I had to make a real Discord so no one would find out that I was lying. I plotted with some people from r/the_donald and /pol/ and we made a fake Discord filled with "trannies" that "raided" Yea Forums.
There might be real Discord trannies here now, but it wasn't real to begin with.

Why is this hypothetical person you just made up a Nazi? I dunno.

But they probably are tho lol let's be real

now he gets it


get the rope :)

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>Your inability to see why what you just said is retarded is exactly the problem with your gamergate autists
Not him but he's right, though. Society has proven that victim culture will always be in favor of the theorized victim, even when it isn't.
The smollett thing happened literally a couple weeks ago, and you're going to argue that false flags are not extremely effective ways to smear your opponent?

>name calling
I thought TheQuartering was all about free speech! He can't handle some name calling? What did they call him that was so bad and untrue?

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Is this handwringing honestly coming from Yea Forums

So you can't actually provide any proof they are a nazi? you just overheard an accusation?

I don't think Jeremy is a nazi, but he sure loves roleplaying as one until he gets in twubble!

How many times are you going to post this

>The smollett thing happened literally a couple weeks ago, and you're going to argue that false flags are not extremely effective ways to smear your opponent?
Are you going to argue that worked out in Smollett's favour?

Im sure he makes up for it with youtube growth since he has the persecution angle. There is no way this guy is going broke.

The people in here thinking this thread isn't a tranny discord brigade are actually more irritating than the the trannies, which is impressive

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They also leave BLACKED spam up for hours too and don't even ban the OP of the thread until after the 5th time. I'd publicly ban those faggots if I could, these mods fucking suck.

May I remind you once again that this person is hypothetical

Like what are you trying to do here

You should go check out his kiwi farms thread, bro (I know that site is pretty scary though! Watch out!)

>the smile of the Dad always tells the real story in all of those images

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why did they take her pants off?

>Last year in my attempt to kill off smash threads, I spread a rumor of a Discord shitposting in those threads (when in reality it was just me).
I remember this shit. You monster! I thought we really found a top secret organization of trannies that were plotting to take over Yea Forums...


>ur retard
nice argument bro
>people start discussing about shit journalists
>some faggot shows up talking about Zoe somewhere else
>oh noes this discussion is all about hatred for wamen shut it down goyim

when faggots stop telling me what i can and can't say

He was caught because we was stupid enough to leave a paper trail. Literally everybody believed him up until and around the time they discovered wrongdoing. Many dems who vouched for him even doubled down.

Only sheep boop cow

Attached: sheep boop cow.gif (400x200, 965K)

So there really was a secret group of mentally ill people trying to control the narrative on Yea Forums.

Video games?

>some faggot shows up talking about Zoe somewhere else
Yeah and his name was Jeremy. Are people forgetting how he wormed his way into GG whining about cosplay sluts?

He can't even look at his own kid anymore. The pain is tangible.

Probably should hang if there was a rope strong enough, but still kudos for honesty.

genuinly this.

This is harder to look at that a gore thread on /gif/

At least you know the pain ends

You mean
>People start talking about how Zoe Quinn is a slut
>Some faggot shows up talking about games journalism somewhere else
>"that's us, we did that, it was never about zoe quinn, literally who lol"

Cant enjoy videogames because SJW's are hurting my ability to say nigger with no consequences

You have no idea how many homos actually and secretly control politics and culture. And even the Vatican!
Only the Jews surpass them in positions of power, but right after you have homos and that's a taboo nobody is ready to break in our current regime.
Oh, and that's exactly the reason why there are now so many policies against any critique of anal faggots and kikes.
Can't criticize those who rule you. :)

>whhy is he mad about libel? if you support free speech you should let people commit crimes against you
your post is a blatant admission of pretending to be retarded

i love seeing newlyweds

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a treat for the firemen

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>the left: actually does immoral and unethical things
>right: gets accused of the things the left is doing by the left

How does this relate to the original point anyway

theres screens shots of the tranny discords people found that explain what they are doing.
They are targetting certain people, sites and doing things like tranny pilling (posting shit) and spamming porn.
To stop "racism, homophobia sexism transphobia"
Its basically just a group of retarded fucking losers annoying people.
But there is the part where they were trying to make robots do mtf.

Not really. There are multiple groups of organized shitposters which use IRC and discord to push agendas all the time.

Years (2009 iirc) ago /g/ found a website that was dedicated to organizing furry dumps on Yea Forums. It had post numbers, who was posting what in each thread and when to coordinate. They forwarded it to a mod and the website was shut down shortly afterwards.

No, its me blatantly admitting to you that I have zero idea what the libel in question was and am waiting for you to explain it to me. You need to get off the cross, user. Tell me how Jeremy was namecalled and how this is obviously not true and a big nasty lie.

Friendly reminder that quarter pounder got beat up by a tranny.

The fucking gall

This is like some level of meta-hypocrisy

>and people deny the tranny conspiracy isnt real

The right doesn't exist.
There is no right, there's only a pseudo right wing of the grand progressive party.

As a mutt, I hope I can find a mutt gf so we can have super mutt children.

the trannies are different because prog libshits keep handing them leadership permissions. everywhere.

>name calling is libel
Hell the fuck no it isn't.

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>literally using the equivalent of NO U
nice job admitting you have no arguments left

Are you guys still claiming Charlottesville was a falseflag?

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Video games?

You're literally insane

faggots just realizing they are not considered natural and normal people don't want to look at or see you?

How is that in any way positive to trannies? The implication is that he's an even bigger faggot.

Proof that putting on a dress doesn't make you a real woman (ie weak)

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it'll go on forever. Look at who democrats elected.

Why do people shill this guy? Why is that guy who spams the ECELEB THREADS ARE OFF TOPIC CANCER seem to avoid these threads?
Alpha as fuck.

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facebook is the worst video game

Do you just view anyone correcting your bullshit as "the equivalent of NO U"? Am I doing it again by pointing this out?

>faggots just realizing they are not considered natural and normal people don't want to look at or see you?

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>everything that i don't like is a falseflag

nah, loved seeing that pig get mowed down

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i wish there were more

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It won't. The next step is Mexican gangs digging their heels in and killing black gangs and taking over their territory. It's happening in places like Chicago and Portland and all over Cali. Legislatures are being filled by Mexican women at a pretty fast pace to relitigate gang prosection measures at a pretty impressive pace as well. It's going to turn into something like Brazil in major cities over the next decade.

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This MASSIVE FUCKING FAGGOT keeps spamming his Quarterinigger shit all over Yea Forums, I even saw it on fucking /fit/ once for fuck's sake. E-celeb cancer should have a quarantine board like /mlp/

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>a conspiracies of trannies are even going so far to assault people in public.
So why did Mad Ma'am hit him?

I claim that cow Heifer died of a heart attack because she was 5ft tall 300+ pounds, and leftist with bats and gun attacked the guy in the charger

If you wanna contest those 100% factual observation, feel free to.

Meanwhile /pol/ has been caught falseflagging numerous times

Because it was a false flag attack that nearly succeeded and acts as a standing example?

damn, America is even more fucked than i thought
luckily we still kill you here

>REEEEE where is it, I’m waiting!
go check his video user, I’m not his lawyer to go gather everything and spoonfeed you when it’s there in his channel.
>get off the cross
your attitude is a blatant admission that you are farm from having “zero idea”. you’ve already made up your mind about it

That's quite the shift from a while ago with the whole LOL ITS SLOWED DOWN FOOTAGE SHE WAS ALREADY DEAD thing going on

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I showed you my dick answer me

Ironic he is against someone where everyone legitimately doesn't understand him

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No idea, just heard Jim and Rekieta talk about it before.

What shithole country are you from, user?

So you have no evidence at all. You can't even tell me the "name-calling" that Jeremy had to face.

>I claim that cow Heifer died of a heart attack because she was 5ft tall 300+ pounds, and leftist with bats and gun attacked the guy in the charger
Not what the coroner said, was it :^)
>If you wanna contest those 100% factual observation, feel free to.
Your boy's going to jail, son. Wonder why the defence didn't bother to bring up your "100% factual observations".

Gamergate, for example, happened in 2014 and this shit has been going even before that. It's only getting worse each year. Trump is not the cause. He's just one of the consequences.

Where is Lenin when you need him, at this point I'd even settle for Stalin.

>all these mutts

if it’s used to cause damage against you, it is
try publishing lies against someone, make them lose something for it and see if you can use this argument against the lawsuits you’ll get

>So there really was a secret group of mentally ill people trying to control the narrative on Yea Forums.
We (/pol/ and r/the_donald) are not mentally ill. We're trying to fucking save this website.
If you faggots would just support Trump and give up all your degenerate shit (like lolis and furry stuff) we could Make Yea Forums Great Again.

People who use these shitty beards are more often than not trying to hide their complete lack of a jawline/chin. They unironically think that it makes them look manly instead of an unkempt blob of lack of self awareness.

>amerilards are so nocive they even manage to bend the few good aspects of towelheads
Impressive desu

I didnt look deeply into it but it seems like the guy went to an event and some tranny just out of the blue attacked him.

And how does that relate to the point of user being a retard for thinking that gamergate's inability to shut up about Zoe Quinn is somehow equivalent to "if someone somewhere in the internet is talking about it you lost"?

Gonna give you a hint , that you somehow seems to have missed

People lie during polls. The current leftards bias means that a lot of people hide their true feelings and lie to pass as part of the group. When it all breaks down, in private, the truth shows up. There's a reason that anonymous site like here are anti faggot tranny subhumans.

Fuck, you dumb fuckign leftards STILL wonder how Trump won, how wrong the polls were, etc. You can't seem to grasp it.

I think Jeremy is so far the only "man" lost in the great Tranny war

Why was Jeremy in a gay bar anyways?

is this what cutting your dick off does to your brain? sad to witness

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Lets blame the real culprit here. Chanology

>taking everything you said and just turn it the other way around is not NO U
sounds like what someone using NO U would say

You niggers have been saying that for how long now? Face it, you lost.

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Only if you can prove what was being said about you isn't true, which the Escapist's comments, while harsh is hard to disprove anyway...

>you didn’t spoonfeed me his video so it doesn’t exist
that’s all you needed to say to confirm that you don’t want to discuss anything, you’ve made up your mind

>There's a reason that anonymous site like here are anti faggot tranny subhumans.
Because an environment where you can brazenly lie and never face the consequences is attractive to reactionaries?

Yes, actually exactly what the coroner said. you dumb fuckign retard

every man and woman shall despair of meaning in their own lives, every standard of human decency will be poisoned with the black blood of subjective interpretation and rot away, every human shall have no purpose but to seek physical pleasure, and all of man's knowledge shall be replaced by animal emotion. then shall the Master enter this world, mantled in the boiled flesh of the innocent.


Isn' this the guy who used to do MtG box opening videos and then got into some trouble with WotC. What the hell happened?

Wishful thinking, but I doubt it'll be that easy.
Right now Trump is in, so all the left social media is playing counter culture.
In 2020 or 2024 when Trump leaves it'll be the right pulling these kinda antics.
Cycle never stops, my man.

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>We're trying to fucking save this website.
>inviting boomers into this website

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I'm discussing things with you here. I don't want to watch a Jeremy video and you seem incapable of telling me what names Jeremy was called, so I guess this conversation is done.

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Such as ?

Meanwhile, i'm gonna list a few from the last few months

Covington Kids, that you black girl who got shot by blacks, JUSTi Smollet.

Now go, gimme 3 with that amount of coverage.

this guy is really triggering certain people, was a protest a few weeks ago when he was speaking at a public event

they look pissed

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Blatantly lying, that's a bold tactic

fight the tranny cult anons before its too late.

Enough of this faggot, what about an actual faggot? What does Yea Forums think of Rags?

fuck you kike :)

>Imagine being this ass blasted after being called out

Attached: discordtranny.png (635x483, 259K)

Yes, we've invited some older folk and even some underage people.
But we do it for good reasons.

Literally what is wrong with cloning?

capitalism is good :)

He started making videos about cosplay sluts with some drama between him and some bimbo, and WOTC gave him a lifetime ban. He then decided the best course of action was to roleplay as a nazi and go full on /pol/tard pandering as a way to get people to boycott Hasbro, for some reason.

Now he just talks about video game politics drama for easy clicks.

>doctor assisted suicide: 57%
>suicide: 18%

How the fuck does that work?

Because tranny subhumans are at a genetic level abbhorent. Nature>Nurture, no amount of fucking media slant reporting and berkley shitty fuckign studies gonna change the fact that trannies are genetic tarre, niggers are violent animals and that gays reproduce by sexually assaulting kids.

>im a real woman i swear
See you in hell degenerate

Terrible. Really youtube e-celebs needed to be purged

Do you know context is? The guy is a long winded wind bag, which makes him easy to clip up.

Let's take the Vice interview for example, the full interview shows him saying that women should ofcourse be allowed to wear whatever they want, as well as men because otherwise the workplace would be inhumanly oppressive. His point about make up is that it's attractive and there will be dating and socializing that runs the danger of becoming sexual harassment or otherwise unwanted advances.

If you want zero percent chance of anything like that happening you would dress everyone up in unisex clothing but that would be too draconian.

You get this right?

Americans are weird, man. You should read the shit about how after 9/11 people talked about the people jumping out of the towers as cowardly sinners.

Blantantly lying about heifer being a fat cow. Leftard are mentally diseased

>Such as ?
The one where they pretended to be LGBT activists wanting to normalise pedophilia
The one where they pretended to be Antifa
The one where they pretended to be black people going on looting sprees
The one where they pretended to be a big corporation handing out free shit to black people
The one where they pretended to be feminists who were mad at men for some contrived reason

so the reason you're killing yourselves isn't society rejecting you but that your degeneracy is an actually mental illness


>good reasons
As if there is anything good coming from boomers and egdelords

The amount of transphobia here is disgusting.

Is this shopped or does this guy actually look like this? What the fuck even are those proportions

That's uncanny.

Attached: Black Trans Dafoe.png (120x139, 42K)

>His point about make up is that it's attractive and there will be dating and socializing that runs the danger of becoming sexual harassment or otherwise unwanted advances.
So his point about makeup is that "if something happens it was because you were asking for it"?

Let me guess, he's also anti-abortion.

Didn't you see Shia Lebeouf vs /pol/? The "diversity squad" was all white and /pol/ was all minorities.

Even the other subhumans don't wanna look at Nigerrella

>He then decided the best course of action was to roleplay as a nazi and go full on /pol/tard pandering as a way to get people to boycott Hasbro
>Muh guilt by association
You're retarded.

based mods

The official coroner report has "Blunt Force Injury to the Chest" as the cause of death.

>burden of proof against libel is on the victim
this literally justifies mob justice, how cna one person dedicate his life to disprove shit that can be fabricated on a daily basis by 5 or more people?
a private company taking immediate action isn’t following the same process as the state’s cort to carry out investigation, thus it cannot be used as evidence that the carges are real.
>hard to disprove
this is a good point to show you can get away with libel

>you're a tranny because I disagree with you
You guys are so retarded. Nope, I'm a regular ol' fag on Yea Forums, one of the gayest websites on the internet.

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You live in a postmodern system built by secret societies, lobbies, gigantic corporate and obscure financial interests that all share the same goals and values. They hide in lodges, they are faceless, nowhere and everywhere. We can call them the oligarchs, the hyperclass, whatever.
They run democratic nations, reunite in international forums and advance their interests as well as shape the new world.
You think the show of "right vs left" still as any importance? It's like some royal families still exist, but only for a mere symbolic nature. They're powerless.
Same thing with politics, the right vs left is a spectacle to entertain the masses, to keep the people in place.
Go to vote, the deep state doesn't care whether your puppet wants more brown people and more fags in positions of power or wants people to live more closely following Jesus. They make their plans without consultation.

But stricly speaking in terms of "left vs right", the right doesn't exist, since 1789, after the french revolution, they have adopted everything passed by the left ever since. We can't talk about any opposition because it's all a show.What you believe is the right, is only a representation of failure and cowardice. Hence, I call them the right wing of the grand progressive party. The people ruling you have one goal and you better not question them on their motives.

Actual brainlet. He and that other furry really hurt Maulers streams, but he's too polite to tell them to fuck off.

Attached: Jordan Peterson Fans.jpg (450x903, 144K)

Trannies are disgusting.

Where are the video games?

>HE'S A NAZI!!!!!!
the absolute state of discord trannies

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Yeah dude its so bullshit how Hasbro didn't listen to his demands! He's just talking about his buddy Adolf!

Yes, her fat jelly crushing her ribs when she fell on her back.

>I don’t want to see the evidence
sorry user, but the only one incapable of making any arguments here is you.
no honest argument can be made when you can just sit on your ass all dya and deny everything

It's not "guilt by association" when you associate yourself with them intentionally by acting like them, you retard

That's like saying the cultists who committed the Manson murders were "guilty by association"

>If you want zero percent chance of anything like that happening you would dress everyone up in unisex clothing but that would be too draconian.
Or just tell people to keep it in their pants? Take the blame when they cross the line?

When the left can legally fuck infants and kill dissidents on sight

>meme reply

Go watch the full video on youtube or just the ending parts if you aren't too triggered by what he is saying.

If you're going to act like this, don't be angry when right wingers take clips of you talking about children and calling your entire group of transexuals pedophiles.

I didn't say he was a nazi, I said he was roleplaying as one. If he didn't want that association maybe he shouldn't have kept making jokes about the holocaust and hanging out with holocaust deniers.

Attached: 1259870232050.png (1200x1206, 721K)

Thanks for playing.

Andy Warski isn't a nazi you retard.

trannies are on another level than just gay.
They mutilate themselves like cenobites and lie the biggest lie of all.
Demons from hell.

When liberals and SJW decide to fuck off and stop injecting their shitty politics/propaganda into all sorts of media
When they return to being the laughingstocks of the world just like their predecessors i.e. see: hippies, trannies, vegetarians

Attached: I won't ever forget.jpg (724x7228, 739K)

my children are nazis :)

>entire thread is a discord tranny brigade
>"old fag" is still posting like this

hope you are lying because you're retarded if not

Was a pleasure educating you. Remember kids, don't be fucking mound of lard leftist trash

No, he's just a drunk holocaust denier. I never claimed Andy was nazi, I said Jeremy kept roleplaying as one.

Why are you so assblasted about not being able to work around that?

>If you are putting on plumage it is in some way to draw attention.
>That attention can inevitably lead to some something that someone can construed as sexual harassment
Remember, sexual harassment isn't a set list of uniform actions, its that someone felt harassed and uncomfortable by an action that could be seen as sexual in nature.
In other words, its not always your fault for crashing your car, but you'll never crash your car if you don't get inside it.

Brainlet canadian-kermit fanboys unable to cope

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the anti Peterson is drawn like a normal person not a disgusting tranny

i wonder who made this

video games?

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>entire thread is a discord tranny brigade
Including you? Or are you the last straight man on Yea Forums?

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>Left his son behind so he could fuck some swedish whore in New Zealand while streaming.

Video games?

>he thinks the average young man knows who the fuck zizek is

So if women don't want to get sexually harassed they should stay in the kitchen. Good advice!

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>what is edgy humor

He also says that obvious stuff like hiring your secretary purely for sex, or pulling your dick out is obviously wrong and you shouldn't do it. It's in the video.

But for other things like asking a subordinate out on a date? Or making a verbal pass? His point is that if you want even those things to be eliminated then you could so with complete unisex clothing with limited eye contact between sexes. Otherwise you are going to have people socializing and yes, asking each other out.

I'll give you a hint about how to take out Peterson and not this idiocy. Just talk about Soljinetzn's 200 years together that blames Jews for the gulags and cultural marxism.

Reminder that your blatant dishonesty won't change the verdict

>/pol/tards unable to cope
>/pol/tards unable to code

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Destiny is about as mentally competent as he looks

there are no straight men here


>trannies unable to be women

Reminder that calling the fact dishonest because you disagree with them is why you will keep on losing ground.


Weren't you niggers the same people celebrating about James Gunn getting fired for edgy tweets?

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you're right, it would go very poorly for destiny

fuck the mods for leaving this brigaded trash up while deleting several threads I was posting in that broke no rules

2024? damn i wish it would end sooner

>It's going to turn into something like Brazil in major cities over the next decade.

Yes, society is going to change dramatically in just a few short years, it's not like people have been saying this forever and it never fucking happens.

James Gunn is a pedo tho, nobody but leftards like pedos.

Jeremy is a pedo, and a nazi too. I've seen the documents.

>But for other things like asking a subordinate out on a date? Or making a verbal pass? His point is that if you want even those things to be eliminated then you could so with complete unisex clothing with limited eye contact between sexes.
That is a fallacious slippery slope argument. Just because the most overt sexual advancement should be banned doesn't mean you must be draconian. People are just going to have to run the risk of sexually harassing when interacting with the opposite sex. Fuck off with your motte baliey doctrine.

I supported James Gunn as well.

I just noticed you trannies type in the same cringy way as those asianmasculinity faggots

can't be a coincidence, mental illness must alter your typing patterns

The actual real facts that I just cited disagree with you. How can you be this impervious to truth and logic?

>Mods doing their job

The far-right hates Juden Peterstein too.

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that's not a far right cartoon though

who will deliver us from the tranny scourge.
Who will rise

Do you spend a lot of time on asian masculinity forums? Are you a follower of St Elliot?

Hilarious; Jeremy sure didn't.


>500 replies

GG mods


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No escapist got woke and made him broke

Vice is retarded but that's the problem with Peterson, he knows he can't stand up to competent scrutiny so he picks easy targets that make him look good

Daily reminder to bully trannies every time you see them. Make sure they know they will never be real women, show them the suicide statistics

We must get the suicide rates even higher to get rid of them, 50% isn't high enough

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When the left stops
They are the only once that are pushing it
The rest are just people reacting to their favorite franchises and hobbies getting infected with feminism and identity politics

>Hilarious; Jeremy sure didn't.
He did actually recant on that and acknowledged it was hypocritical of him

This. Who the fuck is this? Need a quick rundown.

nah they brigade here like you faggots do, shame neither of you are interesting

>They are the only once that are pushing it
well, them and polflakes anyway

Okay guys its been real but I have to get ready for class soon - I'm teaching a dilation seminar! Have a nice day!

How brave of him to acknowledge things in hindsight. What a noble man.

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some soilent drinking numale so obviously the Discord brigade is spamming him here

im not a fagot

are the mods simply incompetent or trannies who sympathize with them

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Might as well post loli since this thread is going to the achieve.

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That's not what the sign says, fagboy.

It was like a day or two later while the controversy was still happening so not really hindsight. And I agree admitting your mistakes is a noble thing to do.

hmm the second one

If it makes you feel better, Jeremy will be fine. He'll always have his retarded fanbase to help him out.

The latter, we've known the mods are pozzed for years.

what was the deal with the ok symbol? why did it become a supremacist thing?

>They didn't both researching!

This issue simply does not exist on 8 a real chan for real white men and submissive women.

/pol/ forced meme

>all these buttmad zizekfags from rebbit that throw around memes about more relevant philosophers

I feel thats unlikely, because leftist really like pedos, so you should like him

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no he didn't

Imagine caring about modern philosophy. Just hit the gym and sort yourself out. It's that simple.

keep posting him

>more relevant philosophers

I'm not a leftist, you seem to be projecting

/pol/ psyop

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thats one of them lava crabs from dark souls

They only like pedos when they're also liberals.

none, nobody gives a fuck about philosophy except commie faggots regretting doing their degree

posting memes that "young men" are following zizek only shows how out of touch you are

*sniff* Uhhhh.....more relevant as uh.....*sniff* Jordan uh...Peterson....*sniff*

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I don't have my 2007 drive handy for all the epic e-republik memes, sorry my sweet baby boy.

When did you get here, 2012?

>objectively inferior deformed freak that is no longer human
>doesn't fit in with humans
no shit you get bullied, you deserve it.

Wash your penis bucko

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>shit yourself daily
>walk around in public with shit in your pants
>"Baaaw all these people are mean to me for no reason at all Im gonna kys myself!"

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Mmmmm....*sniff* it appears you uh should go *sniff* go back to your discord group *sniff*

Is that a mans head on a childs body?

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I can't say that makes me feel anything

Are you talking about trannies or thequartering

>it thinks cis is an insult


>thinking he is one
Pure ideology

mfw when jordan "lobster" peterson is the only relevant philosopher and nobody cares about the old fags you learn about in class

regretting that degree yet?

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>When did you get here, 2012?
Earlier than that, you dick-waving retard.

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Discord's for faggots, Juden Peterstein is a gatekeeper.

Oh wow epic, 2006, the same year as me :3 We're Yea Forums year buddies!

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haha video games


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Clean your room while your country falls to ruin, bucko.

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God damn. see

*sniff* pure projection right there...mmmmm *sniff*

How do these threads get over 500 replies every time?

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Oh so you were here in 2007? Why would you lie about being an oldfag like me? You're just a newfag shitposter!

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This thread still being up is proof the mods are reading this while dilating

Thanks for letting me post this you useless fucking mods.

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